#(  aster  hutchins  ;  musings )  /  *  LIVES IN A FAIRY TALE ; TOO FAR FOR US TO FIND
asterrology · 4 years
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“  we  have  calcium  in  our  bones,  iron  in  our  veins,  carbon  in  our  souls,  and  nitrogen  in  our  brains.  93  percent  stardust,  with  souls  made  of  flames,  we  are  all  just  stars  that  have  people  names. ”
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asterrology · 4 years
( abigail cowen, cis female, she/her ). hey, isn’t that [ ASTER HUTCHINS ] walking down bennington street? i think the [ 23 ] YEAR OLD [ SOCIALITE ] is from [ QUEENS, NY ]. i’ve heard some rumors down at ginger’s, saying that they're [ IMPULSIVE & INTENSE ], but then again they’re known to be [ SPIRITUAL & EMPATHETIC ]. either way, they seem to be interesting, hope they’ll stick around.
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i’m gonna preface this with a warning that’s very rambly & all over the place but it’s currently midnight and i have half a brain at the best of times lmao BUT hey hi hello i’m harley & this witchy, weird + wild child aster! pls hit me up for all the plots or like this and i’ll come to you!
xoxo harley
name: aster hutchins.
age: twenty-three.
pronouns: she/her.
sexuality: bisexual.
tv tropes: hot witch , cloud cuckoo lander / agent mulder , spoiled sweet & the beautiful elite !
star sign: aquarius ♒️ ( + free spirited , energetic // - eccentric , unpredictable )
alignment: chaotic good.
mbti: enfp-t.
hogwarts house: hufflepuff ( + kind , passionate // - naive , passive-aggressive )
temperament: sanguine.
enneagram: type 7.
aster has always had a wild streak in her. she may not have directly ‘ rebelled ’  from her parents from the get go, but she was always a free spirit.
her family was quite wealthy and proper. which usually meant aster would roll her eyes while her mother picked out her dress & did her hair in the morning // her mother would sigh when she came home with fiery curls wild and free from whatever style they had been in before and stains on her dress. as she got older, she strayed further and further from her parents ideals. they convinced themselves it was a rebellious teenager thing but the teen years passed and she was still embracing her own way in life. 
it never came from a place of malice. she didn’t reject her family & their way of living, but she just always felt like more. something big was going to happen to her, she was destined for greatness ; she could feel it. the cards told her exactly that. 
many would have been content with that promise from the universe, but not aster. she couldn’t just sit and wait for it. there was a compelling need to go & seek out this greatness. her parents guided her towards roman, which she happily followed.
does she have a plan now that she’s here? no. is she having a good time tho? yep!! that’s enough for her now. wants to ground herself and not just rely on her parents money but uhhh the job hunt isn’t going great for her so she’s sitting pretty with that socialite title & palm reading in ginger’s. ( i wish i was her ngl )
many take her belief in tarot, crystals & the stars as an indication she is naive and/or ditzy. they aren’t completely wrong, but aster doesn’t lose sleep over the words. people will think what they want to think & she will keep being her wacky self. ( she is an aquarius after all ! )
if you asked her ( 11/10 would not recommend ) knowing someone’s astrology chart is all you need to know. has told friends not to go on dates bc they star signs didn’t line up, has left her own dates, ngl probably a job interview or two as well, will call up her friends for an ‘ important issue ’ that starts with so your horoscope for today said... & will not drop it until a serious conversation about her concern/excitement/etc
you don’t wanna know how many astrology/horoscope apps she has. still gets the newspaper for their horoscope section DESPITE THE ENDLESS AMOUNT ON HER PHONE
note books, polaroid cameras, etc SHE EATS THAT UP !!
“that was such a leo thing to do” “you only did that bc you’re a libra-scorpio cusp” “i saw ur horoscope said something bad was gonna happen so i pulled some tarot cards on it anD I THINK” ….ON A DAILY BASIS 
thinks she can give unsolicited advice because the stars/tarots told her something
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