#((I NEED TO REMEMBERRRRR but now I have the urge to draw Rick again.. beebo..))
antihibikase-archive · 2 months
Grabs u. Tell me about ur fomt verse
Everyone except Huang (much needed ...) is in their original designs, with mild differrnces- for example, Rick has orange-ish hair that was prevalent in his 64 design, but has pink eyes like in the remake.
Skye is in Mineral Town. None of the bachelors like him, Doctor especially. But they don't chase him around like the Forget Me Not Valley folks, so he's safer. Lives with Zack and Huang.
Rick has the same illness as Lillia. Something something curse from the Harvest Goddess herself eons ago which curses the firstborn of their bloodline. Because of this, he has a friendship with the Doctor, who is the only one that knows. Only Pete knows its a curse.
Pete and Claire are a pair of farmers! Pete usually handles the livestock and poultry (and fishing), while Claire handles crops, mining, and foraging. Pete is upbeat and chipper (secretly morr observant than he lets on), and Claire is level-headed and calculative- the comically serious kind, however.
I think I didn't out any pairs there despite shipping being a big part of HMSOS just because I didn't know who to match with who. Which I think is Good. But the bachelors and bachelorettes interact more with one another since I wanted them to feel like they actually knew each other.
Huang does not believe in the Harvest Goddess. (Kai swears this is going to get him killed.)
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