#( seteth calling beles friend bc this is pre time skip and he still has not acknowledged he has FEELS. )
hecvenwept · 2 years
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@typhchosen​: "Unique just means alone." Beles didn't realize their voice could sound so bitter. The feelings and their expressions slowly bleeding out of her every pore were new and painful. She grit her teeth and drilled holes into her hands with her own stare. "And with Jeralt dead and Beleth defecting to the empire I-" their voice cracked and she clenched her jaw, willing whatever emotions she had to be locked away once again. "I truly AM alone." (Pre-time skip cough)
misc prompts for feels [OPEN]  
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❝ I will not tell you you're wrong, because you're not. Unique may go hand to hand with loneliness, indeed. But none of us is ever alone. Even if we're each of us different -unique- that does not mean we cannot reach out to each other. ❞
He places her hands on top of theirs gently, hesitantly; fearing they will pull away. Her hands are cool against his unusually warm skin -a dead giveaway to him not being entirely human-, but he can feel their strength. The power that thrums within Beles calls to him, something both familiar and new. Unique. Like Beles.
❝ I am truly sorry for Jeralt. I wish it could have been different. And Beleth... he made his own choice, just like you did. You chose to stay- here, with us. Which means you're not alone, my friend. ❞
He smiles a little, sad and soothing and hopeful at the same time. The smile or someone who has lived too long, has seen too much pain and loneliness.
The smile of someone who has made it through nonetheless.
❝ You may feel alone, after all of this. But you're not. We're with you- me, Flayn... even Rhea. Alois. The students. The rest of the knights. We're all looking up to you. We are here because we trust you... and hope you can also trust us, in return. ❞
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