#((i didnt mean for the angst but here we are uwu he is proud of you though Donnie ;3;))
ducknotinarow · 1 year
[87 RaphDon - he didn't forget! he's just dumb ;3;]
Oh great, just what Donatello needed - another one of his inventions was stolen, and currently being used by some gang to cause crimes. This was the second time this week! He really needed to stop trusting everyone that flattered him with a compliment. Shaking his head, giving a frustrated huff, Donatello grabbed his Bo Staff and sprinted out of his lab, through the living room, ignoring whatever Raph may be saying to him,
"Not now Raphael, one of my inventions got stolen and I have to get it back before it can be used for anymore trouble!"
He doesn't see the look Raph gives him, Donatello heading straight to the door of their lair. He runs at least halfway down the tunnel before he skids to a stop. Hand slaps his forehead, Donatello realising he forgot to do something very important before heading out. Spinning on his heels, he quickly sprints back, as fast as his legs can take him, yelling out as he reaches the lair once more,
"Raphael! I'm sorry, I didn't forget my promise - I'm just not used to asking," He states, breathing hard from the sudden sprint, "But, can you come with me to get it back?" He offers them a smile, trying to ignore his stupid pride and stupider ego, "I'll need your help, please Raphael?"
| Muse interaction
Sometimes you see something that just triggers an old faint memory and you find yourself going down a path. It was Splinters book of artist that did it for Raphael. They were meant to be cleaning up the lair today Raph was charged with the living room. Mostly because Only Don could touch his lab if he was even cleaning and only Mikey could touch the kitchen. Idly dusting the book shelf he dropped the familiar book on the ground. Book landing on it's spine forced the covers open and pages apart to a picture of the Mona Lisa. It was Raphael's favorite funny enough. Duster set under his arm as he bent down to pick the book up he vaguely recalled when he was just a little turtle circling this image. Smiling to himself as eyes trailed to the following page talking about it. Recalling when he and Don would sit together and Don would read out what the pages said well Raph looked at the pictures of each art piece in the book.
They would sit for hours like that Raph just wanting to admire all the art in the pages listening as Don read what the book had to offer. Course it was never enough so Raph needed to know well everything he could about the painting the artist, the style everything that he could behind it. Don liked to read so it never seemed like he minded all that much. They were close always close a real dynamic duo one could say even. And things were good now but it took Donnie being turned into a kid again for Raph to notice the distant that came between them. But it's true things had sort of changed since the fights. Well more the one Raph started.
How many times had he nearly seen them die? Raph didn't want a real answer to his question when it crossed his mind but it only got worse. Raph loved his twin he loved all his brothers he and Don just had a closer bond and maybe it was because they called themselves twins. That Raphael had grow so frustrated and furious with his twin about how they handled their inventions getting stolen. Going off on his own never giving them any idea of what was going on, yeah sure Don inventions were dangerous Raphael could tell you that himself considering the times he's been a victim to them. But for Don to run off with out a word because he couldn't handle a mistake that wasn't even his fault being known? It was just too big a fear Raph couldn't handle that one day Don would die. Get him self killed over a heap of junk metal and circuit boards. And for what!
Some stupid invention?
To Raph at least it was that way, nothing but heaps of trash repurposed into well whatever Don seemed to think up it felt like nearly. Raph didn't care for how smart Don was though. And yeah he was smart and often it amazed others how smart a mutant turtle could be and seemed Don fed off of that when given the praise. Raph cared for his twin who used to sit with him for hours looking at this same book. Because...he didn't want to only have that memory and not his brother. Maybe Raphael was a little more on the sentimental side than he wanted to admit. Considering he turned and started hating on anything Don made.
Suddenly he hears feet padding quickly against the floor lifting his head up he spots Donatello in a obvious hurry? Moving to close the book and end his trip down memory lane as he sets the book back in place.
"Jezz Donatello, I know cleaning sucks but ya don't have to literally run away from doing it." Raphael's quips a little, clearly Don wasn't aware of what much was going on around him it was clear in how he was charging outta of the lair with his bo staff ready even. Odd?
"Not now Raphael, one of my inventions got stolen and I have to get it back before it can be used for anymore trouble!"
Again? Was Raph first thought letting his face fall into pure disbelief. "Are you kidding me!" He yelled but his voice fell on deaf ears it seemed because Don was gone not long after making his way down the tunnels to hunt down whoever stole his invention this time. A firm huff gave out as Raph tossed the feather duster to the ground promptly taking a seat on the couch. "So much for his so called promise."
Raphael grumbled over to himself, sure he knew what they were up to. And sure nothing was stopping him from following after or grabbing Leo and Mikey to trail after Don either. Raphael could do either and Don couldn't stop them from helping him it was the fact he point blank told him what happened and didn't seem to recall what he had promised Raphael! Then fine he wasn't going to help Don could go get himself killed for all he cared. Though for as mad as he wanted to be it crept that fear into his mind again. He shook his head and tried to stay mad though! They talked about this! Don was even a jerk to him after for something not his own fault so what was he just going back on that promise? Raphael slightly growled annoyed doing everything to not just chase right after them.
"If you're gonna get yourself killed go ahead but I aint having a front row seat." Raphael breathes in deeply keeping his mind set he could be just as stubborn after all. Didn't care how that weird tingle started to settling over his wrists how his mind started to whisper his fears into his mind. How his throat was growing dry and his eyes felt like tears could fall. The tingle in his wrists started to hurt?
Pulling his arms from how they were, slowly lowering his arms to look over his wrist rubbing his thumb against it hoping it would sooth the pain. It was hard to explain it wasn't that bad a pain like if something hit but it hurt a lot? almost like a cramp? Maybe..maybe he should just go after his brother? Seemed he didn't need to weigh his thoughts on it long though.
"Raphael! I'm sorry, I didn't forget my promise - I'm just not used to asking,"
Raphael hadn't even heard them come into the room when did they turn back around? He just blankly stared at his brother as they spoke up. Watching them try and catch their breath again.
"did you run back?" Raphael asked a bit to quietly to be heard as Don seems to get in enough air to keep talking.
"But, can you come with me to get it back?"
He didn't answer right away he's not sure why normal he have a snarky remark to give or anything really maybe he was just honestly surprise that Donatello was keeping his word to him. He can't explain the feeling coming over him? Maybe he felt a tad guilty for not trusting Donatello would at least try for him?
"I'll need your help, please Raphael?"
"Jeez didn't think help was a word ya knew Donatello." Raph remarks, smiling back to his twin trying to show no hard feelings and well using the humor to cover other things he didn't need to be seen himself. Up off the couch and easily pulling his sai out from his belt and holding the prongs between his fingers to show he was ready. "Guess the only cleaning were doing is mopping the floor with the lame brain that stole from you." another joke falling out from his beak easily. Moving to join him and giving a nudge of his arm against their own. "Come on lets get going stop holding up the door frame longer we take the longer it'll be till we can get back and clean." he pauses a moment "well actually maybe thats okay."
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