#((and arius is... awkward LMAO))
tfsroleplay · 1 year
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"Alright, it's late. We should really all be heading back."
Adria stands from her usual spot at the base in Alterna, Julian yawning as he sets Lil Buddy in his spot in his backpack. Cordelia had headed back earlier, having been needed back at the cafe. Arius took her place, helping out the agents with whatever they might need.
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"Hang on, jus' gotta put a few more items away.."
Arius hums as he looks through several of their crates, Adria's phone ringing as he did. She hummed, Arius glancing at her as she handed him a few items and spoke to whoever was on the phone.
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"Uh huh... When do you want to come by? He's pretty much always here."
She glanced at Julian, who pointed a finger at himself and grinned at her. He was suddenly standing in front of her, already trying to figure out who she was talking to.
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"Is it who I think it is?? Is it???"
He tried to grab the phone from her, Adria smacking his hand away. Arius chuckled as he heard her whisper "Down, Julian." like he was a dog.
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"Tomorrow maybe? I don't think you'd like to take the train to Splatsville just to say hello and go home... Uh huh. Alright. Arius or Five will take you here. More likely the former, Cordelia is more needed at the Cafe than he is."
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Adria chuckled, looking at Arius as he whipped his head towards her, but did not try to deny her words. He sighed, setting the last item in the crate before closing it.
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"Okay. See you soon, Hayden."
She hung up the phone, Arius immediately stiffening. He glanced at her, Julian was excitedly bouncing on his feet repeating "Gonna meet Agent 4 gonna meet Agent 4!!" Arius frowned, looking at Adria.
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The two stared at each other, Callie and Marie almost immediately backing up and pretending Julian's outbursts were the most important thing at the moment. Julian suddenly stopped, looking over at Adria and Arius.
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"...Huh? Things tense...?"
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"...Can't Five guide 'im 'ere...? O' maybe One o' Two...?"
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"Arius... Come on. You can't keep doing this..."
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tfsroleplay · 2 years
Cordelia sits on her living room couch, wrapped up in several blankets. She's playing a game by herself, both her parents are down in the cafe working, as well as Arius. It gets a little lonely when she has a day off...
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"...I know I was the one who said I should take today off but... I'm not feeling any better than I was yesterday..."
She frowns, pausing her game and glancing at her phone. She'd sent a text to Arius, asking him how things were going in the cafe and if they needed help. He hadn't responded yet, though she had a feeling he was avoiding her text since she knew when he took his break... She sends him another text, this time she's a bit angry.
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"I know you're on break. I have half a mind to come down there and talk to you about why you've been avoiding me! Did I make you upset? I can't fix what's wrong if you don't tell me! >:("
She waits a bit, staring at the screen. Three little bubbles pop up that indicate he's typing, which is a first in a while...
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"...It ain't something you did. It's my own thoughts that I'm trying to work out... I'm sorry, but I just can't talk to you properly until I figure it out."
Arius frowns, leaning back in his seat. Of course she noticed, he's not exactly good at hiding his feelings from her. Everyone else? No problem. But she knew him better than most people did—
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"Uh uh! If you can't look at me I'm gonna make you look!"
She went in through the back of the cafe and into the break room, startling Arius. He nearly dropped his phone, eyes wide.
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"What the hell?! Don't jus' come in like that! Ya scared me half ta death!"
He moves to stand, though Cordelia has already grabbed his hand and pulled him up.
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"Arius, you're coming upstairs with me. Your break is gonna be longer today! Mom! I'm taking Arius for a bit! He'll be back in a bit!"
Meredith pokes her head into the breakroom, a little confused.
"...Everything alright? We aren't too busy right now so go ahead but..."
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"Yes, Mrs. Murray. Jus' gotta take care o' somethin' real quick. I'll be back as quick as I can."
Arius sighs and allows himself to be dragged upstairs by Cordelia, careful not to trip up the stairs. This wasn't a conversation he was expecting to have today but... Guess he's gonna have to have it now...
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