#(( ksjnsfgjkfdgddg - these disasters... ))
not-bcring · 2 years
✩ 「 @from-across-the-stars​​​ 」 ✩ - Continued from ★
「 ☆ 」   Chihiro isn’t a stranger to talking to things that can’t talk back. Part of her inspiration for AI technology was her habit of conversing with equipment while working, the small-talk aiding her focus and filling what would otherwise be far-lonelier air. Kazuichi isn’t exactly partaking in an amicable conversation with his stubborn tools, but the spirit behind it is the same. Sometimes talking just- helps. Whether it’s hyping oneself up to finish something previously thought a far-off dream... or expelling frustrations.
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While Kazuichi is embarrassed to be caught yelling at his tools, Chihiro is embarrassed to have interrupted. Cheeks dusting pink— from the sheepishness clenching her chest and partially because grease on someone’s cheeks is surprisingly cute —she opens her mouth with the intent to apologize once more. But words are interrupted before they can form, Chihiro looking away with a grimace at Kazuichi’s inquiry. Fingers fidgeting now that there’s no longer a laptop to hold, she hesitates to reply, seemingly mulling over her words with a drawn-out,  ❝  U-Um... Well... It was, uh—  ❞  Honestly, Kazuichi isn’t too far-off. 
What had started out as a game of keep-away from the short girl, Chihiro pleading and failing to get her laptop back from those who claimed it and her as their newest form of entertainment, had gone awry. The device flying past outstretched arms and tumbling down a nearby set of stairs with a horrible crash. Chihiro had gotten it back without issue after that; her tormentors quick to flee the scene. Not that they were in any danger of getting in trouble.  Chihiro was FAR too concerned over the well-being of her laptop. Frankly, she still doesn’t want to cause any more problems. Content to just get it fixed and pretend nothing happened.
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❝  Yeah. It fell down the stairs...  ❞  Settling for a partial-truth, hoping that Kazuichi won’t press any further. Looking back at the mechanic, uncomfortableness is replaced by hopeful curiosity,  ❝  I know it’s in really bad shape, but do you think you can fix it for me? ... Please?  ❞     「 ☆ 」 
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