#((Course raph knows what the bitting means uwu and he always ready to go toe to toe but also don you could just said something jeez u-u))
ducknotinarow · 2 years
Don had the habit of growing quiet when things were on his mind; more of a 'work through it' sort of Turtle. And though it worked, most of the time, there were times when even his own frustrations can get the best of him. Not that it could be read, the Terrapin coming off as calm and collected in that moment, as he sat next to Raph.
He said nothing, simply flickering his gaze between the TV and Raph, over and over. He wasn't one to choose the 'violent' option, but even he needed time in the Dojo with someone he knows can handle him. It's something he hadn't done since they were little kids, but, hey, maybe Raphael still remembered this little tell of theirs.
Unprovoked, no warning, as quick as Donatello could move, he bites Raph - hard. Not enough to draw blood, he wasn't a savage after all, but definitely enough for his twin to feel it, and to react to it. Releasing them from his jaw, Donatello stared at them, expectedly, still not saying a damn thing. Hopefully Raph remembers that old 'game' of theirs, or things were about to get awkward real quick.
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Don't get Raph wrong he didn't play favorites with his brothers, despite how rough he was around the edges he loved them all. You lay a finger on them and he will bite it off. He messes with them all about the same as well. Fighting with Leo to annoy them because well lets face it even Raph wasn't immune to that younger sibling need. Mikey got under his skin pretty easy and did it on purpose so he often got after them a lot. Don? well it was usually just through some sass back and forth. Where Leo will take a remark and get annoyed or Mikey got sensitive over saying something in a way he didn't like? Don just threw it back. Sassatello over here.But he was also the only brother Raph could just sit in silence near with out the possibility of trouble starting. Well between them surprisingly Don could be up for trouble when he felt like it. Just cause of Don's more so called clam and collected nature. He just cause mischief in his own way at times.
Plopped down on the couch Raph had his eyes fixed on the screen, wasn't a current game playing an old rerun the channel had going something about needing to fill in the screen time so they could make use of the time slot. It was better than sitting around and watching the news even if Raph knew the out come of this game already, he watched it the day of the actual match after all. When Don actually came out of his lab and joined him on the couch.
"uh there the brainiac, and out of his lab. Careful the light out 'ere may be too bright for yas." Raph just smirked a little and he slid over to make room for Don to sit next to him when they seemed to come his way. No remarks were given back when they plopped on down beside him though. Hmm maybe they needed a break from whatever they were in the middle of working with. He was a bit more like Leo when it came to all that after all they sort kept that stuff to themself. Mikey made every emotion he felt known even if you didn't ask, and Raph let it all show through his single one emotion. Anger. Leo held on to stuff knowing the time and place...sometimes. Donnie just kept busy. Raph shifted to rest an arm on the couch looking around for the remote a moment. Maybe he could bear through some painful moment of something Donnie liked to watch. When he suddenly felt something sharp sink into his skin.
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Not sharp like a blade of anything no he knew this feeling easily. It didn't hurt really well it didn't hurt Raph at least sure they didn't draw blood when having done it but it was like he was just resting his teeth on Raph either. Raph turned to look at Don as they started to let go a very expected look in his twins eyes as they didn't offer a single word. "did ya just bite me?" Raph had to question a moment, before he moved to stand up on his feet. Looping an arm around one of Donnie's dragging them up to their own. "if ya wanna go a few rounds you could jus' say so bozo." Of course Raph knew what that bite meant and well it explain Donnie's whole demur since coming out to sit with Raph on the couch. Donnie was pent up and holding on to some frustration most likely. "Figure ya would have out grown biting me by now." Despite the rough treatment as he started to drag Donnie off with him to the dojo, there was clear enjoyment underlining the rasp in Raphael's voice.
Once getting to the dojo, empty and not being used in the moment, he let Don's arm go only to throw his arm around Donnie's shoulders, tugging them down a bit. Mostly just hazing his poor twin right now for their old habits. Reaching over to rub knuckles in against the top of Don's head as he chuckled a little. "Guess some thing' don't change, eh?" Letting go as he makes his way into the room now."How ere doin' weapons no weapons?" He starts to ask as he cracks his knuckles, pressing an open plam against a closed fist, and starts tilting his head left and right to pop his neck. Oh, he was all for a little bit of play fighting with Donnie. Leo took it all too seriously, and if you weren't fighting right' you gotta hear 'bout it, and Mikey ... was a pain in the ass. Cause he never shut up!
Fighting Donnie, though? Hey, for a guy who spent most of the day locked up in his lab, busying himself with machines and whatever else you might assume he didn't pack a punch and you would be severely mistaken which was excstly why Raph was razed for a fight with Donnie. "Times up, no weapons. Le's see if ya still got it. After all, I've been wastin' away in yer lab all day, notnsure you can handle it?" Course Raph knew better, but talking shit just added fun. "Come on, Don, no holdin' back now. Let's see that angry face you hide?" And with that, he tackled Donnie to the ground, getting that start to a fringly little play fight with his twin. Actually, I kind of had the red banded turtle feeling a little nostalgic suddenly.
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