#(( im taking my doofus and making him multiverse compatible. don't get me wrong i love DR but fuck its limitations ))
number1salesman1997 · 2 years
HELLO MARKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
A GENORIS BENEFACTOR SO KINDLY [[GoFundMe]] ONE[[one]] [[HeartShapedObject]] SO IT IS NOW MY ABSOLUTE PLESURE TO INFORM YOU THAT [[No more mister nice guy~ No more mister cle-e-e-ean~]] SO [[Ladies and gentlemen]] AND THOSE THAT LIE BETWIXT, [[put your hands]][[and feet inside the vehicle at all times]] TOGETH3R FOR VILLAIN ARC [[Breakin' 2: Electric Boogaloo, now available on VHS]]
AND BEFORE YOU [[contact our complaint department]] IF YUO REALLY THOUGHT I'D BE CONTENT TO [[wallow in obscurity]] VERY LONG, YOU NEVER KNEW ME [[half-off]] AS WELL AS YOU THOGUHT YOU DID, AND I'M [[laughing all the way to the bank]]!!!
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