#(馃崒 one tale to tell: drabble)
bananabraiined 1 year
A Bond Between 2 Friends
"This sucks. No, this really sucks," Bernie said. Bernie is an Electivire with a lax nature. Born as the youngest of the Electivire clan, with 2 elder brothers along their parents. Bernie himself was chosen to lead the guild, to lead the clan. But because of his lax attitude and slight nihilistic tendencies, he refused. Thus making him an outcast. He didn't care. "Me, chosen to lead our guild? Not a chance! My brothers are well suited but they have other plans. Which I didn't bother to ask."
"You're not the only one being given the offer, Bern. My family wanted me to carry on our traditions to keep our Ludicolo legacy. I turned it down." That was Rico. Bernie's childhood friend since they were Elekid and Lotad.
"Rico, my man! T'sup? Been awhile since the academy days." Bernie and Rico fist bumped. For Rocco himself, he's a Ludicolo with a naive nature with a keen perception. Often times, the boys went off playing with each other.
"Good to see you, dude. Still having the nihilist attitude, I think?"
"Yeah. My family doesn't know what was going on with me since I was born. I'm a lover, not a fighter," said Bernie.
"I know what you mean, Bern. I wanted to fight and play tricks since I was a Lombre, but my sisters and father had enough of my childish attitudes. It's a shame we can't get what we want." Rico sighed. Bernie nodded in agreement. Despite both of them have different personalities, but they do have one thing in common. Friendship. Rico, the one whose na茂vet茅 makes him unaware of the truth. Bernie, the one who prefers tactics over brute strength.
"Yeah, it's a drag. Say, Slick. You heard about the jobs the rival teams they offer?"
"Yes, I heard about them. But it baffles me. Traveling to distant lands, battling other Pok茅mon and doing odd jobs?"
"I'm guessing that's a big no," Bernie. Rico nodded. "The idea of fighting other Pok茅mon while on the team lead by a leader? A scary thought. Mom and dad will be fuming if I did something else than carrying our 'traditions'. I hate fighting in general. I still have the ugly memories of the bullying at school." He shuddered and shook his body all over. Bernie isn't bullied, but the mere sight made him uncomfortable.
"That Krokorok is dangerous, he will bite if anyone goes near," Rico added. "I would've take him on, but I would risk getting detention."
As the boys talked, a Dusknoir passed by. "There you two are. Where have you been?" He demanded. "You missed your grandfather's birthday, Rico."
"Grandpa? Aw, shoot. Dad's gotta be mad. If not, my sister. But I was busy--" Rico started to say, but finished by Bernie.
"Practicing his skills. Rico wanted to be a Ludicolo of his own right. Me? I don't have plans."
"Yeah, that's right. I learned Energy Ball by myself. No joke." Rico fired a ball of green energy in the air. The Dusknoir is not impressed by the excuse.
"Glare at us if you want, Noir. Me and Rico are not helping with our families," Bernie said. "I don't care if our siblings think so little."
"Which reminds me, Bern. Wanna play tag?"
"Yeah, let's play! Not it!" The boys left from the Dusknoir to play a game of tag. Instead of carrying on their respective family traditions. These boys are going to regret disappointing them, he thought. Playing such games meant for children? Oh, Arceus. Why are they like this?
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bananabraiined 1 year
Another Turok
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He took a deep breath. A battle survived. Good. If he staggered, it will destroy him. "If I were to be the next Son of Stone, I must bear the burden the lineage held on for generations." This is Donkey Kong. A jungle dweller who somehow is called upon destiny. Though he doesn't show it. DK is now a new Turok. The name passed down by worthy warriors. It all started when the ape found and nursed an injured warrior back to health. That warrior is the previous Turok and passed the mantle to DK. "Me? As Turok? Are you serious?" The ape asked. The injured warrior insisted. Came close to dying, he decided to live a normal life away from the burden once carried. DK reluctantly accepted and became the next Son of Stone. But he must keep it a secret from his friends and family.
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"Stop right there! Stop or I'll cut you down where you stand!" Taking aim at the enemy, DK fired his weapon. "Submit!" No use being sentimental, he thought. If you want to live, you must fight to the bitter end. Another foe fell by his hands. From encountering dinosaurs, aliens, and enemy forces, DK is living the thrill of it. Yet, he hated battles with a cruel passion. Once the Lost Land is saved, he returned home but willing to defend the land with his life. If Cranky asked him where he been, DK will simply say he went to the Mushroom kingdom. No chance he'll reveal his own secret.
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bananabraiined 2 years
The Runaway King: Betrayal
Another drabble. Will contain angst.
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"This is all YOUR fault! Do you not realize by sending me to the states, you allowed the Kremlings invaded and took over the jungle?!" That was DK, raging at his father and blaming him for Cranky's capture. "I lost respect for you ever since I was a child and I still have no respect for you." DK Junior tried to explain, but his son cut him off and yelled at him more. "You know what? If you want me in here, that's what I'll do. See if I care what happens to you if you tried to save your dad. Leave, father. NOW. If I see you skulking about again, there will be consequences. Got that?!" After the argument, DK's dad leaves. DK shut the door and let out a temper tantrum while being very upset. Without making loud noises. The next day, he never spoke to anyone at school. Not even the teachers. Wanted the day to be over as much as possible. I am not a king, he thought. Or a hero. I am severely disappointed in Dad. K. Rool might make a toast out of the other Kongs.......As he got home, he cried to himself. None of it wouldn't have happened if DK stayed. I hate you, dad. I hate you. I wish you would forget about me. Because of you, K. Rool took the jungle. You are much of a villain as he is.......
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bananabraiined 2 years
The Runaway "King"
AU drabble by this mun. Read if you can.
The sound of a terrible blast. The deafening explosion. All in which rocked the confined island inhabited by the "leader" of Kongs. The leader? Not the son of Cranky Kong. Flames razed through as the Kremlings set foot on the shore, attacking anything that moves. Wild animals fled in panic. Many kongs took charge and fought to the bitter end. "Bring me the one!" A roar of command. "I will destroy this whole island unless I find and destroy him! NOW!!!" That was the leader of the Kremlings. King K. Rool. What was his purpose for invading DK island? An old spark that spurred him on vengeance? Or something to kong-quer with an iron fist. Meanwhile, Cranky, who saw what has transpired, is on tenterhooks. Where is this "king"? His own grandchild? I knew something like this would happen, he thought. Where could he be? A sudden smash from the door caused the elder Kong to be on guard. Elite Kremling soldiers arrived en masse with the leader on the front. "King K. Rool," he said with a glare. The kommander grinned maliciously. "You know what I want, old man. Hand over the king and I will spare you the defeat." Cranky defied him. "Havs you checked his home? He isn't here." K. Rool took that answer and captured the elder Kong. The island is under siege by the Kremlings. Most Kongs had been defeated or captured as the flame of war flickers. As for the grandson, where could he be?
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"Ugh, why do people invent homework anyway? Couldn't they just give us students classwork and be done with it?" This is him. The "Big Banana'. The "King". Donkey Kong. Son of DK Junior, grandson of Cranky. "Man, I HATE history." While he is doing homework for a school he attends, unbeknownst to him, the destiny to rule the island is calling to him. Yet, he doesn't hear it. "Wish I wasn't sent off by the other Kongs. I would've been lazy all day. Yet, here I am. An apartment complex in a concrete and steel jungle." He sighs as he finished writing his homework. The Kong looked out of the window, staring at the sky as the sun sets. Lights turned on as the metropolis heads toward the night. As he went to bed, DK began having thoughts about living in a city filled with humams. Maybe this won't be so bad, he thought. Even though humans will speak ill to you. No matter what happens, I will find my own path.
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bananabraiined 2 years
Unforgettable Defeat
A Mario Strikers Drabble by this mun.
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"Where? Where did I go wrong?" This is Donkey Kong. Soccer Captain. Number 55. Thunder Wham. Known for his temper, this big ape made a terrible mistake and costed the team of his a victory he was expected. That Round Robin play went sideways en route to the Striker Cup. Mario is waiting for DK to challenge him. However, DK himself struggled and was......eliminated. Yes. Eliminated. By who? None other than the rascal Bowser. The Lava Pit proved to be too much and the hot air makes DK feel on edge. The last thing he would do is get burned. When Bowser won, DK fled and went into hiding. His teammates shouted at him to wait for them. But he ran away fast by his standard. At the locker room, DK felt bad and angry at himself for being so careless. This is so not fair, he thought. Why me of all people? I hate being on the defensive. Now everyone will call me a coward for not showing my strength. But I hate the Lava Pit! Argh! He almost punched a mirror. Upon looking at his reflection, he broke into tears. He cried silently since he has himself to blame. Now Mario is gonna be mad at me for losing. How would I ever show my face around the soccer field? Suddenly, there was a creak from the door. DK laid low to avoid being caught. There was a sigh. A sad one. DK peeked from the corner. It's Mario, he thought. He doesn't look too happy. Did that jerk Bowser defeat him? Wait, no. He got the Striker Cup. But why is he sad? The ape crawled away silently so Mario can have his moment. While crawling, he heard Mario murmur something and ended with "Why? Why did-a DK lose?" DK himself knew this was his fault but he couldn't face Mario right now. The timing would be bad. With a pained look on his face, DK left the locker room. I....I'm sorry, Mario. I couldn't even size up the situation, he thought. This is too much, I can't do it. I really can't. DK flees, knowing that Bowser will brag about his win but lost against Mario. And was hardly seen on the soccer field. Once.
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bananabraiined 2 years
The Kong and The Bully
A drabble made by this sh*thead of mun. Contains angst, etc. Read at your own risk.
At school, Donkey Kong is just your average primate who is a slacker. Minds his own business, making borderline grades, do his own hobbies. But that would change when a bully sets his sights on him. To make the ape's life miserable. "Hey, you! Filthy ape! Where did you think you're going?" DK rolled his eyes. An animal who isn't a buddy to him. Carson Sabertooth. A lithe bengal tiger who picks on those weaker than him. DK heard much about him since third grade. The tiger is a menace the students and the primate did little to nothing to stop him. He backs away from Carson after what transpired. "Did you hear what I said?" The tiger demanded. "No, I don't." DK replied. "If you don't mind, class starts in thirty minutes. Leave me alone." With a shut from his locker, DK turned to leave. This made Carson mad and let out a growl. It didn't faze DK as he kept walking. "I get it. You are scared of me. You should be because I will be the king of this jungle and you aren't!" Keep telling yourself that, DK thought. Without bothering to entertain Carson. At lunchtime, DK sat alone, eating the food Wrinkly Kong made for him. The cafeteria doors slammed wide open, Carson was here. Seeking to find and challenge the ape to a fight. The other students stopped to look at him. "Where is he?!" He demanded, furious. "Where is Donkey Kong? I will tear anything to shreds unless I find him!" The rest of the student body were rooted to the spot, frightened. One student singled DK out and Carson stormed towards him, fangs bared. "What do you want?" DK demanded. "Here to give another swirly?" The tiger teen pointed a clawed finger at him and said, "You and me. The school track and field by 3:00. If you don't show up, I will end you." DK, unfazed by the claim, continued to eat his sandwich. "No thanks. If you try to start a fight, you know what will happen. You will be expelled. The headmistress said so. Don't even bother with me and go away." Hearing the refusal made Carson so mad he smashed a table. "You know what? Eat your stupid sandwich! I just know you are a coward ever since your dad left you. Is that it?" DK scoffed. "I never talk about him because of the tension between Kongs and Kremlings. If you have a brain, you would know. But not really. If you wanna fight, go fight K. Rool. I'm not." Carson sneered and left the cafeteria while lunchtime resumed. After history class and the bell rings, DK got his bearings and returns to his home. Carson was waiting for him at the field to start their "fight". Figuring this, the tiger let out a loud roar and like any other predator, tracks down the ape to beat him up. DK is smart enough to leave the front of the school. As Carson began to pounce, the school headmistress caught him in a cage. "Consider yourself expelled, Carson Sabertooth. You'll never set foot in this school ever again." DK let out a smirk as he knew he won, without resorting to violence. Victory is mine, he thought. Hopefully that will be the last thing I'll see him when I'm in high school.
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