#( verse: main. )
gareththegreat · 2 months
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oh, he's sneaking up on her! he's surprisingly nimble on his feet as he sneaks up behind chrissy before he's grasping her hips and lifting her upwards into a spin. "gotcha!" // @goldengirlchrissy
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empxrical · 9 months
@akashicmuses (for lauriam. the menace.)
This is worse than Even thought it would be. When he left the castle, he thought—emphasis on thought—that his annoyance, his anger, would he enough to push him through actually approaching Lauriam.
He'd hoped it would push him through the door in one fell swoop, at least.
Disappointingly, he's found himself standing outside the tea shop, horribly tense, nails biting into his palms from tightly clenched hands.
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Even shouldn't be this nervous. This is stupid. He's decided as much, and that's simply the facts of the matter. He should have done this sooner. He should have done this when the shop opened in the first place. Logically, he would've been far less self-conscious than now, especially since now Lauriam clearly knows he knows.
Overthinking is just making this more of a hassle, though. So it's best to just proceed without ruminating further.
Even breathes—it's more of a sigh, really—forces his hands open to look slightly less anxious than he feels, and opens the door.
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rejenny · 3 months
@isbrilliant sent : what's in the bag?
❝ oh, what's that look for? i told you, the pocket aliens were an accident! ❞ she'd had to turn out her pockets for the next seven visits after that. your dad's meant to be relaxing, jenny! wasn't her fault, they were tiny. like, ants. jenny sits the bag on the counter and opens it up, revealing . . . takeaway. specifically chinese. rose had given her a ring, begging for a way to cover the fact that she was gonna slightly miss curfew. what sort of cousin was she, if she didn't help out a bit? ❝ i've got some general - what's it? tso's? from that shop around the corner. some rice, some dumplings. i was in the neighborhood. ❞
❝ why do they call it that, anyway? ❞ jenny boosts herself up onto the kitchen counter, swinging her legs. operation distract - o - rama, go. ❝ was he a really good general? how good a general d'you have to be to get a chicken named after you? is it a particular chicken? or a particular part of the chicken? did he send chickens into battle?❞
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corpose-a · 4 months
❝ funny class of people you’re mixing with, ❞ vi’s voice slots in between pulses of club music. the smooth, quiet timbre contrasting against some shallow hi-hat and synthesized keys. she picked up her drink and swirled it, never once turning those electro - organic eyes on mercy. she had done enough of that a few minutes ago when she spotted her. this place, in her estimation, isn’t the type of place she would frequent. either she was looking for biz - or maybe she had it already. better to find out herself than to let herself be tailed. ❝ what are you drinking? ❞
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soughthopeoldd · 1 year
❝  i’m happier when you’re here.  ❞ from cece to rafe
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" I know I just... I don't want that change and given my track record I don't know if that's possible to avoid. ", his tone is earnest, he really, truly saw himself as a time bomb undeserving of happiness. " I break things, that's all I've ever been good at. "
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ofnightfell · 8 months
"my my, are all ionians so..." she trails off, all but a distant (and ever so hollow) laugh. she steps around him, flaunting her very existence. "hm, how shall i word it?"
she tilts her head, a lasher carelessly snaking around a tree. "do you desire to fight a losing war? or is it that you hardly even fight?" her gaze turns sharp, perhaps someone of her kind having far too many ideas ( never feelings, she doesn't have those ) towards him and the conflict of noxus and ionia. "would your blade remain sheathed, even in such dire moments of a beloved pupil falling to another?"
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there are rare moments where shen truly feels his practiced patience snap. after everything in his life he has remained true and steadfast. he is a leader and that is what leaders do. but lately it seems as if the stars are testing him, over and over again. such resolve and ideals are beginning to look like a slowly cracking glass wall. how much more will it take before the eye of twilight himself changes so much the order does not recognize him at all ? he watches the creature in front of him carefully. keeping his face calm as he listens.
"ionia is a great land with a variety of people." trying to throw a blanket over ionia seems just impossible to shen. who is this...person to question an entire nations people ? "i simply wish to keep ionia save and keep the balance..." his reply trails off.
beloved pupil.
his eyes narrow, tongue running along his teeth with a sigh. "i would protect my pupils yes.. what is it you want ?" just a hint of anger bubbling above the surface and a flash of worry across his features. he hopes that akali is safe... less he be lured into a trap to save her.
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shiitb4lls · 11 months
@solarisgod sent : ❛ aren’t we in a good mood today? ❜
the smile on my face is wide and bright. i can't help it really. it had been a wonderful morning, slow and relaxing. i had put up such a fuss when my husband had suggested cutting back on the amount of cases that i worked, but i am starting to see the benefits now. rested and relaxed, that's how i felt. able to take the time to enjoy life's simplicity. "well, i do suppose i am." i confirm with a nod, shoulders lifting into a casual shrug. i pause for a moment, trying to find the right words to describe exactly what it is i'm feeling. "there's just those days. days when you wake up without your alarm, the mornin' coffee is just the right temperature when y' take your first sip. y' eat your favorite breakfast, are able to go for a nice relaxin' stroll." i nod once more, confirming my statement. i was in a good mood. "that is exactly the kinda day i'm havin'." i say with a small chuckle. "now what about you ?? how has today been treating you ??"
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eyesofthelvmb · 10 months
a closed starter for @pvlenights.
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jealousy or insecurity had never been something that farryn experienced before meeting astarion, especially since he wasn’t necessarily well experienced in the realm of intimacy. it had never been something that bothered him until now. his body language was tense as he took a seat on the edge of the bed in the dimly lit room of the inn they were staying in. despite all the claims he previously made about not being interested in the other, seeing someone flirting with and practically throwing themself all over the other made him sick to his stomach with envy. in his mind, he was telling himself over and over again that he could never truly satisfy astarion despite the night they had spent together a few nights ago. “why did you come upstairs? i don’t need you to accompany me everywhere.” his voice was barely above a whisper yet blunt, his gaze locked on his lap. “that tiefling downstairs seemed rather interested in you. you should go talk to them.”
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shepurrs · 2 years
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SHE STARES AT THE SKYLINE OF THE CITY SHE LEFT SO LONG AGO. It stirs a nothingness inside her chest that is sharper than any feeling could ever be. Because this is a life that is no longer hers. A nightmare that has faded into nothing more than a memory. She won't give it the power to sting her anymore. Yet, neither can she smile, her lips halted into a grim line. ❛ You always did love Her more than you loved me. ❜ Gotham is a mistress she can't compete with. And so she stopped trying to.
@crimefightr / starter call.
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@renovative || Continued from here
Hester spit out the blood in her mouth, half bent over in the seat she'd claimed as she tried to recover from the harsh beating she took before downing whatever alcohol was in the glass in front of her. She had no desire to experience the full extent of the pain, if she had any choice in the matter. "Don't no one wanna teach a lady like me," Hester countered, sounding bitter. "Will you teach me then?" The bitterness turned into something more meek yet hopeful. "Seem like a lady who know more than me."
There'd always been a certain fascination with the pirate life. The stories she'd heard as a wee one had ignited her interest and her time on ships had only furthered it, but she'd never really gotten to experience it. Not the way the men who took turns fucking her did.
All she'd ever experienced in life was pain (that she tried to take as much pleasure from as she could) and she just wanted to be able to hurt the people who had hurt her. But perhaps she'd always be too weak. Half the time she could barely stand on her own, how could she ever dream of being someone people feared?
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gareththegreat · 2 months
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"okay, so---...." words seem caught up in the back of his throat. usually loud and boisterous, especially around eddie, he's finding himself tongue tied. it's because he was thinking about that kiss. the kiss they had finally shared. they haven't talked about it, have they? maybe it's best they never bring it up in the first place. "about the other night---..." mission failed. // @hawkinshellraiser
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infloresco · 4 months
❛ you look like you've got something to say. ❜ (this one!)
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There's been a lot weighing on her mind. Some things were tucked away to be examined later, and others floated about in her head. Robin had never been the type to feel fearful of her own questions or thoughts, if anything, she was quite adapted to speaking her mind, /WHEN/ necessary, while other times they would just drift in the air like petals. This time she was debating whether or not she needed to speak up. The terms of their relationship tip the scale more to one side. It wasn't till he called her out on it that Robin decided that it was one of those moments to speak up. With a shake of her head, the archeologist's crossed arms dropped to the side with a shrug. "Are you looking for an honest opinion on the matter or would you prefer me to sugar-coated?"
Though they both know well what the answer to that question would be. She isn't the type to sugar coat and Law would much prefer absolute and brutal honesty.
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corpose-a · 4 months
there it is. i knew that was going to come up. ( from eleine )
“ you sound surprised. ” vi said with a razor - thin smile, the digital screens of her optics reflecting the light off her cigarette. she did her research. no more leaving it to fixers, fuck that all the way to konpeki and back. they could give her detes, but she’d started the habit of looking into them herself. she breathed out smoke and took another drag, and somewhere in the corner of her vision a specter gave her a big thumbs up. she immediately dropped the cigarette on the ground, snuffing it out under her heel. “ i would think you’d have learned to be a little more . . . straightforward. especially given your track record. ”
she turned, walking back toward the wall of computers that made up much of this particular little hidey-hole. “ lucky for you, i believe in second chances. ” [ don’t got much of a choice, do ya? ] vi tapped on a few keys, not looking at her. “ do you want the job or not? i can get someone else to be my driver. ”
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soughthopeoldd · 1 year
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" Hey, how come you never use your magic to give me luck or somethin'? Don't you got a spell for that? "
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fiorserpen · 6 months
Kissing the demon on the cheek Plum smiles to them. "Do you want to help me with making a pie?"
" of course! i would be more than happy to. " soryn grins, gently squeezing her shoulder before giving it a light pat. together they head into the kitchen and they get out the utensils, bowls, and ingredients, helping her measure things out and mix everything together while the oven was preheating. it's really nice, baking with her. soryn enjoys it so much, but in their defense, they enjoy any time they get to spend with her. now as the pie bakes in the oven, they sit at the dining table and chat over tea and coffee, recounting their respective day and how it was.
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soon enough, they were enjoying some of the pie together after it had cooled down enough. " gods, we make an amazing lemon meringue pie. " he sighs, swallowing the last bite of their slice, washing it down with coffee. not the best chaser, but not the worst. " you are really succeeding at putting me onto lemon-flavored sweets. "
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shiitb4lls · 10 months
Male. 5 ft 11. 60 something. Former jewel thief, current househusband. Likes baking, gardening, and reading. Needs a lot of kisses. Also married to some guy idk- /anon
describe your muse on anon and my muse will say if they would date them or not. / accepting !!
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"would you believe me if i said you are exactly my type. unfortunately, i don't date married men."
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