#( t: checkinin )
rkseokwoo-blog · 5 years
— checkin’ in
Dinners in Sphere were enjoyable for Seokwoo, taking the time to catch up with whoever he could inside the company and chatting with his fellow trainees. Often times he got so distracted that he failed to eat most of his meal until the last minutes and had to quickly shovel everything down. He doesn’t know why the Convex member catches his gaze, but he does. Seokwoo watching Seungcheol from a distance, brow furrowing in as he notices how something seemed.. off with the younger. As if the air were heavier on his shoulders and he was carrying around more than he usually would. Even when one of the trainees Seokwoo was sitting with, asked him a question or pulled his attention back to their conversation, his gaze drifted back to Seungcheol and he could feel a growing concern mount. There was still half of his food remaining on his plate when he saw Seungcheol moving to leave, Seokwoo nudging it towards on of the other trainees and quickly telling them to eat it for him.
His smile was wide on his lips as he broke away from them, ruffling one of the male trainees hair and thanking them for helping clean up -- a promise to make it up next time. A urgency in his actions and words as he tried not to lose sight of Seungcheol who was leaving already. Whether it was the length of his legs or how he jogged across some of the distance, Seokwoo managed to catch up to the younger. “Sweetcheol sunbae!” He called out--greeted happily--as he came up beside Seungcheol, bowing his head to be polite and flashing a smile. It’s automatic to reach out, to gently touch the younger’s shoulder, squeezing softly and in an attempt to comfort. From what he remembered, Seungcheol was quieter, easily startled, but he was warm and friendly; he’d happily kept up with Seokwoo in conversation despite the extra effort. He tilted his head, glancing over the younger’s face, as if he could decipher what felt wrong.  “How are you? Did you eat a lot at dinner? The food was really nice tonight.”
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