#((what the fuck why did this make me emotional fskdafhsdjsdakhl))
ladyseidr · 4 months
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@florietiae asked: ❝ is it because you like me so much ? / mike @ jeremy! ❞ ( fic sentence starters )
The question was met with a near immediate grin, Jeremy's spot stretched out across the bed granting him a warm patch of sun through the partly-open window. "How'd you know?" He settled his hands behind his head, eyes drifting shut despite the smile still tugging at his lips. Content. Comfortable.
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"I know you're tryin' to be funny, but you're not wrong." He had liked Michael from the moment he saw him, a gut feeling only sharpened by actually getting to know him. "I bet you could talk me into anything." He was joking now, but only partly. One set of eyelids peeking open in Mike's direction, he added, "Michael Afton, you're going to be the death of me. Just make sure it's a fun time."
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