#( person; eden winslow )
idkfitememate · 2 months
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Harry Bastard Potter OC
Name: Eden “Crow” Alaister
Age: Sixteen
Nationality: American
Ethnicity: African-American
Year: 6th
House: Slytherin
Standing: Half Muggle/Wizard
Appearance: A black person with curly hair that falls around the waist and covers the eyes - which are deep brown, rounded glasses with dangling chains that wrap around the shoulders. Sharpened teeth and a longer tongue, a couple of piercings, and nails usually painted black. On the taller side, around 6 ft and 1 in (182 cm) and thinner side. Has a sleeper build.
Gender: No one knows. Anyone who asks gets a stupid answer. (I.e. “Wanna check my pants?” “Which would you prefer?” “How ya wanna take it in bed later?~”)
Backstory: Raised in a Mafia, Eden was born with high expectations on their shoulders, especially with being the bosses kid. All their life has been surrounded by violence and bloodshed, never getting close to another. Hand to hand, gun, knives, wrenches, they can do it all. But one day, their Mother - the boss - pulled them aside and revealed the truth of their father, the fact that he was a wizard. They had magic in their veins and suddenly their world of pain and murder was flipped on its head when a letter was relieved to their doorstep. Now they’ve got to navigate this new world, and… wait a second. WHAT DOYA MEAN THEY CAN TURN INTO AN ANIMAL?!-
Pet: Technically two. Snuck in a regular ass chameleon and was gifted a ‘magical’ bird. It was a White Bellbird. Loud ass motherfucker-
Animagus: Lyrebird. Why? Even they don’t know. But now even in human form they’re pretty damn good at copying noises and voices. Like Michael Leslie Winslow in all the Police Academy films as Larvell Jones. Look it up it’s amazing I promise.
Random Shit:
They can pick a lock
They have killed before and will do it again
If you really wanna get to know this bitch you’re gonna have to PRY-
They bring roller skates to Hogwarts and rollerblade around but always keep them under their cloak, so people just think their fast as fuck boiiii
Favorite colors are the blood of those who wronged them and their friends and teal :3
Can and will tell you how to disassemble any gun imaginable and perfectly rebuild it from memory but will struggle with basic grammar
They have a classic mobster accent because the watched to much TV as a kid
Can swim, due to assassination attempts. Can also taste/smell many types of poisons, same reason
They smoke, not cigarettes though, full ass custom made cigars
They like to practice mixology every now and then, and make killer margaritas
(Any questions please ask I’ll probably write a more cohesive backstory later I’m tired lololol. Questions are more than welcome tho I did make this bitch on a whim!!!)
@libraryraccoon dis 4 u :3
(Yeah ima re-write this later with more shit I promise hehe but have this base for now :D)
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What are your thoughts on Tuello being Serena’s baby daddy? I read a theory where someone said it was Fred’s and proof that Gilead’s methods are working. Do you agree?
I’m sorry it took a while to answer this, it’s a great question!
Short version is: based on the way their relationship has played out since the first meeting, I think it’s Tuello’s. While not impossible that Gilead’s “clean air and water” did something I think it’s a stretch to say it reversed being sterile.
The long version is really long so I’ll break it down into key points.
Point A: Why I don’t think it’s Fred’s
He openly admits to Serena in season 3 that he thought she might leave him for someone more capable of giving her a child. He more or less admits to being the infertile one, and I’m inclined to believe that. We don’t know if the woman there before June ever conceived a child (and possibly miscarried) but it seems unlikely. June also never became pregnant by Waterford, nor did Serena in all their years of pre-Gilead marriage.
I also believe the “clean air and water” is a pretty but pathetic lie to justify their way of life. Nick mentions early in the series that the chicken had high levels of dioxin and to avoid it. The colonies are apparently radioactive enough to make skin peel off in sheets and yet women are released from them back into service around the general public. Radiation that powerful has to have some kind of half life that can be spread by close contact or touch. (Even touching food and putting it back on a shelf for someone else, etc.) Anyway, all this is to say that the food in Gilead is still contaminated, as are other things. The cleanest lifestyle imaginable and most intuitive and accurate tracking of hormones won’t cure infertility in most cases. It’s again, not impossible, but given all we know, very unlikely.
Point B: Context clues between Mark and Serena
A lot of this is speculation because the writers have intentionally woven in some mystery, but regardless…
Tuello gives Serena a way to contact him after their first meeting, with a note that says “in case you need me.” This very well could’ve been kindness from a man who believed she was in duress in Gilead. But, it gave Serena an avenue to speak and connect with him even off screen. There’s a lot to their relationship we clearly haven’t seen, given the tone of their conversations. We also know Serena Joy is a master manipulator when it comes to getting what she wants. People see the version of her she wants them to see. Tuello could’ve easily been deceived into thinking she was strictly a victim and, from there, talked her through emotional fragility or plans to get to Nicole.
One thing leads to another and suddenly you have Tuello blindsided by the idea of Serena leaving Canada with Fred.
“Explain that to me.”
“I don’t think I have to.” She says, but not with the same arrogance she had for the rest of the conversation, beforehand. She was confident and cocky when she said Fred would be addressed as commander or the meeting was over. She knew they held the cards and she relished that power. But when Mark is speaking to her from a more vulnerable and clearly confused place, her tone changes. Not necessarily softens but becomes distant.
The only thing I can compare it to is the scene in the Winslow house when Serena tells June seeing baby Nicole changed everything for her, and she now wants her back. The same tone she uses when she says “then what’s there to talk about?” She uses again when she says, “I don’t think I have to.”
She knows there’s reason to feel guilty, and just pushes it down both times.
Point C: Serena would sleep with Mark.
I think another big hang up for people who believe the baby is Fred’s, is the idea that Serena would commit an act of infidelity. She’s been hurt tremendously by Fred’s cheating, to the point they’re clearly trapped in a loveless marriage. She’s a devoutly “Christian” woman inside and/or outside Gilead. Plenty of people think the writers are leading us on with Tuello or that the feelings between them have never led anywhere due to Serena being married, and regarding faithfulness in that marriage as something of utmost importance.
I wouldn’t say that’s impossible either, but the inconsistency of Serena Joy’s morals are a huge hallmark of her character. Infidelity wouldn’t be the first sin she committed while condemning other people for it. She uses Gilead’s laws and her own spirituality when it’s convenient, and discards it when it isn’t.
This is a woman who told handmaids they should have been stronger, and immediately crumbled when she lost “her” daughter. This is a woman who said Eden, a child, should have been smarter, and then got caught forging documents and lost a finger for reading in public. She doesn’t think the laws, even of God, apply to her, except when she stands to gain something from them. Moral high ground against another person, immunity from sin and suffering, etc. etc.
Serena was instrumental to the foundation of a country that kidnapped children, raped, tortured, and dehumanized women, among so many other things. She was a devout follower of Gilead’s teachings until they started to also oppress her. Was fine with ripping children away from their mothers but not with losing “her” child. She betrayed what she once swore was her core belief system, meticulously, while throwing Fred to the wolves. She should have done that, by the way, he deserved it. But the point is, I do believe she’s a person capable of stepping out on her marriage, and will even go so far as to say it was a marriage in word alone by then.
Edited to add: Serena’s conversation with Fred in the church is also insightful. When she tells him “they could make me a handmaid” it’s important to realize what that would take. Handmaids aren’t usually women who’ve committed treason, but sins of the flesh. (Treasonous men and women usually go straight to the wall.) She probably told Fred of the affair, and he either swore secrecy to have a son in the end, or planned to use it to screw Serena over later like she screwed him at the Canadian border. Anyway, thoughts, I have many.
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ofhoneyblood · 4 years
bryce winslow still didn’t feel entirely HIMSELF after halloween night and he wasn’t exactly the type to blame the stars or placement of planets , but maybe it really was the blue moon , thinning of the VEIL — all that , after all ? after waking up soaking wet on the northwood lake shores with eden’s voice berating him at an unusually high decibel he had been rushed to the nearest medic to be EVALUATED , questioned thoroughly by the cops about the events of the night immediately after. physically they said there was absolutely nothing wrong with him , he was hardly even drunk by then and there’s still no SOLID explanation for what happened beyond the flimsy sleepwalking theory people were entertaining.
he’d already had just about enough of bed rest though , as someone who didn’t like to sit still long enough to even sleep after a long bath he was already ITCHING to get out of his small , shoddy gaff. since he wasn’t quite comfortable taking his usual walk out to the lake , he found himself BROWSING the ails of the pleasance general store not even sure of what he was hunting —  maybe just the company. maybe he was imagining it , he wasn’t quite sure what was real or not lately , but he felt EYES on him suddenly causing him to look up and make eye contact with the person on the other side of the partition.
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the irishman ARCHED a brow as he dropped his gaze briefly as he returned the bag of beef jerky to it’s original place , deciding he didn’t need it after all and was just trying to use food as a distraction. a quiet chuckle ESCAPES in a short huff out of him , “ aye , ye can ask if ye wanna’. honest , i don’t mind. “ he cracks a smile as he returns his gaze across the shelving unit , but it doesn’t quite reach his eyes or WARM his features the way it should. 
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abigailnussbaum · 5 years
The Handmaid’s Tale 3x07, “Under His Eye”
Violence is always ritualized in Gilead.  This week’s episode introduces a new form of execution, a sort of cross between the first season’s “particicution”, drawn from the book, and the fakeout hanging of the handmaids who refused to take part in one in the second season premiere.  Nor are these the only places where Gilead makes an elaborate production out of state violence.  Think of Eden’s grotesque drowning, or June being strapped down to a table to have her feet caned, when surely holding her down would have worked just as well.  Or the handmaids having their hands burned, one after another, by Aunt Lydia.  Hell, even the surgeries in which malefactors in Gilead are robbed of limbs and faculties are a form of ritual.  (I had surgery recently; there was a definite sense of a well-choreographed dance as the team prepared to put me under and get to work, including a designated pause to stop and ask for my consent; now there’s one thing you don’t get in Gilead.)
As silly as this can feel - is there an office somewhere in the Gilead bureaucracy cranking out these rituals, designing contraptions and outfits for each one? - the show is making an obvious but important point.  By ritualizing violence, Gilead legitimizes it, giving the veneer of justice and due process to something cruel and rapacious (”do you really think this is going to stop?” June asks the Martha who cares for Hannah, a question that ultimately leads the poor woman to her doom).  It also places the state’s violence in stark contrast to the unplanned, unchoreographed violence of individuals trying to rebel against it.  June participating in the execution of people who are strangers to her, or even allies, is just part of the plan.  June attacking a woman who did her harm is a violation of norms so severe that it has to be hidden and hushed up to protect her and everyone around her from its consequences.  The way the show stages the two assaults - stately and measured vs. chaotic and deranged - makes that point loud and clear.
You see this also in Emily’s subplot, in which the Swiss intermediary asks her to affirm that she committed “crimes” while imprisoned in Gilead.  Any rational code of ethics would have to conclude that a slave has no obligation to follow the laws of their enslavers, and that anyone who keeps another person in fear of rape, mutilation, and death can expect no mercy or consideration from that person as they pursue safety and freedom.  But again, Gilead’s crimes against Emily were ritualized and codified, and her crimes against it disrupted the peace.  So she’s the one who has to make an answer.  
(Later, Emily and Moira complicate our view of the issue when they bond over the crimes they can’t admit to even to sympathetic ears, the people they murdered when they didn’t have to - people who were, by certain measures, helpless.  But as they say, neither one of them is sorry, and we don’t want them to be.)
What’s missing here is any suggestion that Gilead, the institution and its functionaries, also carry out violence outside the bounds of these rituals.  Last week, when Fred referenced the Quiverfull movement in his speech, I found myself thinking of the reams of evidence we have from leavers of that movement, that it is rife with domestic violence - that, in fact, the male supremacist mindset that it propounds is designed to appeal to, and to create, the kind of patriarch who enacts violence against his wife and children.  And then there are the stories we’ve seen so often that we’ve practically gotten used to them, of religious leaders using their position and authority to rape, molest, and harass vulnerable people, often children, within their communities.
The fact is, Gilead should be crawling with wife-beaters and child-molesters.  Behind every door of those palatial, tastefully-appointed houses there should be hidden bruises and bedroom doors opening in the middle of the night.  The show hints at this here and there - Fred beating Serena in season 2, or the suggestion that George Winslow might be working his way up to harassing or even raping Fred (though high status adult men like Fred are the least likely victims of abuse in hierarchical societies like Gilead, and more usually its perpetrators).  But for the most part, The Handmaid’s Tale is still caught in the “irony” of Gilead as a nation that is abusive in the aggregate but kind and affectionate on the individual level.  The Winslows are model parents (to children they kidnapped, from parents they probably had murdered or sold into sexual slavery).  So are the Mackenzies.  The only hurt they cause children like Hannah is to their soul.  The only violence the children need fear is the ritualized kind - unless June gets her way, and disrupts Hannah’s life in order to save it.  
We’re even confronted with evidence of the importance Gilead places on the safety of children - the wife executed in the episode’s opening scenes is accused of neglecting her child; the school Hannah goes to is built like a fortress and guarded by armed men.  The possibility that this possessiveness towards children might be one side of a coin whose other side is the belief in the patriarch’s right to beat and rape them - so long as he’s the right kind of person, and keeps his abuses under wraps - has no place in the show’s world.
I think the show thinks it’s being clever (or worse, fair) when it posits this sort of contradiction, but it’s only being dishonest.  Reality after all, isn’t fair-minded.  People who preach the innate superiority of men and the need for women and children to abase themselves before a patriarch are not, as it turns out, kind paterfamilias.  On the contrary, they usually turn out to be exactly the kind of people who would be drawn to that sort of philosophy.  The show should acknowledge that.
(This is all in lieu of discussing the actual events of the episode, which can be summed up as “June goes to nearly Jeanine-like lengths to do something that, even if it had succeeded, would only have made it harder for her to rescue Hannah in the long run, and somehow gets away with it while someone else pays the price.”  Remember when June was supposed to be forming a resistance among the women of Gilead?  Yeah, neither does the show.)
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millicnreasons-blog · 8 years
---- ( Eden Winslow ) 
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       Patsy’s was quiet, they’d passed the dinner rush and Lip was in back washing up, looking through the hatch he watched Eden move through the dinner, to the table of guy’s that just came in, one in particular was looking at her in a way that Lip didn’t  like, eyes narrow as he kept watching moving out from the kitchen to get a better look at the situation, sure Eden could handle herself,  but he didn’t fuckin’ like when guys creeped on her like that.  fuck this he thinks moving toward the table, chest puffed out,  he nods at the guy, “ we got a fuckin’ problem here? --” eyes narrow and he stares down at him, eyes casting back up to Eden,  “ this isn’t a fuckin’ titty bar, it’s a diner, case you couldn’t read the sign out there --” he jibes, shaking his head.  “ -- you okay?” he says blue eyes searching hers. // @carelessxtroubled
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dailynewswebsite · 4 years
How plague reshaped colonial New England before the Mayflower even arrived
The English believed God communicated by plague – and considered the epidemic which decimated Algonquian territory between 1616-19 as an indication. John Eliot Preaching to the Indians, Present of Martha J. Fleischman and Barbara G. Fleischman, 1999, The Met
The Europeans who started colonising North America within the early 17th century steadfastly believed that God communicated his wrath by plague. They introduced this conviction with them – in addition to lethal illness itself.
Plague introduced by early European settlers decimated Indigenous populations throughout an epidemic in 1616-19 in what’s now southern New England. Upwards of 90% of the Indigenous inhabitants died within the years main as much as the arrival of the Mayflower in November 1620.
It’s nonetheless unclear what the illness behind the epidemic really was. However this was the primary of many plagues that swept by Algonquian territory – Algonquian being the linguistic time period used to explain an array of Indigenous peoples stretching, amongst different locations, alongside the northeastern seaboard of what’s now the US.
The 1620 Constitution of New England, given by King James I, talked about this epidemic as a cause why God “in his nice goodness and bountie in direction of us and our individuals gave the land to Englishmen”. Plague supported property rights – it knowledgeable the again story of Plymouth Colony that was based after the arrival of the Mayflower.
The English believed God communicated by plague. However my analysis argues that declaring “God willed the plague” merely opened, moderately than closed, the controversy. Rulers, explorers and colonists within the 17th century had an curiosity in pinpointing the reason for illness. This was partly as a result of plague was used to acquire land deemed as empty, and even clear it of inhabitants.
Learn extra: Mayflower 400: had been the Pilgrims asylum seekers or subversives?
Justification for getting into the land
Many colonists described New England as an “Eden”. However in 1632 the early colonist Thomas Morton stated the epidemic of 1616-19 had rendered it “a brand new discovered Golgotha” – the skull-shaped hill in Jerusalem described within the Bible because the place of Christ’s loss of life. Most pilgrims and puritans considered plague as a affirmation of divine favour towards the English, partly as a result of few of the colonists died compared to the Algonquians of New England. Colonists typically referred to Indigenous peoples’ our bodies as extra wholesome and match than European ones, and this sense of bodily disparity made the next decline of Algonquians appear all of the extra hanging.
John Winthrop, the primary governor of the Massachusetts Bay Colony, argued in 1629 that God providentially eliminated many of the unique inhabitants earlier than the colony was planted. A couple of years later, in 1634, he wrote that God continued to “drive out the natives” and that God was “deminishinge them as we improve”. The proper to own a beforehand occupied land rested partly on the assumption that God had personally eliminated the unique inhabitants. Arguments much like Winthrop’s litter the panorama of early colonial reflections.
But, reactions to the epidemic are way more advanced than a easy narrative of land acquisition. Some thought God plagued Algonquians and that it was their obligation to attempt to save their lives and souls. In a single 1633 account, compassionate acts for the bothered coexisted with thankfulness that God was clearing the land – nonetheless mutually unique these two feelings appear.
Some Algonquians linked the plague with the English and their God. In keeping with Edward Winslow’s Good Newes from New-England in 1624, some thought the English had buried the plague of their storehouses and will use it towards them at will. The English tried to dispel the notion that the plague was a weapon they wielded.
Shifting attitudes
Over the 17th century, further plagues swept by completely different Algonquian areas at completely different occasions. These waves of illness upset indigenous energy relations and contributed to the Pequot Warfare of 1636–38 – a battle between the English and their Mohegan allies and the Pequot which resulted within the bloodbath and enslavement of the Pequot.
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Attitudes in direction of Indigenous individuals modified after the Pequot warfare. Wikimedia Commons
After the warfare, the English took a extra lively position in “civilising” and evangelising Algonquians, for instance founding an Indian Faculty at Harvard within the mid-1650s. The inclusion of Algonquians into Christianity appeared to contradict the colonists’ earlier view that God had evicted them from the land by epidemic. Some now argued American Indians descended from Israel and their conversion would usher in God’s kingdom on earth.
Many years of illness additionally influenced Native American spirituality. The trauma of the earlier many years – plague being just one issue – made some Algonquians receptive to evangelistic efforts. Some shifted loyalty (at the least partly) to the English and their God and their break up allegiance undermined conventional authority buildings and exacerbated tensions with the English.
Justification for clearing the land
English attitudes in direction of land acquisition ranged from contract to conquest. Most Englishmen thought taking land from Algonquians was unsuitable, however over time land transactions gave approach to conquests.
It was the vacancy of the land attributable to plague that justified preliminary settlements – and over the many years the English bought further lands that had been occupied. However this association proved inadequate because the many years wore on and tens of 1000’s of immigrants from Europe needed an increasing number of land. Roger Williams – a defender of Indigenous individuals and founding father of Rhode Island – critiqued what he known as the rising worship of “God Land” .
The early colonists primarily considered themselves as passively being pulled by God right into a void left by plague. Over time they transitioned to viewing themselves as extra actively concerned in repelling Algonquians, clearing the land of inhabitants with God’s assist.
King Philip’s Warfare in 1675-78, a battle that concerned virtually the entire European and Indigenous inhabitants of New England, was disastrous for the English victors and far worse for the defeated Algonquians. After the sooner Pequot Warfare, many colonists had come to consider their future was tied to the well-being of Indigenous People. However after King Philip’s Warfare, future appeared to tug them aside.
The expansion of racial theories coupled with the current battle fed the assumption that the English and Algonquian couldn’t coexist. This perception, in flip, led to the parable of the “vanishing Indian” – Indigenous populations declined by plague and warfare as God strengthened the English. Evangelism receded. Slavery elevated.
Expulsion of Indigenous People from their lands grew to become extra broadly accepted after the mid-1670s. The English more and more noticed themselves as pushing American Indians out, with divine approval. This shift would have profound implications for the lengthy and lethal historical past of white enlargement in North America.
All through the 17th century, plague invisibly reshuffled the connection between colonisation, “civilisation”, evangelisation and racism behind the scenes. In doing so it performed an vital position in altering the political and spiritual panorama of America.
Learn extra: Mayflower 400: had been the Pilgrims asylum seekers or subversives?
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Matthew Patrick Rowley doesn’t work for, seek the advice of, personal shares in or obtain funding from any firm or organisation that may profit from this text, and has disclosed no related affiliations past their educational appointment.
from Growth News https://growthnews.in/how-plague-reshaped-colonial-new-england-before-the-mayflower-even-arrived/ via https://growthnews.in
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geniusidict-a-blog · 8 years
[text from Eden] Whatcha thinking about?
[ text; Queenie 😏]: now? i’m thinkin’ bout you... [ text; Queenie 😏]: you in those little jean shorts you had on earlier, i swear you just came into patsy’s to fuckin’ tease me. 
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homedevises · 6 years
The Reason Why Everyone Love Four Rivers Bible | four rivers bible
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Castello Estense, Ferrara , Italy – four rivers bible | four rivers bible
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The Four Daughters Of Eve -aka- Four Rivers Painting by Michael A … – four rivers bible | four rivers bible
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The Bible Binge on Twitter: “This Easter weekend brought to you by … – four rivers bible | four rivers bible
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from WordPress https://gardeneden.club/the-reason-why-everyone-love-four-rivers-bible-four-rivers-bible/
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londontheatre · 7 years
Papatango today announce the creative team and cast for the world première of Stewart Pringle’s début play Trestle. JMK Award-winner Cathal Cleary directs the two-hander starring Connie Walker as Denise and Gary Lilburn as Harry. Off West End Award-winner Frankie Bradshaw designs, with lighting from Johanna Town and sound by Richard Hammarton, the team behind Papatango’s 2016 production Orca.
The winner of the ninth annual Papatango New Writing Prize, Trestle was chosen anonymously from over 1000 entries and opens at Southwark Playhouse on 3 November, with previews from 1 November. It runs until 25 November.
“We’re not here forever. You’ve got to take a chance from time to time. Sometimes you’ve got to see something you like and grab hold. Don’t let it go.”
Harry feels like life is beginning to tick down, his autumn years spent quietly caring for the community he loves. Denise thinks life begins in retirement and she’s dancing like she’s still at high school. When their paths cross at the village hall, their understanding of the time they have left changes irrevocably. What do community, growing old, and falling in love really mean? And who gets to decide anyway?
In its world premiere, Trestle tenderly but truthfully explores love and ageing, asking how we choose to live in the face of soaring life expectancies.
Stewart Pringle’s recent work for stage includes The Ghost Hunter and You Look Tasty!. He is currently the Associate Dramaturg of the Bush Theatre, and prior to that was Artistic Director of the Old Red Lion Theatre in Islington, for which he received the 2016 OffWestEnd Award for Best Artistic Director. In 2011 he co-founded the London Horror Festival, now in its 7th year. Working as a theatre critic for several years, his writing has been published in The Stage, Time Out, New Scientist and Exeunt Magazine.
Gary Lilburn plays Harry. His theatre includes The Taming of the Shrew, A Midsummer Night’s Dream and The Golden Ass (Shakespeare’s Globe), Deluge, Buried Alive and Tuesday’s Child (Hampstead Theatre), The Cripple of Inishmaan (MGC at the Noel Coward Theatre & Broadway), The Kingdom and Angels and Saints (Soho Theatre), The Hairy Ape and The Hostage (Southwark Playhouse), Calendar Girls (Chichester Festival Theatre & Noel Coward Theatre), The Man Who Had All The Luck (Donmar Warehouse), The Quare Fellow (Tricycle Theatre & Oxford Stage Company), To Kill a Mockingbird and Hen House (Arcola Theatre), The Weir (Royal Court Theatre) and The Measles (Gate Theatre). For television his credits include Paula, Catastrophe, Mrs Brown’s Boys, Dead or Alive, Pete Versus Life, I Shouldn’t Be Alive, Whistleblower, Single Handed, Perfect Day the Funeral, Pulling, Sea of Souls, Grease Monkeys II, 55 Degrees North, The Good Thief, Dalziel and Pascoe, McCready & Daughter, My Family, Fair City, A Safe House, Perfect Scoundrels and Single in London; and for film, Philomena, Eden, Garage, and Veronica Guerin.
Connie Walker plays Denise. Her theatre includes The March on Russia (Orange Tree Theatre), Death of a Salesman (Northampton & UK tour), FOLK (Birmingham Rep & tour), Seeing the Lights, Kes and Top Girls (New Vic Theatre), To Kill a Mockingbird (Regent’s Park Open Air Theatre, UK tour and Barbican), You Like It and Hay fever (West Yorkshire Playhouse), Separate Tables (Chichester Festival Theatre), Spring Awakening (Novello Theatre), Plunder (Watermill Theatre & Greenwich Theatre), Inside Out (Arcola Theatre & UK tour), Happy Birthday Brecht (National Theatre) and Much Ado About Nothing (Manchester Royal Exchange). For television her credits include Vera, Scott & Bailey, Silent Witness, Secret Diary of a Call Girl, New Tricks, Blackpool, M.I.T. and The Vice; and for film, The Darkest Light.
Cathal Cleary directs. Cleary is Artistic Director of MOMMO Theatre and was the first Trainee Artistic Director at the Donmar Warehouse from 2014 – 2016, having won the 2011 JMK Award. Theatre credits as a as director include The Half Of It (Dublin Fringe, First Fortnight Award), Furniture (Druid Debuts), Disco Pigs (Young Vic, JMK Award, and UK & Irish tour), Women Of Troy (Mountview), The Last Yankee (Print Room), Appointment in Limbo (Dublin Fringe), and The Factory Girls and The Cripple of Inishmaan (Town Hall Galway). Credits as associate director include The Vote (Donmar/More4); and as assistant director, The Winslow Boy (Old Vic), Privates on Parade (MGC at the Noel Coward Theatre), Timon of Athens and Detroit (National Theatre), Twisted Tales (Lyric Hammersmith) and The Beauty Queen of Leenane (Young Vic).
The Papatango New Writing Prize is the UK’s only annual award guaranteeing an emerging playwright a full production, publication, 10% of the gross box office and an unprecedented £6000 commission for a second play. Previous writers produced under the Prize include Dawn King, Dominic Mitchell, Tom Morton-Smith, Fiona Doyle, Luke Owen, Louise Monaghan, James Rushbrooke, and last year’s winner Matt Grinter. It is free to enter and assessed anonymously, and all entrants receive personal feedback on their scripts, an unmatched commitment to supporting aspiring playwrights.
Papatango is a charity who discover and champion new playwrights by running free open application schemes and opportunities. As well as the annual New Writing Prize, Papatango offers a yearly Resident Playwright scheme, taking an emerging playwright through commissioning and development of a new play.
Papatango also run GoWrite, an extensive programme of free playwriting workshops for children and adults nationwide that has so far delivered face-to-face training for over 1000 budding writers this year alone, and provided over £5000 in bursaries to enable in-need writers nationwide to access opportunities.
Trestle Listings Southwark Playhouse 77-85 Newington Causeway, London SE1 6BD
http://ift.tt/2xNxvOw LondonTheatre1.com
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ofhoneyblood · 4 years
                                         “ edy ? oi , didja’. . . see that ?? i. . i’ll be back. . in a jiff. “
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oi , what the feck is goin’ on ‘ere ? ye takin’ da piss er summit , lort ? as a PROUD , purebred irishman there was no way on god’s green earth that he was drunk enough to be sick already , something wasn’t right here. it was RARE he got nauseated or vomited at all from drink , much less from two and a half glasses of whiskey. regardless , the werewolf had found his way outside for some fresh air and to distance himself from the bash’s UNRELENTING cacophony when the gang of green monkey goons decided to crash the party. in all honesty , bryce is just about the last person you would want to recap the ATTACK on the event seeing as he wasn’t really one hundred percent sure what was real or not that evening. 
it was all just a big BLUR for the poor disoriented man. even after the green monkeys are gone and the silence is almost deafening as it settles over the once thrumming halloween festivities and destruction , bryce is WOOZY . the detectives voice was a sudden beacon of clarity in his fog , his instructions giving him some sort of direction and a familiar face to keep him tethered to REALITY — for a time , at least. the two found their way into the nearest thicket of trees searching by flickering flashlights and cellphone lights for any sign of the lost girl even with his vision FADING in and out , he refused to give up on any child. 
how much time actually passed he had no idea , could have been minutes or hours but time almost felt dilated. his heart felt like it was beating EXTREMELY slow yet far too fast all at the same time , head swimming as he tried to fight off a steady onslaught of dizzy spells. the irishman tried his best to TRAIL a few steps behind eden at all times , but it didn’t take very long for at all for them to get separated. bryce heard a young girl’s giggle from somewhere behind him causing him to turn around abruptly , squinting hard into the DARKNESS as the dim yellow light of his flashlight flits between the trees , “ there ! “ he saw her , a little girl DISAPPEARING behind a large tree , “ edy ? oi , didja’. . . see that ?? i. . i’ll be back. . in a jiff. “ did he say it loud enough ? did he say it out loud at all ? was she too far away at this point ? he didn’t even know if his companion was AWARE he had stopped moving with her , that he had seen something.
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before he knew it he was chasing after not only what he thought was the MISSING girl , but he was certain there was a woman also flitting between the trees goading him to follow them further into the dark throng of thick LOOMING trunks. there was something setting off warnings against the many dangers of following phantoms into the EERIE woods of pleasance , but he was in a trance or near to as he stumbled unsteadily over brush and tree limb. stickers and sharp thorns tear at his face as he crashes headlong through the dense vegetation after the PHANTOM BRIDE herself , savannah long since forgotten now. 
her voice , he could hear her voice so clearly for once ! it was a SWEET , entrancing siren’s song that was luring the dazed man unknowingly towards the black maw that was the deep depths of northwood lake. there might be something to the inherent FEAR of water some people have , it’s dangerous if you let it lull you into a false sense of security and you forget it’s SNEAKING strength. northwood lake was less a body of water to bryce winslow ,  he always viewed it as something more akin to the town’s stomach and right now especially it  was a big , black , starving , empty pit ready to DEVOUR him. 
you would think that even if someone was sleepwalking that stepping into the frigid black waters of northwood lake would be enough to JOLT them wide awake , but bryce was none the wiser to the fact that he was striding into freezing water as if it was a warm summer day at the beach. the PROBLEM was he was experiencing something completely different to what eden moore witnessed when she finally broke through the treeline to see him collapsing into the lake’s inky black EMBRACE. it was edith , edith alby , he didn’t know how or why he knew but the irishman was positive it was the specter bride herself begging him to come into the DANGEROUS waters and ultimately to her. 
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bryce was nearly up to his waist in ice cold lake water when he finally grew close enough to get a good look at the bridal GHOST , her face was covered by her veil and as soon as he reached out to pull back her veil she lunged at him causing him to fall backwards into the waters MURKY depths. if eden hadn’t submerged from the woods when she had and reached him in time , he very well might not have made it at all. even still , he has no idea why he was so ill and DISORIENTED during the attack or if he saw the little girl or edith alby at all. everyone keeps suggesting sleepwalking , he’s starting to accept it since he had respect enough for northwood lake and the PARANORMAL activity in pleasance to know better than to ever enter the lake especially after dark.  
@phqextras​ @eddiemoores​
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millicnreasons-blog · 8 years
🍸 (Lip & Poly) (Lip & Eden)
Lip + Poly HERE && Lip + Eden HERE! These were to much freakin’ fun to make! 
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homedevises · 6 years
25 Mind-Blowing Reasons Why Biblical Rivers Garden Of Eden Is Using This Technique For Exposure | biblical rivers garden of eden
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