#(🧪🦎)*⁠.♡ —⁠ Luchinolia
beeholyshit · 7 months
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Womp womp
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beeholyshit · 6 months
1, 3, 5, 10 and 16 for magnolia 🫵 i know NOTHING about her it's time you tell me
OKIIIIEEE, I'm still thinking of Magnolia's lore and everything so hehe MAYBE I CHANGE SOMETHING IN THE FUTURE
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1. what are the basics of your self insert? name, date of birth, height, etc.?
Name: Magnolia Reséndez (let's see if one day she gets a maiden name)
Birthday: May 15. I usually make my oc's birthday the day I draw them for the first time but I thought it would fit more on May idk.
Height: 5'1-2
3. how do the other characters generally feel about your self insert?
She is usually very curious and supportive (she is just like that one auntie) so keep that in mind. Since she used to help Luchino with his research, people would see her as a figure of authority (even if she doesn't act like it). I was actually thinking that the people that doesn't treat her like that at all may be Luchino who treats her more like a close friend and doesn't act all that serious with her and maybe Andrew (I still want to adopt him but I haven't think about anything yet oops), maybe he is just a little too shy to talk with her but she really wants to make him feel a little less lonely.
In the other hand, I feel like after the evil reptilian thing Luchino would be more aggresive with her at first since he doesn't know she is the one tryint to hunt him down for research, but after he discovers she is the one trying to do so he is just kinda indecisive and confused about the idea of her wiwiwi.
5. does your self insert have any special powers or abilities?
Since she is a zookeeper she has developed the ability of being very perceptive, has a good eye and ear and is always aware of what is going on around her. I was thinking that if she was in-game she would be a contain/rescue hybrid type and she would have tranquilizer darts to contain the hunter hehe
10. how do the other characters feel about your self insert and f/o’s relationship?
I'M A LITTLE TROUBLED WITH THIS BECAUSE OOOOM... let's say that Luchino and Magnolia don't get together when he is still human, they liked each other but they were so used to each other they never really payed attention to it, THEY WERE JUST COMFORTABLE WITH HOW THINGS WERE SO... also Luchino being too focused on his research to think about those things. After the evil reptilian thing then it's when they just realize what was going on (on Magnolia's side thinking that Luchino was killed by the evil reptilian so she started a research on his name as an act of her love towards him and on Luchino's side: missing her and noticing how her absence is really hurting him, also the fact she is doing the research for him IDKIDK).
Soooo, I really haven't think how they get together but I think you can imagine how people view their relationship hehe. Maybe at the start people wonder if they are together or married since they almost act like old married couple but after evil reptilian eerrrmmm...
what da hell the woman doin/JJJ
16. freebie! name a fact about your self insert you want everyone to know.
FUN FACT: Magnolia would take Andrew to the zoo and show him the birds, maybe let him hold them on his arm HEHEEH
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beeholyshit · 7 months
Ma chérie are you missing meee....
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