r-rated-spiderman · 4 years
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“It’s been fun chatting with you, Deadpool... But now it is time for me to go now... May we meet again next time...”
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“Aww, I’m gonna miss you! You weren’t so bad at all, Mythylin...! S-See ya later...” Deadpool waves goodbye, as Mythylin would then blow up. There would be no waves however since he didn’t do anything to Deadpool’s universe at all.
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“Ah!~ I know what to do now! I’ll just go gather up the dragon testicles to restore ‘em back to life!~” And so, Deadpool would go out to do that to bring Mythylin to his universe.
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askpeniparker · 4 years
Multiverse War Event
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“Seems a bit quiet today as usu-WHOA!” A yellow portal opens up below Peni Parker as it would drop her into an alternate dimension where everything would appear to be very chaotic like some type of apocalyptic war zone. 
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Introducing, Mythylin the Hypergod! As he would be the main cause of this huge apocalyptic war zone going on since his main goals were to erase all of the universe to recreate them in his own image, including Peni’s universe as well. 
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“Well it appears that we have another bad guy on the case!” Peni then jumps into her SP/dr and would proceed to move on out on defeating the evil clones made by Mythylin as they were all clones of previous powerful villains that she have defeated before.
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As many people were hiding, Mythylin would finally be defeated by this powerful being, and a huge wave would spread out all over the Mushroom Kingdom that would restore everything back to normal with Mythylin defeated.
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“H-Huh? Everything’s-a back to normal!” Luigi goes outside and would see a rainbow in the sky to show that peace was finally restored again.
Meanwhile, Princess Peach would be giving a speech after everything was restored back to normal again.
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“None of us really understand what just happened and none of us want to. So as the Princess of the Mushroom Kingdom, I am officially passing the Never Mind All That act. So if anyone goes around asking about the events of the last few days... What do we say?”
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“Never Mind All That!” Says the citizens and toads of the Mushroom Kingdom.
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"And if-you-a break the rules then you’ll be-a sentenced to 10 years behind bars!”
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purple-heart-neppy · 4 years
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“We can’t let Mythylin win! We must find a way to defeat him no matter how hard we try!”
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Multiverse War Event
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“Mhm... Y’know, it’s been a while since I’ve been to one of the worlds... Maybe I should go and take a visit to one of them!” The keyblade wielder then hops inside of his Gummi Ship to take off to outer space, seeing a section of worlds that he could go to like Traverse Town, Twilight Town, Radiant Garden, ETC...
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“Let’s see... I know! How about we head off to Radiant Garden? Been a while since I’ve last seen Cloud and friends!~” As Sora was about to drive off there, a huge red portal would open up as it would begin to suck up all of the worlds to destroy them completely.
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“Whoa! What’s going on?!” Sora exclaims in shock upon seeing all of the worlds being destroyed, and would begin to lose control of his ship as he would also get sucked up as well by the red portal. “A-Ahh!!”
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The Gummi Ship then crash lands on what seems to be an apocalyptic war going on right about now, as Sora would slowly get out of his Gummi ship to look around carefully. “Where am I?” A giant meteor would come close, but Sora would be quick enough to duck it for his safety, and would notice a blue hypergod named Mythylin being the cause of all of this. “...Something tells me that blue guy over there has something to do with it...” He summons his keyblade and would begin to head on over towards Mythylin to see what was going on.
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unpopularmokocchi · 4 years
Tomoko peeks out her window and would see that everything was okay now. No hypergod named Mythylin destroying her universe and no warzones at all...
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“Darn.... I was hoping the apocalypses would just end this pathetic world already... Oh well, maybe next time I suppose...” On the TV, there would be news reports on this sudden defeat on the blue hypergod with many people wondering where it originated from in the first place...
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fastest-blur-alive · 4 years
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“Hey, sorry for the lack of updates but this Mythylin guy has finally been taken care of. And now that I’m back home, I’m gonna go check up on my friends to see if they’re doing fine.” Sonic would then go fast to go and visit his friends to see if they’re doing okay after that Mythylin incident since that evil hypergod was finally destroyed and peace was restored back to normal again in Sonic’s universe.
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purple-heart-neppy · 4 years
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Monochrome Next Purple flies over to Nepgear with some Nep Bull that will recover her health. “Here you go, I figured this might help you a lot.”
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“Thanks...” Nepgear drinks the Nep Bull and would regain all of her health again. “What is that thing anyway?” She asked, referring to Mythylin the Hypergod destroying Gamindustri like crazy.
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“I dunno but it has no business here in Gamindustri at all. Speaking of which, you know where Sonic and Tails went off to?”
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“They went off to Hidden Palace Zone in search for the Super Emeralds to turn into Hyper form again..”
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Meanwhile, both Sonic and Tails would be dashing over to Hidden Palace Zone while trying to dodge some dangerous obstacles created by Mythylin.
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“Hidden Palace Zone, here we come!”
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Multiverse War
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“Ah, hello everyone! I-a apologize for being out for-a so long! But now that Luigi’s back! Let’s go have-a some fun adventures together, shall we?” Luigi talked to his audience, until suddenly a red portal would begin to open up in the sky.
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“Whoa! Look at that!” Princess Daisy points at the sky and would see a red portal forming up in the clouds.
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“Waluigi’s got a baaaaaad feeling about this...” And he would be right, as an evil hypergod named Mythylin would come out of the portal. His main goal in mind, is to destroy all of the universes so he could start them from the ground up.
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“Your time has come, everyone. Once my plans on destroying the multiverse is complete, I will start anew, and refresh everything…” Mythylin the Hypergod would then unleash thousands upon thousands of lightning strikes upon the Mushroom Kingdom as everyone would begin to run for their lives while some would attempt to attack back.
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“Yikes! I don’t think Mario could rescue me from this one...! I’m getting out of here by myself!” Princess Peach would begin to escort out of the castle along with the toads behind her as well as her entire castle was being under attacked by a hypergod.
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“W-What is that thing?!” Luigi exclaims in shock and would see that the entirety of Mushroom Kingdom was in danger.
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r-rated-spiderman · 4 years
“Multiverse War... Yeah yeah you know the rest...”
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“Oh hello everyone! It’s been a while since we’ve last seen each other, eh? Oh by the way, spoiler alert! But some hypergod Mary Sue named Mythylin is gonna come over here to take over my blog! I know right?! Sounds crazy!” A red portal opens up as an evil hypergod would come out of it named Mythylin. “And here he is right now!~ BRING ON THE CHAOS!”
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“Hmm... Nah, on second thought. I like you, Deadpool. Wanna go out and order some lunch together?”
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“Oh wow, that’s a surprise! I was honestly expecting you to destroy everything I love and would bring me into this universe with tons of people in it just so it could be the new Infinity War/Endgame... Sure! Taco’s on me, blue brudda!” And so, Deadpool and Mythylin would begin to have lunch together.
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purple-heart-neppy · 4 years
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“ULTIMATE CPU FORM! ACTIVATE!” After merging all of the CPU forms into one, Nepgear would transform into a mixture of all of the CPUs ever made. She would have the long braided twin tails of Purple Heart, the white hair color of Black Heart, the ahoge of White Heart, the ponytail of Green Heart, the hat of Orange Heart, and many other features of all of the other CPU and CPU candidates all into one ultimate form, all ready to defeat Mythylin.
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“Hold on, Nepgear! I’m coming to help too! This isn’t the only time that I would have to fight another monster of the week!” Sonic uses the chaos emeralds to turn super to go up against Mythylin.
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Mythylin on the other hand, with his hypergod abilities, would send a laser beam at the two to revert them back to normal. Not only that, be he would also absorb the chaos emeralds as well, along with most of the buildings being destroyed thanks to him.
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“Oh, I get it! So this guy thinks he could just take away the chaos emeralds, eh?! Don’t worry, Nepgear! I’ll be back!” Sonic quickly dashes over to the Hidden Palace Zone to get the Super Emeralds so he could become Hyper Sonic against Mythylin.
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“Just what is this being anyway...?” The entire planet begins to shake like an earthquake again as Mythylin would be the one shaking it, causing all of the citizens to fall on the ground. “W-Whoa...!”
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purple-heart-neppy · 4 years
Multiverse War Event (Part 1)
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“Whoa! What the Nep is going on?!”  Nep exclaims, as everything would begin to shake like crazy upon a new villain named Mythylin making his appearance to this universe. Not only that, but he was basically omnipresence in every single known and unknown universe as well, and was ready to raise absolute chaos everywhere in order to satisfy his job on destroying all of the universes.
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“Your time has come, everyone. Once my plans on destroying the multiverse is complete, I will start anew, and refresh everything…”
To be continued!
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purple-heart-neppy · 4 years
Hi Neptune. It's me again. Sorry i didn't talk to you for weeks and months. Remember me? And am really sorry i didn't help you defeated the blue guy. I was so scared of him. Please forgive me. *He is sad* 😢😔
“Blue guy?” Neptune scratches her head a little until she would begin to remember the incident from a few months ago. “Ah! You mean Mythylin, right? Well there’s no need to apologize then! You did the right thing to bail outta that one cause we were in a serious pickle!”
“I sure hope nothing like that will ever happen again...” Nepgear sighs in relief. “He nearly destroyed the entire universe with a single blow and we even had to team up with others from various dimensions to help defeat him...”
“Yeah, but good thing Notori came in to stop him!” Nep added.
“Good thing indeed..” Nepgear smiled slightly.
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❄ - Blizzard (Luigi and Daisy meet up after a snowstorm)
Luigi would be shivering in the great cold during the snowstorm that is currently  going on in the Mushroom Kingdom, along with the other terrible things that would appear to happen in the Mushroom Kingdom as well. “A-Ah! There you are, Daisy! Y-You have any idea what’s going on?” He asked since there would appear to be a huge thing going on around here with a hypergod named Mythylin being the cause of all of this.
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purple-heart-neppy · 4 years
“I quickly arrive in time after receiving Hyper Instinct from Aurora, and with its power, I am able to save both my daughters by allowing them to breathe in space.” I’m sorry that I arrived late. “I then look at Sonic and Tails in there Hyper Forms.” Let’s end this monster’s wrath together. “I say to both of them as my rainbow aura glows brightly.”
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“You bet! Let’s finish this guy!” Hyper Sonic agreed to Kai, as Notori, Dark Monita, Dusty, and his hyper fox chibis would be fighting with Mythylin.
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“Sonic! I found Gabriel!” Says Hyper Tails, as Gabriel would appear to be completely knocked out.
“Keep her safe, okay?” He told to Hyper Tails, and would fly into the fight as well, while Gabriel would slowly begin to wake up.
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purple-heart-neppy · 4 years
“After seeing Mythylin finally being defeated, I then sigh with relief.” It’s finally over. Thank you everyone. “I then go by Nepgear, Hakase, and Nana while giving them a thumbs up signaling that Mythylin is finally gone.” You did it Daddy! “She hugs me tight while Nana would do the same.” Papa, you won.
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“Did we wi-” Nepgear gets cut off, as huge waves would begin to spread around the entire universe and would restore all of the damage that Mythylin did to this planet and this multiverse. A big red portal would then appear below the heroes feet, as they would all fall back to their restored universe, with a huge rainbow appearing in the sky to signal peace.
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“Gabriel!~” Nep cheers happily and would run up to her girlfriend seeing that she was okay.
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“Neptune~!” Gabriel runs up to her to offer Nep a big hug.
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“Aw yeah! That’s what I’m talkin’ about! We won!” Sonic cheers.
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“Is everyone alright?” Astro Boy asked while swooshing by here to see that Mythylin has finally been defeated by Notori and everything is back to normal again.
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