#(( shoutout to Kaz and Nagito not revealing that they got some Creature-Shit going on ))
not-bcring · 2 years
✩   「 @from-across-the-stars​ 」 ✩ - Continued from ★
「 ☆ 」   Nagito had been in search of his favorite mechanic, having heard from passerby that they last saw Kazuichi in his garage. Expecting nothing more than a likely over-worked boyfriend amongst his machines, Nagito had been taken aback by the sight of a large canine rushing toward him after making an ungodly leap over a car. A normal person might have been frightened. But Nagito has never been normal… and he doubts he qualifies as a person anymore either. Having the existence of vampires proven to him some time ago— in what he, ironically, considers an unorthodox bout of good luck —after a late-night run in with what he’d THOUGHT would be an unfortunate death, he’s getting adjusted to the… complications this lifestyle brings.
Luckily for Nagito, feeding seems to come rather naturally. Luckily for everyone in Hope’s Peak, he’d gotten his fill last night during a stroll away from the campus. And, tempting as the essence around him smells— driving him near-mad if he goes too long without a proper meal —he has no desire to indulge in Ultimate blood. It would be presumptuous for him to even humor daydreams of sinking his hidden fangs into necks worth so much more than his own even-further-damned soul.
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Meeting the excited greeting with a laugh, hands affectionately ruffle the large creature’s face as its tongue assaults his cheek. Sputtering as he closes his eyes, he asks through the affection,  ❝  Hello, and who might you be? One of Gundham’s friends?  ❞  As soon as the hypothetical question leaves him, Nagito catches a waft of the strange dog’s scent. Lifting from its fur with a clarity beyond what his senses used to be capable of. Amongst the common notes of grease and fur, interwoven intricately as thread, there’s an unmistakable sharpness. A genetic warning that Nagito shoves aside with the same dismissal he does any other threat to his life. Instincts forcibly repressed, as they’ve always been.
Because within the new, yet undeniable, scent of a natural enemy… there’s the sweet, almost beckoning, mark of his partner. A burst of recognition floods through him so thoroughly he feels he may be dizzy at the conflicting aromas, danger and comfort mixing in a way that’s oddly reminiscent of his own existence. His very being seemingly made of death and hope; a balancing act that Nagito has learned to relish in. Which may be why all he offers is a softly hummed,  ❝  Interesting…  ❞  As cool fingers leisurely scratch underneath the ‘ canine’s ’ chin, clear gaze studying the other now with a fresh, if unspoken, understanding.
Very interesting indeed…
Beckoning with his head towards the now-open door, he ruffles the top of Kazuichi’s head in one more bout of playful affection.  ❝  I assume you’re not planning on spending all night in this garage?  ❞     「 ☆ 」
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