#( okuyasu i swear you WILL be AVENGED …!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! )
kokoronohiroi · 9 months
everyday i must live with the knowledge that okuyasu (and avdol) may not get nendoroids for god knows how long
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ameftowriter · 7 years
Chase Chapter 9 (Final Chapter)
No matter how long or hard it will take him…
They will chase him...
He will chase him…
First | Previous Chapter: A Song of Roaring Dreams | Last
AN: Welcome to the final Chapter!
For Day 7 of GenJoJo Week!
Everything is self explanatory.
So thank you so much for sticking by till the end.
I hope you all had fun:3
Thank you once again for sticking by and stay tuned for more of my fics...
Chaper 9: Chase
It took Josuke by surprise…
It took everyone by surprise.
There he was just mingling away with Okuyasu, with only to worry about school and future expenses.
He never expected to see… Shigechi… Harvest… in his last breath, bringing a button to them.
He never did…
And to only find out, much later, that he was killed by that terrible man.
The one who killed Reimi.
The one who had burrowed his way into this quiet and peaceful town of Morioh.
Blending in the crowd...
Being one with the “normal” people of this town…
He took… someone who was precious to him…
Just like with his grandfather…
His grandfather
It aggravated him...
He couldn't stop thinking about it.
Because he was so unconcerned, he was so nonchalant….
That he didn't notice that it was already taken away from him…
He realized, that this…
This is just like with his grandfather…
He couldn't fix…
What was already gone…
He can't bring Shigechi back...
And he can't bring them back…
He can't…
He can't…
But there is one thing…
One thing he could at least do to avenge Shigechi…
He swore to his grandfather's grave that he will protect this town and everyone in it.
He will chase him…
Even if he doesn't know…
He will go after him…
And when he catches up to him
He will kick his ass so hard…
Even if he fought back in equal or greater strength...
He will bring him to justice…
He swears he will…
No matter how long or hard it will take him…
They will chase after him...
He will chase him…
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