#(( no i did not prove read this asdfghjkl i like to live dangerously ))
itokunii-a · 2 years
( New muse: The sculptor / the vampire. )
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NAME: Constantin Albert Nádasdy. 
ALIAS: Alfred Lehmann.
BIRTHDAY II AGE: April 18th 1870 II 25 when turned.
BIRTHPLACE: Budapest/Hungary. Nürnberg, Germany.
HEIGHT: 5’11”.
DEMEANOUR: Alfred is a very calm and collected young man that values principles, politeness and manners over everything. He follows a simple rule: be respectful towards me and I shall be respectful towards you. If that expectation is met and he develops a liking towards someone, he will even show them his latest paintings ( never his sculptures, hidden away somewhere where the light won’t breach and destroy his masterpieces ) and, if he finds them beautiful, will not hesitate to compliment them on such. But this pleasant behavior also coexists with the ability to be absolutely ruthless and sadistic, obsessed with the morbid, the grotesque, the fleshly horrors; he does not mind horrifying someone with the abominations he sometimes creates. And he will see fright because he is perceptive, too.
PAST: His past is a vague and dismissive hand gesture, a shrug as he briefly recounts the tale of his parents’ disapproval of him abandoning him studying medicine to pursue art and his otherwise normal, perhaps boring life. His name is Alfred Lehmann, an artist from Nürnberg. Long ago has he shed his old skin and claimed this new identity. He is not Constantin Nádasdy, royal Count of Budapest, who has died somewhere in his escape to Germany after the First World War and the fall of the Hungarian empire or perhaps still rots in the Royal Palace when his appetite became to unbearable, too atrocious for mother and father to bear so they locked him in like Rapunzel. Or Alfie, if you really get him to like you.
- Inhuman regeneration abilities (especially after feeding). - Ability to change his own appearance and voice. - Tw body horrror & gore: His biggest strength is being able to extend his and others’ bones and use them as a shield by tearing them out of bodies and hardening them until they are as solid as metal.
- Does not suffer physical injuries (e.g. burns) from sunlight but gets immensely weakened by it the longer he is out during the day -> can shield himself from it through clothing. - Silver through the heart will kill him. - Stakes through the heart will paralyze him.
FACE CLAIM: Aaron Taylor-Johnson.
APPEARANCE: Blond curly hair. Grey eyes. Broad shoulders but overall slim build. Mustache.
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mah-gah-lee · 4 years
because i love you too, you dork ! - (charlie gillespie x reader)
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                                         GIF by @damnthedark​
Word Count: 2320 words
 Summary: Charlie and you were friends for a year now. When he asked you to come to live with Owen and him, you realized you’re having feeling for him. You try to denied but Owen noticed.
 Warnings: I don’t think there’s tw in this one.
 A/N: So that's it ! My first "x-reader". As some of you already know, I was really scared to post this. Be kind please, my first language is french.
 disclaimer: I don't know Charlie or Owen personally or what their life are like. All you will read in this "x reader" is from my imagination. My point is not to invade Charlie's privacy. I don't want to offend him or offend anybody else in his life.  This is just me, writing innocently about a boy I find totally pure. All this is not reality
 Tagged: @asdfghjkl-allthethings​
Living with Charlie and Owen wasn't that difficult. They were kind, smiling boys, funny, a bit charming. The only thing that really bothered you, other than that tower of recyclable waste in your apartment; that you (or the boys) must to throw away for ages now, were your growing feelings for the blue-eyed brunette. And you weren't ready to admit it out loud. You didn't know how you fell in love with him so quickly but you did and since the day you realized your feelings, things got a little more different at times in the way you both behaved.
Charlie and you met about a year ago at a festival. You went there for your birthday and some of your friends made you wear this giant crown balloon and scarf saying "out of my way. Birthday girl". Charlie didn't follow the instructions, he walked right up to you with his beautiful, chaotic energy, wished you a happy birthday, and gave you a Canada keychain. You didn't know him but you laughed so hard as you thanked him. You both introduced each other and he offered you a drink - for your birthday -. Since that day you have become close friends and next, best friends.
When Charlie offered you to come live with him while he was shooting JATP season 2, you doubted. Your apartment lease was coming to an end and you had just finished your studies. It was not the right time. But Charlie convinced you. Money was no problem; the rent was split between him and Owen. You can easily live in the third bedroom while participating in daily expenses like food, for example or helping with the cleaning thing. And then you accepted his offer and the great adventure began.
 "Y / n, have you seen my… oh". At the moment he opened the door, you screamed. Charlie was the clumsiest boy you've ever lived with.
"Boundaries!" you said by putting a towel around you, even if you already worn your underwear.
Your best friend came out of the bathroom without a word or a look to you, heading to the living room where Owen was playing a game.
“You just walked in while she was changing, didn’t you?” the blonde guy said, mocking his friend.
“Yeah, I didn’t know she was so…undressed”
Owen looked at his roommate with a raised eyebrow. “She was in the bathroom you dork!”
Charlie scratched the back of his head, feeling embarrassed
“Yeah, I should have known that.”
You chose that moment to leave the bathroom and run towards the boys, drying your hair with a terry towel.
"I swear to God, Charlie. If you weren't so hot, you would be dead already."
 Charlie looked at you, confused. His cheeks are about to turn crimson. You were dressed but the young man could clearly see a few drops of water running from your neck to the neckline of your tank top. All the things he can thought was damn, when did y/n get hot? While waiting for a response from him, you noticed his eyes sunk deep into your cleavage. It made you blush but you didn’t want he knows about. Flirt was your best respond.
 "Do you like the view, Gillespie?" A smile hanging on your lips.
 If Charlie could be redder than he already was, he would probably look like a giant tomato.
 “I-I-I got to go… Have you seen my jacket? I lost my keys and I think they’re in there…”
 You rolled your eyes and pointed to the coat rack.
 “Where do you think the coats are stored?” you asked him “Thanks God, you both have me in this house." You added, watching your two friends.
 Charlie looked at you with his stupid silly smile and rushed into the lobby, grabbing his jacket before retracing his steps and kissed you on the cheek.
 "Thanks honey, you're the best". He slammed the door, you frosted.
 Now, who's that giant tomato?
 “You can’t be that obvious.” You turned to face Owen, who is sitting on the couch, his arms crossed over the back of the sofa.
 Becoming friends with Owen had been so easy, you really appreciate his humor, he was so kind and caring, it seemed like you were friends from the start. He meant a real close friend to you now as much as your kindergarten friends.
 “What?” you said with a misunderstood look to your friend but the blonde one didn’t say a word and it made you feel so uncomfortable “stop looking at me like that. What’s on your mind?”
 Again, he kept eyes on you, without speaking, just a smirk on his lips
 And here we go again, the smirk was bigger than ever. Owen was so proud of himself, getting you out of your hinges. He finally decided to speak, his eyes looking at you playfully
 “When were you going to tell me, you have that crush on Charlie?”  Your cheeks were crimson but you weren't ready to confess your feelings for Charlie. Even though Owen was the nicest man you've ever known, let alone the brown-haired guy who lived with you and you fell in love with, obviously. Owen was Charlie's best friend and if you told him he was right he would probably tell Charlie about it. And you didn't want that.
 “We’re just…friends” you knew that was kind a lie.
 Your feelings for the brunette were so obvious, that wasn’t surprising Owen noticed. Your friend rolled his eyes with another smirk on his mouth. He knew you’ll deny even if he could prove you, he’s right. No need to insist so he gave up.
 “if you say so”
 You were invited by Owen and Charlie to Madison’s birthday party on set. You didn't know the cast so well but your roommates didn't want you to be alone at the apartment tonight while they were having fun. So, you ended up here, holding a non-alcoholic drink in your hand, watching your favorites boys and Jeremy doing that stupid -and dangerous- Dirty Dancing Figure. Figure they also put in the season one of Julie and The Phantoms, this time, it was Charlie on top. Your best friend came right to you, so proud of himself.
 "Did you see that ?!" he said, way too enthusiastic
 “I saw that. And when you’ll crashed your head to the ground, I will NOT be playing nurse for you.”
  Charlie gave you a confused look and you rolled your eyes. Of course, you loved Dirty Dancing so much but you had also watched so many videos of the boys trying to do this lift again and each time your heart skipped a beat seeing them miss something and ALMOST DIE! Every fucking times.
 "Come on, y / n, don't be mad… let's have fun!" Won't you come viiiibing with me?”
 And Charlie did his weird dance moves, your whole face saying that you wanted to laugh so hard. You pursed your lips not to smile but you couldn't suppress it. The song changed and it was like the universe was by Charlie's side. You loved ABBA so much and had watched both films so many times that it was impossible to you to not dance to this song. You sighed, exasperated but amused before putting your drink down and joining him. Your two bodies danced to the music, improvising a kind of choreography. You didn't care if you two looked stupid, you were having so much fun. You felt light, euphoric when you were around Charlie, he made you happy and you knew, you knew that was one of the reasons you were in love with him. Charlie was holding your hands, spinning you, making you dancing and when the song ended you were in his arms with your head back. He got you back on your feet and you bit your lip. Your heart was racing, your breathing was jerky, breathless. God you loved him. Her beautiful blue eyes caught yours and you could swear you saw them ripped from your lips before returning to your eyes. You were both there and for some strange reason you were ready to kiss him. But it did not happen. Your courage flew away and you regained your composure as Charlie acted as if nothing had happened. Madison yelled for Charlie to come over and you walked back to the table where your drink was, Owen now by your side.
  “Just friends, ugh? Say it again without lying now.” Owen told you, with his annoying smirking smile.
 If your eyes could kill, your roommate would be as much of a ghost as his own character was. He knew he was right and it was delicious to see you almost kiss your best friend in front of the whole cast. It was impossible to deny now.
 “Oh, bites me Owen” you just said with a slightly annoyed tone in your voice, making him laugh.
 After that night you did your best to avoid Charlie as much as you could. You can't deny that seeing the sadness in his eyes when you refused to come on set with him was beyond painful. You hated yourself for making him miserable.
 But Charlie was a smart boy, or at least smart enough to trap you in a corner so that you could chat one on one. He asked Owen to convince you to come on set, claiming Charlie wouldn't be there - and you were stupid enough to believe it ... Owen was an actor, and a good one, after all -.
 You were watching Madison perform her scene with Owen when you felt a hand slide lightly across your hips. You held your breath as your best friend's slipped behind your ear in a whisper.
 "Please y / n, can we talk?"
 This was neither the place nor the time to make a scene. Ironic for a tv show set. Defeated, you nodded and Charlie slipped his hand into yours, pulled you off the set. He took you to one of your favorite settings: the garage. So it was away from Julie's bedroom where Owen and Madison were still filming. He didn't bend over backwards to start the discussion as you rubbed your arms, ashamed of the situation.
 "What's going on, you've been avoiding me since Madi's birthday"
You couldn't stop staring at your feet, you had to focus on everything except his beautiful eyes.
 "You wouldn't understand, please Char," let me go. " you mumbled
" No ... Not until you tell me why you are ruining our friendship "
 Hearing this from him was unbearable and it made you lose patience. You wanted the exact opposite of what he was telling you. Your friendship was too important to you, you didn't want to spoil it with your stupid feelings.
 " I'm not! I'm just trying to save it.” You exploded.
“Bullshit. Just for the record, you're not doing so well. So, why are you avoiding me?"
 Tears were about to dropped out of your face. You hated that. You hated the fact you were stuck in this whole situation. Tears were about to dropped out of your face. Two solutions were available to you: to lose him by confessing your feelings to him. Or lose him with the possibility that he hates you, thinking you were just a heartless bitch.
 “So? I am waiting…”
 Although he looked annoyed, Charlie seemed to mellow. His hand released a section of your hair, then his fingers circled your cheek, which instinctively nestled from his touch.
 "You know you can tell me anything"
 You took a deep breath, once again, defeated. Was that the end of your friendship? Should it end like this? Your heart was preparing to be broken.
 "You make me want things that I can't have ..."
 Charlie tilted his head towards you, forcing you to look him in the eye as your tears threatened to fall at any moment.
 "Why do you say that. What did I do?"
 But the words no longer left your throat, you were paralyzed by the fear of finally confessing everything to him.
 “Y/N, please tell me”
 His thumb was drawing circles on your cheek in the hope of comforting you. You gathered for a moment, giving yourself all the courage, you needed before the words left your mouth.
 "I am in love with you."
 Silence fell like a cleaver. And that's it, it was over. Charlie was probably going to tell you that it wasn't reciprocal. But instead, your best friend's laughter echoed through the room, making your eyes widen.
 "Is that all?" he asked. "This is why you're avoiding me?"
 Your forehead creased and the tears that burned your eyes grew angry. You had expected anything but hearing him laugh. Your friendship was shattered and Charlie was laughing. How not to be mad at him after that?
 "Didn't you hear what I said to you? Why are you laughing?"
 And his laughter redoubled before stopping dead. Charlie put a big smile on his lips, happier than ever.
 "Because I love you too, you dork!"
 Your eyes widened and Charlie's laughter redoubled once more. Delicately, he grabbed your face and kissed you. Your heart exploded at his touch. The feel of his lips on yours was divine. Your hands crept through her hair. They were longer for this second season. You deepened the kiss until you had to recatch your breath. Charlie's smile leaving your lips dazzled the room.
 "Can you please stop avoiding me and be my girlfriend?" he asked maliciously.
 You pursed your lips to suppress a smile, but it was a failure. You were unable to hide your feelings now. You nodded and Charlie kissed you again. Your friendship was not ruined. It was just evolving into a love story that you didn't expect.
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