#( thank you for following me and my dumb baby eliana )
austinsgirl · 2 years
Rather Die | Chapter 8
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word count: 2336
cross posted on wattpad
rating: nsfw
master list
Her heart pounded. Beating at what felt like a million beats per second. She truly wasn't expecting that from him.
Victoria texted him back, "Yeah, those were nice :) We can do definitely do more of that and go on a date. Just let me know when and where!"
He responded quite quickly, "Perfect! How does tomorrow sound? Maybe we can get some Italian?"
"That would be amazing :)"
"Great! I'll pick you up around 7."
"Sounds good. I'll see you then."
"What are you all smiley about?" Mila asks Victoria.
"I just got a date for tomorrow!"
"With Ashton?!"
"Oh my god. I can't wait to see the look on Eliana's face if you guys work out."
"Oh, I know. She'll be pissed, but whatever. She did me so dirty."
"She really did. I don't even follow her on socials, but she'll still pop up. All she's been posting is mushy gushy shit about Austin."
"Ew. I swear, she's probably already saying 'I love you' and it's been like a week."
"Well, she used hashtag 'love my bf' so, I can only assume."
"She's so dumb. They both are. I can't believe how she changed him so quickly. That date we had, he was so humble, kind, down to earth. He didn't strike me as the type of guy to fall for the slutty model type. Now he's letting her bitchyness rub off on him, making him a total asshole."
"Yeah, even in all his interviews for Elvis, he was so much different."
"It's like she's a siren or something and casted a spell on him."
"At this point, it wouldn't surprise me."
The next day
Victoria & Mila make their way to set in the morning for an 8am call time.
"Guys. Its 8 o'clock in the morning. Why must we be sucking face at craft service right now?" Vic asks Austin & Eliana who's making out, as Vic is only trying to get her coffee.
"You're just jealous that I stole your mans." Eliana says.
Victoria rolls her eyes. "I'm not, but whatever. Can y'all just get out of the way though and take this elsewhere? Thanks."
"Mm, no." Eliana responds.
"Cmon baby, let's take this to my trailer." Austin says.
Austin & Eliana take off to his trailer.
"Ew. I can't believe them." Mila says.
"I know. And I have a kissing scene with him today."
"Double ew."
"For real. Wish me luck."
Victoria got her coffee and went off to her trailer to get changed before going on set.
"Where's Austin?? He was supposed to be on set ten minutes ago!" Anna our director says.
"He's still in his trailer getting ready." Sarah, a producer says.
Anna rolls her eyes, "We need to tell him Eliana isn't allowed on set anymore. She's too distracting."
"Thank God." Victoria thought to herself.
"Maybe we can just have a talk with him to start. If things don't change, then she's gotta go." Sarah says.
"Yeah, you're right. Don't wanna fully take away privileges."
"Fuck." Victoria thought to herself again.
"Hey, sorry I'm late." Austin says running in.
"About time." I say to him.
"We'd both be late if it was you & I in there." he smirked.
"You're disgusting."
"Jealousy, jealousy."
"Okay, Olivia Rodrigo."
"Nothing. Just a name of one her songs."
"Alright, places please!" Anna calls out.
Austin & Victoria get into places.
"Annnnd, action!"
Jake walks up behind Allison as she's cooking at the stove.
"I can't believe you're finally all mine." he says.
"I know. It's been a long time coming, hasn't it?" she responds.
"It has."
Jake puts his lips on her neck. She very much enjoys the feeling. He turns her around to give her a passionate kiss.
As Victoria kisses Austin, the memory of her first kiss with him came flooding back, but as soon as she tasted Eliana's favorite cherry vanilla lip balm on his lips, she was immediately brought back to seeing them kiss at the club, & was just absolutely disgusted.
They finished out the scene and Vic immediately wipes at her lips.
"What? Didn't like the kiss?" Austin asks.
"No, I didn't. I could literally taste Eliana on your lips. Disgusting." Victoria replies.
"Now, how do you know what her lips taste like?" Austin asks.
"Because I know she uses the cherry vanilla lip balm 24/7."
"You don't like it? I think it tastes good."
"I used to, but not anymore."
Victoria walked off set and went to her trailer for a costume change to finish up the last of the days work.
By the time the work day was done, Vic & Mila had to rush home so Vic could get ready for her date.
"What are you wearing tonight?" Mila asks as they walk through the apartment door.
"I'm thinking my black mom jeans with that burgundy cropped tube top, with my white sneakers. Of course I'll accessorize with some gold jewelry."
"Are you going somewhere super fancy?"
"No, it's like in between. Not too fancy, not too casual."
"Gotcha. Good thing your hair is already done."
"Right? I just have to touch up my makeup & get changed."
Vic rushed into her bedroom and quickly got ready. There was a knock on the door right at 7 sharp.
"Hi!" Victoria says, answering the door for Ashton.
"Hey! How are you?" he asks.
"Im good. How are you?"
"Im great! Ready to go?"
"Yes, definitely!"
Vic & Ash headed out to the restaurant, and got seated right away as Ashton made a reservation.
"How was work today?" he asked.
Victoria stuck out her tongue in a disgusted matter. "Honestly, so gross."
"How so?"
"Well, started the day with Eli & Austin making out a craft services first thing in the morning, then I had to kiss Austin all day after he'd be making out with her."
"Yeah, that is gross."
"Mhm. I could taste her lip balm on his lips. I couldn't deal."
"That cherry vanilla shit?"
"It was good at first, but it got tiring."
"I bet. She's literally worn it every day since we were five. It's fucking lip smackers."
"They still make that??"
"Damn. My sister had so many of those."
"I did too. Id always get some whenever we came to America. They didn't have them in New Zealand."
"That's how you & Eliana met right? When her family went on vacation there?"
"Yeah. Then every year, we'd switch off. Every year for like 8 years? Something like that."
"That's crazy. It still just boggles my mind on what happened. And I feel so bad that you go to work everyday with that constant reminder of that just because they're always there."
"I know, and thank you. I really hope one day I won't ever have to see them again. I'm just gonna get through this movie, and when it's coming out I'll do the press and such, but after that, good fucking bye to the both of them."
"They probably won't even be together by the time the movie comes out."
"Probably not."
"Really wish I would have checked out her track record first before getting serious with her."
"Yeaaaah. She really did cheat on every single guy so it's just bound to happen to Austin."
"Honestly, let it. You tried telling him, so."
"Seriously. Oh, and he was late to set today because he was too busy fucking her in his trailer."
"Yeah. It was so annoying. The director and head producer is going to have a talk with him. If they don't see change, they're not going to allow Eliana on set."
"They shouldn't be allowing her at all."
"I know. Tell me about it."
The two placed their order when the waitress stopped by their table, then continued talking.
"How was tour life?" Vic asks him.
"It was great! I'm sad it's over but it is nice being on break now."
"I get that. You really put on an amazing show, Ash."
"Thank you." he smiles. "It means a lot."
"Do you have an idea of when the next album will be out?"
"Hoping for next summer, then tour again in the fall."
"That'd be cool. Release some nice summer jams."
"Exactly. So, I've always wondered, do you like living here or in New Zealand better?"
"Def New Zealand. It's my home, ya know? LA is great, but NZ is where it's at."
"You'll have to take me sometime?"
"Oh, of course. Id love too. It's definitely my favorite place in the whole world. I'm planning on going back after the movie is done. After all this shit that's happened, I've wanted nothing more than to be home & to see my mom."
"I bet. Your dad passed away right?"
"Um, yeah. He did."
"I'm sorry to hear that."
"Thanks. I'm not too keen on talking about it until I'm really comfortable with someone. I regret telling Austin, but we just bonded over the fact that we both lost a parent at a young age. But that's all down the drain now."
"Well, whenever you are ready, I'm here."
"Thank you, Ash. Really. So many guys would try and pry every little detail out of me about my life."
"I would never. I respect your space."
"Thanks. I appreciate it."
They finished up at the restaurant & made their way outside.
"Hey, wanna hit up Dave & Busters across the street? Play some games? Get some drinks?" Ashton asks.
"Sure, Id love that." Vic smiles.
They head across the street and grab a drink before playing some games.
Of course, they hit up Victoria's favorite, air hockey.
"Will you stop getting goals??" Ashton complained with a chuckle.
"Sorry, can't help it. I've always been good at this game." Vic shrugs her shoulders before knocking the puck in for another point.
Then they moved onto the skeeball.
"This one's your game, huh? Look at those points your racking in." Victoria says to him.
"Usually I don't do this good, but somehow I keep hitting the higher ones."
"All I'm getting are 50s, but that's normal for me."
They make their way around, playing more games and sipping on drinks. Vic is definitely feeling the alcohol.
They find the game where all you do is shoot some basketballs into a hoop.
"Shit, I'm sucking so bad at this." Vic says.
"Here, let me help you."
Ashton gets behind her and places his hands on her arms, helping her aim.
"Alright, try that." he says.
Victoria throws the ball, and finally makes a basket. She looks back at him, smiling. "Thanks."
"No problem."
They stare into each others eyes for a moment before they go in for a kiss.
"That was the best kiss I had all day." Vic says.
"I'm glad. Wanna get out of here?" Ash asks.
"Yeah. Let's."
They make their way to his house.
As soon as they're both inside, they can't manage to keep their hands off each other.
"Are you sure you want to do this?" he asks.
"Yes, I'm sure."
Ashton & Victoria makeout as they make their way to the bedroom.
They quickly undress themselves before getting onto the bed.
Ashton gets on top. He works his hand on her clit as his lips work on her neck.
"Oh, god. That feels so good." Victoria moans out.
Ashton keeps doing his thing until he makes Vic orgasm. Once she releases herself, Ash works himself inside her now soaking wet center.
His lips are still on his neck as he thrusts into her. Her hands are all up in his hair, tugging at his ends.
It's not long until they both release themselves & go in for round two.
The next morning
Victoria is woken up by her phone being blown up by Mila.
"Hello?" she answers half asleep.
"Um, where are you? We have to be on set in like 20 minutes."
"Oh shit. I'm sorry. I stayed at Ashton's last night. Um, can you just bring me a change of clothes and I'll meet you there?"
"Yeah. Do you just want leggings and a t-shirt?"
"Yeah, and a bra & clean panties."
"Got it. I'll see you soon."
"Thank you, love you."
"Love you too."
Vic hangs up the phone. "Shit."
She quickly gets out of bed.
"Hey, you good?" Ashton asks her as he's still in bed.
"I have to be on set in 20 minutes."
"Oh, fuck. You want me to give you a ride?"
"Please, if you don't mind. Who knows how long Uber will take."
"Of course. Im sorry, I should have taken you home last night."
"It's fine. Don't worry about it."
Vic quickly got dressed in last nights clothes & Ash threw on sweats and a t-shirt before heading off to the studio.
"Hey, thanks for last night. I really had fun." Ashton tells her as he's dropping her off.
"I had fun too." she kissed him before she got out of the car. "Thanks for ride. I'll text you."
"Sounds good."
Victoria rushed to her trailer and quickly got ready, then headed to hair and makeup.
"So, you stayed with Ash last night?" Mila asks her, as they're both getting their  hair done.
"Yeah, I did."
"Did you do it?"
"Oh, yeah."
The girls high five & continue to chat.
Once they were ready, they went out to craft services.
"Hey, uh, is there a Victoria Williams here?" a man, asks, holding a vase of red roses.
"Um, yes. That's me." Vic says.
"These are for you. Have a good day." the man hands her the flowers.
"Thank you."
Victoria reads the note that came with the flowers. "I had a really great time last night. Maybe we can do that again soon? - Love, Ashton xx" she puts the card back in the flowers "Aw, that's so sweet."
"Um, did you just say Ashton??" Eliana asks, as she over heard.
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wandercr-arc · 5 years
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hiya! so, i don’t know how common these bias lists are anymore, but it’s been quite awhile since i’ve done one. (probably since 2016?? damn.) but i have a lot of amazing people that i follow, and i feel like you all deserve a little recognition. now, one thing that i enjoy doing with these bias lists is to not only point out the blogs i love, but to tell you all why i do. i feel like it makes these bad boys a little more personal, and can hopefully bring a little brightness to someone’s day. so, without further ado, here’s the list: (in no particular order; i’m just going through my following list)   //   under a cut for length. apologies in advance for typos. 
@fromlandtosea   /   @longthoughtlost   ---   RIN. there’s so much i could write here. you’ve been my friend for so long, and have put up with all of my nonsense for so long. i adore laura and every other muse that you write. you bring such a different life and voice to each of your characters, and i admire your ability to come up with unique and intertwined backstories for them. i will always love all of the threads, verses, and headcanons we’ve come up with together. you have absolutely made my time in the fallout community worthwhile, and i feel so very fortunate to call you my friend. (and also that you only show slight disappointment in all the stupid stuff that i do and tell you about lol)   ♥
@betterhealing   /   @sanguinariis   /   @psychotheory   ---    i love every character that you write. you’ve been willing to write with me on all of my blogs pretty much since the day i joined the fallout rpc, and your consistent support has meant the world to me. you clearly put a lot of time, thought, and effort into your characters, and it shows in their multitude of well-developed verses, relationships, and headcanons.
@iinxsearchofxisolde   ---   we haven’t had the chance to interact much, but you and tristan are always a joy to have on my dash. i think that your choice to write a brotherhood outcast is extremely unique and interesting. they’re a faction that was kind of lost in the fray, and i love seeing your headcanons about them and how tristan fits in. he’s also a very intriguing, multi-facted character with a distinct voice, and it’s been great to watch you develop him over the past few years.
@disciplc   ---   lainey !!! we haven’t been friends for very long, but i am so glad we are. i adore all of our discussions about nisha and el, and i appreciate how supportive and kind you always are towards me. i’ve followed your nisha for a long time . . . technically . . . and i’ve always loved how you write her! hell, i always appreciate people stealing side characters from bethesda and making them their own, and you’ve truly done that with her. she’s a perfect mix of danger and softness (emphasis on the danger ;-0). 
@pinkmanipulated   /   @hydrophobiic   ---   victoria, oh my god, we have written together for what feels like ages, and your writing, art, and dedication to your muses never ceases to amaze me. i’ve already mentioned this, but seeing how you write jesse has made me actually want to watch breaking bad, which is something i thought i’d never say. (and i promise i’ll get to giving it a go eventually ;w;) i can tell how much you care about his character and how much effort you’ve put into your characterization, and i love every bit of it. it’s the same amount of pride and dedication you’ve put into all of your muses, canon or oc, and you know for a fact  that i’ll follow and interact with you on whatever blog you choose to write on.
@fictitioussouls   ---   not gonna lie, i enjoy every character you write, original or canon. i’m so glad to see you back and active on the dash again, and that you still have the same love for all of your muses + a bunch of new ones. :’)) you create such unique and detailed backstories for your original characters (emily, diana, and sophia still have my whole heart tbh), and you keep them very consistent. i also enjoy reading the threads you have with rin, and hearing about the headcanons and worlds you guys have built together! overall, i’m very happy to see you on my dash again.
@america-redefined   ---   eliana might hate having enclave blogs on the dash, but i sure don’t! :’) we haven’t interacted (yet), but i’d definitely love to. i think you do an excellent job writing nathan, and capturing the attitude and aura of the enclave with the way you’ve created him. it’s clear that he has a lot going on beneath the surface, and that you’ve put thought into what kind of character you want him to be. i really like the way you’ve brought him into the fallout 4 timeline, too, and how his life changes once he’s no longer with the enclave. (i was scrolling through your blog the other day, and saw the post about all of his goals in the enclave, and then how those all disappear within the institute and might have chuckled a bit at the “mighty have fallen” trope vibes that gave me)
@adxmortem   ---   the amount of development you’ve done for harlan is just wild to me, i’ve got to be honest. you’ve taken him in his very own, unique direction, and i really admire that! (and it also reminds me that we really need a new orleans based fallout, stat.) he has a very strong voice, and you have an incredible grasp on his character. i’ve enjoyed the threads we’ve done together, and i hope we get to write more in the future! i also very much appreciate you for the immense kindness you’ve shown me in the past when it comes to my personal life. that will always mean the world to me.  ♥
@gwinnetts   ---   oh gosh, you are such a fun and prominent addition to my dash! the funny content and interactions you bring to the dash aside, i’m in awe of the amazingly detailed write-ups you post about your muses as well as the fallout lore. like a lot of the people on this list, you are someone who puts in a lot of thought to your muses, and really brings them to life in a distinct manner. i’ve also greatly enjoyed the ooc chats we’ve had!!
@shellheadtm   ---   we haven’t had many chances to interact, but i think your portrayal of tony is top notch. you capture his voice perfectly, and like gwinnetts above, always bring funny conversations / interactions to the dash, and i think that just makes it a brighter place for everyone! you’re an insanely talented writer, and your expansion of tony’s characterization and verses is fantastic.
@primeacumen   ---   viv is one of those really amazing, multi-faceted ocs that i would highly recommend anybody follows. we haven’t interacted a ton (mostly because i’m slower than molasses), but, from what i’ve seen of her, she’s wonderful. fandomless ocs often don’t get the love they deserve, so i want you to know that i see you and viv, and i am here supporting you 100%. people take for granted the amount of work that goes into building an oc for multiple verses, and it’s obvious you’ve done that work for her.
@not-completely-human   ---   i honestly knew nothing about alita when i first followed your blog; i just knew that you were a friendly and lovely person who i was willing to write with, and so here i am! i enjoy all of our threads together (and i will def enjoy the ones that my slow self needs to write starters for lol). i enjoy how you write alita, and the enthusiasm that you have for her. your writing has a nice flow, is easy to read, and i love all the little details and background you fit into it. and, you, of course, are such a nice person to talk to, and i’m very glad we follow each other!
@remnantrecruit   ---   another enclave oc for eliana to despise and me to love! we haven’t written together in awhile (which we should totally try and change soon :’0), but i enjoy seeing abner on my dashboard as much as i did when we first followed each other! enclave ocs are so rare as it is, but abner really stands out as a character even without that. his background is so sad but good. i also just appreciate your interaction with my posts, irl and character related. (your comment on my post when i was anxious about doing something dumb when i was driving still means a lot to me. it’s always nice to be reminded that we’re all human and capable of doing stupid things with two ton moving contraptions.)
@persistentflower   ---   what is there to say except i love violet ,,,, neutral karma lone wanderers are pretty rare in my experience, and i think you do a good job of capturing what it means for violet to be that. she and eliana contrast well, and i love their relationship, and how they support each other, no matter what verse we write in. (and the fact that we’ve essentially created a mini self-contained verse for our muses). i enjoy our chats ooc, too, and i look forward to us writing and interacting more !!
@miss-moreno   ---   we haven’t gotten to flesh out kay and eliana’s friendship, yet, but i see so much potential for them in what we’ve got going so far. kay has the sort of spirit that eliana loves, and i’m so excited to see where our threads take the two of them! in general, i like how you write kay, and how her life pre-war seems to haunt her quite a bit, and also how she knows she’s playing double agent for the railroad pretty early on. 
@ninesis   ---   i’ve seen quite a few portrayals of rk900, but yours is definitely one of my favorites! i like that your nines is very job-oriented, but still soft and sociable and overall just a Good Boy. he comes across as very likeable, and you write him as a consistent and well thought out portrayal!
@intelligentmiinds   ---   i love all of your blogs, but since this is your main atm, this is where you’re getting love. :’)) bailey, i enjoy each of your characterizations. you bring a unique and accurate voice to each one. based on what i’ve seen from your ooc posts lately, i know you’ve been going through some rough times, and i hope you know that you are so important ! and loved ! and even if people are shitty and don’t understand you, you always have people who care about you, too. (and i hope you can get your ferret soon! small animals are the best. i have two bunnies and can vouch for them. :’)) )
@contrariian   ---   i have been lucky enough to interact with two of your muses so far, but you should know that i adore what i’ve seen of all your muses. you write such a wide array of characters, and each of them has a personality that comes across in how you write them. your writing style is so gorgeous and nice to read, too. 10/10 would interact whenever
@vocaliist   ---   i followed you on your previous blog for magnolia and the one you had for des, and what continues to knock me off my feet about all of your blogs is your style. i always admire people who can write in a way that is somewhat poetic and very pretty without making it impossible to understand, and you do just that. plus, who doesn’t love magnolia?? i look forward to writing with you some more!
@synthesan   ---   i’ve already jumped into your ims to yell about how cute ode is, but here i am again, anyway. we haven’t followed each other for long, but gosh i love what i’ve read from you and ode so far. i’m a sucker for synth ocs, and she’s such a fun one with an amazing backstory. you are also so great to talk to ooc, and i hope we can yell about our muses and videogames more in the future :’))
@synthmama   ---   okay, i can’t lie, your blog is one of those that i admired from afar for a long time because i was a bit intimidated by it. not in a bad way, but in a ‘holy cow this person is an amazing writer and creator’ kinda way. you and quinn have been around for a long time, and you’ve grown her character a lot in that span. it’s so cool to see how you fit her into other universes, and how she interacts with the fallout world. institute sole survivors are also very seldom seen around here, and so i appreciate that quinn took that route, and that you had her do it in a way that doesn’t entirely conflict with her morals. 
@neomacaught   ---   you are absolutely one of the sweetest muns i’ve ever interacted with, tbh. your enthusiasm for threads and the wellbeing of your fellow roleplayers is such a lovely thing to see on my dash!! and neoma is such a cute character. i think she and el’s interactions have just been incredible. i like that she’s a bit awkward, yet very straight-forward, and that she upholds high morals. she fits in with el pretty damn well, and i think they’ll be very good friends!! plus, i can tell that you’ve put a lot of work into neoma purely by taking a peek at your blog; you have so many verses and ideas for her. she definitely deserves a lot of love
@voiceofmany   ---   we haven’t followed each other for very long (or interacted, which is my bad for being slow to talk to people about threads lol), but i wanted to mention you on here, regardless. i honestly am not familiar with a whole lot of your muses, but the way you right them, and your writing style, tends to draw my eye so much that i often find myself reading through your threads as i scroll the dash. the way you change dialogue to fit your characters is pretty damn great, and it’s always obvious you’re writing for/in a different voice for each of them
@theirsalvation   ---   we also haven’t followed each other for very long, but i enjoy the content that i see from your blog!! you have a wide range of muses that all come across as very different and distinct in the way that they’re written. when i read your reply from josh this morning, i was awed by how well you captured his voice and mannerisms, tbh. so, yeah, i hope we can interact a bit more sometime soon!! B)
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