#((idk i think i just drafted this cause this was on my dash and Jordan is so cUTE as John Ambrose))
ificouldbegin-to-be · 7 years
Important PSA--Mutuals And Mains
So I might, and I mean MIGHT be making my blog mutual only. I adore rping on this blog so much...but it is getting overwhelming. And I do tend to notice it’s my mutuals that I tend to reply to the most anyway. I can’t follow everyone or my dash would be hella cluttered. I can’t rp with everyone, it’s getting overwhelming. And if I’m not really feeling the thread, I don’t have much motivation to respond. And....I have severe severe issues denying people. I’ll pretty much always say yes because anxiety makes me fear their reaction if I say no. But that’s not fair to them cause it means I’m leading them on in a way.
NOW this doesn’t apply to all the threads I’ve started and then just forgot about. Those could have just...gotten lost because I’m an idiot that sometimes forgets drafts exist or “oh a response, I’ll draft it later” NO JORDAN DRAFT IT RIGHT NOW. In fact that’s mostly what happens. Almost entirely.
Anyway I feel like “mutuals only” might make things less overwhelming for me, and would save me having to say “no” to anyone. For those that don’t know what mutuals only means, it’s basically we have to follow each other to rp. You can still gladly talk to me and make friends with me, trust me. I love talking to people. That’s not what this is. It just means to write with me I’d have to be following you too.
BUT THIS IS NOT YET DEFINITIVE. I haven’t decided. I might also change my messaging settings to “only allow messages from people you follow” because, I don’t mean to sound elitist, but I get an overwhelming amount of messages. I got twelve right now waiting for me. It feels easier if those would come via asks sometimes.
Like I said, I haven’t decided. If I do decide to go mutuals only and I want to rp with you but I haven’t followed yet, I’ll follow. If I decide. NOW the second thing.
Mains! Actually got this idea from quartzuniiiverse. Mains are basically the partners you think of when you think of a certain character. It’s not really...like anything special, so much as it is “oh, something with Lapis. I’ll tag @azureangem“.
Top of my head I can think of many mains I have already and if you want to be my main just ask me! I’ll be making a list of the canon characters on my blog and my mains that go with it. Doesn’t mean I won’t, say, rp with other Lapises (though I am picky when it comes to her). Just means specific muns are who I think of when I think of the character.
Mains are not exclusives. I don’t do exclusives (Ifinditreallyunfairtbh) Mains are just...idk something more for fun. So if you wanna be my main, hmu.
Think that’s about it for now. I’ll be making a list of mains and adding to it depending on if people want to be on it. And yeah.
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