#( pending rapunzel tag; )
daughter-of-melpomene · 4 months
you mentioned two more opla ocs on the discord, now im putting u on the spot! i wanna hear about em!! or whatever details/ideas you have currently ✨🩵 — @xoteajays
Ahhh, thank you so much for asking about my newest pirate show babies, TJ!! I definitely don’t mind being put on the spot if it’s for them <3. And I’m also gonna tag the One Piece gang @auxiliarydetective, @oneirataxia-girl, @starcrossedjedis, @supermarine-silvally, and @endless-oc-creations!!
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Now, first we have Morvant Bellatrix! She’s a former assassin, basically born and raised to kill (she was orphaned as a baby and the people who took her in were Not Great), and while she was doing this work she was one of the most feared people in the East Blue. This was mostly because of her incredible fighting skills and talent with almost every weapon you could think of, but it was also because she’d eaten a Devil Fruit as a child (the exact name of which is still pending) that granted her the ability to inflict pain on someone just by singing a specific song. Think a very twisted version of Rapunzel’s healing song from Tangled, that’s basically what she can do. Eventually, though, she got tired of killing all the time and decided to do the only thing she could think of to get out of it: she went back and killed the couple who had raised her (turns out they’d trained her a little too well) and eventually went on to become the captain of the Fatale Pirates, an all-female crew of fearsome pirates who sail on the ship Belladonna.
Bellatrix first meets the Straw Hats at Baratie, where her crew just happens to stop for some food at the same time they do, and takes an instant liking to all of them (even if she does persist in calling Zoro Green Bean after he sasses her). She makes a silent promise to protect them, and after their whole fight with Arlong and the other fishmen when Luffy finally gets a bounty placed on him, she does her best to use her terrifying reputation (which even if she isn’t an assassin anymore she still has due to her Devil Fruit power and penchant for ruthlessness in battles with other pirates) to keep bounty hunters and other, crueler pirates off the Straw Hats’ tails. It doesn’t always work, because you can’t ever fully control pirates, but she does her best because damn it, those are her children (that she’s adopted only in her head after exactly five minutes of knowing them).
She’s also a Mihawk ship! The two of them have known each other since Bellatrix’s assassin days, and Mihawk has even been asked by Garp to “neutralize” Bellatrix a time or two (which he’s never done and would never even try to do, because he both respects her too much and is just a tiny bit afraid of her). The two of them have never really officially gotten together or even put a label on their relationship, but they’ve spent a lot of nights together and you don’t have to know very much about either Mihawk or Bellatrix to know that they both have a weakness for the other. (Although if anyone ever tries to hurt Bellatrix in an attempt to get to Mihawk, they will find out just how dangerous she can be on her own.)
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And then we have Yami Corvo, my Shanks ship! Like Bellatrix, they also have assassin experience, but they’re currently participating in the art of killing, and one of the most feared killers in all four Blues. They’re also a Devil Fruit eater, and their power includes being able to manipulate their own blood and be able to solidify it into weapons (I’m pretty sure you mentioned you’ve seen Gen V, TJ, so just basically imagine Marie’s powers). Unlike Bellatrix, they were raised as an assassin or fed their Devil Fruit, they ate theirs by accident, but the powers it gave them made them such an outcast and lead even their own parents to believe they were a monster, so eventually they just decided that they might as well give in to what they saw as their “true nature” at that point, running away from their small village and seeking out various other assassins to teach them how to kill, and honing their powers so that it would be even easier for them.
And unlike a lot of other assassins, who might refuse to kill older people or poor people, Corvo has no such moral code; if you can pay the price they charge, they’ll go after anyone you want them too. Killing isn’t even really something they enjoy, but again, they see it as just being what they’re supposed to be, what those around them when they were a child always told them they were: a rabid dog, a monster to be unleashed. At some point, they just stop caring, growing completely numb and almost wishing that one of their targets would fight back and kill them so they could stop… which is probably why they accept money from an angry former pirate captain whose ship was destroyed by Mihawk to kill the dangerous War Lord.
They completely fail, of course, because there’s almost no one who can beat Mihawk in a fight no matter what kind of cool powers you have - but Mihawk, seeing an opportunity to have someone incredibly dangerous and powerful on his side, spares Corvo’s life and offers to bring them along with him on his travels. Originally Corvo is furious that Mihawk didn’t just kill them, but despite how awfully they think of themself they’re still absolutely desperate for companionship and anything at all like a friend, so they accept his offer and the two of them set off together, carrying out Mihawk’s little escapades and occasionally doing the bidding of the Marines - which is how Corvo finally meets Shanks, when Mihawk shows up to show him Luffy’s new wanted poster.
Honestly, they and Shanks are such an amazing and sweet couple; Shanks becomes interested in Corvo roughly five seconds after meeting them, and after realizing how terrible their self-esteem is and how much of a monster they think they are makes it his mission to get to know them and help them see that they really aren’t as bad as they believe themself to be. It takes them a good while to actually get together, because Corvo has to find who they actually are outside of killing and their Devil Fruit power and realize that they aren’t going to wind up killing anyone they dare to care about (and because Mihawk has actually become kind of a protective bestie over them and gives Shank several very intense shovel talks), but they’re amazing once they actually do get together and Luffy pretty much immediately sees Corvo as a stepparent when he and Shanks finally see each other again.
Anyways, thanks again for asking about my new babies!! Hope you’re doing well, love. <3 <3
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nowat-shesdaylight · 3 years
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the viscount who loved me / “you’re not engaged for this dance, are you?” // you pick the verse !
she’s new to the village.   well, new-ish.   her father frequents this village in particular, having taken it upon himself to enlist himself to help patrols from the sheriff.   they live in the neighboring town,  and being the daughter of it’s sheriff,  he doesn’t want her to be a walking target.   she’s not a fan of it,  of leaving the house with an escort or companion or anyone else of the sort - upon her father’s wishes - but she does enjoy the fresh air.   especially when she’s able to get a change of scenery, from the usual town shoppes and the small but enjoyable marketplace.   and that’s how she’s found herself here, in this little part of town that seemed to be more of a party than anything else, and she finds it to be fun.   fun to watch,  to just take in the moment.   take in the music and the dancing....   the question comes as a surprise to her, but she doesn’t look upset about the disruption of her focus from the music that’s now in the background of her mind.     “oh, me?   oh---   i couldn’t.   seems like they’re all having fun, though.”    // @evermxre​ | accepting.
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nimueries--a · 4 years
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 a c c e p t i n g  ➟  Send me ✦ and I’ll write an incorrect quote  with our muses.
My schedule’s open. // @asundrop
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butterflieshurt-ia · 5 years
@solhcir​ closed starter!
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“I hate you.” Rapunzel snarled out, her upper lip curling into a sneer, her eyes dark. She stalked forward, an expression on her face that’s never been seen before. At least not when directed towards Stella. “You are a mistake, the worst thing I’ve ever done.” She internally fought herself for the words she was saying, but she couldn’t control it and it killed her. She couldn’t believe she was saying these things, she wanted to hurt herself because of it. “You’re so air-headed, such a slut, a disgrace to the throne. I don’t trust you to rule us, I never trusted you. Anyone who would clearly has less brain cells than you.” 
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verumking · 5 years
⚔️ *:・゚✧┆the light will always save him. ❪ @sunsreign ❫
       There was NO ESCAPING the beasts so ravenous for their PREY-- like bloodhounds to the hare, doggedly hunting the boy with no means for an END. For as long as Yozora pursued his significant other, his enemies-- the monstrous GOLEMS that plagued his home realm-- would always follow in his WAKE. Even if that meant chasing the experiment through alternate UNIVERSES. 
       Indeed to their PLEDGE, the Gigas managed to track down the mercenary to a WORLD much unlike their own. Lush grass was CRUSHED beneath corpulent steel, mechanical whirrs like swarming HORNETS-- honed in on their long-sought TARGET.  ❛  Again?  ❜  Yozora exasperated, immediately whipping his plasma blade alight. Charging his CROSSBOW, the cyborg set his aim on the Gigas-- only for another unit to swat the weapon clean from his GRASP.  
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       Of course, the giant CLAW had also struck Yozora in the process, the boy consequently FLUNG into a shallow lake. Whilst not deep enough to SUBMERGE him, the forest water still found its way into his mouth-- the two Gigas units closing in on him as he spluttered on POND LIFE. He needed to destroy them-- fast. Before they wreak BEDLAM upon this world too. 
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seesgood · 6 years
                                               ( GV. ) HEELS AND HEISTS
okay so i’m putting together a super smol group verse based on OCEAN’S EIGHT which is essentially ( if you’ve never seen any of the ocean’s movies ) is about a bunch of people ( in this case women ) that pull off these amazing heists and walk away with literally millions of dollars and it always requires a team of really kick ass people who are each responsible for their given component. 
so this will obviously be super informal bc as you can see, i didn’t even use the graphic that i spent .02 seconds making. the regular group verse rules apply, be nice and respectful and make an effort to include everyone, save the drama for your llama. blah blah blah. i’m gonna be using a discord  group for plotting purposes so that we can all kinda plot this thing together. --- track the tag: ( gv. ) heels and heists. post a bio of whatever length upon acceptance. no duplicate faceclaims. etc. 
APPLICATION: sent here.
muse name: muse age: muse role: mun discord ( deleted upon acceptance ): 
** you can draw “role” examples from any of the ocean’s movies or the trailer or whatever other spy flick you love 
caroline forbes ( @seesgood ) 26 ; distraction and diversion rapunzel carter ( @imthelcstprincess ) 25 ; planning and creativity rebekah mikaelson ( @relentlessheart ) ; pending. winifred burkle ( @tuppencetrinkets ) 27 ; hacker. heather duke ( @cxpedience ) 27 ; conwoman and mole. lexi branson ( @denofvoices ) 26 ; munitions export / forger. faye chamberlain ( @residentbcdgirl ) 28 ; eyes and ears / recon. taylor borelli ( @roaming-agent ) 24 ; martial arts and language interpreter  alex valentine ( @wulfking ) 28 ; hacker and distraction. selma winter ( @ofimaginarybeings ) 27 ; getaway driver. laila odegård ( @litilvolva )  21 ; infiltration and lockpicking expert. layla bryne ( @tothedevilsshow ) 25 ; master of disguise.
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nowat-shesdaylight · 4 years
‘ you have sleepy stuff in your eyes. ’  (from little Elias)
Pink lips curled into the brightest of smiles, despite the sleepy stuff that she’d accidentally missed.  It happened, she supposed; staying up late to grade papers was expected for teachers but she knew that what she had to grade was much more fun than others.  It was a project something similar to an autobiography, told in a kindergarteners’ point of view of themselves, and it was just the cutest thing she’d ever seen: the self-portraits, the lists the kids had written all by themselves!...  She loved it.  A soft laugh spilled from her lips as she lightly rubbed her eyes free of the sleepy stuff.  “Something tells me you’re going to be a DETECTIVE when you grow up, Elias,” she mused with another chuckle.  “You’re quite observant.”
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meme city / @ofblackskies ( accepting memes literally always )
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nowat-shesdaylight · 4 years
’ i gotta cut smoking or i’ll never make track next year. ’ --Frank
Rapunzel could agree for her own reasons, having her own opinions on smoking.  But she wasn’t one to push that on others, not without feeling bad about it, anyway.  So instead of voicing said smoking is bad for you anyway opinion, she just smiled and offered a nod in support.  “Yeah, I can imagine that’d take a toll on your running at some point,” she finally commented after a moment’s thought.  “Has the coach said anything to you about it or is that your own doing?  ‘Cause either way, I don’t know.  It could help make your times faster, too.”  
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the outsiders / @brothershardy ( accepting )
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nowat-shesdaylight · 4 years
❝ everything’s gonna be okay. ❞
she wasn’t waiting too long before she sat on the floor by the closed door, only able to hear the muffled sounds of her parents and emil speaking with the other guards.  she knew that she could have gotten up and done anything else, especially if it meant to distract her from being worried about what they were all gathering to talk about without her.  not that she needed to be in on every closed door meeting but, something inside her told her that she was the focus of what they were talking about.  
when the door reopened and they all began to filter out of the room, the princess stood up and brushed off the skirt of her dress to neaten it before she followed emil, asking one question after the other.  “just tell me what that was about.  if there’s something i need to know, then tell me.”
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things you want to hear / @futuresees ( accepting )
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nowat-shesdaylight · 4 years
"just tell me what happened"
the princess’ hands fell to her lap, taking a break from twisting and twirling her golden locks as she sat on the sofa in her study, eyes drifting from the window where she was just looking out of.  a small breath passed her lips, sitting curled up on the sofa while leaning her side into the cushion of the couch.  she was quiet, her thoughts drifting from what was next on her agenda to the life she lived previously.  that was what was often on her mind these days, how different her life had turned because of a single day, a single twist of fate.  “my parents haven’t told you?”  
she didn’t want it to be something everyone had to walk on eggshells with.  she didn’t want it to be so touchy that she couldn’t speak of it.  while she was still adjusting she knew that one day it would be just another memory, a chapter of her life that was to be extraordinary.  her body shifted, sitting criss-cross as her dress moved to cover most of her legs, her hands still in her lap.  “i’m surprised they hadn’t mentioned the tower to you.  i feel that’s something you should be aware of.”
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3, 4, 5 word sentences / @futuresees ( accepting )
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nowat-shesdaylight · 4 years
"some things take time"
in true rapunzel fashion, she heaved a heavy sigh and rested her cheek into the palm of her head, the skin of her cheek being pushed up slightly in a rather un-lady like and un-princess like way.  “well it’s taking too long,” she whined.  rapunzel was normally a patient person, normally didn’t mind waiting and she’d be the first to say that she was good at it.  to her, there was no need to make a fuss over something so small, something that didn’t really matter.  but when it was something she really wanted, well, her impulses got the best of her.  “sometimes i fear they’re going to just lock the gates forever.”
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3, 4, 5 word sentences / @futuresees ( accepting )
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butterflieshurt-ia · 5 years
@starstaiined closed starter!
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“Cass?” Rapunzel pondered suddenly, her attention turning to her sister. She shuffled her hands nervously in her lap, indicating she was nervous. She heard encouraging chirps in her ear from Pascal which gave her the confidence to further explain herself. “I think... I think it’s time I finally ask her. I mean, I’m about to be eighteen, right? Maybe... Maybe she’ll actually say yes.”
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nowat-shesdaylight · 4 years
“ it feels like i just don’t know who to trust , sometimes . ” - from PAM bc why not they could be lovely friends lsadjflsjd
she let her cheek rest in the palm of her hand, listening as her friend spoke.  confided in her, really, and she couldn’t help but think that whatever was causing her to feel this way was unfair.  so unfair.  her free hand lightly held the glass on the table, but she didn’t lift it just yet.  “it just sounds like there’s a miscommunication in there, somewhere.  i don’t know, maybe that’s just because i don’t know them very well.”
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carly rae jepsen starters / @shotxchaser ( accepting )
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nowat-shesdaylight · 4 years
"i could beat you at darts."
Her hands clasped together for a moment, fingers lightly fiddling together instead of her hair as she pondered what the other said.  True, it had been quite a while since she had practiced darts, but she’d always been good at it.  Great at it, even.  She had the technique down almost perfectly that proper practice never really seemed to cross her mind.  Lips pursed as she thought about it for another moment, head tilting slightly before they finally spread into a feather light smile.  “Best two out of three?”
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is this from a meme idk / @towerfled 
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imthelcstprincess · 7 years
@lcfou | ☼ sc
The blonde offered a friendly smile, holding her books ( along with her infamous sketchbook ) close to her as she approached the table.  “Hey!” she greeted, her smile widening a little more.  “You’re in my ceramics class, right?”  He certainly looked familiar, anyway - she was 95% confident that he sat a couple seats away from her.  With another passing beat, she bit down on her lip for another moment and smiled again.  “Can I sit here?”
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