#(( shall be playing american mcgee's alice today. ))
darckcarnival · 10 months
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mable-stitchpunk · 2 months
sorry if this has been asked before, but do you have any particular voice claims for the Home series?
Yes, I actually do have a few! Anyone I don't mention doesn't have a voice claim.
The story about Mike's voice is kinda funny. A couple of months after I began the fic, I think? The original Final Nights came out- you know, the game where Mike gets chased around by the Puppet- and I LOVED his voice.
That sort of rough but sardonic edge. It was perfect! ^_^ So, I always imagined Mike's voice as sounding like that!
Alas, when the Final Nights Redux came out, the voice was changed. Instead sounding a lot younger. XD >.< Needless to say, I didn't update Mike's voice to the redux version. I always imagine him with that deeper, rougher edge.
After some back and forth, Mari's voice claim became Elijah Wood. I've liked a lot of his stuff, but I'm a huge fan of 9 and that softer sort of voice definitely works for him.
Though Mari does have a slight English accent, like his father and sister- it's not strong, but there's the edge of it.
I have a clip of an Elijah Wood character saying, "My father died today," and laughing like a maniac that I use as a reference. XD
Chance's voice claim/character inspiration was based quite a bit off of John Mahoney. If you're a Fraiser fan, he played Martin Crane. I am, in fact, a big Fraiser fan, which is why-
James Wight:
's claim is Kelsey Grammar. Known for Fraiser, better known as Sideshow Bob, lol.
Ennard doesn't have a voice claim, per say, but over the course of the series his voice has become a little less shrill. This seems like a minor thing, but it's a mix of him not remember Funtime Freddy's voice dead-on and him having to tone it down a little. It does still sound close enough to Sun's to be of note.
Elizabeth Afton:
Circus Baby's 'human' voice, which we've only heard maybe once or twice, was inspired by Susie Brann, who did Alice's voice for American Mcgee's Alice and Madness Returns. Big fan of both those games and it felt like the perfect fit.
Jake initially had his own sort of voice, but ever since Ruin came out, I kinda imagine him sounding like Eclipse. It makes sense considering that he really IS Eclipse, in a weird ironic way. Since he and Andrew spent so long together, it would make sense for them to end up with similar sounding voices considering how much is projection.
If I remember any more, I shall post them!
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