#((I know I didn't have to reply but I did anyway 8D
knivxsanddespair · 6 years
For a tray of cookies
Act 1: Newcomers!
"Of all the days to quit, Our baker had to quit now?!" The sign of frustration was clear, with the young man's head on the table. It was only a week that he had opened this shop and it's already falling apart in his very own eyes.
"Yeaaaah, Lilith burnt the last batch while saying something about having a wand war." Olivia stated, giving him a note with a picture the demon girl drew herself angrily with an 'I quit' at the side of it.
"Okay then..now how in Mewni are we gonna have cookies when there nobody to bake em?! They don't just magically appear out of thin air you know?!"
"I-" Olivia was trying to calm his boyfriend down while Miya was just coming in to the dilemma.
"And what about safety?! Why didn't we think about hiring a safe guy to check in if the bakers are not horsing around and stuff?"
"Llyr-" The girls' reply was answered with more panicking.
"This is the end guys, sniff, I love you girls but I think we have to close the Multiverse Cookie Hangout-"
"What? Can't you see we can't do anything right now?"
"Yes we can, you silly goof." Miya sighed. "There is a multiverse out there and we sure as hell can get someone else! I think I know a guy who can bake, we go waaay back so I practically know him!"
"And if you need someone who knows the rules of anything, I also got the guy for the job! You got the scissor ready babe?" Olivia asked smiling.
"You know it!"
"Then let's go! Be right back boss! We'll be back later!"
Act 2: The new guys.
Llyr now was inspecting the two guys the girls have brought, especially the blue haired one with his eyes covered. "Okay gentleman, state your names."
"Leon Diaz."
"Kyo Ordonia."
"Good to have you both on our small team. My name is Llyr, owner of the Multiverse Cookie Hangout. Here we strive to make out memorable moments while working and after serving customers."
The blonde then got them to walk with him and have a talk with each other. "So, there's no need to call me sir or boss or anything like that if you don't feel comfortable with it, because the last thing I want is a sense of distrust. Here, everybody is an equal. Got it?"
Both of them nodded with a smile.
"Good. Now as the shop's name states, it's a place where anyone can hang and have fun. It's a still a small business and we had orders from a few Stars and Jackies from different dimensions, but I believe with some spreading the word out, we can make it a hot spot! Bit enough of the me and the place, I want to know more about both of your skills."
Kyo was the one who started "My adopted mom Janna and Aunt Jackie did taught me a thing or two on baking brownies and cookies. I also can make some desserts and drinks!"
"That should be good. I've always believe in having some different everyday so this is already a good start! What about you, big boy?" Llyr now turned his attention to Leon.
"I'm no baker, but I can definitely can help in the safety and rules department! Here are all my certificates in all the safety courses that I went through!"
Llyr flipped page by page on the thick file of certs. "Wow, you really are passionate about this job! I'm impressed and no doubt would you be the best safety inspector! Okay, here is my number. Would the both of you be able to come again tommorow?"
Both boys nodded again.
"Excellent! We'll talk of the pays and schedules tommorow, get the paperwork done and you'll both be officially hired!"
As they both went back to their own dimensions, He turned his chair to see the girls both grinning away at him.
"I saw how you paid the extra attention to Kyo. You think he's cute, don't you~?"
That quickly got him red. "I-I did no such thing!!"
Miya chuckled at that sentence. "It's all over your face! Well..to be honest I do have a crush on him as well. Maybe we three can share him?"
"Sounds like an excellent idea!"
(Well, look how pulled an AU at 4 in the morning out of his ass just to cover up his mood swings? THIS GUY! 8D anyways, I reallly have to pick up my writing skills.
Lilith Butterfly Lucitor and Llyr belongs to @makanshoku / @kyotsune
Leon Diaz and Olivia Greason belongs to @demon-draws
Miya and Kyo belongs to me of course! Now if you will excuse me, I have to get back my nerve feeling on my right arm. )
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HEYO I finished Arata's route today at 3 am and I'M DYING I LOVED IT SO MUCH YOU HAVE NO IDEA. Okay so I literally choose Arata to be my first route in GH2 bc of his voice, I didn't really check if the game was R18 when I got it so I started playing with little to no knowledge about the series, HENCE I kept thinking "if this turns out being r18 I'll love hearing this boy's moans LOL. And for starters, I wasn't interested in any guy, even less in Arata since his character trope isn't my fav...
(I hope you don’t mind me pasting all the asks together!)
…loved so so much that Yuki’s goal was to help him, even more than actually wanting to woo him. I really liked that Yuki didn’t realize he was in love with Arata until later on and that he kept following him around bc he couldn’t just leave someone who’s clearly hurting alone. I had lots of fun bc I struggled at every choise I was givEN, ig in real life that kind of person has to be given space, or at least I think so, so I was always nervous about the ending I’d get…
…SO YEAH I was ACTUALLY afraid of pushing him too much or ending up hurting him. MY BABY ARATA
…Anyways, thank you again and sorry for so many asks, I didn’t know how to cONVEY my feelings on only one so yeah. ALSO WHY DIDN’T YOU CHARGE US FOR THIS PATCH WE DON’T DESERVE IT. Everyone’s gonna hate me for saying this but if you ever do something like this with other game you should totally TAKE OUR MONEY. I’m looking forward to playing Tomo’s route (I asked you a long time ago about Sakaki’s route so YEAH I WANT MY TEACHERRR). Thank you and have a good LIFE.
(my reply starts here!)
I’ve watched so much anime just because of the voice actors in it so I totally know that feeling of going in blind for the sake of DAT VOICE. Arata’s not the type of character I normally like either but the more I think about him, the more he grows on me. Really love that he’s so observant while maintaining that derp personality to keep everyone thinking he’s clueless.
Yuki’s I WANT TO HELP personality is so endearing. I love that boy! And yeah, the uncertainty in Arata’s route - am I helping or hurting by trying so hard - contributes a lot to the tension. Some of the routes are pretty obvious but in his it can be tough to find the “right” way through.
Well… the answer to “how much time” is ALL THE TIME, honestly. It took us about four years to finish our project (for lots of reasons but mainly not being sure if a patch was even possible = working really slowly) but it was a GOOD four years, you know? And YESSS WE ARE WORKING ON THE ORIGINAL GAME NOW! It does indeed have ~le adult content~ heh heh. 8D
Haha, well, we can’t get paid for this sort of grey-area fandom work. I imagine that between me and Marfisa, it was a solid year’s worth of full-time work (or about 2000 hours) or more. For free. THAT’S LOVE. But seriously, we’d be happy just to have more people experience the game because (for me at least) it was a life-altering experience - not just because of the content of the game itself, but the experience of taking on a huge project and seeing it through until the very end. Except it’s not quite the end because there will be at least one patch update in the future with corrections and stuff… haha…
It seems like it’s pretty rare for big fan projects like this to be completed, especially as a fully functional game patch vs text scripts to read along with, so maybe the payment for me is getting to feel like part of an elite club of PROJECT FINISHERS. \o/
Tomo’s route is SO GOOD, I hope you enjoy it!
And thank YOU for making our day!
GH2 patch, for anyone who wants to give it a try! :Dhttp://heaven.neo-romance.net/gh2patch.php
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nightshade-imagines · 7 years
Heya !! How are you ? :3c Teen!Sibling time 8D Reader and [character] didn't say yet they see each other like siblings. One day, as the three of them are walking down the street, a group of teenagers come of nowhere and start laughing. "Oh look, it's the freak ! They're friends with monsters !" Reader frown, crossing their arms and stepping in front of [character] "They aren't my friends." 1/2
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I’ve always been a sucker for those types of moments! Also, sort of my first time writing for Underswap Alphys!
(Note: For any of the Fells, experiencing any kind of familia/platonic relationship with anyone outside you’re real family is confusing (especially if it’s a human). The main problem being the mind set of: This person has no biological connection to me, we are not bound by blood or magic but I continue to stay close to them, this person hardly serves any useful purpose to me for me to be risking anything for them, but I do it anyway, this person offers me no essential elements to my survival but I keep them around anyways and this person does things that others would be dead for doing but I let them go with a laugh. This mindset is what makes it so hard, for the Fells and it often leaves them dumbfounded. At least when it comes to romance they understand that if nothing else, it’s just a monsters natural reaction to hormones an all that crap, so that is why Underground, romance was more accepted than just keeping someone around because you’re really good friends with them.)
⭐UT Papyrus: Papyrus was initially dumbstruck by those kids’ rude behaviour and was about to step up and correct them when you quickly moved in front of him. Your first reply caught him totally by surprise and he stammered out an uncertain and questioning response, “HUMAN, WHAT DO YOU MEAN I’M NO-” But he was quickly cut off by your follow up statement and gave you a look of disapproval, “HUMAN! SUCH LANGUAGE IS NOT NECESSARY AND BESIDES I’M SURE THAT THEY…”, he freezes mid sentence and his eyes snap open in realization at what you just said, “AWWW, HUMAN!”, he pulls you into a hug and there seems to be a light blush dusting his cheek as he bears the most genuine smile than you’ve ever seen. “I-I SEE YOU AS FAMILY TO, HUMAN.” You hug him back and he seems to pull you even closers and you giggle, “THIS IS WONDERFUL! I’VE…I’VE ALWAYS WANTED TO BE A BIG BROTHER! I MEAN I GUESS SANS IS TECHNICALLY SMALLER THAN ME, BUT YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN!”, “Heh, of course.” The two of you completely forgot about the entire reason this conversation started and the bully’s were left sanding there watching your display until one of them spoke up again, “Uh, gross!” You and Papyrus payed no mind to the comment as Papyrus continued to chatter excitedly about how he was going to be the best big brother ever and something about reaching maximum “friendship power”. “*Gasp* HUMAN, WE MUST INFORM SANS OF THIS NEW DEVELOPMENT AT ONCE, HE’S GOING TO BE HAPPY AS WELL, THOUGH HE WILL PROBABLY BE TO LAZY TO SHOW IT!” You laughed to yourself again as Papyrus bolted back to his house with you in his arms. Needless to say, you were pretty sure that that defiantly wasn’t the outcome the bully’s were hoping for.
⭐UF Sans: Red sensed the hostility in the bullies’ souls when they approached you and readied his magic just in case they tried anything. While their attack may not have been physical it still pissed him off. This certainly wasn’t the first time he had seen or heard about you getting trouble for hanging out with him and his brother but you never seemed fazed by it. It was amazing in itself that you not only willingly put up with his brothers “eccentric” personality but you did so with undying determination. Like, even though both of them were huge jerks at times, you held tight to the light you saw in them even if it meant you got dragged through the mud to keep your grip. These thoughts raced through his mind in split second and he bared his teeth in a smirk. These kids were either really brave or really stupid to be messing with you while he was there, he’d put his money on the latter. “Freak huh? Well see who’s the freak after I’m done with yah.” He took a step forward only to be blocked by you, “Hey, what’s the deal, kid?” His eyes widen for a moment at your response to the bullies but before he was hit with any form of indignation, you ad your follow up. At first, he could only smirk at the bullies’ obvious surprise at your threat, then what you said really sank in. Family? You actually saw him and his brother as family? That……what? Did he feel the same way? Now that he thought of it, it seemed almost like his brother thought of you that way already. While Boss would never openly admit it, Red knew his brother had an unusually strong soft spot for this human. Heck, just the other day you were freakin’ holding onto Paps piggy back ride style and peppering the top of his skull with kisses just to fluster him! Never once did Boss make any violent move towards her and was rendered totally helpless. Red had to admit, it was pretty hilarious to watch The Great and Terrible Papyrus flail around with a beet red face as he tried to reach his back and pull you off all while spouting out empty threats. It finally ended when you blew a huge raspberry onto the side of his face, dropped off his back and booked it down the hall with Boss chasing close behind. It didn’t take long at all for him to catch you and carry you back out over his shoulder as you continued to giggle your head off, It reminded Red so much of how he used to mess with Boss when they were younger. After a rant from Boss, her “punishment” for “assaulting” The Great and Terrible Papyrus was taste testing his newest recipe, which in itself wasn’t bad considering Boss was an ace in the kitchen, but he tended to remake the dish over and over again until it was up to his standards. “NOW, HUMAN, WOULD YOU SAY THIS ONE IS BETTER THAN THE LAST?”, “Yeah, sure.” “WOULD YOU SAY THAT THIS ONE IS THE BEST SO FAR?”, “Yep, paps, you nailed it!” Boss leaned in closer and examined your every expression, “SO YOU’RE SAYING THAT THERE IS NO POSSIBLE WAY FOR ME TO MAKE IT ANY MORE PERFECT THAN IT ALREADY IS?”, “I-uh…yes?”, “I DON’T BELIEVE TO YOU, BACK TO THE STOVE I MUST TRY AGAIN!”, “*Sigh*.” Heh, poor kid, any longer and you probably woulda’ gone into a food coma. That’s an over exaggeration of course but you defiantly crashed on the couch afterwards, apparently humans do that to. *Snirk* The look on your face, “Heh, I guess you really couldn’t stomach that much pasta”, “Sans, please stop talking…”, “You can’t really blame paps for remakin’ it so many times, just thing of all the pastabilities!”, “Sans, I’m going to die on your couch now.”, “Alright, alright, I’ll short-cut ya home later.” You just offered a small thankful groan in response before going limp on the couch and Red chuckled. Thinking back to that made him feel a strange fondness in his chest. Guess I have a soft spot for you as well, kid, you really were something else. Heh heh…heh…did some human seriously fall into his and his brother’s life and end up becoming a part of their family? Finally realising that he had been reminiscing far to long, he snapped out of his trance and turned back to the situation at hand. He wasn’t sure what exactly happened while he wasn’t paying attention but things certainly seemed to be heating up and he mentally slapped himself for just standing there while you dealt with these jerks. One of the bully’s actually swung at you and Red immediately jumped into action and grabbed their wrist in a tight grip. He started at their hand for a minute then slowly turned his head to look at them. His left eye lit up and a sharp, sadistic smile snapped onto his face, he defiantly looked terrifying as he spoke, “You did not just do that…” The bully stammered in fear and tried to pull his wrist away with no avail, “Oh, now you’re in trouble!”. The bully continued to stammer out fearfully as Red pulled him closer and their faces were almost touching. Red smiled again as he whispered to them, “Or, you could apologize and run away with your tail between you legs like a good little boy”, Red turned to you and winked. The bully quickly nodded and looked to you before quickly apologising and Red let go of his wrist, “Now run!”, the bully immediately turned tail and booked it out if there and Red turned around to you again with a proud look on his face. The two of you just smiled at each other for a few minutes before bursting out in laughter, “Did you see the look on that guys face when when you caught his fist, priceless!”, “Ha, yeah, and the way his “buddies” took off the second we started to fight back!“, ”What a bunch of jerks! It’s kind if a shame though I wanted to be the one to teach them a lesson, but thanks, Sans, for standing up for me.“ “Hey, don’t worry about it, kid, you’ll get your chance.” The laughter died down and you flashed him a real smile and he hesitated for a second, “And, uh, kid, about what you said, about us being yer family…"He looked away, “I don’t…not feel the same way”, you smirked, “Do you want to try that without the double negative?”. “Nope!”, Red turned and resumed walking the way you were earlier, “C'mon, the Boss is gonna be pissed if we’re late for dinner again”, you jogged to catch up to him, “Okay, Okay race you there…bro!”, you laughed and rushed ahead of him quickly as he looked at you in shock that then morphed into a smile, *sigh* this soft spot is gonna be the death of me.
⭐US Alphys: Alphys wrapped an arm around your neck and gave you a noogie as she excitedly talked about some new anime she and Undyne started watching. It still kind of amazed you that someone as hardcore and intense as Alphys would be into girly animé and other cute, fluffy stuff (or kawaii as she called it). You just smiled to yourself at the thought when you noticed some kids walking towards you. After they spoke, Alphys snarled at there words, “You wanna try saying that again, punk!” You stepped in front of her and she turned to you in shock at your response but that quickly turned to a sly smile when you finished and she stepped up beside. Despite being considerably shorter, she still managed to look threatening. Alphys looked up to you and winked with her good eye and there was a look of uncertainly in the bullies’ eyes as they all took a step back when she spoke up, “What say the both of us us teach these chumps a lesson?”, you returned her sly smile, “It would be my pleasure!”
(Oh also, I noticed that I messed up a little on this ask I did earlier: https://nightshade-imagines.tumblr.com/post/168212653238/heya-how-are-you-3-sf-brossibling-time-so#notes and posted the ruff draft instead of the final version so I went back and corrected a few things. It was just some grammar mistakes and a few rewordings that were supposed to be in the final version.)
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