#((Gosh I really miss the huys over here))
morganasirennether · 2 years
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((Daaaamn, it’s been ages since I last drew this guy! And of course it has to start with him getting impatient with someone (Jonathan most likely). Grumpy cyborg being grumpy as usual, and possibly being close to actually losing his temper.))
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nose-bandaid · 4 years
the fragility of a petal
do you have any plan to write a sequel for camellia? i really love the plot and hope the story could be developed a little bit more where they become official then something angst happen (idk maybe something like a thirdwheel? lol) but they'll figure it out anyway
prince!Shinwon x princess!Reader | royal kingdom AU fluff + a little angst | 3k words
sequel to: camellia
synopsis: you can only go for so long without another tedious party in your schedule, but thankfully this time, you have your fiancé shinwon by your side to keep things interesting. however, your childhood friend seems to be wedging themselves into the equation, and now someone seems a little jealous...
a/n: my camellia anon,, for you !! thank you for being so kind and patient, i hope that this is what you imagined:) i was also looking back on camellia and was like wow,, my writing was quite something back then huh. i’m not so sure why i used stage names so i fixed it up here (except for hui though i think of it as a nickname),, so i’m sorry for the inconsistencies! maybe one day i’ll go back and edit camellia cause i’m a little unhappy about it idkidk BUT NOT TO TALK ABOUT THAT I’LL SHUT UP LOL ily and i hope you enjoy this<3
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===== You found this situation oddly familiar as you were once again, standing in front of the mirror, checking out your outfit before entering the party.
But this time Shinwon was standing by your side.
“You look beautiful love, I promise.” He placed a gentle hand on your shoulder to pull you towards the doors down the hallway. “Stop worrying about it.”
You frowned a little at his words but allowed him to guide you away from the mirror. “Sorry, it’s just a habit I guess. I’m going to be seen by a whole bunch of people after all.” Being the daughter of the hosting family also didn’t do any good in helping you escape from the countless people who wanted to meet you.
“Well, if you keep your eyes on me, I’ll give you all the compliments you need! Just ignore the others.” He quipped loudly with a wink and held the door open for you to enter the ballroom. The music was already echoing within the large room, people milling about, chatter all around you.
“Gosh, why did I fall in love with someone so cheesy.” You laughed as you headed towards a less crowded section in a nearby corner. It was always nicer to not be surrounded by people who didn’t seem to have a sense of personal space. But then again, if you were caught up in dancing and laughing, you probably wouldn’t have cared as much about that either.
You and Shinwon didn’t get too far into avoiding the attention when you heard someone loudly call out your name, competing with the strings who were beginning to play their minuet and trio. Your head swivelled around, trying to find the source of the voice, but all you saw was a mass of colourful clothing.
“Y/n!” The voice called again, and this time, it sounded much familiar.
“Changgu…?” You muttered under your breath, eliciting a hum of interest from Shinwon.
And sure enough, there was Changgu, dressed in a tux — which was a mix of cream and white that suited him well — rushing towards you with a wide grin. Behind him was his father, walking leisurely to eventually join you guys as well (though he stopped for a moment to grab a glass of wine). Without even giving you a chance to register the situation, Changgu engulfed you in a big hug, almost tipping you over with all the energy.
“Y/n! I’ve missed you so much! How have you been doing?” He exclaimed after he pulled away to scan your face, eyeing every single detail.
“I’ve been doing great!” You smiled back. “How about yourself?”
“Oh, you know, same old, same old.” He rolled his eyes and returned to his bright smile. “But let’s not talk about me — it’s your party after all, and we don’t need that small talk. Anything special happen while we’ve been apart?” He then lowered his voice and added not so subtly, wiggling his eyebrows. “You didn’t run off and find a special someone, did you? You can’t do that to me.”
It took you a moment to find a response. You swore you sent him a message about your engagement months ago, but from the way he was acting right now, it didn’t seem like he had any knowledge of it at all. In the corner of your eye, you could see Shinwon cast a confused glance in your direction. 
Before you could respond, his father passed by to join in on the conversation. “It’s been so long since you guys got to meet, if you plan on marrying each other then we’ve got to plan more dinners like this. Though of course, a little more intimate where we don’t invite all the kingdoms over.” He joked with a hearty laugh. 
Oh. So they didn’t know about your engagement.
You chuckled along awkwardly as you watched him leave the conversation to go talk to another guest.
“He’s right, it’s been so long since we last met, we should do something together again! Like those ballroom classes, remember how we did that when we were little? We should take another class so that we can see each other often again. I love dancing with you.” Changgu rambled on excitedly and took your hands into his. His touchy antics typically weren’t unusual at all to you, having been best friends for as long as you could remember, you weren’t bothered by his love for physical contact. But today, your hands felt like they were on fire as he held them tightly, and it was probably because you could feel a certain someone staring at the two of you.
Shinwon spoke before you could. “Actually,” He put a tight grip on your shoulder and pulled you closer to his side, making Changgu step away from you a little. “Y/n already has a fiancé and the wedding will be happening this summer.” He declared boldly.
You saw the first sign of jealousy when his other hand clenched into a fist.  Now, Shinwon would never get physical, nor would he ever hurt a fly, but you could tell that he was doing so to relieve his anger. He had to do something to calm himself down.
“Ah…” Changgu stared at the two of you, mouth slightly parted as he slowly connected the dots. Then, that confusion morphed into a smile and he playfully nudged you. “You didn’t tell me you had something going on.”
“Did… did you not receive the letter we sent out?” You managed to stammer out.
“Hm? There was a letter?”
“Yes we sent one out a long time ago, it may have gotten lost I guess.” You weakly concluded. The Yeo family didn’t interact much with the other kingdoms — they hadn’t even gone to Shinwon’s party, and instead spent most of their time in the peaceful solace of the forests.
“Ah, oh well, it would’ve come to me as a surprise either way. So,” He shrugged it off and turned to look at Changgu. “You’re the man? What’s your name?” He held out his hand to shake.
“... Ko Shinwon.” He replied flatly, and firmly took his hand and squeezed it.
“My name is Yeo Changgu!” He responded back, seemingly unfazed by his cold attitude. “Me and y/n have been friends ever since we were little.”
It was a harmless comment, maybe a little unnecessary, and from the look on Changgu’s face, you weren’t sure why he found the need to say it, but his eyes still twinkled with friendliness. Shinwon, on the other hand, didn’t seem to take his statement the same way you did, and he tightened his grip on your shoulder.
Shinwon seemed to lighten up a little bit when you busied yourself with talking to other guests and he kept a loose hand in yours, gently playing with it. Though wasn’t long before Changgu approached you again, now with a rose in his pocket and you silently wondered who he got it from.
“Would you care for a dance, my princess?” He joked but held his hand out in all seriousness for you to take. You hesitated, trying to peer into his mind before looking to your right to check on Shinwon, only to realize that your fiancé had already struck up a conversation with one of his friends. No matter how much you stared, he didn’t look your way. 
You huffed at his pettiness and gratefully took your friend’s hand. “Why I’m definitely up for a dance.”
The two of you swayed to the beat and you tried to get your mind off of Shinwon. You could tell he was starting to sulk a little bit and couldn’t stop the feeling of concern bubbling within you. But at the same time, his stubborn attitude unwillingly irked you a little and you wanted to push aside his unnecessary jealousy. No matter how much you tried though, the setting still reminded you of when you first danced with Shinwon. How he was the only one to understand you that day, how stunning he looked even with the mask on, how nice it felt to kiss him for the first time— 
Pulled out of your thoughts, you brought your focus back to Changgu and followed his shocked gaze to see your foot stepping fully onto his. That must’ve been a little painful.
“I’m so sorry, I got distracted.” You quickly apologized and fumbled a little as you tried to get back into the rhythm of the dance.
Your best friend lightly chuckled, though there was a slight hint of discomfort in his smile. “You haven’t changed a bit, have you?” He reminisced. “Always getting distracted during dances and stepping on people’s toes.”
He was right, ever since the beginning of your lessons, you found it hard to not get lost in your thoughts and had always ended up misplacing your steps or bumping into those beside you. As your go-to dance partner during those times, Changgu had always experienced that clumsiness first-hand, and recently, Shinwon was also starting to realize that for himself. Clearly, you only harboured so much love for dancing.
The music picked up its tempo, signalling the time to switch partners and Changgu bid you off with a happy wave. Spinning around, you almost bumped into someone else and looked up to see the one and only Shinwon who seemed just as shocked as you were.
You quirked an eyebrow. “Well, not going to invite your own fiancée for a dance?” You tried to create some sort of amendment with him through your joking tone but his eyes averted from your gaze as he licked his lips.
That was the second clue to his jealousy. He always played with his lips and looked away when he was distracted and thinking about something else. After an awkward beat, he brought his hands into position and pulled you onto the floor for a dance without a word.
In the midst of the music, your little dance was silent and disappointing to say the least. Usually, they were filled with stories and laughter — that aspect came naturally to the both of you. Though you still shared this quiet sense of heartfelt affirmations, there were still so many things missing. Like his smile. 
You wanted to draw out a smile from him so badly to ease your heart, but none of your efforts seemed to work and his posture remained rigid, strictly following the music like he was worried about others criticizing his skills. The dance continued like that until you heard your father calling the two of you to take your places at the dining table.
You gave Shinwon a quick peck on the lips before making your way to your seat where many other notable guests were already gathering. When you sat down, you spotted Jinho in the spot in front of you and gave him a small nod of acknowledgement. As the son of the neighbouring kingdom, he was a familiar face at your palace. He leaned onto the table and smiled sweetly. “Y/n, you’re looking beautiful as usual.”
As you returned the compliment with a polite reply, you flinched a little when Shinwon set down the glass he was holding a little too forcefully and he muttered a small “sorry.”  When he chose to talk to the guest beside him instead of returning your stare, you turned back to Jinho who sent you a sympathetic smile.
The night wasn’t supposed to turn out like this.
Earlier, a small part of you admittedly had the intent of playing his own game by ignoring his hints of jealousy, but now, as you watched him sulk to himself, your heart melted and you sucked up your own pride. Your dignity was the last of your worries now — your new goal was to cheer up and remind him that yes, you still loved him and that there’s no reason for him to get jealous over a childhood friend. Even if that friend was a little too overbearing.
You spent a good chunk of that dinner glancing around the table, from one end to the other, trying to see if anyone else noticed Shinwon’s sour demeanour, or if there were any opportunities to cheer him up. However, everyone was focusing on either the food in front of them or the other guests they were conversing with, and there still wasn’t an outing for you to be able to take Shinwon outside. When you looked to your right, your eyes locked with Hui’s, just like they did the last time you saw him, and he stared back at you, slowly chewing the steak in his mouth. You couldn’t tell what he was trying to convey in his expression (and you silently scowled at his ambiguousness), but one thing was sure — there was no ounce of friendliness in his eyes, and you wondered why he wouldn’t leave you alone. You just needed an excuse to be alone...
All the attention was diverted to you when you suddenly stood up and blurted out the random word. Brushing off the crumbs that had fallen on your outfit, you let out a small sigh in relief when you noticed that they didn’t leave a stain and cleared your throat, trying to compose yourself.
“I mean,” You awkwardly looked at your father. “I’ve prepared some gifts for the guest and need some time to prepare them before the dancing starts again, so may I be excused to go do that right now? I’m done eating.”
You really weren’t done eating, but that was fine. At least you weren’t lying when you said you had gifts prepared.
“I’m going to need Shinwon to help me though.”
You felt the attention shift towards him now and took a peek at Changgu, who busied himself with his drink, paying no attention to the situation. Shinwon also didn’t look at you. He almost did, but caught himself before his eyes could wander to you and opted to cast a lost expression in the other direction.
Your stomach felt queasy when you sensed his hesitation. You caught onto the idea that he was still holding onto his pride and wanted to get back at you by staying at the table out of spite, but he simply let out a small sigh and then stood straight up, giving you a moody look.
Smiling at his cuteness, you acted like everything was fine for the sake of the guests, and grabbed his hand to lead him to your bedroom.
When you arrived, you gestured at the bows and ribbons that needed to be attached to the gifts and gave him some instructions: tie the gifts up, make sure they’re secured, double check that they looked presentable — pretty straightforward. You then headed towards your closet and pulled out the first boxes full of gifts to slide them over to where Shinwon was standing, ribbons ready in hand. You caught Changgu’s name on one of the gift tags after Shinwon received the box from you and grimaced at the unlucky coincidence.
“Thanks for leaving your food to help me,” You started, trying to prevent him from reading the names in the box. “I promise I’ll get the chefs to make your favourite dessert later.”
“Sure thing, y/n.” He brushed off your thanks with a nod and you stopped pulling the gifts out of the boxes to look at him.
That was the last indicator — he said your name. 
Shinwon hardly said your name when he was talking to you directly, it was always love or princess, or some other cheesy term of endearment. But just now, he had looked at you straight in the eyes and said “y/n” like it was a challenge.
Placing the box in your hands onto a nearby table, you faced him fully and rested your hands on your hips with a sigh. “Alright, what’s going on Shinwon?” 
You played the game back by saying his name, but approached the topic gently.
“Nothing’s going on, I don’t know what you’re getting at.” He muttered with a small pout, trying to avoid the conversation by going back to sorting the gifts, but you pulled him away to the other side of the room and leaned on one of the dressers.
“Nothing’s going on? So the past how-many-hours have been the usual Shinwon I know and love? Or is there a good explanation for it?”
When he didn’t answer, you cut to the chase. “Are you jealous?”
He was pouting even more now, finally giving up on any attempt to act indifferent to your confrontation, and you almost couldn’t take him seriously anymore. “Is it because of Changgu?” You pressed.
That got him to answer. 
“When you said you were good friends before, I didn’t think you were that close.” He hesitated and then continued. “He was being too touchy, you’re my fiancée and I don’t think he got that memo. It’s either that, or he’s taking advantage of you, and it kind of hurts to just watch you know?” 
You gently took one of his hands and traced your thumb along the back of it. “I know what you’re getting at, we’ve always been pretty close, and he’s always been a naturally affectionate person… but he might’ve stepped over some boundaries earlier. I just want you to know that those advancements don’t mean anything to me though, alright?”
Standing straight up, you went in to place a soft kiss on his lips, lingering for a while as the tips of your nose brushed against each other lovingly. 
“I love you the most, and I have no plans on leaving you.” You added.
Shinwon’s smile was a little fuller this time, and he whispered back an “I love you too” before pulling you into a warm hug, hair tickling your face as he leaned into you.
“Now let’s get these gifts all packed up, shall we? Everyone’s waiting for us.” You offered, patting his back a couple times to get him out of the sappy mood.
He didn’t miss a beat. “Will I get a dance with you later in return?”
“No, you’ll never get to dance with me ever again.” You replied sarcastically while pulling away and laughed when he went back to pouting again.
“I’m kidding darling, you can have all the dances in the world with me.”
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skizmin · 7 years
minghao!soulmate au
prompt: if someone touches you, your soulmate feels warm where you’ve been touched and can sense how you feel about the contact (uncomfortable, calm etc;)
genre: fluff soooo much fluff, soulmates!au, very very brief and vague ment of sexual harassment its tiny pls dont be put off, college!au
a/n: hey minghao, i miss you, please rest lots and become healthy for seventeens next comeback!!
okay so
throughout your younger years youve never really paid much attention to your soulmate, ofc your parents told you when you were about four that the weird warm things you were feeling was your “one true love that you’ll meet later” and whatnot
i mean of course youd chuckle sometimes when your cheeks got all warm and an annoyed feeling fleetingly passed through you knowing your soulmate must be being coddled by one of his aunts or smth 
but other than that
you just went on with your life
it wasnt until you were sixteen did you start paying more attention to it
sometimes youd get a bit worried when youd feel a warm spot on your arm and a surge of slight anger in your heart but it was always quickly replaced by happiness
you knew it was his friends hitting him by then so you just chilled tf
even when you felt your ass became VERY warm, you felt the same anger/happiness flow through your body so you just shook the fact that your soulmates ass just got BEAt off and continued what you were doing. 
youll have junhui to thank for that later
so by the time you were going into university you had become very aware of the fact that your soulmate was barely ever getting hugs anymore
and you just :^((( poor bby
and an idea popped into your head like !!!
my soulmate feels warm when i get hugged akdfksjla
instantly you were like IM GONNA HUG EVERYONE!!!!! EVEN IF ITS AWKWARD
so like, first day on campus housing grounds you found your dorm house and with that your RA housemate
she was cool and you where like hhhhhhh
i barely know you but
i have this duty of care for my soulmate so im just gonna
and you hugged her rly big and you felt uncomfortable at first but also so proud of yourself like wow
get you a girl like me ;^))
anyway your housemate is like “oooooookay, this is your room here and its just us and three others who’re already here”
youre awkwardly like cool okay see u later
amd ur blushing rly hard but hey at least you did it
anyway fast forward a couple weeks and youre like hugging all your new friends everytime you see them and theyre like wow shes clingy but they still luv you
and youre!!
abt doing it now like “hey hugs????? hugs are my shit.” ya feel?
cut over to minghao whos going to the same university as you with junhui
they both moved from china and minghao misses his fam so much :^(((
particuarly his mums hugs which he got all the time and sometimes he thought it was annoying but now hes like hhhh
minghaos mum was also rly open about haos soulmate and loved hearing about her
like one day hao came home (age 18???) fuming bc he felt his chest get warm in class and then his butt and a really strong feeling of fear and uncomfort and disgust filled him and he immediately knew what happened but he didnt feel anything else after that and he was so glad but still and his mum was like hao that happens to girls :^((( im sorry your soulmate must feel awful rn 
and hao felt sick in his stomach and he was like “im gonna kill anyone that does that to my soulmate again mum !!!!!!!!
and his mum was so proud
anyway hes almost fluent in korean by now and luckily junhui is good at making friends and found some that speak madarin and korean too so!!
their new friend jackson and some others are constantly with hao and hui being like “no that means square, this is how you say suspense” n shit
and hao learnt rly easily!! so did hui!! anyway
lately hao has been feeling his soulmate hug a lot of people lately and hed be rly happy except hes sorta 
“is my soulmate dating someone rn?? :^((” 
and hed remind himself you can date whoever you want before you meet him 
but hed still be all emo bc he wants love too and he misses his family and hes in a foreign country and hes failing one of his subjects bc how is he supposed to know all the non latin korean terms for all the flowers and plants they get pop quizzes on
and he just wants to hurry up and meet you bc hes all 
“everythings gonna be fine when i meet my soulmate!!!!!! theyre gonna make everything perfect for me!!!!!”
like, hao sweetie
calm down
but he’d be so determined like legit whenever junhui was with him and they were around people he’d be like JUNHUI TOUCH MY ARM
and he’d look around frantically for someone being like “tf my arm is warm gosh dang wonder what my soulmates up to lol” but he’d be a bit disappointed every time.
anyway tho so jackson invites him and junhui to his friend jaes party after teaching them all the korean slang shit
legit hes like
“guys. i think youre ready for your first party”
junhui nearly cries
little does he know youre??? invited to the same one by your housemate jimin (jyp gang here we go)
anyway you go to the party and are determined like legit hugging everyone you meet and jimins next to you like
im rly sorry about her dont ask
and minghaos in the kitchen like!!!! wth my soulmate keeps hugging people junhui smh smh 
he’s slightly buzzed and hella jealous
anyway he goes to the loungeroom for a sec to find his friend sicheng who just messaged that he was here 
and wow best luck ever you walk up to junhui and jae and meet them both!! youre all 
JAEE THANKS FOR HAVING THIS PARTY IM Y/N and you give him the biggest hug and then you turn to junhui whos all
hi im junhui
and smiling awkwardly and youre like
and give him an even bigger hug than you gave jae and jae and jimin are watching you like wtf and junhuis like awkwardly patting your back and IN COMES MINGHAO WHOS GETTING SICHENG A DRINK
hes like jeSuS chRiSt how many time does she have to hug her s/o in the span of an hour!!!!!!!!
and he feels random extra warmth spurt on his back and hes like what sort bf/gf pats their s/os back lmao and then he seens you hugging junhui and he like
pauses for a second 
then hes like haha gtta be a coincidence that i can see a georgeous random stranger hugging my best friend in the same way i can feel my soulmate hugging someone rn
amd junui sees hao and a wave of relief passes over him and he grabs your shoulders and pushes you away like
and you turn around as junhuis like “this is y/n, friend of a friend of jacksons ad jaes”
and then you meet eyes with the most goRGEOUS boy youve ever seen like HOW can someone look like that
and as soon as you meet eyes your body just gets soWARM and your heart like
fuckin swells and shit
and youre like ohmygodohmygod whats happening
and hes looking at you with the widest eyes ever and everyones like “wow they must find each other pretty hot theyre just staring at each other”
and suddenly minghao grabs sichengs hand and just places it on his chest and sichengs like wtf no homo
and you feel warmth on your chest and a surge of shock, excitement and hopefulness rush through your blood but the first thing you say is
WTF YOU PERV as youre grabbing your chest and junhui finally catches on and walks up and pokes you in the stomach and you yelp and minghao just touches the warm spot on his stomach and smiles SO wide
and he goes to hug you but stops himself
by now everyones gone to give you some privacy 
and youre like wot!!!!! hug me!!!!!!
but he just says “dont you have a partner?? im not doing anything with you until you and them break up” he ain no homewrecker sweeties no cheating in this household
and youre just like
????????? what ?????????
“youre always hugging your partner!! its hard not t notice, youre so proud after too :^(((”
and you start laughing
hes just pouting at you like whattttttttttttt
you say in between laughs
im hugging people for you!!! you havent been getting hugs lately, and i like it when you get hugs i love the feeling so i thought id hug a bunch of people so you could feel warm anf fuzzy inside!!!
he looks at you like,,,,,, oh,,,,,,
and then he swoops you into the biggest bear hug ever and you feel warm and fuzzy except its not the same. it feels so
so real??????
you almost start crying and then he pulls away looking teary eyed too
“y/n was it??? im minghao. and im looking forward to hugging you and being with you for the rest of my life.”
youve never smiled wider as you jumped into him and gave him your first kiss while thinking of how great your future was gonna be.
hope yall liked that shit!!!!!!
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goldenscript · 7 years
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meet jung wooseok, apparently music major extraordinaire with hella tats and a rep for being a badboy
but you personally know him at that lowkey annoying kid who’s Always falling asleep n coming in late in ur creative writing class
y’all met that first day when he wandered in and he just tapped ur shoulder mid-exercise to ask what was goin’ on n although u could’ve been a jerk n not said anything u threw the kid a bone n somehow his piece still surpassed everyone else’s a few days afterwards
ofc you get it. it’s college so being tired from classes and prolly work is what’s getting him but the little green monster on ur shoulder doesn’t relent bc this is where u learn time management and well
you see you love creative writing - you live, breathe, and think it a lot and it’s ur major so why wouldn’t u enjoy the one class that actually specializes in ur own interest???? and you work rlly gosh diddly darn to do it too bc writing really isn’t that easy
you’re one of those people that takes ages to get a piece out but bc this is a creative writing class you have weekly assignments and some pieces are hits n some are misses but u deal with it bc part of it is for the grade and another part of it is trying to get more experience in the field
anyway, unlike u, wooseok doesn’t seem to rlly try,,, that hard,,, or rlly,,, at,, all n that’s what ticks u off
ur the the kind of person who not just hates slackers, u abhor them n u suppose he tries rlly hard with his major since who wouldn’t??? but he doesn’t w/ urs n when ur teacher an english TA named Hui was talking to him abt writing before class he said it was soOoOOOo easy n u were p resolved to disliking the kid immediately
u just find ur seat near the back with the 30+ students n out of all the ppl to sit by,,,, he sits by u n u jst don’t try to think abt how much u dislike him n his dumb face tht’s starting to fall asleep AGAIN
but ok u sneak a small peek n u have to admit,,,, he’s actually pretty cute like u kno that he seemed p intimidating when u first saw him bc at first glance he’s this flippin’ hulking giant at like 6′2″ with tats up to his neck and sleeve u only get a peek of bc he’s enveloped in a huge jacket 99.9% of the time n he usually has furrowed brows n his lips pulled into a straight line unless he’s talking to hui or some other dude in his large ass group of friends bUT
the peaceful look on his face is different than those times n u kinda make a mental note of it even tho u most certainly are Not comparing his eyelashes to fluttering dark angel wings or his peaceful face to something akin to a statue in a museum
no u r not
n- ok fine maybe a little 
bUT it was part of the warm up assignment to write a snippet of literally anything n he struck ur mind in that split moment n now ur back to aiming a well needed elbow to his side bc hui scanning the aisles for a potential victim to share their piece as he usually does n although u dislike wooseok ur not that spiteful
and right as hui picks on someone right beside u two, wooseok wakes up n looks at you with this really grateful n apologetic look tht u whisper the instructions to him bc gdi ur a good person
he may fall asleep n sometimes comes in late or not at all but u won’t let him fall behind so long as u can help it bc green monster aside ur conscience would hate u
anywayyyyy this particular day is only a little different bc it’s become one of those days where 6 PM is when the sun goes down and it’s pretty dark n not many students are on campus bc hello no one likes being on campus at night,,,,, save for the few kids who have like bio or math discussion then that’s a blessing bc campus rush hour is no joke n u once almost saw ur life flash before ur eyes bc of a bicyclist
u prepared for the coming of night bc ur residence hall isn’t that far off n most of ur friends are at their dorms or beelining across campus so it’s a solo job, n so u’ve estimated abt 20 minutes walking n 15 minutes speedwalking,,, 10 if u jog but ur plan is to speedwalk bc ur bag is heavy with books from ur other classes so no thnx
the moment ur released from class u start making a beeline out of there bc once ur out it’s a hell of a lot darker than u thought and apparently the streetlamps aren’t as bright as u hoped but regardless u try to trek thru the campus as best as u can n preferably near the convenience store since it’s usually open 24 hours and u’d have a place to run into in case someone tried attacking u
but well things kinda go according to plan but not really
u make it prolly halfway before u see this dude just loitering around by the benches near the dark buildings n u try to walk a little faster bc u r Not trying to deal with that tonight 
“hey where you goin’!” he says outta nowhere n u feel urself tense up just a bit
but ofc u look around hoping there’s someone else around n it isn’t just u but it is so u just nervously laugh, “oh yeah haha! just goin’ to the store y’know” bc the bright lights are just up ahead n if he lets u go then u can stay there n hopefully nag one of ur friends to come pick u up if he just doesn’t leave
n he’s just looking at u with feigned disappointment n goes “aw how ‘bout u just stay with me?” n he even dares coming closer
ofc ur ready to peel out of there but another part of u is pretty freakin’ scared bc oFC something just had to happen the first night n ur literal worst fear no less
you just shake ur head like “o no! my roommate’s waiting for me up ahead, y’know so i better get going,,,,,” n you’re already walking a little past him when he just takes a few steps and starts walking alongside u
“aw c’mon!!!! i can show u a real fun time hun. forget ur roommate”
“i’m asking nicely, babe don’t make me repeat myself”
the nickname sets u off ur sure n ur just abt ready to tell him off with a glare and everything bc Who Does He Think He Is????? “look dude, i’m not ur babe-”
and then another voice joins right as he’s abt to step towards u n u recognize that husky, just woken up voice anywhere as he says, “take a hint. leave”
you actually look up at surprise bc wooseok gently tugs on ur wrist and puts himself between u and the creepy dude
u suppose the sight of wooseok is enough to scare him off bc right as the creep is abt to tell him off he catches one sight of wooseok and his eyes go so wide he just peels outs bc the look on his face is just screaming: “nope no way noooooooooooooo heck n o“
wooseok's so sweet like "are u ok???" bc unbeknownst to u, u’ve actually been shaking since that guy got so close and u can only manage a small nod but his features are a devoid of that furrowed brows and deep scowl with that dude
in fact his eyes are so soft under the orange lighting and he actually looks really worried bc ur fists are balled n u can’t seem to stop shaking so he goes “c’mon i’ll get u something to warm u up” n u just nod bc as scared as u were u actually feel a lot safer with wooseok there
like he even places his really large black denim jacket over ur shoulders n u feel urself shiver a lot less
so he takes u to the convenience store u were trying to make it to n it turns out his friend yanan works there
yanan’s a really handsome boy with a cast on his arm and his eyes seem to light up at the sight of u and wooseok but he doesn’t say a word bc of the look on ur face n the one on woo’s but he does flash u a friendly smile bc u look like u need it
wooseok gets the two of free hot cocoa n he tells yanan that he’ll pay him back for the drinks n that he’ll be back after he takes u to ur dorm n yanan says something like “i’ll add it onto ur tab” before u two go n wooseok’s reaction is a lil’ stiff n that has u like ??? but u don’t press bc u just want to go to ur dorm and shower and just not think abt what happened
although u aren’t talking, wooseok’s actually trying to make an effort and talk to u. mostly abt little things n he even gives u an analysis of the rlly rlly confusing piece u guys had to do n when he started mentioning what the blue curtains meant u couldn’t help but laugh bc it was silly n it didn’t really mean anything but u can tell he’s trying to make the mood much lighter n he breaks out into this shy smile n goes
“so that what it took to get u to smile huh?” 
n u don’t say anything but a thank u bc the half-empty hot cocoa in hand n the walk back to ur dorm makes u feel better times infinity
he kinda just nods n says “yeah,,,, anytime u need someone to walk home with, i gotchu” n u want to tell him that it’s ok but he looks really serious as he says it so decide to nod
“really, thank you wooseok” you tell him right as ur in front of ur building n he just nods a little awkwardly which is still pretty endearing on him even tho it’s not quite what u expected of this supposed badboy
n he’s like “o well, um,, here.” and just grabs a pen from his bag n grabs a hold of ur free hand n scrawl his number on it n says “the next time y’know u need an escort,,, u can,,, erm,,, call or,, text me,,,” before he’s kinda really red in the face and stumbles his way back to the convenience store
when u get inside n the hot cocoa all’s done n gone n ur scrubbed clean of the day’s grime, u just kinda reflect to urself n decide that wooseok really isn’t that bad after all like u don’t see him as that annoying kid quite so much
now u see that he’s more or less tired from helping at that store n his analysis of the reading was pretty spot on n u just,,, well,, u feel warm and safe at the thought of him
even as u stare at his number still kinda decorated on ur skin, u can’t help but smile at his rosy cheeks
the following day u,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,do not text wooseok
mostly of out fear bc u have no flipping clue what to say so when u see him in class on thursday he actually looks a little pouty w/ hui until he sees u walk in n u actually take a seat by his bag (tho u reason that it’s bc u usually sit there anyway)
as promised he walks u to ur dorm after class n u two actually talk together this time n it becomes a tradition to do that every tuesday and thursday
u begin to see more to him than he lets on in all that time like how he really adores his jacket bc his grandma bought it for him or how he actually plays the guitar and the drums bc at first he thought they were just cool but then he saw his fave band live n wanted to be like them (fun fact: it was cnblue) and the violin like he was good enough to win a prize and everything!
u also see how horribly misrepresented he is bc u hear from a few ppl how he’s no good, he’s a liar, n he’s eaten a live duck once n all that ridiculous stuff but u kno the truth bc he’s actually very truthful n bright n it actually makes u a lil mad that people would talk abt him like that
even more so when u hear some people talk abt how reckless he is n u tell him abt it bc you think he deserves to kno that there are bad things going on abt him but he kinda,,, just,,, brushes it off which leave u very ?? bc that is not the boy you’ve gotten to know n it’s certainly not the one that saved u either n u say so
n he actually looks like he wants to say something but he hesistates so u say “look whatever u did or do, you can tell me wooseok. i’m not gonna think differently of u. i know you’re a good guy”
he just sighs and says “but i’m really not,,, like i’m reckless and no good like that said,,,,”
but you’re absolutely certain that he is dead wrong n so are they so you just tell him to tell u why they’re saying those things n he admits to u that the reason why his friend yanan has an arm cast is bc of him
they had been sneaking into old abandoned buildings as hang out spots just cuz there were tons of unused places in the city n this particular one was near a construction place tht had patrols come by from time to time n this wasn’t any different but the boys didn’t know esp wooseok since he was the one who chose the spot and reassured everyone that it would be fine so when patrols came n they had to peel out everyone mostly made it except yanan who slipped and fell by the nearby construction 
woo ran back over to help him out n they were mostly safe from the cops but the fall yanan made his arm bend funny so they had to take a hospital trip and ever since then wooseok has felt like crap and has been doing his best to make it up to his friend thru helping at the store n getting him to class even if it means he misses a few of his own bc it’s his fault n everyone else knows it
ofc u feel bad bc wooseok looks so dejected abt it n the only comfort u can offer him as his friend is ur support and ur reassurance that even tho he caused that to happen it doesn’t make him a bad person at all so u feel really frustrated n he notices,,, even looks at u in surprise like ???
“w-what’s wrong? why are you upset?”
so u quickly say like “!!! bc ur so kind wooseok! i know u keep saying ur a bad guy n those rumors ppl say r tru but u are so so so so unbelievably kind and sweet and even if no one else likes u then just know that i do ok????????” 
while he’s just in shock, you continue with reddened cheeks and a resolve not to stop, “p-plus, there’s no need to be so harsh on yourself! so what if u skip class -actually not a so what you should definitely go to class pls ur paying to be here- but what i mean is that things like skipping or looking scary doesn’t mean ur a bad guy n no matter what people say i think you’re a good guy and and and your friends do too and i wish u could see that! i wish i could show u somehow and god i don’t know i just--”
and ok you look so adorable mid-spiel and flustered and even though ur attempts to articulate are beginning to fall short, wooseok can’t help but go thru with his impulses like always and just,,, kiss u before he pulls back ready to apologize but you pull him back in and u just kiss him ok 
bc in all that time u spent together and in ur own upset, u realized u really really really flippin’ liked this boy and there was no other way you’d be this worked up over just anybody n with his lips against urs u just feel ur heart going even !!!!!!!!!! louder than ever 
you pull back n say with a small smile “if u ever need reassurance then y’know,,,, i’m happy to give that to u ok?” 
and he just has this goofy grin on his lips like “is this how you’ll reassure me?” and u nod and he just,,, pulls u into his arms n u both fall back onto ur bed just kinda looking at each other in this really soft light bc tbh he’s always had a crush on u since the start of ur class n some of those things like falling asleep and saying writing was easy was just his way of trying to get ur attention n to think he really did in the way he did makes him very happy esp knowing that u feel safe with him
and with you, finally coming to terms with the cold, hard truth that u indeed liked him too is nice bc the warmth and safety of his arms and being able to offer support and some sort of protection to him is all u ever really wanted to do - it happened so slowly and gradually but u have no regrets at all
also, lemme just say that the nine other boys in wooseok’s life absolutely adore u as they all kinda race to meet u bc you’re really all he ever talks abt next to yongwa n they find the two of u super adorable!!! 
it’s actually an easy transition for the two of u to go from friends to s/o’s too bc you two have always been pretty touchy-feely in a really casual way and now you both have even more excuses to hang out and work on stories together or sometimes u go to his dorm just to hear him play his guitar even as yuto’s trying to study for his compsci test or how jinho n hongseok invite u to dinner with the group just so everyone else can watch u and wooseok be really adorable n really just being together is just,,, so nice?? 
like as friends u always had urges to reach out and hold his hand or kiss his cheek or even hug him really tight and now u can do those things! and even he would have moments where he just wanted to give u lots of back hugs and spinning hugs and just hugs and forehead kisses but he couldn’t so moving on from friendship and being able to do intimate gestures became a rlly fun pastime for you two!
and now whenever u hear anyone whispering abt wooseok or giving you funny looks, you actually throw a few responses at them in his defense and sometimes he has to drag u away bc u can get awfully scary when you’re mad and he just calms you with his tight hugs and he’ll get hot cocoa with u and you two will just walk beneath the stars n it’s just,,, 
it’s nice being able to feel safe with your s/o and that’s what makes the two of you very content bc no matter what you’re each other’s rocks <3
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sitaaronkepaar · 7 years
Daily Rikara Ramblings
Gosh, I have no idea what to expect today. Low-key afraid to watch cause Omkara's a disappointment but then Shrenu's here to grace my screen after what seems like 2000 years, and how can I even dare not watch her? Impossible!
OMG SHRENU I MISSED YOU SO MUCH. 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖NEVER LEAVE ME AGAIN *hugs her legs* 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
But cutie you still don't look a 100%. Take your time boo. 😘😘😘😘
So glad they're using Maa ka excuse. I legit thought they'd make some dumbass excuse here. Chalo, thank god. 😌😌😌😌😌😌😌
Oh no, yahan she's missing him and wahan he channeled Darr's Rahul and burnt all her paintings/pictures in his freepy dungeon. She gon be heart broken. 💔💔💔💔💔💔 I can't watch this. 😧😧😧😧😧
Aww, she wants do new shuruat but yahan toh he bhasmofied their entire relationship 😧😧 😢😢😢😢😢
She loves him now? Ok, i guess. 😐😐😐😐😐😐😐😐
God, yeh toh pehle se hi AngryKara mode me hai. 😥😥😥😥
Fuck he cut her call. Ugh. 😒😒😒😒
Shit man, this is going to be a trainwreck and i just can't stop looking. 😫😫😫😫😫😫😫
Ugh, Omkara. Just ugh. 😒😒😒😒
I'm just tolerating you now cuz I know tu khoon k aasun rone wala hai. 😇😇😇😇😇😇
Omg bhavya in her hair tied up!! Yay!! 😘😘😘😘😘
Waise protocol says bun, but PROGRESS BITCHESSS!!
Ugh, the bribe's gon be in that mithai ka dabba isn't it?
Ugh, yes it is. 😥😥
Shit poor bhavya.😢😢😢 Who's phasaoing her?
Sultan? 🤔
Haadsa, Raaz, kya bakwas hai 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄
She's reached home. Oh no, muje heart attack aa raha hai. 😧😧😧😥😥😥
Omfg how much weight has Shrenu lost? Iska suit bhi dheela ho gya hai. 😧 Girl, REST! 😧😧😧
Ugh, Arjun. I guess we're never going to know why he went to that cheapass hotel. Just another raaz i guess. 😒😒😒
Card? Hahahahhaha, i was right!! So it was a card she tore off. Ahem ahem. 😎😎😎😎😎😎
Why do I feel Omkara's gonna overhear all the wrong things? 😓😓😓
For fucks sake Gauri pls don't say ILY on phone. Tera pati galat fahmi ki dukaan hai. You KNOW he will overhear this shit!! 😧😧😧
Hahaha, but muje Omkara ko dekh k itni hassi aa rahi hai lol. Jo kehna hai keh le beta, i don't even care cuz you gon cry soon bitch 😉😉😉😏😏😏😏
Poor Bhavya. Ek din proper uniform me aayi and usi din suspend ho gayi. 😢😢😢
This I love you, shy love you is making me lol but more on that later lmaoooo.
Ofc, this he didn't overhear. 🙄🙄🙄Jo nahi sun na tha woh dasve maale se bhi sun leta. But kaam ki baat uske sar pe khade hoke bhi sunai nahi degi 😑😑😑😑😑😑
Aww, i know he's faking but this hug is still giving me feels. At least it's better than Gauri dreaming again. Or is it? 🤔🤔🤔
Gauri's face when he hugs her is so....😍😭😭😭😭😭
Has Gauri's absence made him relapse? Is he taking drugs again??? 😱😱😱😱
DEAR GOD IT'S SCARY!!!! 😧😧😧😧😧😧
I was joking before but Omkara, have you seen Darr one too many times kya? Stop this, you're scaring me. 😧😧😧😧😧
Fuck this is going to lead to so much bezaati lol. I can't watch this. 🙈🙈🙈🙈🙈🙈🙈
Ugh, i hope you end this relationship bitch tab pata chalega tujhe. I really hope Gauri gives it back to you bitchhhhh!!! 😠😠😠
Also, Dafuq is this Love shuv crap? Abhi theek se MU's bhi clear nahi hui, friendship bhi nahi hui, he hasn't even properly apologized and made up for his actions and you're in love? Bitch, he doesn't even recognize your marriage!!! Or trust you, or respect you(granted you don't know that but still!! I thought you could read people Gauri!). You're just going to break your own heart going this path Gauri, and no one's gonna be able to console you cause this was your own doing.
And lol cvs k charan kaha hai? Aarti utar ke, mala pehnane ka mann kar raha hai by goddd!! How many times are you going to show you don't give a fuck about Rikara? Ek toh this circle of hell of a relationship is full of misunderstandings, usko properly resolve karne k bajai, you bring up more nonsense, and add more misunderstandings, and instead of showing real progress, you just reboot them every single time they are on the verge of an understanding. The dangal track was so wonderful, but no, you just nullified it all. And now Gauri's in love? Why? Just why is she in love with someone who's only made her miserable all these months? Cuz shankarji ka Prasad? Like, why the rush, bruh!! 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄
You know what though, I don't even care. After that tucchi mu clearing or whatever it was, I legit don't give a damn. At least after this shit is over, maybe we'll get some tharki scenes? God, these peeps toh don't even hug. That's why Omkara's psycho hug also gave me feels. Kuch toh tharak satisfy ho.😥😥😥😥😥😥
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staytheb · 5 years
Pairing: PTG’s Hui x OC [Everly] || PTG’s Yuto x OC [Linna] Genre: fantasy!au, supernatural!au, arrangedmarriage!au, slice of life, slight fluff Word Count: 1,756 Summary: Witches among humans set in the older age yet treated like the present. (If that makes any sense at all lol)
Warning: somewhat bullet-list. brief writing of the characters, how they met and what not. not really a full story. the four characters are witches and the term ‘witch’ itself has no specified gender. i have no real title and that’s what i’m calling it because i don’t know what to call it lol
this is actually something i wrote for my own character to be used in someone else’s story. the story has since been on hiatus for two years and so i just wanted to share bits of what i wrote for my character and have tweaked it. it was originally two different boy groups i used just in case my first pick was taken and so i had a back up, but PTG is used instead and instead of one character, i turned them into two to make it seem like two couples instead of my original and reserved. lol, but yeah this person had a really great story plot and every thing, but unfortunately it never gotten to be fully written. so it’s the way it is with what i have so far and only tweaked my characters being in it since it’s not really fully mine, but what i wrote to make it work for that author’s story. so yeah, happy reading and may be one day i could just do my own thing as i quite like the fantasy genre and the likes, but yeah kthxbai, Admin Lia~
Due to the families' tradition, the sisters already knew that they were tied to someone when their parents revealed that she they were engaged to their respective partners before their birth. Even if the other lived in another village of different backgrounds and powers. The sisters just didn't know who the person was until it was their twelfth birthday, respectively. Their parents finally revealed their names and gave them a picture of their soon-to-be husbands even though neither families have met one another. The sisters tried to get a reading from the image or just with the name alone, but nothing surface. All they had was just a picture and a name, even if the image was old and not very recent whatsoever.
Everly of the Eastern Land
responsive, deep, reserve, quiet, aloof, passive-aggressive
special ability: clairalience
additional village-related abilities: danger intuition, death sense, and life vision
personal ability: makes poisons and potions for enhancements
is the older sister
is engaged to Hwitaek
is an apprentice, alongside Hwitaek, for a well-known witch of the Central Land
Linna of the Eastern Land
considerate, responsible, unbiased, non-judgmental, lazy, unpredictable
special ability: clairgustance
additional village-related abilities: danger intuition, death sense, and life vision
personal ability: makes medicine and potions for enhancements
is the younger sister
is engaged to Yuto
is in her final year of magic school somewhere in the Central Land
Hwitaek of the Western Land
sensible, patient, fastidious, stubborn, tense, obsessive
special ability: volatile constructs
additional village-related abilities: animation and force-field generation
personal ability: omnitone
is engaged to Everly
is an apprentice, alongside Everly, for a well-known witch of the Central Land
Yuto of the Central Land
strong-willed, agreeable, athletic, cold, arrogant, ruthless
special ability: fire manipulation
additional village-related abilities: combustion inducement and pyrokinetic constructs
personal ability: flight
is engaged to Linna
is in his final year of magic school somewhere in the Central Land
how Everly and Hwitaek first met
Everly and Hwitaek met in their late teens and a little ways on the outskirts on the outside of the Eastern Land during the twilight time of dusk hour. Everly was out for her daily night time walk and decided to leave the village as she felt she had to for some odd reason and just went with the flow of it. She came across him as he was caught in one of her traps she had just set up earlier that day as she was hoping to score a few faeries to use their faerie dust magic for one of her potions in enhancing someone's appearance.
"You're pretty big for a faerie." Everly commented as she drew closer while Hwitaek rolled his eyes while struggling within the net-like trap to release himself somehow. "Because I'm not." "Oh, I see." She got a funny feeling being around the stranger and so she decided to leave. "Well, have fun." "Wait. You're not going to help me?" "No. You ate the honeysuckle gumdrops I made for the faeries and clearly you're not a faerie." "Wait a minute. This is your trap?" "Yes. Now get yourself out of it." "Damn Easterners." "And proud to be one." "You're not gonna ask where I'm from." "Nope, not interested. Bye honeysuckle gumdrop stealer."
Everly had turned around and spotted a shiny looking bug on the floor and picked it up. "Hmm, never seen one of you before. Here, this little guy can keep you company." And with that Everly had tossed the insect at Hwitaek and upon contact a mini explosion happened and she stumbled backwards from it. When the smoke finally cleared, Everly noticed that Hwitaek was no longer trapped and was casually dusting himself off like nothing had just happened. He then smirked at her as she finally stood back up. "Oh, I heard there's a rumor going around that your honeysuckle gumdrops are actually disgusting out of all the villages." "Then why did you eat the whole damn jar?"
Everly didn't bother to wait for an answer as she began walking back towards her village. Hwitaek decided to follow after her out of sheer boredom now that he was no longer trap, but also because he secretly wanted more honeysuckle gumdrops as hers tasted the best out of all the villages. "Can you show me to your village now that the stars are out?" "No." She answered back. "But rumor has it that outsiders can only enter by the guidance of the stars or its locals." "No." She answered again and dashed off to which ended up with Hwitaek losing sight and track of her. "Where did she go?" He looked left and right, but nothing as he took a few steps here and there. "Damn Easterners. They have less forest than us, yet how did I miss her?"
how Linna and Yuto first met
Linna and Yuto also met one another during their late teens near the entrance of the Central Land during the twilight time of dawn hour. Linna wanted to capture some of the villagers' residual powers during their time of usage as it was best fresh for a potent potion. In general to say, it was this particular day she really just wanted to make a potion to stabilize her talents and abilities better in hopes of controlling them by using the bits and pieces of the Centrals' abilities to somehow experiment with it since the villagers were known for always changing and she thought the changes could help out.
Anyways, a raging thunderstorm just got done brewing when Linna arrived and she went about to capturing the remaining substances before they sizzled out and lose its full potency. She had vials filled with several lightning sparks, upward air currents, and Cumulonimbus clouds when she had a sudden urge to duck and so she did without a second thought. Not another second later a large white and bluish flame combustion shot out and reached to where she had once stood and could have been ignited by it.
"What the heck was that?" She let out in surprised as she quickly uncapped a vial to capture some of it before it disappeared. Somehow though, Linna had a feeling that she knew that the substance was hellfire. She was only able to get a small flame before it disappeared and so she searched for the source because she wanted more of it. Soon enough she saw Yuto suddenly emerging from where the flame had come from. "Oh, gosh! Are you alright?" He took a hold of her and checked to see if she had any burn marks while she smacked him away from her. "Um, excuse you. I don't know you." But Linna felt something weird stir within her and thought best to get out of there and back home. Like right now before Yuto could touch her again.
"Hey, where are you going off to?" Yuto asked upon seeing Linna rushing off and away from the Central village. "Home." She replied not wanting to give out any other information besides that. "Wait." He called out to her. "No." Yuto rushed after her while matching her pace. "I think I know you." He suddenly said to her and she gave him a weird look with a once over. "Yeah, no. We've never met." "No, seriously. You look so familiar." "Hardly. I'm not from around here." "Yeah, I figured that part out." "Good, now leave me alone." "Not until-" He was interrupted when she suddenly lifted her hand into the air and threw something against the ground.
A mixture of a grayish and orangeish smoke swirled around them and when it finally cleared out Yuto let out a cough or two as he only saw a four-legged creature with six tails he'd never seen before that looked like a cross breed between a fox and a wolf running off with a satchel across its body. He glanced about him and saw that there was no Linna in sight. "Like where did she go? She was just here." He scratched the back of his head with a confused frown while still looking around his surrounding in hopes of seeing her again. "I could've swore I've seen her somewhere before. But where?" 
how Everly and Hwitaek interact
Hwitaek teases Everly a lot. Like a lot. When others are around and when it's just the two of them. Everly ignores him most of the time, but she'll have a snarky remark when she feels like she has had enough of his teasing and mocking. The only weird thing when it's just the two of them and no one is around is that Hwitaek is always asking for a honeysuckle gumdrop from her. She only gives it to him just so it will shut him up and that he will leave her alone for a long while.
Other than that, the two bicker and banter almost constantly like in a hard to get kind of flirting way, but it's nothing really serious to the point of where they actually fight or whatever. Even though they are engaged to wed, it doesn't mean they have to like it at first or even now, but they just sort of tolerate it for the time being until it comes for them to deal with it until then.  
how Linna and Yuto interact
Yuto actually follows Linna around and talks to her on a daily basis much to her displeasure. It's not like in a stalker or creepy way of sorts when he does it, it's just a bit too much since he's like invading her personal space like all the time. It's only whenever he spots her and just wants to interact with her since she is to be his future wife although she's cold and unsocial majority of the time to which others perceive Yuto to be. He just wants to get to know Linna better and hopes it would make her comfortable with him over time.
The weird thing is that Linna secretly enjoys his company for the most part and doesn’t want him to know that. It's because she's never really been around guys and didn't really grow up with a father figure, as the girls’ father disappeared when Linna was fourteen, so she's not sure how to act around the opposite gender. So Linna just treats Yuto like how she treats everyone else, but every now and then she would relax and let her guard down as he will be her future husband and needed to get to know him better.
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noniesays · 8 years
just got home from the wedding of the year. it’s crazy how fast time flies. i remember when steph JUST got engages, me and chris were talking, and here we are. i saw him tonight. not gonna lie, he looked really good. despite how much i try not to think so...i definitley still have a crush on him. i think it bothers because i have no idea wtf happened or what went wrong between us. it’s still a mystery. i have no idea what i want right now or who i like...so i guess it’s better just to be single until i know and am happy with myself. not gonna like, i hope he messages me. but i doubt it. i hope he thought i looked good. i will never know or understand what went wrong there.
steph’s wedding was beautiful, happiness radiated within her family and it just made me miss mine. what we once were. i’ve been missing daddy so much. i think about how our lives would all be different all the time. tonight for example, i wish i had my dad to dance with my on the dance floor. he loved to dance. i wish he was there to take mom home. i wish so many things. and i miss him so much. so much. who i am today, the collection of experiences in the past 7 years has shaped me into the woman i am today, but sometimes i just wish i had my dad. i lowkey think that i have daddy issues and am looking for someone to take care of me and love me. i’m working on it. i hope it happens one day, i have to believe that i will find my forever person when the timing and circumstances are right. right now? i had a crush on Huy yesterday, today I have a crush on Chris, last week I had a crush on someone who i never even met before. i need to stop being so thirsty! i have no control over who or when it’ll happen. all i can do right now is love myself and take care of myself. find my own happy. i am in charge of my own happiness. gosh he looked so cute in his tux. i wish he liked me or felt something when he talked to me. :(
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