#((imported fabrics for their wedding clothes? lavish wines from overseas? expensive flavors for the wedding cake? say no more!))
theheadlessgroom · 1 year
A heavy blanket of guilt suddenly laid itself over Randall’s slender shoulders, as he set aside his glass and cast his eyes down, he too aware of the tension, all of that previous joy and mirth having disappeared at this question. This stupid, stupid question...!
“O-Oh, Emily, I...I’m sorry,” he replied regretfully, suddenly feeling very much like a heel as he tried to find the words to apologize, only to struggle and ultimately falter, sighing heavily as he said, “I’m sorry. I...I wasn’t thinking and I should’ve, I...I didn’t mean to upset you...”
Great, he thought to himself, as he ran a hand through his dark, curly hair with a heavy sigh. I’ve completely bungled this date, and it’d been going so well too! It was no doubt a painful topic; the gradually dwindling of her species, the fact that it was only her, and the monster who had attacked and so grievously wounded her...he swallowed hard, feeling suddenly like a great stone was sitting on his gut...
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