dustedlilac · 11 months
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@yukikorogashi asked: Itsuki hadn't believed it possible, but it was nice to feel like... she could behave the way she used to back when she was alive. Ever since checking into this here hotel, a sense of carefree and playfulness had slowly made its way back into each step. But only around those she trusted and felt comfortable around, of course. "So, sis..." Itsuki actually began one day, as she sat herself down beside the moth sis, "Ah know, ah know... none-of-it's set in stone, BUT--" Whilst maintaining some sense of composure, there was no denying the cheekiness to her actions... as she revealed a little scrapbook she had been putting together (WITH a little help from a few other friends, hehe~). "Fer you an' the Charlie sis' wedding... do ah git ta be one-a dem bride's maid? Ah nevah got-ta--" A pause, before she continues as if she never had done so, "Also, ah was thinkin' dat, MAAAYBE, we use these here COLORS-- though, of course, dat's all up ta you two~! Jus' wanna share some ideas, 's all~"
A welcome smile was cast towards Itsuki. Vaggie plucked up the remote being gyrated about on her knee and turned down the volume of some ridiculous 666 News segment she had no business watching for her own emotional stability, yet did so anyway. She knew, she knew she shouldn't be hatewatching, but damn, she couldn't help it. This Hotel meant everything to her, and it meant everything to Charlie. Getting caught up in the flak and the negative feedback was, for someone of Vaggie's personality, inevitable. A moth to a hateful, burning flame. Itsuki appearing when she did was a blessing in disguise; she had a place in Vaggie's heart, a soft place that was laced with sentimental value - a reminder of back home. She, at the time, also just so happened to be their most amicable client ---
--- until now! The Manager's face was sent into a contorting, blushing mess with her eye just about POPPING out of her socket from how wide it got.
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"Y - W - WHOOOA, whoa, whoa! WHOA! Whoa! Wedding!?" Vaggie interrupted, the remote sent ziplining across the room as she shot up like a trigger, eyeballing the scrapbook with a bewildered expression. Holy shit, her heart went from a resting, wrathful 103 to a rapid-pace 250 in five seconds flat. Her jaw was almost hitting her lap as the little girl just went on and on about this... EVENT, that SHE had no prior knowledge of! And given who she is in the scenario?? Yeah, she should know about that!! "HOLD ON. What are you talking about??"
Did she.. did she know something Vaggie didn't?? No WAY, right? NO way.
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