#( saw this meme on the dash and tbh since i just came back its kinda perfect!!!
greaterspeed · 2 years
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NAME: Silver, but I mostly go by Silvy or Silv! PRONOUNS: They/them PREFERENCE OF COMMUNICATION: Tumblr IM and discord!! NAME OF MUSE(S): This blog is for Sonic only, I’m not really a multi-muse blog kinda person but I also have Otacon, Silver, Prompto and Beat on different blogs!
EXPERIENCE/HOW LONG (MONTHS / YEARS?): I’ve been doing this online roleplay thing for waaaayy too long, since around 2006 on obscure proboards forums lmao. I’ve been roleplaying on tumblr since 2010 after making the leap from livejournal! So around 16 years experience all together and 12 years experience on tumblr!
PLATFORMS YOU’VE USED: Forums, Livejournal, Dreamwidth, MSN, Skype, Discord, E-mail even... At one point I used facebook and twitter and those are rp platforms I do not recommend.
BEST EXPERIENCE: Greaterspeed!! There’s a reason I keep coming back to this doofus and it’s because I had so much fun writing him, and I still do! He’s changed a lot over the years but I have too, so I feel like I’ve really grown with him. He’s my dumbass blue hog stuck in 1999, I lov him!
RP PET PEEVES/DEALBREAKERS: Large spacing between letters/words. I’m dyslexic and formatting like that makes it super difficult for me too read! Small text isn’t too much of a deal breaker bc I can always zoom in, but man idc how pretty your post it, if I can’t read it then I’m outtie gomen!! I appreciate the aesthetics and the dedication to it though! 
FLUFF, ANGST OR SMUT: I’m actually more of a domestic slice of life-y kinda person. That might fit under the category of fluff for some people, but it don’t gotta be fluffy. I like to write characters doing their daily, maybe that’s why I have Greater just chilling in Station Square so often. It’s fun, lets write your character joining Sonic as he buys mints for Tails!
Other than that though, I do like a bit of fluff and angst if the situation is right. Smut is a definite no from me though!
PLOTS OR MEMES:  BOTH? BOTH IS GOOD. I’m always open for plotting, but sometimes how spontaneous memes can be just hits right! That’s usually when I slide in the DMs and start screeching to another mod about how this could go. 
LONG OR SHORT REPLIES: BOTH TOO. It’s also kind of situational, like sometimes you just a need punch and a short reply is nice and punchy, other times you gotta map something out so a longer reply it is. As long as it’s substantial enough to reply to then we’re all good imo!!
BEST TIME TO WRITE: I write mainly in the evenings and night time! Sometimes I write during the day if I have a free day!
ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSE(S): I like to think there’s a piece of us all in our characters, after all you generally draw from your own experiences when you interpret a story and it’s characters. I don’t think I’m really like Sonic in a lot of ways, but there are ways that I do identify with him, and the same goes for my other characters!
Also Sonic’s speech patterns definitely wore off on me over the years of writing him... ^^;
tagged by: I’m a filthy lil thief tagging: and you should be a filthy lil thief too >:3c
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