#( nari & mun ! )
redxriiot · 2 months
I am always a sucker for those 'You're stupid, I like that in a man' type ships, they always get a good chuckle outta me
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reflective-muses · 2 months
Cyno wants to know what one joke he's told that Tighnari's actually enjoyed.
Ask my muse questions about their past | accepting
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"That's not really the point of the mem--nevermind." Tighnari sighed.
"Fine. Um... I don't know. They're all... pretty bad. I guess the one you showed me the other night? The 'island vs isn't land' one?"
He's grasping at straws here.
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gettinglitculttm · 5 months
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as finals season pulls up for mun, so will it pull up for lamb and nari
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do you have a ship bias list for any of your muses mun? :o
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//Guilty! Honestly, who doesn't?
I have a vast majority of muses who have never shipped with anyone and for whom I have no fandom-fed ship bias. Some boys are just good on their own, and if stuff happens and clicks, that's great and all, but not something I necessarily look for. And then there's GLaDOS, too. The queen of the blog needs no ship to thrive in my heart.
I will talk about Cyno simply because, out of my full multimuse roster, he's the only one who has achieved shipping stage. The only other being Sephiroth, who has his own sideblog.
Anyways, Cyno. Odd ball, this one. I find that my favorite ship for him keeps swinging, and it's highly dependant on mun rather than muse. If a mun makes me vibrate with their writing, my brain will find openings to get invested into a ship between my muse and theirs.
Before writing with anybody, my shippy fixation for Cyno started with Candace, I just thought the two of them looked great together. This was before I knew the Genshin characters to any less-than-superficial degree, mind you. After Candace, my attention moved to Nilou for a bit. I think I started to give Tighnari a chance after writing with Shae, her Nari just stole my heart and still does. Now I love all the silly foxy rangers out there.
I remember growing interest into Cyno x Aether after that, but that has yet to happen, so it's still in the drawer and waiting to be explored. Ironically, while dipping my toes into this ship by starting to write with Pluto, that was when I gave their Wanderer a shot (without expecting much of anything) and was bludgeoned behind the head by Cyno x Arakan straight out of left field with a random hug joke thread.
These two are by the tippy top of my shippy iceberg and still clinging tight to it. I blame my obsession for all Wanderers on them.
And there's so many I could write more paragraphs about! Thanks to lovely A, I was able to fulfill my Cyno x Candace dreams, and I'm head over heels for them with each new reply. Then there's unexpected out of fandom ones that I never saw coming, like with Maxie's Genesis, and that I now consider as good as canon!
There's lots of other ships I am absolutely intrigued by but haven't had a real chance to fully explore yet (Alhaitham, Xiao, Albedo just off the top of the head~ and thanks to Spencer, Chongyun right now is being very loud in my brain) and that I am shaking to write. I do have RP partners with these muses and I'm staring with bloodshot eyes at them. But these are just a few!
The truth boils down to what I said in the beginning: it's not the muse that my bias stems from, it's the mun. If the mun gives me continuous threads with good plot and character growth, chemistry, and in general a muse that does show care for what goes on with my own muse (while having stuff of their own to share, of course), I know I will fall for them and so will muse. I crush on writing, more so than characters.
This is more a gush fest than a list, but I hope it works as an answer~
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pastel-archived · 1 year
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◌・❀➵ "On behalf of Nari! Angelus Productions will be holding a talent show! Upcoming talent or older talent are fully welcomed to come join us! Nora has made lotsa yummy foods and we'll have plenty of giveaways! So sign up today and see if you have what it takes to be the very best like no one ever was!"
◌・❀➵ Mun note: To sign up for this poll based event simply send me the competing chara's name via inbox! Nonmutuals welcomed.
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astra-galaxie · 1 year
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Im Sol
Biographical information
Full Name: Im Sol
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Status: Deceased
Age: 68 (season 3)
Birth: 1948
Race: Human
Cause of Death: Strangled
Nationality: Korean
Origin: Busan, South Korea
Residence: Busan, South Korea
Profession(s): Bus Driver
Past profession(s): Firefighter
Height: 5'6" Age: 68 (season 3) Weight: 173lbs Eyes: brown Blood: A+
Hailing from Busan, South Korea, Sol was in his mid-sixties and had fair wrinkled skin, a receding head of white hair, and dark brown eyes behind a set of simple wire-framed glasses. He died wearing his South Korean bus driver's uniform: a blue dress shirt, black pants and comfortable shoes.
Sol was the victim in Explosive Secrets. He was killed following a minor bus crash while chauffeuring Esther Clayton and her class around Busan. He was strangled to death to keep quiet about his killer stealing medication for those who couldn't afford it.
When he was still alive, Sol was far from a model citizen. For starters, he was sending his coworker Mun Nari lewd text messages and pictures. Then, he was caught drinking on the job, and Minerva Ross filed a complaint against him for endangering her student. He was also inappropriate with Eliza Clayton. He tried touching the woman and kept making unwanted advances until Esther attacked him with her backpack.
As for his past, Sol used to be a firefighter and responded to the Geulimja Explosion. He had saved Angela Douglas from the rubble but couldn't free the girl's parents. Angela's mother and father died in the wreckage, and she blamed Sol for their deaths. The tragedy led Sol to give up his career as a firefighter and become a bus driver. He also took up drinking to cope with the night terrors he would get and his depression.
But the reason Sol died was because he found out Song Haneul was stealing medication and giving it to a free clinic that couldn't afford certain drugs. Sol wanted a piece of the profits and didn't believe it when Haneul told him he wasn't taking any payment. He vowed to expose the paramedic's crime if he didn't receive any money.
So to save himself and keep providing the clinic with medication, Haneul killed Sol. He thought that maybe he could make it look like a delayed heart attack brought on because of the crash, but Sol fought back, and Haneul ended up strangling him. He left Sol's body at the crash site and fled before anyone saw him.
Story Information
First appeared: Explosive Secrets
He was an alcoholic
… I've got nothing else. This guy was just made to be hated. I never gave him a backstory and can't come up with one!
Disclaimer: Character design was created using Rinmarugames Mega Anime Avatar Creator! I have only made minor edits to the design! Background courtesy of CriminalArtist5
Links to my stories:
The Case of the Criminal (Ao3/Wattpad) Killer Bay (Ao3/Wattpad) Where in the World are the Killers? (Ao3/Wattpad)
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ask-madam-ruby · 1 year
Main Verse AU
Dictatious and Ruby are living in skull village. Dictatious is Bular’s advisor and rRby works in a restaurant in the village. Nika and Dee are like 10 in human years and go to gumm gumm school. Alex is about 6. She also goes to school. Nika has the power to grow and talk to plants because Nari gave Nika some of her powers when she was a newborn. Alex and Dee eventually got powers from the Janus Order, with Alex having ice powers and Dee having fire powers. And Alex has some demon powers thanks to Odd when she was born.
Jess and Odd also live in skull village. Jess and Odd have six kids. Lenore, Kain and Briar is 5 in human years, Violet and Maxwell are 3 and Oddiver is 1. Jess is a part time butcher in the village while Odd paints. Jess also sometimes hunts with Bular and Kat
Milo is married to Jermaine and has four kids. Malcolm is 6. And the triplets (I forget their names) are 4. Me and Mun haven’t discuss where they live so either in the forest or Trollmarket. Milo is a writer and a scholar and Jermaine is a doctor/healer and does experiments on the side.
Hugo lives in Trollmarket with his three wives, Ash, Afric and Vera. Hugo is a blacksmith. Between the four of them, they had I think four kids. But the mun’s and I made more on discord. Maz being the oldest  being 6. I don’t know what the women do for a living. Hugo also has fathered three children. Hanz, Mie, and a Gumm-Gumm name Bogar. Hugo was previously married and had one daughter before he and his ex wife Tara divorced. 
Sasha lives in Trollmarket with Anastasia. Anastasia was a changeling working in the Janus Order. But Kat gave Anastasia her baby familiar and gave the familiar to her original parents. So now she is a full troll. Sasha and Anastasia have a child name Taya. She is 2 by now. Sasha is a teacher for the whelps that live in Trollmarket.
Kat and Bular are in a relationship. Bular is in charge of skull village.
Blinky, Aaarrrgghh and Moonstone have four kids. They also adopted Kat and Yuki
Blinky and Dictatious parents are alive too thanks to Jermaine. Blinch was a bad troll who abandoned his family to become a powerful wizard. He tried to steal Alex to gain her demon powers. But now he lost his memory and Della and Blinch came back from the dead, live in Trollmarket. Blinch can’t use his powers anymore. Blinch also trained Hugo in the past. 
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runes-menagerie · 8 months
mun comforts
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Comfort food: Chocolate, breads/pastries, popcorn, PB&J sandwiches
Comfort drink(s): Hot chocolate, milk
Comfort movie(s): Spirited Away, Kiki's Delivery Service, Crimson Peak, Labyrinth, Road to El Dorado
Comfort show(s): Sailor Moon, Digimon, Xena, Repair Shop
Comfort clothing: Lounge pants, Long Skirts, Warm sweaters, Homemade shawls
Comfort song(s): The Warrior is a Child by Twila Paris, The Keeper by Geoff Moore, Rosemary's Granddaughter by Sarah Evans, This is Where I Belong by Bryan Adams
Comfort book(s): The Song of the Lioness series by Tamora Pierce, The Immortals series by Tamora Pierce, The Recipe for Gertrude series by Nari Kasakawa
Comfort game(s): Minecraft, FFXIV online, Solitaire
Tagged by: @jynxd
Tagging: Whomever wants to do it.
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isokarhuni · 11 months
Oi voi nari nari
Rupesin miettimään töissä kaapista tuloa sitten joskus tulevaisuudessa. Se tulee mitä todennäköisimmin tapahtumaan niin, että mun parhaat työkaverit on kumpikin vanhempainvapaalla, ja jäljelle jää vain tyyppejä joihin en ihan täysin luota. Ei auta kuin yrittää kasvattaa paksu nahka siihen mennessä. Ja hoitaa ne porukat pois alta, no ne mä kyllä hoitelenkin.
Mulla on ihan hirveästi sisäistettyä transfobiaa. En osaa nähdä itseäni validina, kun ajattelen itseäni:
- menossa miesten vessaan (hirveesti jännittää/pelottaa että hakataanko ja raiskataanko siellä ihmisiä)
- esiintymässä jossain työjutussa (ihan varmasti en tule koskaan menemään läpi ja sen sijaan että hyväksyisin asian, ajattelen että mun pitäisi vaan olla tyytyväisenä nykyiselläni koska ei mulla tule olemaan mitään mahiksia)
- menossa lääkärille ihan mistä vaan asiasta (anteekspyytelyt on jo kielen päällä valmiina kun oon niin hankala ja vaivalloinen)
- kirjoittamassa itse omaa nimeäni väärin johonkin (jos mä oisin tosissani niin ei tollasia mokia tulisi)
Tuntuu että nujerrun ihan välittömästi jos kuvittelen jonkun muun väärinsukupuolittamassa mua kaapistatulon jälkeen. Varmaan lähden heti peruuttamaan takas kaappiin ja sanon että nojuu, kyllähän tää oikeasti olikin ihan vitun tyhmä ja mahdoton juttu ja kyllähän te ympäristö ja maailma loppujen lopuksi minut kuitenkin määrittelette ihmisenä.
Kyllähän mua nytkin jengi sukupuolittaa väärin, kun ei ne tiedä. Et eihän se nyt loppujen lopuksi tän kummoisempaa kai tule olemaan? Ja ei mulla tällä hetkellä siitä tule sen ihmeempää, kuin vähän kiusaantunut olo ja sellanen että ei auta kun porskuttaa eteenpäin omaa itseään toteuttaen. Ja mistä mä sen kaapistatulon edes lasken noissa mun mielikuvissa alkamaan? Olenhan mä jo tullut kaapista useammallekin eri ihmiselle, et onhan sekin sellanen ihan vitun loputon prosessi eikä mikään puhtaan sivun kääntäminen kirjassa. Helpottaa kyl vähän tätä oloa ajatellakin tätä semmosena hitaana prosessina, eikä minään kertarysäytyksenä. Katoin jonkun vertaistuellisen videon, missä se tyyppi niin ihanasti kehotti antamaan aikaa myös itselleen ja ottaan yhden asian kerrallaan. Ihan niinkuin läheisetkin tarvitsee aikaa tän asian kanssa olemiseen, niin myös minä itse.
Oon miettinyt kans sitä töissä kaapista tuloa ja transitioitumista. Mietin sitä että kun mulla on jo aika paljon historiaa siellä tänhetkisellä lärvillä ja nimellä, kaiken maailman artikkelia ja videoo ja esiintymistä ja luentoo sun muuta paskaa. Haluan kuitenkin ne ihan omina meriitteinäni pitää, että kai se ainoa vaihtoehto sitten on muutella sitä nimeä kaikkialla missä voi ja loppujen suhteen sitten antaa olla. Tän ikäisenä ihmisenä transitioituessa sitä omaa historiaa on jo niin paljon, että sitä on tosi vaikea yrittääkään häivyttää. Ehkä ainoa vaihtoehto on sitten vaan olla avoimena asian suhteen ja sanoa, että juu se olen minä ja juu se on mun vanha nimi ja juu kiitos ei tarvi käyttää sitä nimeä enää. Perkele en tiiä perkele. Jodelissa juttelin yhden tyypin kanssa, joka sanoi että googlessa pystyy ylläpidolta pyytämään esim. tiettyjen kuvahakutulosten piilottamista.
Haluun vaan olla mä, antakaa mun olla mä, mä haluun olla sellanen ku oon. Haluun olla joku vitun outo ukko tai vaikka sit joku melkein-ukko mut pliis en nainen enkä tyttö. Ihan hirveen vaikeelta tuntuu pyytää ympäristöltä tällästä ennen kuin niillä on mitään "ulkoista syytä/todistetta" (eli matalaa ääntä+testonaamaa) olettaa että en ole nainen. Hyi vittu kun tuntuu pahalta viitata itseeni tuolla sanalla (pelkkää rakkautta kaikille naisille ofc). Tuntuu että menee kropassa sellanen kokovartalospasmi kun mietin itseäni "n..sena". Ihan samalla tavalla kuin lapsena, kun rupesin itkemään ahdistuksesta jos joku sanoi että musta tulee nainen tai että sit kun menen naimisiin (miehen kanssa). Yäk yäk yäk yäk mä niin toivon että ei olis tämmöstä oloo. Eiks ookin fucked up?
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serotoninhq · 2 years
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the team is thrilled to announce the following mun and muses have been accepted! we’re looking forward to develop this world and its future verses with you.
〔 josh whitehouse, 30, genderfluid, he&them ) jonah torres was seen listening to half-hearted by we three. jonah is a lead singer and known to be ebullient & fanciful ( kass )
〔 giancarlo esposito, 65, cis man, he & him ) arthur winters was seen listening to snow miser vs heat miser by rich chambers. artie is a retired voice actor and known to be curious & disorganized ( kass )
〔 leo suter, 29, cis man, he & him ) rhion abbott was seen listening to toxic by britney spears. rhion is a hockey player and known to be assertive & decadent ( kass )
〔 kennedy mcmann, 27, cis woman, she & her ) teagan prescott was seen listening to stonehenge by ylvis. tiggy is a historian and known to be adroit & loquacious ( kass )
〔 tenoch huerta, 40, demi man, he & them ) cody shaw was seen listening to you should probably leave by chris stapleton. cody is a repairman and known to be vehement & apathetic ( kass )
〔 thomas weatherall, 24, demi man, he/they ) weston murphy was seen listening to strawberries and cigarettes by troye sivan. west is a tech specialist and freelance hacker and known to be sociable & non-confrontational. ( beth )
〔 kit young, 28, genderfluid, any ) alistair cowan was seen listening to i don't dance from high school musical. ali is a professional baseball player and known to be excitable & forgetful. ( beth )
〔 berk cankat, 38, cis man, he/him ) kazim ekici was seen listening to can't pretend by tom odell. kaz is an occupational therapist and known to be generous & impatient. ( beth )
〔 greta lee, 40, nonbinary, they / them) nari an was seen listening to 'you' by keaton henson. nari is a chiropractor and known to be optimistic & restless ( sol )
〔 christian serratos, 32, cis woman, she / her) candelaria soto was seen listening to 'the less i know the better' by tame impala. aria is a makeup artist and known to be imaginative & reckless ( sol )
〔 morena baccarin, 43, nonbinary, they / them) laila namour was seen listening to 'talk shop' by duologue. laila is a dental hygienist and known to be enthusiastic & disorganized ( sol )
〔 maite perroni, 39, cis woman, she / her) isaura venegas was seen listening to 'telephone' by lady gaga. izzy is an actress and known to be hard-working & provocative ( sol )
〔 mishel prada, 33, genderfluid, she / they) valeria de oleo was seen listening to 'arsonist's lullaby' by hozier. val is a geneticist and known to be independent & secretive ( sol )
〔 ke huy quan, 51, cis man, he&him ) longwei zheng was seen listening to simple song by the shins. wei is a cinematic professor and known to be exuberant & scatterbrained ( rosalie )
〔 harris dickinson, 26, genderfluid, he&they ) keegan kennedy was seen listening to boyfriend by big time rush. keys is a male escort and known to be charismatic & avoidant ( rosalie )
〔 FKA twigs, 35, demi woman, she&they) birdie moreau was seen listening to heavy by peach prc. birdie is a freelance creative and known to be enigmatic & unreliable. ( rosalie )
〔 allison brie, 38, demi woman, she/her ) chloe foster was seen listening to i need to wake up by melissa etheridge. chlo is a singing teacher and known to be musical & irrational. ( beth )
〔 jack falahee, 28, demi man, he/they ) colton haase was seen listening to new religion by all time low. colt is a firefighter and known to be affable & rash. ( beth )
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xhxnne · 2 years
☼ [ one four each; Jinseok, Jaewon, Sungmin, Ren, Ethan ]
For every ☼ in my inbox, the muse has to tell you a fact about the mun.
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☼ "I'm pretty sure they would have a perfume collection if most of them weren't out of the budget." Jinseok chuckled. "I can confirm that they smell very good all the time. Sweet scents mostly."
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☼ Jaewon pressed his lips together, taking his time to think as his eyes focused on one spot on the ground. "Mm," he hummed, raising his sight. "I must admit it's impressive that they speak two languages, although, they mess up in both, even their first one. Still, I will give them credit."
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☼ "Do you know what we have in common?" Sungmin tilted his head slightly. "We're always tired. Between work, Nari, and… well, life, I don't have much free time, and we can relate." He chuckled. "Work, studying a master, responsibilities, and can you believe they still think they aren't doing enough?" He clicked his tongue and shook his head. "Unbelievable."
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☼ "Ice cream." Ren simply said as his lips tugged up, and he finally laughed. "Their favorite treat. Do you want to keep them happy? Ice cream."
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☼ Ethan's smile grew wider before the words even left his mouth. "They enjoy cooking, but they prefer to bake. Tasty cakes, bread, pizza, cinnamon rolls… Ugh, those cinnamon rolls are so good." He sighed deeply. "Ah! The pancakes are also very light and fluffy."
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thewickedxrp · 2 years
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bang chan, stray kids
park hyungsik, actor*
bae irene, red velvet
jung wooyoung, ateez
kang yeosang, ateez
song mingi, ateez
choi yeonjun, txt
jeon jungkook, bts
APPLICATIONS! - acceptances tonight, 12/2, at 10PM EST!
bae irene as mun sohui (imugi) - pending!
byun baekhyun as sa noah (witch) - approved!
cuevas tia as cruz maialen (witch) - pending!
hwang hyunjin as han sunghoon (vampire) - approved!
hwang inyeop as lee iseul (gumiho) - approved!
jung soojung (krystal) as bak hayun (witch) - approved!
kang yeosang as han seonyul (fae) - pending!
kim jennie as oh jimin (gumiho) - approved!
lee felix as song junha (witch) - approved!
lee yubin (dami) as jeong sooyun (imugi) - approved!
nicha yontararak (minnie) as pensira ‘nari’ chaiyawan - pending!
park chanyeol as jung daehyun (fae) - approved!
park jimin as min (werewolf) - messaged!
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reflective-muses · 2 months
"Hey, Nari." Take that starter with a grain of salt Tighnari, you know what usually follows when Cyno says that.
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Yes, he already knows what's coming. It can't be stopped.
"Just tell your joke, Cyno."
It was going to be a bad one, anyway.
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lgcichika · 2 years
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NAME : yamashita ichika BIRTHDAY: 1998.03.19 BIRTHPLACE : tokyo, japan BLOOD TYPE: a ZODIAC SIGN: pisces FAVORITE MOTTO: the hardest thing you can do is not let people hold you back. RANDOM FACTS - closest to soyoun in crystallis - has an insanely big sweet tooth ( would drink pure sugar if she could ) - has a journal for every year she’s been in korea, which are mostly filled with schedules, korean practice and lists of cafes or books. - mother is a mystery and science fiction writer - step mother is from sweden and worked in japan as a model - english name is kimberly - knows how to drive but doesn’t have korean drivers license 
YEAR END GOALS : - perform with crystallis at lgc’s family concert  - learn mandarin - win rookie of the year with crystallis PREVIOUS APPEARANCES/PROJECTS
MOST MEMORABLE OR FAVORITE EVENT : it would be too easy to say that future dreams was my most memorable event, and while i can admit that knowing my debut was guaranteed, was amazing, the event that stands with me is actually my promotions with lgc girls japan. it was a big jump for me in a lot of ways. not only was i named the leader but i was also going to be promoting in my home country. furthermore, i also started to get to know some of my current members during those promotions. i’m still very grateful to legacy for the opportunity. 
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nrth-wind-a · 4 years
// my love of the very cute ships that I can do with my muses vs my intense wish for more aro characters: fight
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paramounticebound · 3 years
|| @myuuzupunk (for Nari? or whomever!) / verse roulette SC. : Sailor/Mermaid Hunter
It started like this: it burned. Fire in the chest; white, hot agony illuminating the space behind his rib cage. Elasticity of lungs trying desperately to expel the water that invaded them. Every remaining nerve left to scream steadily at overwhelmed synapses did so until the symphony was deafening. Icy waters caressed him with long fingers down the throat. He expected to die at sea, he expected the water to take him, but he never imagined that it would be like flames deconstructing the innermost parts of him, he never thought that drowning could ever hurt so much.
An inherent need to survive had already compelled him to begin treading water, yet even his seasoned searfarer’s mind was susceptible to panic. Like breaking apart at the seams, one stitch at a time, until something vital snapped. Focus was fleeting, but he grasped on to it, a death-grip of his own making, and willed himself to give in to the need to survive. Each time that Khan’s head broke the surface, he forced himself to cough, slowly draining the salty sting from his chest. It took far too long and far too much out of him, but his heart rate begin to slow and he began to breath oxygen in lieu of the ocean.
Eventually, he’d found the remains of the hull floating nearby, just buoyant enough to keep him from fall to the depths. Drenched fingernails dug into the wood with any remaining strength, and when he was atop the makeshift lifeboat, he collapsed. Weariness took him, his body screamed, and he wouldn’t have noticed the incoming presence even if he’d had the mind to look for it.
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