#((honestly Jack might be a little bit of a drifter himself on the occasion))
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“There there, now…”
Man pictured with her is the Jack of All Trades (who actually belongs to @methum-mint! He was made specifically for this story!), a supposed legendary individual with many stories to his name. Stories of slaying giants, climbing great heights to the clouds, surviving cracking his head open, leaping over open flames, bringing the winter when it refused to arrive on time… they get passed around like the plague. Oddly enough, whenever he’s asked of such feats of strength, he never confirms anything. Usually passes it by with a smirk, or even a glare if he’d rather remain unbothered. However, he’s never really denied these claims to his fame either! It’s all up in the air, really.
Seems for now, he’s been caught in the crossfire of Einin’s harrowing battle with life (and more than just her’s) and death. He can’t help but pity her misfortune. But hey, if slaying giants is on his record, how much different could a giant goose monster that wants to eat this supposedly unassuming woman really be?
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deathlcss · 4 years
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( brad pitt & cis male ) + you know holden price, the 30 year-old recluse that has lived in eldstead since the storm? i heard he has a tendency to be calm, honest, detached & brazen. the aquarius has equipped death in time for the full moon + ( admin mia & 23 & pst & she/they. )
hey !! i’m mia <3 hnstly do not know how to talk about myself so i will simply proceed with the intro... but like this or mssg me if you’d like to plot ! i’m SO excited for this rp omg it’s been like a hundred years since i was in a supernatural / horror group ( thank u to jinx for their Vision )
trigger warnings for murder, gun violence, drug & alcohol use, & death.
Holden grows up in Nevada in the ‘60s and he’s adopted by his uncle, Jack, and Jack’s wife, Eileen. Holden’s parents are gone – nobody knows where. He sees pictures of his mother. She was from England, but that’s about all Jack and Eileen can tell Holden. He sees far more photos of his father, a tall blond man who was a pilot in the war and met his mother that way. Holden pretends that his parents are together in England, and that they’ll come get him. Maybe when he’s older. Maybe they’re waiting for him to grow up, so that he can travel with them properly. But he’s seven, he’s ten, he’s thirteen, he’s fifteen, he’s nineteen, and they still haven’t shown their faces.
Holden is twenty-three and he’s moving from place to place. His best friend, Charlie, is by his side. The two of them are not entirely honest, but they are not entirely reprehensible either. Sometimes they find a town they like and they stick around for a while. They spend a year in a small town in rural California. Holden works as a mechanic while Charlie tends bar. They live in what is essentially a shack, but which has two bedrooms and a stove that heats the place to an unbearable degree and a reliable bathroom. Charlie meets a woman and for a little while Holden thinks he might settle down but that doesn’t end up happening – her parents hate Charlie, say he’s just a no-good drifter, and Charlie can’t really argue the point. He and Holden leave the day after they break up. Holden’s sorry to go, but he gets used to the road again quickly enough.
Holden is twenty-five and Charlie’s gone back to California without him. Holden is in Detroit, working on an assembly line. He’s married to a woman he doesn’t particularly love. She’s got a strange name – Calliope – which was the first thing he liked about her. He still likes it about her. The truth is that he does like her, which is why it frustrates him that he doesn’t feel in love with her. He wonders, on occasion, if his parents ever felt like they were really in love. Callie and him talk about having children, but they haven’t yet. Callie notices Holden aiming long looks at one of her friends. The rift between Callie and Holden grows until something breaks and Holden bids her farewell, apologizing for any trouble. She doesn’t seem too broken up about it. She tells him it was a long time coming and he can’t help but agree. They say they’ll stay in touch. It’s much to his surprise that they actually do.
Holden is twenty-seven and he’s in Los Angeles, living with a woman named Lydia he met when they were both fired from the same job at the same time. He has a job as a mechanic but at night he and Lydia take long drives outside of town. Holden finds Charlie’s obituary in the paper. He tells Lydia about Charlie and Lydia says lets go for a drive and she packs an overnight bag for herself and he grabs all he owns, which isn’t really much – he’s not that into material things so long as he’s comfortable – and the two of them decide they’re going to drive up to Alaska.
Holden is twenty-nine and he and Lydia are in Seattle. They have a kid now. The kid is Lydia’s, but Holden feels a certain sense of responsibility. He helped pick a name and everything – Charlotte, after Charlie, and her middle name is Celeste. He and Lydia are just friends, which works out for the best – they agree that if they were ever anything more, they’d probably kill each other. Holden is still a mechanic. He still drives too quickly, especially on long open roads at night. Lydia doesn’t come with him much anymore.
Holden is thirty and he gets into a bar fight in Eldstead. It’s 1993 and he’s a little drunk and the guy he fights is a little high and when he wakes up dead years later Holden will be unable to recall why the two of them fought. In 1993 Holden leaves the bar alive, if a little bloody, having gotten away with a warning from the law, and in 1993 he receives one shot to the back of the head as he’s getting into his car. And then there’s a storm, and Holden wakes up.
Holden isn’t pleased about his inability to leave Eldstead. He’s got no attachment to the town whatsoever. He loves the city and he loves barren landscapes and he misses nightlife and the desert that he knows he’ll never see again. He feels as if he’s been trapped in some strange parallel universe. He’s not unfriendly. He’s not friendly either. He’s reclusive. He haunts the bar he died beside, and sometimes he lets himself be seen in it. He has trouble with reality. He didn’t when he was alive – he was grounded. Now he wonders if anything is real. He supposes it makes no difference. He misses Lydia, and Charlie II. He misses his dog. He misses taking long drives at night. He misses working on cars.
Holden is laid back, at least up to a point. He was accused in life of being a little too go with the flow, and tended to be able to talk to just about anyone because he wasn’t really doing the talking – he was more of a listener. That’s still true in death, although the experience has shaken something loose in him. He’s more cynical now than he ever was while he was alive, and he fears consequences far less, which isn’t great, considering he was already a bit reckless. It takes a lot to get him shaken up, and if he thinks something, and he wants to say it, he’s gonna say it – he doesn’t believe in brutal honesty if it’s pointless, but if he believes someone’s gotta know something he’s not going to hold it in.
friendships. he’s pretty easygoing, despite being reclusive. he might know people who spend a lot of time at the bar, and anyone who works around cars.
they have a dog and he thinks the dog is cute but . can he even go near dogs?? feel like dogs don’t vibe w the dead. idk !
someone more modern who will explain technology to him. i can’t promise he’ll understand or listen but like... he’s not Fully out of it. he vaguely remembers the internet. it just wasn’t that much of a thing while he was alive.
someone he’s had perfectly normal interactions with but for whatever reason they get like . ghost vibes. a chill goes up their spine. but they’re like ??? this guy seems more or less normal ????
people who know about ghosts . he’d love to pick their brains
enemies, hook ups, etcetera...
honestly . anything !
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