#((thank you for the questions Lea and GET DUNKED ON WITH MY LOVE AND GRATITUDE!!))
epitomees · 5 months
What's something you wish to improve?
What are your biggest (personal) Tumblr crushes?
Questions for the mun
What's something you wish to improve?
((Oh there's a lot I can still improve on both as a writer and as a mun too. I think one thing I want to work on more is reaching out to new followers, or even mutuals whom I've never interacted with since I followed them. Lately it's been difficult on my end due to IRL situations coming in the way, and in turn making me kind of isolate away from others since I want to take care of myself more. That in turn has affected me trying to start conversations with new people, or old people I've never talked to before.
It's all about managing my time to myself and when I want to chat with other people. I know, and I understand VERY WELL, how anxiety-inducing it is to strike up a chat with a new follower to try and plot something out. That's why I always tend to try and be the one who reaches out first, because well...I'm a big ole extrovert and I just want to make new friends whenever I can! So I want to adopt all the introverts here, be as friendly as I can, all while I'm still maintaining my own mental/emotional health and taking care of myself when I need it.))
What are your biggest (personal) Tumblr crushes?
((Oh PERSONAL you say...okay well, there are a few I can name off!
For starters, you are definitely one of them, Lea. When I first dipped my toes into Persona RPC, and well before I even made a Persona blog, you were one of the first blogs to follow me and interact with me over on the Vivi blog. I remember how excited I was when it happened because I saw so many other blogs mention your blog and how great it was and how cool the mun was so I felt ECSTATIC when you followed me! I had a really rad person following me and now I could throw my own muses at yours to see how well they meshed together. Lo and behold, you're just as much of a nerd as me and I love you so so much!
Then there's @darckcarnival! My meme husband, the meme father, the big green teddy bear, he is LITERALLY one of the best friends I have ever made by being in the Tumblr RPC. I was still a little newbie at Tumblr RPC when we first interacted with each other, and MAN I can remember way back when how nervous I was to start talking with him because he was another well-known blog in the community we were in. And then ONCE AGAIN, I come to find out he's just a sappy, lovey-dovey, mushy nerd who adores his friends and needs to be shaken around a little bit. It's been well over 10 years now since we've known each other, and I still feel so lucky I get to call him one of my closest friends.
Lastly, for now as I don't want to make this post long, there's @townofcadence!! Love, love, love, LOOOOOOOOVE TRISTAN!!! I love this mun so so much, and you have no idea how happy I was to find out he was still hanging around Tumblr and writing on a different blog. This is a mun I've known for a very long time too, back in the beginning of the very first MSA days. Tristan is an absolute sweetheart, with a kind personality and a very friendly demeanor. Not to mention, GOD HIS WRITING IS BOMBASS AWESOME!! I remember the times we stayed up REAL LATE at times because we were writing these REALLY intense threads, making the dashboard and other blogs scream at us, but it was SO WORTH the little sleep we got that day. He also inadvertently helped me develop and improve my own writing style, without me even realizing it. So GO GIVE HIM A LOT OF LOVE!! HE DESERVES ALL OF IT!!!))
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