#( opp: daphne greengrass. )
soundsofwinter · 7 years
i only have one match
The construction worker’s words were going in one ear and out the other, Seamus nodding along as the two of them surveyed the site where the demolition work was going to take place. He’d done this enough times now that he didn’t need a thorough runthrough of how it all worked. That was why he was contracted to begin with. He was an explosives expert, moreso than any of the muggles he was working with realized. He had been entrusted by McGonagall to blow up draw bridges, after all. What had once only been mistakes, accident-prone as he was, now was morphing into a decent profession. 
His Da continued to poke him in the direction of the military, insisting that his expertise could be well-utilized in the Irish military. Seamus had already fought through a war, however, and he wasn’t certain that he wanted to throw himself back into the battlefield. But he was considering it, going through the background check process in order to keep his options open. His Mam would much rather see him doing something else -- really, anything else, considering that she had been against his decision to remain in Hogwarts during his final year while Voldemort reigned to begin with. 
“And here is the layout that we are going for,” the supervisor unraveled the paper, showing off the plans for the reconstructions of the condos in the neighborhood. “So we need to get rid of the obstructions that are currently where we intend to have the parking lot, and the children’s park.” Seamus nodded along idly, aptly listening for any directives that may be pertinent. The supervisor shortly thereafter excused himself, being pulled away by one of his subordinates who wanted him to check out a problem area where they were concerned about the piping or something of the sort. 
Seamus readjusted his pack, breaking from the site to observe the residents who were going through the motions of mundane life. A few of them were coming in with a pile of plastic bags containing groceries, others were out walking their dogs or taking their children to the nearby ice cream parlor. How nice it must be, Seamus thought, to continue on like nothing happened. Even a month later, Seamus was finding it hard to shake off the dust of war. 
Even when he was among mostly muggles, his thoughts drifted to the wizarding world. It seemed that he was continually haunted, as if he had never left the corridors of Hogwarts, catching sight of one girl who reminded him of a student in his class. Slytherin. One of those who hung around Malfoy and his crew. Greengrass? 
Nah, he must be mistaken. She probably was just similar in appearance, considering that the girl was a pureblood. One of those Sacred ones. He doubted he’d see her, Parkinson, Zabini, or any of the rest of them so close to muggles. 
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druidcore · 7 years
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Introducing… Series:
Theo x Daphne x Marcus 
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