#((he was hungry donnie uwu))
ducknotinarow · 11 months
( also if you want cause I added his 2k12 verse too. ) "Ow! Did you have to be so rough?" ( '12DonnieRaph )
| Bite or be bitten
"Don you sure about this?" Raphael asks just to be sure. Ever since his sudden change it was hard to get used to it all. Sure they mostly lived hidden and nocturnal live styles as is before so that didn't require much chance to Raphael's life. But well the everything else did.
Raphael didn't really need to sleep anymore he did it to past time and rest, sometimes it helped to starve off his need to feed. Funny no matter if he trained hard or not he didn't require Blood as often as he used to with food. Though food has lost it's appeal since his changed which seemed to hurt Mikey slightly, he mainly just ate for their sake. Raphael was learning the limit he could go with out. The max seemed about a month at least but he would grow weak when he did. Two was for the best, but he sometimes pushed it further it about almost six now.
Sure the synthetic blood Donatello created offered him the nutrients he needed but it tasted awful. So Raphael only here and there drank it beside it took time to make it so if he could push it off? Seemed fine. But he met a limit that left him weak sick even, didn't know vampires could get sick. Don didn't seem to happy when Raph confessed about not drinking the fake blood. Even after he had some it didn't seem to help his condition so Donnie offered his blood.
Sat in their chair with Raph behind them neck over exposing their nice long neck. Raph never noticed how long it was before till now. Raphael had a finger running down their neck mapping out the vine he knew to bite. before he rested his fingers on Don's shoulder they seemed fine with it as he lower down towards their neck. Breathing in against their neck. "Tell me when to stop alright?" Lowering down further he lets his fangs extend out he swears he can hear Don's heart beating making the blood in their system work faster. His mouth started to water, the slow action soon forgotten as he lunged forward and sunk his teeth in painfully into Don's neck. Puncturing through Don's scales with ease as he could taste the first drops of Don's blood on his tongue.
"Ow! Did you have to be so rough?"
"Warry" Raphael mumbled against their skin, before closing his mouth against their neck letting his eye close a moment as he started to drink the flow that was starting to pool in his mouth. Don's blood had a slight kick to it, likely from drinking coffee and such to keep awake when they worked nonstop and needed something to drive them to stay awake.
Raphael savored his brothers taste for a moment longer, it tasted so good. The real taste of blood, he wondered if mutagen effected this taste at all as well. He swears it like smelling coffee brewing as he gets lost to the aroma. Only stopping when he notices movement from Donnie, he might sucked to much slowly pulling away he laps his tongue over the two obvious holes in his brothers neck. Slowly licking up along the side before catching himself, face grew hot as he pulled back. Using his hand to wipe his mouth clean and clearing out his throat a moment. "Uh, thanks Dee" He offers as he turns away from them. "I feel betta already, guess the real stuff just kicks better." He shrugs his shoulders trying to play it all off as nothing. But the linger taste of their blood on his tongue is hard to forget.
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scribble-fics · 6 years
Flirting with the theif (Raffle winner writing)
For @juneart2-0 uwu they wanted their oc marble x rottmnt donnie.
New York. Lots of people, lots of places, and lots of trouble. The city had a knack for pickpockets, burglaries, robberies, and just good old snatching stuff.
Marble was hardly any different from the city criminals. She snatched something because she wanted it. Took what belonged to her. From food, to shiny watches and such that were so easily captured.
Only difference was she was a mutant jerboa.
That only added to the fun, being filled with raw powerful energy she just couldn't sit still half the time. She felt primal, untamed, unstoppable.
That is until four freaky turtles were hot on her trail one night. Yet it was all too easy to stay ahead of them. That is until they cornered her. Chasing her to a rooftop with no nearby buildings to leap to.
"Can you just hold still you kangaroo thief!" The little yellow speckled one shouted, throwing out a chain to capture her. Marble just leant out of the way and snickered. Clearly not worried about being stuck on top a roof with no where to go.
"Kangaroo hm? Good guess."
"Technically mikey we're dealing with a jerboa, you can tell due to the fur texture and lack of pouch"
Marble looked over at the purple one and smiled wider, "ding ding ding. So~ you're the brains of the bunch hm?" She walked closer to the turtle who had puffed his plastron out a bit and took a noble stance, "well i mean, i wouldn't want to toot my own horn or anything~"
All the other turtles jaws dropped slightly at the sight. The mutant was now circling donnie like a hungry lion, inspecting him up and down, "aren't you modest, and a cute one at that."
She ran her fingertips down one of his arms, feeling the turtle shiver a bit and drop his defensive stance, " heh..yeah you know i uh..you're not half bad i mean..heheh.." He sounded like an idiot. Hardly mumbling out responces, a love struck look slapped on his facial features.
"Uhh. Donnie? Want to get back to catching the theif and not flirting?"
Marble's ears perked up a bit when she heard the bigger one speak and she now stood in front of the turtle, holding his shoulders for support as she leaned up to his face, "so, your names donnie? Hm. It fits~"
Donnie could only nod with the goofiest grin. His eyes glazed over with a certain daze to them, "y-yeahhhehhh"
"Well, Donnie. If you ever want to..hangout together, all you got to do is find me~"
With that she unclipped the battleshell that donnie was wearing and snatched it off. Running to the edge and taking a giant leap.
"Wait huh?"
all the turtles ran to the edge. Soon after the jerboa ascended into the air with the fans of the jetpack giving off a gentle buzzing sounds.
"Later turtles! And donnie, don't forget about my offer~"
All turtles turned to their purple clad brothef with a huff. Donnie could only look down at his feet with a face of regret.
"So..just as a confirmation you guys heard her call me cute right?"
(This took forever to do im sorry for the delay. Its also really short because I've had a brainfart lately with ideas. Idk im sorry. If there is anything you want me to tweak or change ill be happy to and i hope you enjoy))
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ducknotinarow · 2 years
Do your turtle muses make turtle noises? Like churrs and chirps?
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Mun time! The answer is yes. In truth any muses I have that are animal like in someway I normally do from egeal chirps to Rabbit purrs uwu I'm a animal nerd soo I like adding this extra set of traits to my muses. though it varies from verse and the species. Turtles are able to make a lot of sounds like the Churrs and Chirps most bring up. They also hiss or grunt when they are upset, gurgle when they are trying to say they are hungry as well. Turly the only things that stand out the most between my muses is that Rise Raph has the iconic hiss of his species. Alligator snapping turtles are know for their hiss. And Mikey and Raph from the 2003 series have a special chirp the rest don't. The turtles in the original mirage comics are all red sliders, and seeing how tmnt 2003 is heavily based off that comic series, even the first episode being shot for shot match up. This means that 2003 Raph and Mikey are Red sliders meaning they can make that special chirp that is unique to the species. I just tend to use the sounds more to add on to express emotions. Mikey is the least likely to make the sound since he tends to be far more open to express how he feels and thinks even when he shouldn't. Raph is the most vocal in his turtle sounds because he tends to only express his anger I love making him churr the most uwu cause come on Raphie tell them your happy and content of course Rise raph excluded he more vocal in the hiss however. Donnie it depends. He tend to process his emotions differently after all.
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ducknotinarow · 2 years
[87 Don @ either Mikey or Raph, whoever you think works better - he's got his pen pal uwu]
Every day, every single morning, Donatello would run to their PO box and excitedly look through it, clearly waiting for something. Alas, so far, every morning, he would return to the lair dejected and disappointed that there was nothing for him.
However, that morning Don hadn't made it to the mail first, his brother did instead. And when he saw a box, well, Donatello was clearly excited, as his tail wagged behind him,
"Is that for me?" He asks, clearly hopeful, as he holds out his arms expectedly, "I've been waiting all week," They were aware, "I just hope nothing she sent expired on its way here."
Donatello hadn't exactly mentioned his penpal. Oops, looks like someone had some explaining to do.
| Muse Interaction
Raph stretched his arms high above his head and let a yawn work out from the back of his throat slowly rolling his shoulders to ride out the tried expression. As he made his way into the kitchen rubbing at his eye to remove some of the sleeping dust out from green eyes before he prayed them open. Despite getting his gear on and dragging himself out from the bed he was not at all awake in the slightest. He was hungry though. Hungry and tried. Chewing over those two wants alone he eyes a box of cereal on the counter. Perfect.
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Snagging the box with one had he used his other to grab a sai and use one of the ends to slice through the top of it. Opening it up as he flicked the end of his finger against the handle spinning his weapon with ease so it was face down. Slipping it back in place of his belt, hand then digging into the box to grab for a hand full of the sugar coated puffed corn. He could hear the the sound of a quicken pace suddenly and took a few steps to the right to move out of the open doorway. Donatello rushed on by not even paying a glace Raphael's way as he busied himself with his breakfast. Cheeks full and puffed out as Raph turned slightly to peer out from the kitchen watching Donatello continue on his way. It was like clock work it's why he knew when to move to get out if the way, pretty positive Don wouldn't stop even if he was in the way.
"muft bfft gonft ta cheth th mafh" (must be going to check the mail)
Raph said when he saw Mikey walking on it next raising his brow a bit confused on where Don could be heading off to just now. They share a look then shrugged thier shoulders. Raph making way to the fridge now as he grabbed for a carton of milk and drank from it to wash down the cereal.
Well Donnie seemed to be in higher spirits lately Raph had noted near being ran over or bulldozed over by his twin almost every morning as they seemed to mad a mad dash out to their PO box every day. Where they would wait around till the mail would be dropped off. Raph didn't think to much on the matter. Just that it was nice to see his brother had a spring in his step. The smile that had been missing from their face had come back in full force. Maybe brighter than before actually? Even when Don returned looking dejected over not getting what he was waiting for it wasn't like how he had been before. So yeah Raphael was curious as this kept going on. Mikey and Leo seemed to also start growing curious about what was up with thier brother as of late. Don't get any of them wrong they were happy to see Donnie in such a bright mood but seeing how he hadn't mentioned what had him like so?
Well it wasn’t that they were worried just being cautious. From Donnie always setting out and nearly dying because of thier inventions getting messed up or stolen. To the April stuff the three of them were just being mindful. Raphael especially.
As he sat down on the couch milk sat on the arm of the couch and cereal box nestled between his legs as he grabbed for the remote and started looking for the current run of the house of haha. Only to look back when hearing the same footsteps before clearly dragging across the floor. Donnie once more a lottle sad from how his shoulders were slumping but the thing was even with him looking down? It was still clear there was something going on. He just looked disappointed at best. Hmm what had his brother so enthusiastic lately?
The following morning though, with the clock struck nine and Donnie hadn't poked out Raoh decided he'd do his brotherly duty. And be completely and utterly nosey about his brother's business. Making his way to the PO box casually drumming his fingers to the door as he held it and looked at the box sitting in there.
"Yvoone?" He asked tilting his head at he looked to addressing on the box. "England uh?" Raph hummed over he went and pulled the box free clearly it had a good couple of items inside from how everything shifted in the one motion alone. Raph safely tucked it under his arm and let the box shut closed soon after. Little smirk to his beak as he made his way back now. "Now what excstly has Don been up to? Or better to ask whose the dame Donatello seems stuck on?"
Setting the box down to the kitchen counter as he went and told Mikey about what he found the two of them seemed to be sharing in simulators thoughts back and forth between them. "Guess thats why he's been running back and forth he was waiting on this package from this Yvoone." He offered with a shrug but he did notice the look on Mikey's a bit curious but he didn't think much on it. Not given a chance as his gazed shifted to Donatello now. "There's sleeping beauty as I live and breath."
"Is that for me?"
There's clear hope in his voice and one could swear his face was lighting up at the mere thought alone. Yup, seems this what had thier brother all Twitter patted then.
"I've been waiting all week,"
"Oh were you had no idea you been expecting something constantly checking the mail as you were." Raph said sarcasm thick on every word he spoke. But didn't phase Donnie in the slightest it seemed. As Raph grabbed the package once more moving tk holding it over to his brother as they eyed the boxed now.
"I just hope nothing she sent expired on its way here."
Raph figured it was a girl but the confirmation gave him an idea. "Hmm not a select admire then uh?" His gaze shifted to Mikey and that was all that had to happened before he yanked it back before Don's finger tips could even grace the cardboard. "Catch!"
Was all the warning Mikey got when the box was thrown up and over Don's head no long worrying about anything getting ruined as Mikey grabbed it and jumped up to the table to hold it out from Don's reach.
"Now tell us who Yvoone is Don." Raph said as he hopped up to the counter catching the box himself when Mikey threw it back. Donnie didn't tell them about his pen pal and if he wanted his gifts? He was gonna have to start opening his beak now.
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ducknotinarow · 11 months
[MM Rasey uwu]
"So, this is my place," Casey said, shutting the front door behind Raph once they entered, "Ma doesn't like shoes worn aroun' the house so yanno, take 'em off."
He'd rather his mother not find reason to dislike Raph off the bat; she was already pretty apprehensive about the whole mutant thing after all,
"Uh, bathroom under the stairs, kitchen at the end if ya hungry - but ma should only be a couple more hours; she knows you're stayin' for dinner so, yanno, won't be too long until food," Casey shrugs, soon grinning, "We can 'ave the livin' room an' play games until then."
Leading the way into the small, slightly crowded, living room, Casey soon found himself distracted by someone very important. Stepping away from Raph, he stood by the sofa, soon grabbing and lifting up a big ball of black fluff. Said black fluff soon moved though, ears twitching and a pair of large green eyes staring out. They yawned, meowing as Casey pulled the small creature into a hug, the cat clearly happy as she began to purr,
"Hey baby~ Did ya miss me?" He began to baby talk, seemingly forgetting he's not alone, "I missed you fluffball, yeah I did~"
He made little 'kissy' noises, the cat moving her head to bump her nose against his own, soon nuzzling in as she drooled onto his shoulder and purred loudly. Real loudly. He laughs, mostly to himself, before turning. Face went red, when he realises Raph witnessed all of that,
"Ahem, ignore that," Casey mutters, shifting the cat so she was being cradled, "This is Puck, she's my ol' lady," He pressed a kiss to her forehead, not caring for the fur that stuck to him, "She's a big cuddly fluffball - loves bein' held," Clearly, "I'm sure she'll probably climb onto ya lap the second she's used to ya."
| Muse Interaction
Donnie had fun bragging about be the first out the four of them having to go over to a friends house. And for a whole weekend at that, even if that meant that uh Yvonne? Right Yvonne. Don had be riding on the whole high ever since he came back, even if he had to have Yvonne come over to the lair with her folks to meet Splinter first just to make sure 'his son would be around good people'. He loved their dad course he dose but he can be so over the top even now. With them going to school he still gets so overly worried about the humans least he stopped waiting by the entrance of the lair everyday or texting and blowing up their phones if they were even a second late. Raphael didn't have to go through some a big party 'meet the parents' deal either just had to have Splinter meet Casey which didn't go that well. Splinter didn't mean to scare Casey after all but he did think Casey less of a threat knowing him just showing up is apparently enough to get him to faint.
Dork, He thinks as he smiles to himself following behind said dork now as they made their way to Casey place. Just to hang out nothing special or anything. Be great if his heart would get on the same page here. It was annoying enough to hear Donnie being brat over well everything between him and Casey, but at the same time who else was Raph gonna tell about everything between him and Casey? Other than his twin? Not that the brat could resist holding back and poking some fun and his slip ups here and there. Raph isn't sure if Don was doing it on purpose but he near about made this strike at Raphael's competitive nature. Seeing as Donnie was the first to go to a friends place, hell Donnie spent a whole weekend there and none of them got to forget it. Especially Raphael sometimes he regrets opening his beak to Donnie. But it was enough to get past his own nerves and get his feet to move when Casey invited him over.
Would he be this nervous if he was going over to just anyone's place? Or was this unique to Casey? Being alone together? had his heart racing fast in his shell.
"Play it cool Raphael" He mutters under his breath as they drew closer to Casey's place at last.
"So, this is my place,"
Stepping inside as Casey shut the door behind them. Let Raph sort of take his first glance around the place. There was a bit of a curiosity oh what Casey home was like considering Casey himself. The place looked well cared for but he's pretty sure that's more thanks to his mom.
"Ma doesn't like shoes worn aroun' the house so yanno, take 'em off."
"Hmm? Oh, 'ight." Raphael glanced down to his feet and nodded as he went and moved his left foot behind his right. Slightly holding down the heel of his shoe so his foot would pop right out before tugging his left one out next. "Dad's the same way. I'm not sure why it matters since we live in a sewer, though." He moves to follow behind Casey as they start to give him a feel of the layout of his place.
It's was kind of small, but for two people, it seemed like that would be enough space, really. Did make him wonder why he was only just Casey and his mom. Sure, it had only been his brothers and Splinter, but don't think that really apllied to humans? Hmm had Casey ever mentioned his Dad before actually? He hears about his mom an awful lot. And part of Raph more notes that to Casey clearly being a mama's boy himself. Mister rebeal he claimed to be couldn't bear to tract drit into his mom's home.
Why is he so cute? And what did it say about Raphael that he found that trait appealing? Casey really put his mind through the spin cycle of the washer.
"Uh, bathroom under the stairs, kitchen at the end if ya hungry - but ma should only be a couple more hours; she knows you're stayin' for dinner so, yanno, won't be too long until food,"
Raphael can't help how he smiles back in response to Casey own. "Nah 'm good coach got me on some carb diet, so I eat a lot at lunch now." Raphael idly mentions. He was curious what his mom would make though. Would it be more Candanian food? Made sense if she did Casey held on to anything strictly Canadian like it was his heritage after all.
It's Casey chances are they thought it was too.
"We can 'ave the livin' room an' play games until then."
"Yeah? Sweet I always beat my bros, maybe I can finally get some competition!" Raoh states as he slightly bumps Casey's arm with his elbow. Only slightly regreating the touch once his brain connected they had touched left to chuckle in the most embrassing way he had ever heard himself laugh? Was it even a laugh? A clearly awkward nervous one that wouldn't stop.
Casey seemed to take lead to his living room and Raph slammed his face into his hand as he followed in to the cramped space. Only peeking to look when he noticed Casey picking up something from the couch. He could even tell the back fur ball was actually living till her head lifted and ear twitched slightly. Catching his attention as it seemed to start moving.
"Hey baby~ Did ya miss me?"
Raph lofted a hand to his beak trying to keep from laugh as he bit at his bottom bill over the sound of Casey voice just now.
"I missed you fluffball, yeah I did~"
Watching the display of affection he swear no one would suspect Casey Jones was able to display towards the black cat. Little kossy sounds throw her ways as he nuzzled against her. The cat purring up a storm in response to Casey. Did have Raph's smile softening up at the sight. Till Casey recalled he wasn't alone turning to face Raphael and challenge him fir the who red suited most as thier fave was quick to flush red hot before they very lamely tried to cover up that slip up just now.
"Ahem, ignore that,"
"Yeah ain't happenin' tough guy." Raphael comments smirking yoward Casey to make it clear he wouldnt be living it down. As Raph walked over to get a better look at the cat, as Casey set her back down on to the couch. Raph smirk not really fading even as his attetuoned shifted to her. She was cute, like a piece of darkness came to life with how dark her fur was it just made her green eye pop against her fur. Uh green eyes could kind of pretty.
"This is Puck, she's my ol' lady,"
Shifting to look back at Casey as they couldn't seem to stop with the displays of affection. But biting his toung from teasing just now. Because well it was kind of sweet how affectionate Casey was with his cat, Puck. Raphael was going to make sure to remember her name.
"She's a big cuddly fluffball - loves bein' held,"
"An' you clearly love gettin' to cuddle her." He teases in good humor before he moves to crouch wanting a better look at her slightly smiling at the cat in front of him.
"I'm sure she'll probably climb onto ya lap the second she's used to ya."
Raphael just hopes she in the least tolerates him seeing hiw she means so much to Casey after all.
"Your really cute." Raphael states but before it can be assume he ment puck he looked up at Casey. "Pucks cute too."
Attetuon back to her as he wonders how best to approach a cat is it like a dog? He just holds his hand up seeing if she'll sniff him. "Know never really gotta see a cat up close before. Dads not much of fan an' Mikey's kinda of scared of 'em. Almost got nipped by one when we tots." He idly comments on wanting to try his luck at petting her. Only a little he didn't want to bother to much before standing back up. "I always thought they looked soft, kinda feel bad 'bout having to shoot cats away from home now. Don' think i ever saw a car as pretry as Puck though." He states with a slight shurg of his shoulders.
"Sooo wanna boot up the game so I can kick ya ass? Or ya gonna gush over ya baby more?" Smug little smirk tugging at the corner of his beak as he looks over to Casey now. "Cause statin' ta think the tough guy acts jus' ta cover fir soft ya are Jones." It's all clearly playful when he speaks to Casey. The flirting wasn't meant to be on purpose he just couldn't help it.
"Though gotta say I 'ike the soft side of ya too." There's a faint hint of red on his face when admit to that offering a slight smile Casey's way. "A lot."
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