#({as I have 5 million e m o t i o ns about the Izumis in particular this week} A N Y W A Y----)
izzyizumi · 4 months
Just Digimon Adventures Fan Things {That Need To Stop Being Things, mAYBE-}
Some Digi-Fan @ Me: I jUST don't think ?? you should discuss in-depth?? ? Adventure/02 on your Adventure/02 centric blog :) :) {+OR} "I mean, who would wANT to discuss/ANALYZE Adventure/02 IN DEPTH" + "You don't NEED to a NALYZE Adventure+02 haha!1!!" + "How could you possibly find a NALYZING f U N---"
M E:
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{Cap'd by Me} {DO NOT RE-P O S T} {DO NOT RE-P R O D U C E MY WORKS WITHOUT MY P E R M I S S I O N} (Please A S K to U s e)
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