#(( tfw you're going to meet your new classmates and run into a Goth Brick Wall of a Man ))
not-bcring · 2 years
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⌛ //gundham and kaz :)
-  ✩   「 @from-across-the-stars 」   ✩  
✩   「 Meme  」   ✩  
「 ☆ 」   Kaz wakes up the same way he always does. Alone after a pitiful night of attempted sleep, having spent it tossing and turning in an unfamiliar bed. Despite being exhausted from unpacking ( Hope’s Peak had allowed students to arrive a day early to get settled before class started and Kaz had snatched the opportunity, eager to get out of his house ) , anxiety had mercilessly taken hold of his stomach, sinking its claws in deeply.
Grimacing as he brushes his teeth, mouth still lingers with the taste of bile from having thrown up in the middle of the night like a nervous dog. Replacing it with a heavy dose of mint toothpaste and mouthwash— he is NOT meeting his classmates with vomit breath —Kaz furiously splashes some water onto his face. Shakily exhaling as he wipes it with a towel, he spares one more lingering look at his reflection… Growling, he throws his dampened towel at the nervous-looking man in the mirror. Fuck it. There’s nothing he can do about that aside from pray the trembling in his shoulders ceases by the time he makes it to the classroom.
Grabbing his backpack and rushing out the door, Kazuichi doesn’t even think to grab a snack from stash he’d taken from home, after his dad had insisted under threat of being insulted if Kaz refused. So accustomed to skipping breakfast in the interest of prolonging food, the ache in his stomach fades into a familiar numbness with little effort. Although it doesn’t help the shakiness in his hands— Kaz quickly grabbing the straps of his bag in a death-grip to hide this —nor does it aid his mind in unscrambling itself. Nerves making his skin feel itchy, Kaz rushes down the hallways of various buildings, taking several wrong turns along the way. Anxiety spiking with each room he passes, he finally teaches the right one after what feels like a lifetime of frantic wandering.
Thankfully, he’s not late. But there are several students already scattered around inside, the air filled with an overwhelming amount of excited talking. Lingering outside the closed door, Kaz peeks through the window, breathing more labored than it should be even with all the running around he’d done. Looking at all the people within, Kaz somehow feels out of place. As if that could be possible with such strange students. Yet it hits him like a punch to the already-churning gut. A chill running through his blood as he wonders, yet again, what he’s even DOING here.
He doesn’t belong here… He shouldn’t be here. He knows it and soon everyone in there will too. They’re gonna look at him, with his cheap jumpsuit and his dumb hair ( hands anxiously pull down his beanie, trying to hide the messily-cut locks ) and his weird teeth and his stupid mundane talent— Without realizing it, Kaz begins to slowly back away from the door. It starts as only a few steps, hesitant to run from the best opportunity life has seen fit to throw his way. A promise for a better future practically placed in his hands. All he needs to do for it to be a reality is grab onto it.
And not screw it up.
Kaz turns and starts to run away before that can happen—
But he doesn’t get far before he bumps into an unexpected obstacle. Barely able to make it a few steps, Kaz grunts as he slams into something face-first, stumbling backward from the unexpected force.  ❝  What the fu—  ❞  Kazuichi begins, words fading as he shakes his head to return to reality. Repositioning his falling beanie, wide-eyes slowly trail upward to study what he ran into… Oh shit. Met with one of the scariest looking dudes Kaz has come across— which is saying something —he quickly staggers back a few more feet, his back bumping into the classroom door he had been trying to avoid. Caught between a rock and a hard place, Kaz does the first and only thing that comes to mind.
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He snaps at the threat to try and make himself seem like more of one. Foolish as someone might have to be to think the smaller man has ANY chance against the looming stranger, it’s the only defense Kazuichi has while his exit is blocked.  ❝  H-Hey! Watch where you’re goin’, dumbass!  ❞  Kaz barks with a cracking voice, despite him having been the one to bump into the other man. Bristling like a cornered animal, back tellingly pressed against the door, Kazuichi wonders if the intimidating man can sense how rapidly the mechanic’s heart is beating…
He seems like the type.   「 ☆ 」
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