#((it's the fact that henry wouldn't even care that he took credit for everything that does it for me lmao))
spring-lxcked · 6 months
@florietiae liked for a starter for Carrie!
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"Well, what brings you to our establishment, miss? Hopefully my state of the art technology and not the pizza."
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ouatsnark · 2 years
Who gets credit for how Henry turned out?
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How did 10 year old Henry learn right from wrong? How did he learn that good is suppose to triumph over evil? Where did he get his kindness? His sense of morality? His values? His need to stand up against evil and fight for those being wronged?
If you’re a Regina Apologist who ignores the fact that Regina was gaslighting & abusing Henry & was still 100% evil during Season 1 & 2 and thus evil for the first 10 years of Henry’s life you’d say it was Regina. 
But how does giving Regina credit make sense?
Regina didn’t have a moral compass. She believed that what she wanted mattered more and she committed heinous acts to get her way. She took what she wanted regardless of whether or not she hurt anyone else. So no, Henry didn’t learn right from wrong there.
Regina thought that evil triumphing over good was justice. She thought she was entitled to a happy ending just because she’d been wronged. She didn’t care about the innocent people she destroyed along the way. Again, Regina mattered most to Regina. She was busy raping a man instead of raising Henry, after all. She was living her best life while everyone else around her suffered. So where did Henry learn about good triumphing over evil? Not from the Evil Queen, that’s for sure!
The last time Regina showed kindness it was when she saved 10 year old Snow. She chose to let the pain of Daniel’s murder consume her and lead her down a dark path where she set out to destroy that innocent 10 year old’s life. Even her act of adopting Henry was for her benefit not his. We know she took young Henry to the beach to be tormented by birds he feared so he wouldn't be weak. So no, Henry did not learn kindness from the woman who bullies, insults, and destroys lives. 
When did Regina help others? Never. She wanted everyone in that town to suffer. So she sure didn't teach Henry that hurting others is wrong. She believed it was right when it was her doing the hurting to get what she wanted!
If Henry believes in heroes, where did he learn that from if not for the book? It can't be from Regina! She was not a hero and everyone in town was scared of her.
Regina can't be the one responsible for how 10 year old Henry turned out.
It just doesn't make sense. It can't be the woman who said "she hated doing good" and abused an entire kingdom for 28 years, abused Henry for 10 years & was raping a man instead of teaching her (illegally adopted) son good values. Evil, which is what Regina was, can't teach goodness. It's not possible. Evil corrupts everything it touches.
Who is responsible for how Henry turned out?
His teacher Snow White/Mary Margaret for teaching him kindness, good values and right from wrong. 
Maybe Dr. Hopper as well for guiding his conscience to what was right and good.
The Story Book for showing him that good exists and that good triumphs over evil. It was the only example of heroism in his life before Emma showed up.
By being Emma’s son aka the Truest Believer. It’s in his blood. Regina Apologists want to discredit this but it makes more sense than believing a child abusing mass murdering rapist taught Henry about what it was to be a hero.
Emma for proving to him that good does win and showing him true kindness, courage and selflessness. 
If Regina played any part in how 10 year old Henry turned out its because Henry saw her for what she was, pure evil, and didn’t want to be her.
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