#(  chat.  ) || katell brightwood
theodore-stott · 3 years
Crash Landing || Theo & Katell
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Katell had been walking the halls after class. A pair of headphones in her ears as she listened to potential songs for her next dance. She was feeling out of her depth in her current dance module. She hoped that if she went back to a more familiar unit, crafting a more contemporary dance, it might help her feel more steady. However it was this deep thought that distracted her from noticing the other student walking towards her.
When they crashed, Katell nearly fell to the floor but managed to gracefully catch her balance. She smiled at the boys fevered apologies.
“It’s fine. I should have been watching where I was going,” she admitted as she took one of the headphones out of her ear, the other having dislodged in their collision.
“It’s okay, really, I wasn’t paying attention, I um, got distracted.” He says quickly with a little nod. Quickly be bent down to gather the book he dropped and straightened back up looking flushed. 
“I um, I just got back, I mean, I was here before, but then I left but i’m back now and I just--well, I guess maybe I expected things to change? I don’t know, that’s probably silly, I wasn’t gone that long, but everything just really looks the same... maybe it’s getting my memories back and everything.” Theo rambles, his words falling out of his mouth in the strange excitement he felt to be back, flushing even more as he realized he was prattling off information to a stranger who probably didn’t really care. 
“Sorry, I um... ramble. I’m Theo, I think--I think we’ve met? When I was here before, I was in um, in the cells. You look familiar.” 
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