#((also applies to his other verses but i answered it with wol!morgy in mind))
morganaux · 2 years
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NAME: Morganaux de Roulemet / Morganaux de Dzemael ROMANTIC ORIENTATION: Gay, polyamorous PREFERRED PET NAMES: He would rather not have any used on him. Excluding situations where he’s in Ishgard and having to be on his “best” behavior, he goes almost exclusively by the nickname “Morgy,” unless he trusts someone to call him by his full first name. However, he will allow pet names that are given to him, so long as there’s significance behind it. RELATIONSHIP STATUS: Entirely verse-dependent, and unless discussed otherwise, he’s single. FAVOURITE CANON SHIP: (i don’t know why the font got larger here but i don’t know or care enough about formatting try to fix it lmao) There’s no canon, official WoL ships, so none. Unless you count his non-RP “canon” written exactly to my own tastes, and in that case, it’d be Morgy/Emet/Hyth/Eli. FAVOURITE NON-CANON SHIP: See above. OPINION ON TRUE LOVE: It absolutely exists and he will do anything for the sake of true love, viewing it as a force of good in the world that can warm even the coldest of hearts. This sounds pure and wholesome, but it’s not healthy at all for him (or those around him, for that matter), and him learning a more realistic form of love is one of my favorite character arcs to explore for him! OPINIONS ON LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT: It’s not something he truly believes in deep down in his heart, but he wants to believe in it and will say he does! HOW ROMANTIC ARE THEY?: On a scale of 1 to 10, a thousand. Once he’s convinced he’s found the right person, he’s going to put his all into the relationship. IDEAL PHYSICAL TRAITS: Long hair, taller than him IDEAL PERSONALITY TRAITS: Wants to do good in the world (even if it doesn’t line up with his own vision of good. it’s the intent that matters!), ambitious, critical thinker, open-minded. He’d really like to be with someone intellectually stimulating who helps him in his quest for knowledge and gets him to question the world around him. UNATTRACTIVE PHYSICAL TRAITS: He can’t stand people who don’t even try to present themselves nicely, especially when it comes to hygiene. He will tell someone to their face if they need a bath and he isn’t sorry at all about it. Too much muscle is also a turn-off for him for the most part, with few exceptions. UNATTRACTIVE PERSONALITY TRAITS: Close-mindedness, excessive piety, lack of ambition, having no interest in being a life-long learner. IDEAL DATE: Exploring an unfamiliar locale, especially if it’s somewhere they’re not supposed to be. Dancing in an empty ballroom would also be ideal! DO THEY HAVE A TYPE?: Morally grey (or completely immoral) mages. He doesn’t purposefully seek out the villainous type and is very much aware that it’s a problem, but he gravitates toward them anyway. AVERAGE RELATIONSHIP LENGTH: Verse-dependent. By default, he hasn’t been in any relationships due to him being a very repressed Ishgardian with little free time on his hands. PREFERRED NON-SEXUAL INTIMACY: Simply being in the presence of his partner(s), even if they aren’t speaking or doing the same thing, being content in the knowledge that they’re happy together.  COMMITMENT LEVEL: Completely and utterly devoted to a fault. (In a self-destructive, prone to corruption kind of way, not in a way that disrespects any boundaries!) OPINION OF PUBLIC AFFECTION: He’d prefer not to, but wouldn’t shut it down completely if it’d make his partner(s) happy, so long as it remains in moderation. He isn’t shy about his affections, but simply values his privacy and hates the idea of his relationships being the subject of gossip, which is pretty much inevitable as a WoL and a High House noble. PAST RELATIONSHIPS?: By default, none. He was, however, deeply in love with his best friend Noudenet, but the two of them never actually told each other how they felt before the whole Thordan situation happened.
TAGGED BY: saw the thing, did the thing
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