#((when he sees that the son of randall and emily is replacing him on a movie he pinned his comeback hopes and dreams on))
theheadlessgroom · 3 years
Once again, Randall wondered to himself: How does she do it? How did she make time simply slow to a crawl whenever she kissed him, make it feel like the world had stopped turning when he was here with her, lips pressed together in the most gentle and loving of kisses? He wasn’t sure if it was simply her or if there was something bewitching about the lipstick or perfume she wore (the taste and scent of which lingered after they’d pulled away), but it was like magic when they kissed, and he hoped that magic would never fade away.
“W-Wow...” he breathed once more when they parted, still in one another’s arms as he gazed at her with heavily-lidded eyes, eyes which glowed warmly with love and adoration as he sighed, “Y-You’re...you’re amazing.”
Dizzy with love, he gingerly reached a slender hand out to brush an errant lock of golden hair out of her face (having come loose during their more raucous dancing earlier), smiling ear to ear as he did. He knew it was still very, very early in their relationship, but even so, he felt like he was on Cloud 9 when she was near, and he never wished to come down from this proverbial high, which enticed him to kiss her cheek again, all aglow with love and joy.
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fangirlingnextgen · 7 years
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🐍The Viper🐍
A/N: Because writing about a bitch is always fun, here’s a little ficlet about our hated Andrea. Set right after Fitz’s intervention at the Report.
“Andrea?” He sounds surprised that I call him. I roll my eyes. Last time we talked was like… in January? Not that much ago. “No, it’s your irresponsible daughter.” Alexis. I had high hopes in her, and not only because she is my physical copy. She had what it took to become an ambitious and powerful woman, who needed no one to get what she wanted. But instead she chose “love” and “friendship”. What a disappointment. I thought she understood years ago how pointless and crippling these things are. But one relationship ruined all my plans for her. Brandon Jefford –what an awful name– and his “friends” made her think that she could need to open up to other people. I despise him with all my heart and can’t wait to bring an awful scandal to his family. Though the best part will be when Alexis realizes how wrong he was to bring her toward that path. Then I’ll have my niece back, and she certainly won’t leave again. “You need to be more precised.” Alan answers, trying to joke. I sigh. I can’t believe he still tries so much with me. I hate his sense of humor. I hate his wife too. Well, I hate a lot of things about him. “I have something to ask you.” I look at my nails and wrinkle my nose. I need a new manicure. This time, he’s the one sighing. “Obviously.” He sounds disappointed. I hold back a laugh. Poor man, he keeps hoping I could care for him. “What do you want?” I pace in my office, ignoring the noise outside. Even in one of the highest floors of the building, I can still hear the agitation of Waverly’s downtown. It’s not quiet and peaceful like Angeles… You can’t imagine how much I hate this province. “Well… your daughter dates our dear Prince Dante, right?” He can’t contain a groan. Interesting. Daddy wouldn’t like that his baby girl dates an alcoholic prince? I heard from my informers in the palace that he even took drugs. Maxime always had a talent to choose awful boyfriends. It doesn’t get better apparently. But he’s rich and is a royal, I guess he’s still a good match after all. She spreads her legs, tells him that she loves him, and she gets all fhe advantages dating a prince can give her. I’m impressed honestly. I underestimated her. “You know the answer, Andrea. Just ask what you want to know so desperately that you call me.” “When is he out of rehab?” I didn’t want to need to get his help for it, but the information about Prince Dante’s detox are harder to get than I first thought. His annoying mother protects him better than expected. After all, she let him fall deep into alcohol and depression without doing anything. She probably sent him to rehab just because of all the scandals he provoked with the little and /so/ pure princess Galice. Since when do royals really care about their kids? To be honest I absolutely don’t care about the reasons that led him to rehab. The magazines with his adventures on the cover are bought even more than the ones concerning his sister’s Selection. The royals don’t like it, but people love to hear about the worst side of their life and how imperfect they actually are. “I won’t tell you, Andrea. I’m not stupid.” He is, but that’s not the subject. “Alan, c'mon. People want to know if their prince is getting better there!” I think that once outside, he won’t hold one day before touching alcohol again. It would be fun if he ruined his sister’s wedding because drunk again, no? “That’s not their problem. It’s not yours either. Leave them alone, for once in your life.” Sorry, but no. “You’re so useless.” I sigh, hanging up. I knew it would end up like this, but I thought I could still try. Maxime is my last option. It will be easy. From the two sisters, she’s the one I like the least. She’s always happy, always optimistic, always screaming and exuberant. She’s basically too much. But she’s incredibly manipulable. She thinks that, because I’m family, I can be trusted. She’s so naive, I would pity her if it wasn’t at my advantage. And knowing that her sister is not there to protect her like a guard dog, it will be even easier. “Emily!” I scream. My assitant arrives as fast as she can on her heels. “Yes, miss Holland?” “Book a flight for Angeles. I want to visit my niece.” She nods. “Anything else?” “Tell Marcel to come here.” ———————————————————————— “I should get rid of you, Marcel.” I lean back in my seat, smirking. I can feel how afraid he is for his job. He is responsible of the fail of our latest scandal after all. “How could I know she was lying?” He defends himself. I fake a pout. “You know our first rule, Marcel. We always have to be sure of the information before publishing it.” I revealed a lot of things about celebrities these years, but I always made sure they were true. The last thing I want is a scandal coming back to us. And that’s exactly what happened here. It’s sad for Marcel. He had a lot of potential. “I investigated! And they really knew each other! Randall and Hernandez were described as friends by everyone I questioned!” “But has someone mentioned they were more than that?” No answer. I sigh. So much potential… “I won’t fire you.” I don’t let him time to thank me. “Only if you find me something about the Jeffords. And not a little anecdote. I want something serious enough to be in front cover.” He blinks stupidly, realising what I am asking him. “The Jeffords?” He repeats. I roll my eyes. Nowadays journalists are more and more stupid. “You can’t tell me you don’t know them. They live in the palace, the father and the son are even close to Prince Cole and Prince Collin. Oh, and the mother was a selected!” “I-I know who they are… b-but there is nothing about them.” “There is always something. Find it.” I turn on my seat, having now a view on Waverly. That’s way more beautiful than his face. “Or you know what’s gonna happen.” ———————————————————————— Usually I don’t spend the whole night with David. I don’t want us to be discovered because of a stupid hint like this one. But after what happened with Maxime in Angeles, I needed something to forget. David is perfect at this kind of things. “You’re already leaving?” He mumbles, half asleep. I roll my eyes, putting my earrings on. He’s so annoying on mornings. I don’t know how his wife can bear it. “I have a lot of work to do.” Especially now that it is clear that I won’t get more information about Dante Schreave’s detox treatment. Almost all the issue I planned about him is ruined. And all of that because of his girlfriend, my niece. She’s stupid, and talkative. I thought it would be easy. But she refused to say a word about him. I’m not just surprised she guessed my intentions, I’m honestly shocked. It’s probably my fault too. Everyone is still talking about Randall’s declaration at the Report. She was on her guard because of it, knowing I was looking for a new scandal to make forget this one. She’s more intelligent than she looks like… or Alexis found a way to warn her about me, knowing that I have no limits. This theory is more credible than Maxime being able to think by herself. “I could take you to dinner tonight.” David says, wrapping his arms around me. Shit, I didn’t see him coming. “Your wife comes back this afternoon.” He immediately unwraps his arms with a curse. “Already?” I shrug in answer. I am even a little happy that she comes back. He won’t ask me to go out everyday. “I’ll call you if I have time.” I tell him, grabbing my handbag. Of course I won’t. He’s nothing more than a lover to me. I’m afraid he starts having deeper feelings for me. It means it’s time for breaking up. I’ll convince him that his wife has doubts, it will be enough to make him run to her like an afraid dog. ———————————————————————— “Hourglass you say?” Marcel writes something down. “Okay… thank you.” He hangs up with a satisfied smile, then jumps on his chair when he sees I am staring at him. “M-miss Holland?!” I smile coldly, enjoying the fear I always provoke in my employees. “Have you found stuff?” He looks down at his notes as I sigh. I have other things to do. Such as finding a new issue to replace Prince Dante’s one. “Brandon Jefford fought with two suitors…” I roll my eyes. “I know that already.” The only reason why I hardly mentioned it in my articles is because there were too many rumors about him and Alexis at that time… rumors that ended true. If I protect Alexis and Maxime, it’s not because I am a nice aunt. No, it’s just because they wear the same name as me. If they’re part of a scandal, there will be consequences on me and my magazine too. “He would’ve hit Gabriel Velara because of… your niece.” “Alexis?” He nods. Screw the protect my nieces for my own sake part, this is too great. And I’m not responsible of what they do, right? Plus, if I am the one revealing it, no one can attack me. I should have understood that way earlier. They did so many things I hid to the medias these last years… “Anything else?” “Apparently he had other “outbursts”… like in a pub.“ “Hourglass?” So that’s why he was talking about it when I arrived. “Exactly. And Prince Collin was in that bar with him more than once.” A prince added to the scandal? That will be even greater. I nod. “Good job Marcel. Maybe you’re useful actually.”
Lalala the shitty article I wrote and that proves that I can’t be a journalist.
How dangerous is Brandon Jefford?
Princess Raena’s Selection is full of moments we will never forget, as in every Selection before hers. Nevertheless, the heiress seems to collect the scandals more than any of her predecessors. The fight between Sir Gabriel Velara and Brandon Jefford, that happened at the very beginning of the competition, is one of them. And it is not even the only time it happened. Indeed Jefford fought with another selected, for unknown reasons. This kind of outburst is common for him. According to our informers, who preferred to keep their identity hidden, Jefford would get angry very easily, and would show it in the worst way possible. He is regularly seen in parties in Angeles bars. Often drunk, he provokes fights with other customers. Said fights often end up in bloodshed. Jefford should have been sentenced for his actions. According to the law it is called “disturbing the peace” and the sanction can be community service or even jail. But of course, no one filed a complaint about Jefford. How could they, when he is clearly protected by royals? Prince Collin is one his closest friends, and often follows him to the parties mentioned above. He obviously makes sure that Jefford never gets problems, and uses his position without scruples. No one can sue him for his crimes. He can freely continue hitting anyone that annoys him without facing consequences. In this context, his break-up with Alexis Beauchamp-Holland can be seen as more than the simple end of a teenage romance. Could his bad temper be the origin of it? Is domestic violence another crime to add to the list? It is very hard to establish, but several members of the palace staff mentioned violent arguments between the two of them, which often ended in screaming and slammed doors. Could he have lost his temper during some of their fights? Is that why Beauchamp-Holland is nowhere to be seen? Indeed, she left Angeles on May 8 and no one can say where she currently is, which leads to our questions. Her sudden disappearance makes think that she ran away… from a violent ex-boyfriend? Anything’s possible, and the bad seems more plausible than the good.
———————————————————————– I didn’t miss Alexis’s strident voice. She got it from her mother, no doubt. Every time she gets angry, her voice gets piercing, it’s unbearable. I have to hold the phone few inches from my ear. “Why do you even care? He’s not your boyfriend anymore.” “It doesn’t mean I–” She stops at the right moment, before saying something stupid. I hold back a sigh. So she still loves him. It’s pathetic. “Why did you do that?” She asks instead. “My readers like drama, especially when it’s about famous people.” “But why him?” She’s so overwhelmed. Just hearing it proves me that this issue was a great idea. I should’ve done something to hurt my nieces earlier. It’s so much fun. “Because his dangerousness had to be revealed! That’s my job.” “He’s not dangerous!” “Tell that to the guys he hit.” I wait few seconds, curious to know what she has to say to defend him, but nothing comes. “I only told the truth, Alexis. It couldn’t stay hidden forever.” “The truth?” She repeats. “You wrote that he was violent with me!” Marcel did, not me. “Well, it’s true.” I answer calmly. “No!” Is it a sob that I hear? Is she crying for him? He made her so weak. That’s disgusting. My disappointment is even bigger now. I thought Alexis was better than that. “No!” “Oh, really? I heard nice rumors from the palace–” “Rumors are often false.” She interrupts me. I go on, ignoring her. “Saying that you went to the hospital wing with him after you got hurt–” “I broke a vase and cut myself with some pieces. That’s all.” She lies. Her voice is too quiet compared to a few seconds ago. “He pushed you. A maid saw it.” She stays silent, desperately trying to find something to defend him. But she can’t argue against the truth. “It was an accident.” She finally says. “He didn’t mean to do this.” “It just proves that he can’t control himself.” I sigh, done with this conversation. She’s so boring. She should rather thank me, after all I decided not to mention this incident in the article. I probably should have, he could have never found a way to deny it happened. “I have work to do Alexis…” “Lives to ruin you mean?” She hangs up before me. Thank God, I thought I would never get rid of her. “Emily!” She appears almost immediately. “Yes, miss Holland?” “Bring me the first draft of the issue of mid-June.” Now that my personal revenge on Brandon Jefford is done, I can think about my next victim. Maxime. She’ll soon regret to have protected her boyfriend, believe me.
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theheadlessgroom · 6 years
Randall felt his heart swell at the sight of his son’s smile, but that elation wore off just a little more when he heard Emily’s question. Though he smiled and nodded (and found the mental image of little Emily dressing up for Halloween), the topic of such a holiday brought about a number of mixed feelings within him.
On the one hand, Halloween deeply drew him in: In many ways, it was like the Bal de Masque, a masquerade of being something you’re not, be it man or beast, and he loved that idea-he could blend in with his fellow man, no one questioning him, thinking him just another person out in costume on All Hallows Eve.
On the other hand, however, Halloween was a dreadful day when he was in the circus: That was the day everyone wanted something scary, something to make them scream, and what better way to achieve that than to go see a freak show? The crowds were always the worst on Halloween, jeering and screaming the most at him. The carnies, of course, loved it, being one of their biggest money-making days, but Randall hated it, dreaded it every year.
Perhaps now he could replace those terrible memories with something happier, like his own children experiencing Halloween-with colorful costumes, and plenty of sweets...
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