#( pecsfordays chris :: 001 )
carnalxfates · 3 years
>>> || @pecsfordays​
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         One would think that it’s dangerous to go through the ringer alone—more so when dealing with something beyond what normalcy that a typical danger could throw in the way. But it could be racked to experience, or self-assurance—or maybe just some arrogance brought on by their own heroic machismo. No one could complain about that, not when said bountifully busty hero was just right in the scene, looking all ripe with his skin tight muscle shirt and his gear that only alluded to that action hero image… all alone deeper in the maw of the beast. And it was in this same ripeness that the vile mutations of this new virus had caught onto him, their main target—as if their senses were made to whiff off what testosterone and virility he reeked; same virility that they were now planning to taint.
So, with a hiss—its tongue lashing at the air as if some desperate ploy to taste Chris Redfield—the creature deftly crawled up, only to let it’s drool trickle from the tip of its tongue as if it was the same as the dropping water from the pipes. Only it was a clear slimy gob that landed right on the swell of Chris’ heavy breast, trickling on to settle right at the nub of his nipple that so shamelessly and succulently pushed against the fabric of his shirt. Though before it could be found, it skittered on silently, hiding still and waiting for the right moment to strike.
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