#((whispers)) MikoMayu fans this is your chance
cashmoneychiyo · 3 years
GSNK Pairing Poll voting guide
Hello readers! After much anticipation, the 2nd pairing poll for GSNK has officially opened online \o/ and lucky for us international losers readers, we too can participate! (we just can’t get the prizes, so r.i.p anyone outside of Japan who wants the chance to score the goods below)
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Prizes are categorised from A-F and are as follows: Wakamatsu plushie, Sakura plushie, Mikoshiba glasses stand, Hori glasses stand, GSNK badges, and a GSNK clear file.
There are a couple of questions to fill out, although you don’t need to fill out all of them (compulsory questions are marked with  (必須) in red). You can vote once per day, and voting closes on 20th May 23:59 Japan time. Results will be revealed in the August update. I’ll leave the instructions under the cut.
1. Write your nickname.
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2. Choose your favourite main-character pairings, from 1st to 3rd.
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You click on the box and you choose from a selection of characters that pops up below.
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Your options for this question are the main high school cast + mangaka crew + Ryousuke + Mayu.
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3. Choose your favourite pairings from 1st to 3rd, this time minor characters can be included.
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The question here legit mentions characters who “have yet to meet in the manga and you can’t imagine interacting but you want to see it” etc, so if you have any crack ships with the supporting cast then go nuts LOL
In addition to the main cast, you get these choices. To any poor souls who can’t keep track of who’s who, they are: Yumeko (Nozaki’s sister), Towa (Sakura’s brother), Rei (Kashima’s sister), Hina (Miyako’s friend), Yoshino (Rei’s friend, she appears in an untranslated chapter), Kobayashi (Mayu’s friend), Hoshina, Takahama, Itou (the three are in Sakura’s class and show up in Ch116 for the text confession competition), Misaki, Takeda (Sakura and Seo’s friends/classmates who were finally named in the manga recently lol), Mamiko, Suzuki, Oze, Waka (our Let’s Love gang), tanuki (bc of course)
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You also have the option to choose characters not listed here. Just click on その他 (other) in the character selection and specify your character(s) in the box below, if you do it for multiple ships then specify which number (1-3) you’re referring to. (I jokingly wrote in English here but you should probably write the character name/description in Japanese so they know who you’re talking about lol)
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4. Write a message to the Nozaki-kun cast or to Tsubaki Izumi-sensei to celebrate the 10th anniversary.
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5. Mention any goods you’d like to see (the question gives “life-size Nozaki plushie” as an example LOL, Sakura furiously filling this form out as we speak)
Questions 4 and  5 are optional but it won’t hurt to fill them out even if not in Japanese, especially Question 4 since Tsubaki-sensei deserves lots of love!!
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6. Click no or yes re:whether you’d like to receive any of the goods.
For anyone who is in Japan, you can click yes! You just need to fill out an additional form with your contact details and choose which prize you want the most. (Obviously whether you’ll get your desired prize or another prize depends on how many people apply).
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Hopefully this guide is useful to everyone! Happy voting~
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