#(( and if youre a predator then your food has legs. so you cant eat if you ever get injured.
royalreef · 1 year
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@fstbmp​ inquired: I don't have anything in particular to ask but what's your Least favorite thing to see when sb writes Animals :tm: ?
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(( Just because it’s been on my mind lately: treating animals as automatons.
I’ve seen this SO MUCH — where an animal is given A Stimulus and thus has to react in a given Response. You see this most with predators. They spot a prey animal, or see a threat, or there’s blood in the water, or WHATEVER, and they will immediately drop everything else that they’re doing to go chase something or kill something or what have you. They’ll also be loud and noisy and roar, even when hunting something, or when they burst out from an ambush, because the element of surprise is clearly not a factor here. I also like to call this “making animals stupid” because... it really does!
Predators, for instance, actually have a lot of factors that they weigh out when considering going after a prey item. The terrain, the weather, the season, the current availability of prey, the predator’s own bodily state, light vs dark, open vs cover, their own hunger and need, the species of prey, the predator’s memory, and so on and so forth. A predator knows when it’s hungry and when it’s not. A predator also knows if prey is rarer at a given time, or how much energy it’ll cost to kill and eat that prey item. There’s also the aspect of the age and health of the prey as well, because the reason that predators target the sick and the young and the old is not just because they’re easier, but because they can’t fight back as well. A lot of predators actually die to their prey, and a predator also knows that if a prey item injures them, then this likely means starvation and a slow death regardless. An injured predator can’t hunt, and there are no antibiotics in the wild.
It also entirely disregards an aspect of animals that is entirely glossed over in virtually all media: communication between different species.
This isn’t referring to specifically “talking” to another animal, but in the fact that animals are pretty good at loosely knowing what body language means. They can tell if another animal is behaving aggressively, or acting frightened, or if they’re hunting, or if they’re being calm. This is why so much advice on wild animals starts with “Don’t panic” — because you freaking out and flailing around also looks, to other animals, aggressive or defensive.
This is why you can see lions at watering holes calmly drinking beside their prey species — because they can tell that the lions aren’t hunting. This is also where you see the Clever Hans effect, because animals can tell when another animal is excited about something, and even moreso if you reward them for it.
And all of this is entirely disregarded in most media. A predator that’s fighting another predator will disregard the other completely to go chase after some humans. An animal will abandon its kill to chase after the smaller humans. An animal that is entirely relaxed and at a distance away from everyone else will quickly approach when it spots a human.
I think the most egregious example of this is actually the line of advice for bear attacks that goes “If it’s black, fight back, if it’s brown, lie down” which fundamentally misunderstands how bears work. Not only is there the issue of, both these species of bear can have black or brown coloration, but there’s the issue of bears don’t attack for no reason. A much more effective method is knowing WHY the bear is attacking and how it’s acting. Does it expect food from you, and is thus begging and acting unusually calm and lenient around humans? Is it aggressive and territorial, perhaps with cubs in the area? Is it one of the rare cases where it’s actually hunting and stalking you? Have you just gotten too close up in it’s business and just need to give it some space? Did you approach it or did it approach you? These are not behaviors nor traits that are limited by species, and CRUCIALLY alter what you should do in any given situation.
Alternatively, I think media is GREAT when it subverts this expectation. I haven’t seen the movie in specific, but there is a scene in one of the newer Kong movies where a character tries to make a heroic sacrifice, by having live explosives on his person and expecting the monster to eat him, that is all for naught when the monster then smacks him away.
And, while I will crucially remind you that I haven’t seen the rest of the movie, that scene alone was a GENIUS moment for me. This animal probably knows what explosives do at this point! It probably knows it’s big and loud and dangerous! It can probably smell them on him! An animal can recognize when another animal, even a prey animal, has something “wrong” with it and can then reject it or even smack it further away from itself!
I just hate it when people think and write animals as being totally unable to reason or weigh their current options, and instead just react to whatever’s put in front of them, and alternatively think it can be really fun when media understands that animals aren’t stupid.
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the-dance-boi · 6 years
Carrying the banner. Kidz bob vers part 1
"Hey! Thats my crayon!"
"You have another!"
"Guys! The teacher said we got work to do"
"Im drawing a picture of my mother"
"You cant draw!"
"Who asked you!"
"From the fridge to the counter, theres lots of snacks guarantee!"
Ask the teacher, parent or guarder. They can teach you how to read!"
"It's a fun game we're playing,one we'll never lose."
"Long as parents keep on paying just to watch the news!"
"Aint it a fun life coloring the banner through it all"
"A mighty fun life actin like we're all tough and tall"
"When the school bell rings"
"We play where we wish's"
"We's as free as fishes"
"Sure beats washin dishes"
"Bringing home the banner for us all!"
"Hey Crutchie, whats the leg say, gonna rain?"
"Uh, no rain. Ho-ho, partly cloudy clear by evenin'"
"Ha! And the limp gets him extra snacks, all by itself"
"I dont need the limp to get extra snacks, i got personality!"
"It takes a smile that spreads like butter, the kind that turns a teacher's head"
"It takes an orphan with a stutter"
"Whos also blind"
"And mute"
"And dead!"
"Summer stinks and winters freezing"
"When we play outdoors"
"Start out sweatin"
"End up sneezin'"
"Just hope it dont pour!"
"Still it's a fun life"
"Colorin the banner with me chums"
"We're all big boys!"
"Tossin' out a frisbee to the bums"
"Hey! What's the hold up?"
"Waiting makes me antsy"
"I wanna get dancey"
"Dont like the Delanceys"
"What a fun life!"
Colorin the banner through the-
"Blessed children
Though you wander lost in your game
We all love you
You shall be saved."
(Race) (individuals)
"Cuddled" "just give me half a cup"
"Together" "Somethin' to wake me up"
"Eating donuts" "I want the one with glaze!"
"Sprinkled with love" "It's my favorite food!"
" Homemade" "Papers are running out"
"Biscuits" "its 88 degrees"
"Just" "Jack says im in his spot"
"From" "Wish I could catch a breeze"
"Up" "Maybe it's worth a shot"
"Above" "All I could find was bees!"
"If I hate the work"
"I wont do my work"
"And I'll say anything i have too"
"Cause at two papes per day"
"I dont have a say"
"On what i can do or what i eat after"
(Group 1) (Group 2)
1 "Got a feelin' bout our snack time!"
2"I do too, so it must be true"
1"I smells me a good snack this time"
1 "We's are gonna get some snacks like teach is givin' them away!"
2"What a switch! Soon we'll all be rich"
1 "Betcha the snacks are a doozy"
1 "Bout a playin wit'a floozy"
2 "Don't know any better way to make a kidsie's day!"
1 "Who knows how to make a Kidsie's day!"
"You wanna play with us then listen"
"We play card games like war!"
"How ‘bout a game of our invention!"
"Yeah, but that ain’t fun no more!"
"Dragons to Toy Train Stations"
" Running in the halls"
"We play until its vacation"
"Runnin ‘til we fall!"
@crutchieee-morris @shes-the-apex-predator
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mbclby-blog · 6 years
Through the Cat Eye
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By: Allie Beals
On my way to the water dish I see my friend Dixie, staring outside the french doors. She tilts her head as to look in a different direction, the sunlight glistens from her bright yellow eyes. Specs of gold surround the ever so deeply black-pupil of each eye. Dixie’s eyes have always enchanted me. We cherish our eyes, they allow us to be great hunters and help us to communicate to one another. I can see in Dixie’s eyes that she has a plan, she wants to do something, but what? Dixie is bright, I can always feel her aura, it's a bright yellow similar to her enchanting eyes, but she’s young and naive. I'm getting old, my light is fading, it’s my responsibility to show her the ways of being. I need to make sure this kingdom I have created doesn’t crumble once my day comes.
"Kirby! I need your help!" Dixies message breaks my trance.
"Yes?" I reply.
"Let’s open these french doors! Lets go explore over there" Her posture fixated towards me, but her eyes lead to the french doors.
"Oh Dixie, you want to go there?" I act disgusted to mask my fear of the things beyond the french doors. I’ve seen big dogs and wild humans running through my view when I look into the windows. Beyond the door is just confusion and emptiness. I've gazed through the jumble of tall plants and trees that surround the kingdom, they seem to go on indefinitely.
“Just for a moment?” Dixie turns to face the glass as the sun sends a ripple of shine across her slick black coat.
"It’s winter, Dixie, we can’t go out there" I curl my tail around my postured body. Hopefully I can create an excuse.
Dixie tilts her head, her eyes convey confusion. "What do you mean winter?"
"It's called a season, and if you listened to me more often you'd understand. Winter isn't a great season. We could go, but it's too cold there, we don't belong."
"But I want to hunt-I want to explore!"
"I know you do, it's in your DNA, but inside our kingdom is where you belong- food is always given, warmth is always provided, and shelter is here to protect us from predators."
"How am I supposed to truly live if I fight what's inside? I don't understand."
"You should use your instincts to protect this kingdom. Those damn Flies in the summertime, do you expect the Dog to kill them? That's our jobs Dixie, we are the true protectors of this place, I need you to understand this before my time comes."
"Fine, whatever." Dixie sighs, I can tell she’s disappointed, but I can’t risk her getting lost or killed out there, she can be so selfish sometimes.
"Great, now come help me open the cabinet so we can get some treats." I flick my tail, slightly irritated, but I’ll get over it once we get something to eat and I take a nice nap.
Night falls abruptly, I wander the hallways and rooms that makeup my kingdom, searching for trespassers. Dixie and I patrol most of the night, the two of us make a nice team. Both of us blend perfectly into the shadows that the moon and darkness create most nights, but Dixie’s coat is all black, so her camouflage is exceptionally effective. Tonight the moon isn't out, and the kingdom is pitch black, the perfect conditions to sneak up on any unwanted guests.  Surprisingly, Dixie is nowhere to be found, perhaps the humans placed her in the attic, or she’s asleep in a secret nook. This eerie feeling fills my bones as a breeze weaves through my whiskers. What was that. The wind? I think to myself there must be a logical explanation, the humans left the window open or the door… My senses lead me to a gaping tarnish in the wall, replacing where a french door barricaded. What the hell? I approach the dark mysterious hole, somewhat curious as to what could be within it. Unknown outlines appear through the hole, my eyes desperately try to adjust to the lighting in order to see the objects more clearly, my eyes are no longer what they once were. I have no problems navigating my kingdom in darkness, I’m used to the shadows that appear at night, I know the twists and turns of my turf. But out there? I might as well be blind. I sniff around the frame of the hole, Oh you’ve got to be kidding me. I stare straight into the darkness, shivers escalate down my spine as I place one paw onto the icy ground, scanning the endless darkness, I feel as lonely as ever, but a fire burns inside me, a fire to find my best friend.
Damp soft soil contaminates my white paws, how irritating. Around me, although it’s hard to see, is nothingness. Oh Dixie, where are you? I turn around to gaze at my kingdom, I’ve never seen something so enormous in my life. I can see gaps along the tall walls, two shine brightly, and through this gap I see one of my humans pass by. The sight of my kingdom sets my mind at ease, for just a moment, then I'm back worrying about Dixie.
How the hell am I supposed to find her?
Feelings of discouragement ripple my soul, making it difficult to even move. I sit down into the damp earth, I decided to look up, for no particular reason. Airbrush of lights fill the area far far above me, yet the lights I see are so clear, so beautiful, they remind me of Dixies eyes.
I close my eyes, still sitting and my head faces upwards, I relax my muscles, I begin to Purr. This is a secret I learned from an old friend, her name was Trixie. When I was young she taught me how to heal my soul and body through the art of purring. It only works when I quiet my mind, let ideas roll through my head without any extension of thought on them. I can relieve pain and tap into my intuition. It’s a difficult thing to achieve, that’s why only my species can do so. No dog, no fish, no bird, and especially no human, could ever understand. I possess this ability, I can heal my own wounds, I can alleviate any uncomfort I feel at anytime. So I relax, I empty my mind and begin to purr.
  As I'm sitting and purring, my mind feels warm, it seems to vibrate in the ways I often do when stalking prey. I feel my body raise us from the ground, I feel this pulling at my body, like the time those humans tried to put a leash on me, pulling of my whole body, forwards more and more, I cannot fight this. Swiftly, like a feather that floats in the air, I’m guided through the damp soil, then onto a cold hard rough surface.
I arrive at the end of this path, a black path that feels unnatural beneath my paws. I open my eyes now, I see a large gazing light hovering far above me, brighter than the ones I saw earlier, yet not as bright as the sun. The light illuminates in a way that I am able to see in front of me and around, this is so strange. Another black path split apart two sections of earth, I see trees on the other side, bushes, and kingdom much similar to my own.
A new light emmergess, appearing to come towards me up the black path-
Okay- actually though, WHAT was that? I didn't get a good look, but I see a strange monster fly down the black path, away from me, thankfully.
Another light appears, and one after that, I quickly hide beneath a bush, gazing out as I watch the monsters fly by me, good thing I’m such a great hider. I can't recall ever seeing anything as fast, I shut my eyes and try to relax, yet I can't reach any state of comfort.
A new monster approaches, my eyes creep open to glance, as an odd need to look once again comes over me. I see the monster whip by, and a sudden blue gleem appears in my far left view. I snap my head as to look into the direction of the mystery. No hope for these eyes, must have been a trick, as the truth of darkness faces all around me. I let out a sigh, aching to turn around and retreat. Why am I here? Being cowardly, Dixie needs me, the light in her soul will help guide me, maybe she was naive, but never afraid.
As yet another monster passes by, I see something different, in the bush across the black path, two glowing blue and yellow eyes. At a glance they appear to be lights in the bush, but my intuition tells me otherwise. Suddenly my paws are moving, again out of my control, they lead me across the monster runway. My senses enhance, I smell the familiar aroma of the kingdom I know so well, it’s got to be her, it’s just got to be. I walk over to the bush, gazing in I see Dixie.
She seems weak, in a fragile state, she doesn't even notice me.
“Dixie” I nudge her.
“K-Kirby?” She chirps “Wha- you came for me?”
“Of course Dixie, I need you and I love you, are you okay?”
“I-I don’t know...I think...I was attacked…” Dixie winces, her leg is hurt badly, I feel redness matted down on her black coat. I look into her eyes, they glow despite the darkness, yet they are empty. Is Dixie Dying? I can feel her aura it’s cold blue, not the blue you may see in the sky or the blue that glistens off the snow, but a dark, cold, and lonely blue.
“I don't think I can walk, Kirby...I’m dumb for believing that there was anything… anything good beyond the french doors, I really don’t think I’m okay.” Her breaths are slow and forced, she cant move her broken leg and the rest of her body seems to be nonfunctioning. I lay next to her, as close as I can be.
“Dixie, you need to feel right now. Hear me, but don't focus on my acknowledgments.” I shut my eyes, and let reality fade out ever so slowly-
“Kirby, this isn't real... I know you tried teaching me before, the dog told me you're full of it...Ple-Please just leave me be, I hold you back and I don't belong in the kingdom...” Dixie rests her head on the wet soil, her black coat blends in perfectly with the ground, if it wasn't for the bright lights of passing monsters I wouldn't see her at all. She never listens to me, or maybe I’m just not listening to her. There is no reason for us to have such disagreements, we are the same, I see the old me in her all the time, so I listen. Her heart beats slowly, her breath is now shaky, I feel her losing energy and her light. I view myself as her, never before have I felt empathy at such a degree, we are the same.
I let out a cry as to gain her attention, she looks at me wide eyed, I never cry to her like like that. We stare at each other, and our eyes are locked, her ears lower, not breaking the gaze for even a second to blink. I feel a new vibration, it allows me to stare straight into her soul.
“Shut your eyes” I signal, as my eyes slowly close, she does the same, I feel her following my every move.
“Forget your ears, forget your nose, forget your whiskers” I signal to her, she complies. Now is the time, no longer in the reality we once knew, we are in a bright green pasture full of flowers and sunlight. The french doors are there but nothing else, no walls, no kingdom, just the two of us, the french doors, and earth. I see Dixie dazed and confused, she looks at me then she looks down at her paws. Suddenly, she jumps around and runs in the grass, I feel her ask me where we are, and if we are dead. I simply don’t reply, I lay in the gass and begin to purr. She gravitates towards me once again, settling down. You ever wonder why we have 9 lives Dixie? I ask her, staring, she reads my thoughts crystal clear. We aren't dead, you know this. Now listen to yourself, look at your leg right now. You're in good health. Dixie lays next to me, she stretches her legs and her toes, allowing the grass to overtake her body. In this moment she is pure, and full of life. I feel her utilize all the energy around her. She purrs, though they appear more like roars, so loud and strong they vibrate the grass and the flowers, everything begins to dance around us. Both of us continue to purr in unison. Follow me, I signal. Dixie raises up and trails behind me as we weave our way in the grass towards the french doors. Things aren't always as they appear Dixie, we are not lost, we are not dead, we are home. We pass through the french doors and suddenly we are inside the kingdom once again. We both open our eyes.
The kingdom is dark and quiet, just how we like it. Dixie looks at me, her face is changed, her aura is now a soft white and yellow, even her eyes have changed, the appear even more golden. She gives me a slow blink, thanking me for saving her. I look at her and blink back, telling her that she doesn't need to thank me, that she’s had that ability all along.
I'm no longer the soul keeper of this kingdom, Dixies earned her place among the throne, it’s now the two of us, together.
“Now what do you say we sneak into the cabinet and get a treat” I lick my paws as to get some of the dirt off before gazing towards the food pantry. Dixies eyes light up with excitement, she prances in front of me, jumping upon the tables and chairs as we make our way into the kitchen.
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judithwilde · 8 years
A Rough Guide to Rivalry
"You can call us Sylvia and Eric or Mom and Dad or Mr and Mrs Wilde. Whatever you're comfortable with," 16-year-old Judy Hopps has been in the foster care system for as long as she could remember, so when a Fox couple decides to adopt her, she cant believe her luck. That feeling is short lived, though, because of a certain Fox she now has to live with.
Judy never really thought of herself as a hero. All she did was help her foster brother from falling out of a tree. The young Cheetah had been so afraid and Judy hadn’t noticed someone was filming. The news framed it as some heartwarming story of predator and prey tensions falling in the younger generations. The articles sounded something like Watch as the cute little Bunny saves a small Cheetah. The younger generation has put aside their differences and we now have hope for the future. She didn’t care so much for being described as cute but she loved being called a hero. She’d spent hours looking at every article and comment, grinning the whole time. Maybe she really could make a difference in the world like all these mammals had been saying. A week later, a family showed up wanting to adopt her.
Adoption. It was a concept Judy had let go of a long time ago. Once someone was past thirteen, there was close to no chance of them getting adopted. Judy was sixteen and only had a year and a half before she aged out. So when a family from over 200 miles away came to adopt her after seeing the news report, Judy was dumbfounded. “You can call us Sylvia and Eric or Mom and Dad or Mr and Mrs Wilde. Whatever you’re comfortable with,” they’d said. They told her that they had a son and other things about themselves. Judy had nodded  in response, while telling little about herself in return. She’d been shocked to see that they were Foxes, not only a different species, but predators. It was pretty strange in her mind but, all in all, she was happy to be adopted by anyone.
Judy had tolerated her life. Her foster home gave her food, shelter, and a bed, though she had to share hers with another girl. As long as she did her chores and kept herself out of sight, no one bothered her. She was sad to leave some of the kids she’d spent the past year and a half with but, since she switched homes multiple times, she’d never gotten close enough for any future separation to hurt. She still had some scars from being taken from past foster homes and she never wanted to experience that again. After the papers were signed, the couple simply looked at her with polite smiles and told her about the famous city she’d heard about her entire life. Zootopia was always described as this booming metropolis where everyone was happy and, from Sylvia and Eric’s stories, the ideas seemed true. She instantly liked the middle aged couple who wanted to be her parents. It was scary to believe that she would have a family for the rest of her life, but Judy was a sucker for hope and she always fell into it.
The plane ride had been short and Judy didn’t say much. It almost seemed like a sudden word or movement would make her wake up from the dream she had to be having. She played with her carrot necklace to keep from over thinking. Later, Eric switched seats with her so that Judy could look out the window as they landed. The city looked huge and vibrant. Suddenly, the reality of the situation hit her and Judy felt her eyes grow misty.
“Are you ready, honey?” Sylvia asked her. Judy snapped out of her moment when she heard the term of endearment. Growing up, mammals had always called  her pet names to belittle her. Everyone thought Judy was weak when they met her. It was pretty annoying. “Please don’t call me that.” Judy kept her tone casual as the stood to leave the plane.
“What?” Sylvia’s brows drew together in concern.
Judy didn’t want to beat around the bush. “I don’t like nicknames. Just call me Judy.”
Her new parents’ eyes widened. Most were taken aback at how direct and to-the-point Judy could be. She loved the looks of surprise she received when others realized she wasn’t just a timid little Bunny.
“Of course. We understand, Judy,” Eric said, pulling Judy’s small suitcase down.
She couldn’t hold back her smile. “Thanks.” She almost pinched herself. It all seemed to surreal and once they were out of the airport, she actually did. The city didn’t fade away and she didn’t wake up in her bed at her foster home. This was real.
After a long drive full of beautiful sights, they finally reached their neighborhood. Eric and Sylvia showed Judy her room and then gave her a tour of the condo. It was carpeted and had two levels. It wasn’t as nice as the houses the mammals in TV shows tended to live in, but it was nicer than any place Judy had ever stayed at. The fact that she got her own room made her tear up again. Once Judy had seen every part of the condo, she asked to be alone for a while. She liked Sylvia and Eric’s company, but she was used to being alone, and their constant presence was too unfamiliar. They told her that their son would be getting home from school soon and that he was excited to meet her. “We’ll be downstairs if you get hungry,” Eric said before closing the door.
Judy looked around at her her new room. It was mostly bare with a few accents of color. She supposed she’d personalize the room in her own time. The walls were white and the few decorations were too girly for her taste, but they were hers, so she liked them just the same. She had a lamp and a white dresser and desk. The dresser had clothes in it that also didn’t match her preferences. She pulled out a bright yellow sundress that had ruffles at the bottom and realized that the it was made with a younger girl in mind. After searching a bit, Judy found some grey leggings and a T-shirt that made her comfortable when she put it all on. Her bed was in the corner beside a medium sized window that looked out to the grassy area behind the condos. In the distance, past some trees, Judy could see a mailman delivering stacks of papers and kids playing at a small park on the edge of the neighborhood. It wasn’t long before her stomach grumbled. It was past noon and all she’d eaten that day had been a small breakfast and refreshments on the plane.
“Ready to eat?” Sylvia asked once Judy stepped down the stairs. Sylvia had made her a large salad with plenty of carrots and other veggies mixed in. It was too much for Judy to finish and she got through half of it before feeling too full to continue. Sylvia sat across from her, eating a soup with bugs as the protein. Judy hid her disgust. She never understood how predators could stand to eat like that, but she knew it was a biological necessity, so she kept quiet about it.
“What do you think of your room?” Sylvia asked.
“It’s great,” Judy quipped.
“We weren’t sure how to decorate it so we can go to the store later and pick out some things. What do you think of that?” Judy wasn’t used to mammals providing her with more than the basic necessities of living. Judy nodded in response. “We just want you to feel more at home.”
Judy nodded again and a silence fell between them. Sylvia was focused on her soup and wasn’t pressuring her to talk, so it wasn’t awkward. Judy noticed the green grass and blue sky out of the kitchen window and spoke. “I was wondering if I could walk around the neighborhood. It looks really nice out.” Judy was curious about the city and wanted to explore the residential area at least.
“Alone?” Sylvia’s smile tightened slightly, telling Judy that she didn’t like the idea of it. Judy preferred to go alone but wouldn’t mind if someone joined her. Sylvia’s reaction was unexpected though. “I’m sorry. When we were with the social worker, he said that teens adoptions often result in runaways. Especially if the adoption is new. Also, I’d feel better if you weren’t by yourself outside. The city isn’t crime-free, you know.”
“Yeah,” Judy answered. Sylvia stating something so obvious, as if Judy didn’t know crime existed, didn’t sit well with her. She was used to mammals assuming she was a dumb Bunny so it didn’t  disappoint her too much. She’d just have to prove Sylvia wrong sometime soon.
“Well maybe Nick will take you. He should be on the way back from soccer practice.”
“Soccer?” While she wasn’t the best, Judy had enjoyed playing the game in her high school’s soccer club. Where she lacked in skill, she made up for in power and speed.
“Do you play?”
“Oh great! Maybe you two can bond over that. The social worker said it’s really important for new siblings to find a common interest. Oh gosh, its like it was meant to be.” Sylvia grinned at Judy as if she were the key to happiness. It made her want to squirm a bit. Just then, the front door opened and closed. Judy couldn’t see any of it, but she heard Eric’s voice in the other room speaking too quietly for Judy to hear.
Sylvia stood up, her eyes bright with excitement. “Come on so you can meet him.” Judy tried to appear calm but she was starting to get nervous. Everytime she had to change foster homes, she’d also change schools, leaving behind the friends she’d made. Soon she learned not to get too close in case she’d have to leave them. Now that she was adopted, she wanted friends that she could keep forever. The possibility of meeting a new one made her ears stiff.
Once she stepped past the archway into the living room, the saw him. He looked around her age, a little older, and covered in dirt and grass stains. He was dressed sporty in sneakers and shorts that came to his knees topped off with red, disheveled fur. In his left arm he held a soccer ball and in his right, a school bag.
Judy looked back at Sylvia who gave an encouraging nod. Judy took a breath and faced Nick. “Hi. I’m Judy.” She gave a small wave and shifted her weight towards Sylvia. For some reason the action made her feel more secure.
Nick’s eyes looked down at the tips of her ears, then to her nervous expression, her teeth biting her lip, then falling to her carrot necklace, her shirt, her leggings, and finally to her foot tapping lightly at the ground. Then he turned to Eric, his father. “You said she’d be here on Tuesday.” Judy’s mouth fell open just a bit at his rebuff.
Eric sighed and shot Judy an apologetic look. “No, we said Monday. Go wash up upstairs and then we’ll have dinner later, alright?” Eric’s words were more of an order than a question. Judy felt some envy in the way Eric held such an authoritative tone in his voice. If Judy could talk like that then no one would underestimate her. Judy still stared open-mouthed as Nick brushed past her and up the stairs. She didn’t understand what she’d done wrong and she replayed the scene in her head a few times to figure it out.
She felt a paw touch her shoulder and saw that it was Sylvia. “Give him time. He might have had a bad day.”
Eric spoke up. “That’s no excuse for him to behave that way. I should go up there and make him-”
“Eric,” Sylvia warned. “He and Judy are going on a walk in the neighborhood. He can introduce himself then. You know he gets shy sometimes.”
Judy almost laughed. If that was shy, she didn’t want to know what actually getting to know him would be  like.
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