#( v: we're all fighting growing old. | main. )
sunflowercakemix · 4 years
Chuuya Nakahara x fem/Reader
/ Part 2
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Reader P. O. V
,,..... There's waffles in the air, but flour in my hair.... " I sang softly carrying a large tray of cakes from the oven through the buzz of the bakery kitchen. The warm vanilla scent embraced me from the back as I got further from the oven station just for to quickly be replaced by the crisp air filled with the sound of crackling, wisking and busy foot steps from the main baking area. I change my singing tune happily as I develop a bounce to my step, my happiness blossoming into a little flower in my chest only for it to wither away with a loud yell " OI, L/N MOVE IT OVER THERE! THE CUSTOMERS AIN'T GONNA WAIT THE WHOLE MORNIN'!"
A sour thought and expression follow from me "Wow boss you really know how to motivate, eh?". I wave my boss away placing tray of cakes on a large table and walking out of his sight.
Right as I step back into the main kitchen I go back to tending to my flower of happiness, enjoying the scent playing in my nose. "Back to work Y/N!" I tell myself.
On their own my hands start moving, picking up flower and sugar. Trough my fingertips I let my emotions flow, right into the bowl with the mix. I let the stars of my dreams and lightning of my fear melt away in the bater, just to pour it in the mold to shove it in the oven to settle.
Closing up my first batch of the day I steal a glance at the people at the cash registre. I smile softly wishing I could see their faces or hear their heartbeat when they take the first bite, to see them be engulfed in the world I've baked. A smile tugs on my warm cheek one more time as I go back to baking with a new tune to my lips to my bosses dismay.
Third person P. O. V
Black hallways of the Port Mafia building echoed with the steps of a coat draped ginger wallking through them. The shallow sound following him all the way to large doors to his bosses office.
,,... Boss" the ginger said stepping inside.
,, Ah, Chuuya-kun you're here!".
Chuuya's boss, Mori Ougai, leaned to look at him from his kneeling position from the floor in front of a young blonde girl.
Chuuya quickly bowed ,, My apologies for interrupting you Sir but you quickly requested me to come here"
Mori started getting up from the floor. ,, In fact I did. The situation is rather urgent. Some of our smmuglers have turned out to be in fact another organization stealing from us. They have stolen an impressive amount of our cargo. " He sat at his desk ,, An impressive amount that's worth over 80 000 yen on the black market"
Chuuya nodded to this ,, So what's the plan?"
,, You'll take the Black Lizard on a raid to their hideout, leave the leaders alive and bring them to me. Understood?"
,, Yes boss! "
,, Good."
Chuuya bowed again as he exited the office.
                                 - || -
,, Damn it! The sun is gonna kill me." Chuuya cursed under his breath as he walked in front of a large tunnel. ,, Oya, and underground organization? This just might finnaly become interesting." he thought with a smirk.
Feverish red glow started to appear around him, his footsteps increasing in force 10 times as he started to walk inside of the darkness of the tunel.
,, These fuckers really are about to see what it's like to be crushed by gravity. "
Reader P. O. V
The noons in the bakery were always quiet so it wasn't very surprising to see most of my co-workers lazing around or smoking outside by the park.
These were also the times I used to work on my own recepies and notes since the kitchen was mostly empty.
The soft spikes of silence were scraping on my back as I was measuring honey over a bowl. I was enjoying my peacfull time until an explosion ripped from the park.
Dropping my utencials in shock, I snap my head towards the glass door where I see my co-workers gathering outside. I hurriedly join them, shaking.
They are yelling and pointing to the park near by, all of them soon silenced by another much bigger explosion. This one being followed by a wave of red glow pushing the whole crowd away.
,, Fuck no, I'm not dying today!!" was all my shaken up brain could muster.
My wobbly legs carried me back inside, where it was crammed with people. Both bystanders and workers.
Another explosion roared piercing the glass. ,, GURL get the hell out of here!" my head yelled and I listened. Pushing out through the crowd I found my way to the back ally behind the bakery. Hiding behind old boxes and garbage cans I hugged my knees hoping to calm my heart, wich was about to burst from fear. My hiding spot smelled like shit, but my best hope was that shit was gonna get blown up instead of me.
Third person P. O. V
Chuuya sent another piece of concrete flying ,,Hirotsu, call for back up!! We're losing here!!!".
As he yelled the piece he had sent flying  came back at him full force, followed by a wave of green acid.
,, Damn gifted..." Chuuya wipped the blood of his lip. The boss didn't tell him that the three leaders seem to have very powerful abilities. Two of them being the one he was fighting now.
One of them being able to copy his opponent's attacks the other one being able to control acid. The Black Lizard was currently fighting the third one, who was able to multiply herself.
No wonder they were able to steal so much.
Chuuya kept on attacking trying his best to then dodge his own moves, plus a rain of acid.
,, This is the feared Port Mafia?!?" asked the acid controler mockingly. ,, Im surprised you even figured us out with the weak ass game you showing here!" he yelled walking over to Chuuya who was now laying on the ground. The acid guy smirked and with a whip of his hand sent a hit of acid across Chuuya's chest.
Chuuya yelled from the pain. He tried to attack again, the pain on his chest making him weaker. The acid controler was preparing another hit when a black shadow punched through the air knocking him to the ground.
Chuuya tried lifting his head ,,Aktagawa?". He didn't get an answer just an image of a man in a black coat with a blonde female at his tail shooting.
Explosions different from earlier started forming around, stepped up by gun shots in the back.
Weak from his injuries Chuuya couldn't move until a nasty blast blew him away, knocking him unconscious while the shots contuied in the back.
Reader P. O. V
My knees and my mind kept shaking. I heard screams in the far open. I wanted join them in their demonstration of fear but I also felt like I needed to do something to help. Yet I stayed there quvivering.
I shut my numb eyes, I forgot how to blink in this ruckus, until I heard another blow closer to my hiding spot.
"FUCK I'M GONNA DIE" I thought
A thud followed, I got up ready to run until I saw body of an unconscious man laying in the beging of the ally way.
,, Someone else will help him.... " I looked around for that someone then another explosion came. ,,Aaaand that someone is me!"
I ran over to him and pulled him back to the place where I was hiding.
The bangs and thuds continued to bloom all around us. I looked over at the ginger man I pulled from the street hoping he would wake up so we could run from here.
He was out cold.
I couldn't just leave him there but neither could I run with him like this , so I just hugged my shaking knees again, praying that this would end soon.
Reared P. O. V
The chaos was finnaly cleared when it was deep in the night. The silence following it even harsher then the sounds of explosions before it.
I peeped out of my hidding, I saw police helping the scared or the injured on the streets but avoiding the area of the explosions.
I heard something shuffle next to me I quickly turn to find the ginger man opening his eyes.
With a lot of effort two bule eyes started looking into me.
,, Who the hell are.... You?!?" he snapped through his teeth.
,, Ummm.... Y/N... I'm Y/N!"
He kept panting and staring at me. ,, You better not be... AAGH!!" He yelped mid sentence clutching his chest.
,, Oh my god, are you ok?!?" I ask quickly.
He didn't answer.
,, The police is over there they can help you and.. "
,, NO, not the police! Just..." he went quiet again.
I looked at him worried. "He's not dying. Is he?!" I thought. Back at the street the sight seemed to have cleared. I put his arm over my shoulder.
,, What are you doing?!?" he snaps at me.
,, Sshh I'm gonna help you. Try to stay concious!"
Pulling the man with me through the back door into bakery kitchen I helped him sit on a table and lean against the wall.
,, Where are you hurt?" I ask. He points to his chest. I'm not given a chance to say more because he just started taking of his shirt.
A blush runs to my face. ,,Stop standing there and help me out. Do you have a faucet over here?" he asks. I lead him to the faucet where he washes what I now notice to be a burn. After washing it off he bandages himself up with the first aid kid I dug up from the drawers.
,, How are you feeling now?"
,, It hurts, but I'm better now" he replies. ,,Thank you.... erghh.. "
,, Y/N"
,, Thank you, Y/N"
His head leans against the wall making his hat drape over his eyes. ,, And mind if I ask who are you? " I cautiously break the silence.
He looks back at me,, Im Chuuya. Chuuya Nakahara"
,, Nice to meet you then, and one more thing why did you avoid the police when you clearly need help?" a little bravery awakes in me as I speak.
,, You don't play around, huh? Don't worry about that my boss took care of that" a smirk grows on his lips ,,You should worry about you breaking in here"
,, Hah! Nice try but I work here" I smirk back with pride.
,, What you're a baker?". He winces from pain a little as he speaks.
,, Mhm" I answer ,,Are you sure you are ok?"
A sighs comes out of him ,,I am just... Can you help me with my shirt, I... need to get going"
I sport a faint blush again as I help him with his shirt and coat. ,,You are sure about this? You don't seem ok"
He fixes his hat as he weakly gets off the table ,, I am".
Even with that strong reply I still am not convinced ,, Like 100% sure? "
I hear a light chuckle from him ,, 100% sure, thank you again Y/N" he tips his hat towards me.
,, It's nothing, hope you get back, wherever you came from, safe. Chuuya"
As I watch him leave through the back door with a weak step I try to sink in the strange man I had just met.
Chuuya P. O. V
The plush of the pillow in infirmary supported my head as the doctor tied new bandages to my back. The burn from that acid asshole was sure to leave a scar he said.
,, A-and that should do it" the doctor said. Soon after that we heard the door open.
,, How are you Chuuya-kun?". I recoginsed the voice and got up.
,, Much better Boss"
He nodded his head and as if on que the doctor left the room to us.
,, Im sorry to be the barer of bad news but I have to tell you that the group  got away, and that the most of the cargo was either destroyed or used in the battle"
,, THOSE SONS OF A BITCH" I stumped my fist on the mattress
,, Calm down Chuuya. This is a great loss for the Mafia but if we manage to catch them we will get much more than we have lost"
,, What do you mean?"
,, This organization has been trying to overthrow the Port Mafia by making deals with other groups. If we kill them we will get the money they offered to other groups and get fear in the bones of those who belived they could beat us." he paused to look at me ,, But for that I expect to see you back at work soon"
I nod ,, You will boss"
                                    - || -
I was going back from the head quarters, carrying with me weight of a failed mission. It stung even worse than that burn on my chest.
I started looking around the streets of Yokohama thinking how a nice a bottle of wine will ease my sorrows when I get home.
This was the plan until I noticed a broken glass door. Behind it a familiar sighing sillouet tapping her fingers on the registre.
I decided to drown my troubles with something else.
Reader P. O. V
It's been three days since the bomb attacks and because the bakery was the closest to the scene of crime many people have become scared to come here, and the few gossipers wich did show up were only greeted with broken shop windows.
Guess that was preety flavorless for them since they never stayed long to buy anything.
Ticking of the clock was the only thing keeping me company. For the first time I couldn't wait to get out of here. The closing shifts were never fun.
Ticking then got interrupted by the sound of the bell above the door signaling a customer.
,, Is this still open?" the customer asked.
To my great surprise it was the man I pulled from the street.
,, Oh, it's you!?"
He walked over to the counter. ,, Hello Y/N"
Damn, he even remembers my name. ,,Um, hi! What brings you here?"
I ask.
,, I noticed you on the counter and rembered you work here, so I thought I should try what you gotta offer" he replied now looking at the displayed cakes and sweets.
Light crackles through me. This is my chance. ,,You know these displayed ones aren't the best tasting ones, right?" he raises an eyebrow to this ,,Really?"
,, Yup! Sit over there I'll join you soon". I run towards the kitchen and start cutting up a piece of strawberry cake I baked with my own recepie. The one boss refused to display.
                                 - || -
Carrying my pride and joy back I find the man sitting at a table looking around.
,, Heree you go~" I sing placing the cake in front of him. As he examines the piece I sit beside him placing my head on my hands. Heart thumping in wait to see his reaction.
Chuuya P. O. V
I wanted to grab a pastry and leave and yet I ended up here. Sitting in front of a girl with litteral fireworks pouring out of her eyes.
,, You really love your job, eh?" I ask. She laughs ,, My, my what gave it away!"
,, Your eyes and how you litteraly jumped at an opportunity to give me this cake" I honestly reply, turning my eyes back on the cake.
She crooks an eyebrow ,, You really don't miss anything?" she smiles ,, And I gotta say you're absolutely right. But I think it will be even clearer when you try the cake. Now chop, chop!"
I listen to her and place a fork in my mouth.
I feel my eyes go wide. It's like I just swallowed a ball of melted flowers in my mouth.
,, You.. You made this!? " I ask. Her sparkling eyes were on the verge of popping out. ,, I did. Do you like it?!"
,, It's amazing!" I greedily take another bite. A smile rivaling the sun appears on her face. Warming up the room.
The cake soon dissapered from the plate wich her didn't fail to notice.
,, Would you like some more?" she smirks. I cover my half full mouth to answer ,, Yes please!"
A chuckle follows her as she grabs the plate from me.
Soon she comes back. ,, You know I'm really glad you stopped by today! Since that whole bombing incident we haven't had many customers."
Guilt starts to wash over my throat. ,, Really?"
,, Yeah, it's not that fun without customers. Seeing their faces when they eat our treats to me is the greatest charm to baking!" she leans her head back smiling.
I continue to enjoy the cake and Y/N's radiating happiness when she speaks up again.
,, By the way, how did you end up getting caught in that blast back then? If you don't mind me asking."
I choke up a little. ,,I had buissnes there".
Her eyebrow quirks again ,, Some dangerous buissnes, eh? I hope your injury wasn't too bad"
Trying to brush off the conversation I say ,, I'm fine now thank you for asking".
,, You do kinda give me the gangster vibe". I don't think she knew how dangerous those words were.
,, Anyhow, I should get going. How much will this be?" I get up from the table.
,, It's on the house" Y/N says.
,, Hah! Do you do this for all your customers?" I laugh
,, Nah, only for the ones I like and besides" she gets up from her seat ,, You gave me the positive feedback I need to get that cake on the menu so thank you for that!"
The room felt warm again with her words I couldn't help but smile myself
,,In that case I'm glad I stopped by"
I walk over to the door as her voice rings through the room ,, Come again soon!"
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