#((yelling at him in front of jeff smh))
Sweet Pandemonium - Gally (The Maze Runner) Part 15 of 16
I think...maybe two or three chapters left? Four at the most. So, yeah, coming to a close pretty soon and I don’t know how to feel about it lmao.
fuck I forgot to tag: @multifandom-fangirl4​
(bruh it’s so hard finding different gifs every post, I spend literal MINUTES finding some. smh, make more gifs. and yes, i’m being sarcastic)
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You awoke panicked, sitting up with a gasp.
You looked to your surroundings and realized you could barely see anything, save for flickering red lights to the right and left of you.
You felt the floor beneath you, cold and coating your exposed skin with grease, the smell of your own sweat and copper filling your nostrils, the scent so strong that it made you feel nauseous.
You couldn’t remember anything, why couldn’t you remember anything? Where the hell were you?
The dark room you were in jerked, making you grab some sort of chain link fence that was behind you for support. The room started to shoot up, and the word elevator popped into your mind.
The clanking and scraping of the metal moving against each other pierced your eardrums, the overstimulation of foul smells and noises started making you feel lightheaded and you could’ve sworn you would pass out if something didn’t stop.
The elevator suddenly stopped, and you dreaded what would come next.
Overhead doors suddenly opened, bright sunlight shining into the Box, making you shield your eyes with your forearm.
You heard a crowd above you, some whispering, some talking loudly over one another, but all where seeming to say one thing. “It’s a girl!”
Suddenly being jolted forward, you were in a completely different area then you were before, but you remembered everything this time. You were in a field, the grass so tall it tickled your knees. You almost smiled at the feeling, but a loud screech stopped you from doing so.
You looked ahead of you to see you were at the Maze doors. What...?
A slew of different screams echoed in your ears, familiar screams. You could only make out a few. I saw you, you did this! Ben...You shouldn’t be here! Alby... Help! Thomas... Y/N...
“Gally?” You voiced, wavering in panic.
Another animalistic screech echoed, and you looked in the direction it came from.
From the end of the main corridor of the Maze entrance, you heard a mechanical whirring and soon, you could see it. A Griever coming into view. Your blood ran cold as you saw something, no, someone in the Griever’s mouth. You could hear whimpering that forced tears to your eyes. Jeff...
You turned around, knowing you had to get out of there if you were going to stay alive. But did you actually want to?
The screech that somehow sounded even closer to you made your legs move on their own, bolting away from the creature and running for the Homestead in the Glade.
As you ran, you quickly noticed your legs moved slower than you wanted, like you were running through water. “No, come on!” You cried out, willing yourself to move faster. “Please...”
Your legs moved faster, but by then it was too late.
The Griever caught you, its tail wrapping around you leg and pulling you to the ground. It’s grotesque body hovered above you, making you cry out for help. But a familiar situation suddenly played out. “Leave her alone!”
“No, please, don’t do this. She won’t be able to handle it!”
Before you could even question who you just heard, a boy ran up to you with a machete in hand, quickly stabbing the monster and pulling you out of its grasp. 
He didn’t say anything, just smiled as he pulled you along with him. But you were distracted once again when you heard some sort of outside echoed voice. “Like I told you before, if you can’t handle this, you can leave.”
The distraction caused you to trip over your own feet, faceplanting into the ground while the boy beside you did nothing to help you.
The Griever soon caught up, and you looked to Gally in panic as he stepped in front of you. “What are you doing?”
“I love you, Y/N.”
“No!” You screeched as the Griever grabbed Gally with its jaws, tearing into his flesh, his blood spraying into your face as you watched helplessly. “No...it should’ve been me...it should’ve been me...”
“Okay, we have enough, take her out.”
You laid limp as you came back to reality, seeing yourself back in the same lab room that you had to be in for the past months. You looked to your left to see your cousin look at you with tears in her eyes, obviously feeling remorse.
You tried not to freak out when the doctors were unstrapping you from the machine, Teresa immediately came into the room to help you walk out of the room and you somehow felt comfortable in her grasp compared to the other medical professionals.
“You’re doing so well, Y/N.” Teresa cooed into your ear.
Being sat down on your bed in Teresa’s spare bedroom felt like laying on clouds, and you suddenly felt guilty for being related to her, being treated with kindness compared to what Minho was most likely going through. You couldn’t help the tear that fell down your cheek.
“It’s over, you can rest now.” Teresa affirmed. “I have to go though. I’m giving Shai her treatment. And it was only possible with your help, Y/N. You’re going to save her life today.” She smiled, caressing your head before she walked out, leaving you alone. 
As soon as you heard the front door click shut, all your pain and fear poured out in thick tears, instantly coating your pillow in salty wetness. You kept thinking about what you saw in your hallucinations, seeing Gally get killed over and over. But it wasn’t Gally, you tried telling yourself. Gally was still alive and well just miles from where you were now. He was alive and he loved you. 
You kept repeating that to yourself until you fell asleep.
“Hey...” You heard as you where gently shook awake.
You looked up to see your cousin, tears trailing down her face. You quickly sat up. “What’s wrong?”
“It worked...the serum worked, but only for a few hours.” She frowned, bringing the back of her hand up to wipe some of her tears away.
“What happened? Is Shai...?”
“She was lost to the Flare.”
You didn’t know what to do, so you pulled her into a hug, surprising both her and yourself. “I’m so sorry, Teresa.”
“I’m fine, I’m fine.” She told herself and exhaled a breath shakily. “I just don’t want to be here right now, in this building.”
You hated yourself for seeing such an easy opening, but you had to take it. “Wanna go for a walk? It helped me when I did it.”
Teresa contemplated it for a moment, before she nodded her head weakly. 
You waited by the front door as Teresa dressed out of her doctor attire, coming back to join you with some more casual clothing.
You walked side by side with her, subtly looking around for any sign of your outside friends and allies. You knew Teresa was numbly walking around, only really making sure you were in her supervision, so you guided her where you knew Thomas would be near.
You heard Teresa gasp softly, and you smiled internally, knowing that Thomas was finally here. “Did you see that?”
“See what?” You played dumb.
Teresa didn’t answer as she bolted in the direction she saw Thomas, not even paying attention that you weren’t trying to keep up with her pace. “Thomas?” Teresa called out.
Teresa followed him until she reached an area where nobody was, due to the curfew, but she didn’t care, she had to know what he was doing there.
When you finally caught up with your cousin, she was already talking to Thomas, but you kept out of sight. Then, a shadowy figure stepped out from an alleyway and knocked out Teresa. “That wasn’t the plan!” Thomas whisper yelled.
“You really think she wouldn’t try to fight back? I’m not taking that chance.” A familiar voice argued.
“What did you do?” You voiced harshly, startling the two. The figure turned around, finally seeing it was Gally, but you couldn’t help but feel some anger about how he went about the plan. “You didn’t have to do that.”
Gally frowned. but kept his hold on your unconscious cousin. “Let’s just get out of here before someone sees us.” Thomas scowled at Gally before taking off back to their base.
You didn’t say anything as you passed by Gally, silently glancing at Teresa before focusing on Thomas’ retreating figure.
The journey back to the abandoned church was a tense silence, but by the time you all were almost there, Teresa had begun to regain consciousness. You watched as Gally sat down and tied your cousin to a chair, nodding to the others when he knew she wasn’t going anywhere.
Newt walked up and took the bag off of Teresa’s head when she started to stir uncomfortably, startling her with the sudden movement. Her eyes widened when she saw everyone in front of her, all seeming indifferent or angry at her. But when she saw who was sitting next to you, she couldn’t help but speak out. “Gally? You’re alive?”
Gally didn’t respond to her surprise, only scowling before taking a breath. “Here’s how this is gonna go, we’re going to ask you some questions and you’re going to tell us exactly what we need to know. We’ll start off simple,” Gally grabbed a chair, moving it in front of Teresa. “where’s Minho?”
Teresa shook her head slightly, looking back and forth between you and Thomas. “Wait, you guys can’t seriously think-”
Teresa was cut off by Gally placing the chair in front of her roughly and sat down, obscuring her vision from you and Thomas. “Don’t look at them. Why’re you looking at them? Look at me. They’re not gonna help you.” Teresa looked to you one more time, and she quietly sighed when she realized this was your plan all along. “We know you have Minho in the building. Where?”
Teresa frowned. “He’s with the others in holding. Sub level 3.”
“How many others?” Newt asked.
“28.” She answered reluctantly.
“I can make that work.” Brenda smirked.
“No, no, you guys don’t understand. The whole level’s restricted. You can’t get in without a thumb print ID.”
“That’s why you’re gonna come with us.” Thomas voiced.
“Well, I don’t know.” Gally said, making everyone confused. “We don’t necessarily need her. Right?” He got up and walked to the table, grabbing a medical scalpel. “Not all of her. We just need her finger.”
“Gally, back off.” Thomas quickly ordered.
“What, you squeamish? She’s done all lot worse to Y/N and she’s doing the same to Minho.” Gally voiced angrily.
You rolled your eyes, getting up and putting a hand on Gally’s shoulder to calm him down, Thomas getting up to take the blade out of his hand. “That’s not the plan.”
“Won’t make a difference.” Teresa said. “Do whatever you want to me. You still won’t get through the front door. The sensors will pick you up the sec-”
“We know. We’re tagged. Property of W.C.K.D.” Thomas interrupted, holding up the scalpel. “You’re gonna help us with that too.”
Not liking the idea of being cut open, you were thankful that Frypan volunteered to get his tag out first. But that also meant you’d have to deal with Gally. Now that wouldn’t be a problem at all, but seeing that you had some sort of empathy for your cousin rubbed him the wrong way, he just didn’t know id he wanted to bring it up or not.
You smiled weakly at the boy in front of you, not bothering to hide your exhaustion. “Hey, Gal.”
“Are you okay? You seem...out of it.”
You were, mostly from the simulation you were put through that morning, but he didn’t need to know that. It would just be another reason for Gally to hate Teresa, and for some reason you didn’t want that to happen. You convinced yourself it was just for the sake of efficiency.
“I’m alright, just tired.”
“I hear you.” Gally nodded, taking a seat next to you and grabbing ahold of your hand. He wanted to ask you questions, he wanted to know why you looked like you cared for Teresa. Even when it came to Thomas, he didn’t understand why he seemed to care after everything she did. But noting your exhaustion, he decided to push the question back for another time.
You noticed Gally’s small smile from the corner of your eye, in turn making you smile softly. “What?”
Gally’s smile grew wider as he blushed. “Just uh, remembering some things.”
“Oh god, what things?”
“A lot, like when you first remembered your name.”
“Oh.” You already could feel the cringe building in your gut.
“I remember how excited you were, going around the Glade, telling everyone your name over and over.” Gally smirked, obviously proud about making you embarrassed.
“Stop.” You groaned, hiding your face in your free hand.
“I actually thought it was pretty cute.”
You scrunched your face up when he poked the tip of your nose. You giggled, then humming in thought. “From what I remember, you made sure to remind me that I wouldn’t remember anything else.” You silently wished you couldn’t remember anything before the Glade.
It was Gally’s turn to cringe. “God, I was such a dick, wasn’t I?”
Your giggles stopped at his statement. “No, you were just angry and scared like the rest of us. You just showed it more than the others, I guess.” You shrugged.
Gally chuckled dejectedly. “You let me off too easy, you know that?”
You frowned, clutching onto his hand tighter. “You’re not the same boy from the Glade, not anymore. We’ve all changed.”
“Yeah,” Gally looked over at Teresa resentfully, “some for the worse.”
“Hey, lover boy!” Newt called out. “You’re up.”
Teresa picked up her scalpel with a scowl as Gally sat down in the chair in front of her. “Chuck should’ve lived, not you.” She whispered, voice laced with venom.
“Yeah? Tell me something I don’t know.” Gally countered sharply, trying to hide the pain in his voice from her statement he knew was right.
“How’d you even survive anyway?”
“Don’t know, must be immortal. So, you can poke me with that blade all you want and you’ll never get what you must want.”
Teresa rolled her eyes, starting to repeat the same movements with the blade like the last two. “No, Y/N would never forgive me.”
“You think she forgives you now?” Gally said, almost hissing in pain at the sharp sting at the back of his neck.
“She’s coming around.”
“To what? Killing children without worrying about concern for your conscious?”
“To doing what’s necessary to find a cure.”
Gally scoffed. “Right. She was a wreck when we found her, wouldn’t put brainwashing past you.” He winced when Teresa accidently ticked him with her blade out of frustration.
“She’s my family. I’d never do that to her.”
“Yet you’re fine with putting her into fucked up fantasies where she thinks she’s back in the Glade?”
“I always helped her when she came out of it, it’s not permanent damage.”
Gally turned to glare at Teresa when she finished removing the tag. “Didn’t you hear what you just said?” He voiced exasperated.
You were nervous enough to somewhat confront Teresa again, so seeing Gally walk away from her with a scowl on his face told you that they must’ve gotten into it. Just what you needed...
You sat down in silence, your back facing Teresa.
“What?” You asked.
“You did it, you actually had me fooled into believing I had my cousin back. You must be proud of yourself, I’m sure Gally is.”
You shut your eyes tightly as you took a deep breath. “Guess now you know how we felt back at the Right Arm camp.”
“This is different, you know that. You’re a fine actor.”
“Teresa, I wasn’t...I wasn’t acting.”
You felt Teresa’s breath tickle your neck as she chuckled resentfully. “Right. So, volunteering to help Shai, it was all to get on my good side?”
“No.” You refrained from shouting. “I...I really wanted to help her, I did. Ant I was so sorry about the serum not working.” You paused to take a few needed deep breaths, collecting your thoughts together. “But from the beginning, all what this has been about was saving Minho. No matter what.”
“But you just thought to throw in some gut punches for fun, huh?” She stated softly.
You stayed silent as Teresa removed your tag without another word, knowing trying to continue the conversation wouldn’t end well. You turned around to see her face twisted in a scowl, hints of wetness around her eyes. You felt guilty yet again.
Thomas eyed your frowning face suspiciously before he sat down in front of Teresa, watching you walk off by yourself with clenched fists.
You tried to ignore the stinging pain at the nape of your neck as you walked away from the group, willing yourself not to break down in front of everyone again, especially Teresa. You didn’t want to let her see her words getting to you, even if they might’ve been right. You cursed yourself for allowing your restored memories to make you see her in a different light, making you think you could actually be close again without complications like when you were children. 
You couldn’t so that, it’s what got you in the Maze in the first place, you couldn’t risk it for the sake of your friends. But...you still hoped, if or when all this was over, you and Teresa could go back to being close. But you knew something like that would be far fetched.
“Hey, Y/N?”
You turned around with a slightly panicked face, but you quickly calmed yourself, shaking it off with a forced chuckle. “Oh, hey Newt.”
“We’re about ready to head off.”
“Oh, okay.”
“You alright?”
You forced a small smile. “Yeah! Yeah, I’m fine.”
Newt wore an unimpressed look. “You’re not.” He deadpanned. “But, that’s okay. You know that right?”
You sighed despondently. “Yeah...but it’s not something we can afford right now. When this is over, I’ll have all the time in the world to not be okay.”
You were taken aback when Newt came up and hugged you tightly. “Whoa, what’s the sudden affection?” You chuckled genuinely.
Newt didn’t chuckle back, not even a smile. “You will be okay.”
“Hey, we’ll all be okay. We’ll get through this together.”
Newt finally let out a chuckle, but you could hear the bitter apprehension behind it. He obviously didn’t believe that. You didn’t understand where this was coming from. You understood him to be cynical most of the time, but the feeling you got felt darker than just cynicism. But unfortunately, you didn’t have time to question it before everyone was ordered to gear up.
You walked up the the table Gally was sat at, readying his shock guns. You grabbed a pistol, turning it over carefully to admire it. You used guns before, so you knew how to use them effectively.
“If all goes as planned, we won’t have to use those.” Gally voiced.
You stared at the pistol with a frown, sighing and holstering it to your side. “If.”
Gally stood up to stand in front of you, placing his heavy hands on your shoulders. “Everything will be okay.”
You sighed. “I’m kinda getting tired of hearing people say that.”
“Okay, everything is gonna go to shit and we’re all gonna die.”
You chuckled, moving closer to Gally and leaning your head on his chest. “Thanks, Captain. I really do hope everything works out.”
Gally brought his hands around you, leaning his chin on your shoulder. “Me too.” He said, placing a gentle kiss on your clothed collarbone. “You can’t just take a pistol though.” He said, pulling away and handing you one of his shock guns.
“It’s heavy.” You complained, shifting your body to evenly distribute the gun’s weight. “How am I even gonna get good shots on those guys?”
Gally smirked. “You just gotta hit them anywhere, the taser ammo will do all the work for you.”
“Ah, I’m sure I’ll find a way to fuck up.” You joked, kind of.
“No...” He drawled. “You’ll do just fine.”
“Y’all about ready?” Frypan called out.
Gally looked back to you. “Are you?”
You nodded reluctantly, not like you had any other choice.
“Then let’s go.”
Unrelated, but I miss Austin and Shayley in Of Mice & Men 😞
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neerasrealm · 4 years
Miscellaneous Slender family hcs because this blog has been lacking in found family content recently
Slender mansion is inside a fae circle that keeps it hidden away from people. 
In order to get in you need either a proxy mark or be a fae yourself. 
Sally was the first kid to be adopted
She was the only kid for a while. Jack and Slender sorta learned all their parenting from trial and error with her
Sally is more mature than she appears and can act like an adult when she feels like it, but most of the time she's just a bossy ten year old
She looks down at you from her LEGO throne and sips apple juice
Dina and Sally share a room. Not because there's no space, but because Dina has trouble sleeping and having Sally with her makes it a lot easier
Dina doesn't leave Sally's room much unless she's pushed to. 
Dina loves Slender and LJ very much. Angel dads <3 she cares about them so much
Jack is secretly her favourite
Smile dog has a doghouse out back
Everyone takes turns walking smile dog, but most of the time it's Jeff
Smile dog is fuckin MASSIVE dude
It's pretty common to find him sleeping on the couch curled up on top of someone (mostly Jeff, Tim and LJ)
Smile dog is a registered therapy dog <3 he helps Jeff and the others when they're not doing okay mentally
At least three times a week you'll hear Tim yell "CODY!" followed by an explosion, banging and crashing, screaming and maniacal laughter
Tim originally didn't like Cody or EJ much but now he's almost always hanging around with them
If he's not with them he's in the lounge area of the basement
Cody can be kind of violent and mean but he really means the best. He's just really bad with empathy and has his own insecurities to grapple with
He just wants someone to tell him he's smart man :(
Cody is in charge of making all the meds the creeps need, since very few of them can actually go to a hospital or therapist due to being dead/murderers/not human
EJ gives everyone their checkups and makes sure they're doing okay
Ben's room is always open to people. If you need somewhere to chill he'll welcome you in and invite you to play something with him
If someone in the mansion isn't doing okay, the others will know, and they will try to cheer them up at all costs
"Get up bitch, we're getting you some love and support!"
Jeff is surprisingly friendly towards newcomers. He tries to learn about them and befriend them
Sometimes, if you listen very closely, you can hear Liu practicing music upstairs
He's very soft-spoken, but his singing? Dripping with emotion. It's kind of freaky how quickly he can go from his positive nice self to nearly on the verge of tears
Oh and sometimes he just walks around the mansion playing random shit on his saxophone (most of the time it's Rick Astley's Never Gonna Give You Up)
Jeff loses his shit every single time it never gets old to him
"Hey Liu, what're you playing?"
"It's Die Young by Kesha lol"
Splendor lives in the same fae circle as the mansion! He has a little wooden cabin further into the woods. He's always welcome to visitors
If you get lost in the woods and he finds you he'll invite you over for tea or coffee before returning you to the mansion
He visits Slender every couple of weeks, and usually brings freshly grown flowers with him
The kids like seeing him because he's always up to date on modern slang and media, unlike Slender
Trender only really visits on holidays and birthdays but brings extravagant gifts to make up for it
Not many people know it but there's a small space in the attic that has pillows, a mattress, blankets and some old busted up bean bags set up in front of an old TV
This area was set up by Momo! She usually stays up in her room or in the attic. she’s not super social v.v
Liu goes up with her pretty often and watches movies with her. They're extremely close
Helen barely leaves his room
Huge bags under his eyes. Nobody has ever seen him sleep
Always drawing
Always covered in paint, pastels, chalk and charcoal
When he DOES leave his room, it's usually just to eat, pee and buy more art supplies
He can also be found crouched behind walls and furniture drawing people
They pretend not to notice him and keep still till he moves on
Helen sometimes gives art classes. He's a surprisingly patient teacher
I say that but he'd also stab you with whatever he's holding at the time if you get on his nerves
Jeff still has a piece of graphite embedded in his skin. smh.
Speaking of lessons, Slender homeschools the creeps who need it
His lessons aren't really lessons and more like long conversations about specific topics. Very occasionally he gives tests and most of the homework is just opinion pieces where they can say whatever they want
Jeff discovered a love for history because of Slender
He's surprisingly good at learning when it's a topic he likes
Slender always tries to adapt his lessons to what the kids enjoy and encourages them to find what they love
He also encourages them to find hobbies! He wants his kids to be able to de-stress and let their emotions out in a positive way
Cody learned to knit because of this
Jeff likes embroidery and likes to embroider stuff onto his clothes
EJ is trying to learn to knit too but it's hard when his eyesight is so poor :(
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dem-cp-hoes · 4 years
live for the little sister proxy hcs cuz I literally haven’t seen anyone else do it and I love your writing, so I was wondering if you had any more general hcs of cps like clockwork, Helen and Liu
Thank you so much😘
Btw since I forgot to mention it in a previous post, @lyssophobiia has made a very cute oc based on my sister!reader hc. You should totally check it out!!
He is one of the world's biggest introverts
That's not to say he doesn't have any friends (I'm a huge supporter of the fandom's belief that he's friends with Puppeteer)
You just have to try a little harder for him to let you in
Helen has a lot of humor
But it comes in one liners and comebacks, so you have to be around him a lot to appreciate the full extent of it
He has the most deadpan, stoic expression when he delivers any line
And that just makes it even more hilarious, the others lose their shit
Although he paints a lot (both with paint and blood), his favorite form of art is sketching
He has sketched everyone in the mansion at least twice
His room is covered in them, he doesn't remember the color of his bedroom walls anymore
He's disappointed at everyone and everything 24/7 and he makes sure to let them know
You don't want Helen to scold you for anything
He doesn't yell, oh no...
He just crosses his arms, looks at you dead in the eye for a minute and then slowly shakes his head and walks off
To give you an example of how powerful that is, he managed to make Jeff feel bad
"Look, I just like the roof, ok? Let me sit on the roof"
The only reason Helen is alive, is coffee, sometimes spite, but mostly coffee
And on that note, let me point out that his coffee is 10% actual coffee, 90% milk
He likes a lot of foreign rock bands, pass it on
Really likes flowers
Stabs as a warning
Will deck a mf
Helen and Natalie are drawing buddies
They swap supplies and ideas
"Is drinking vodka a hobby? Well I think it should be"
I don't care what you say, if you try to tell me that Natalie can't silence anyone with just one look, you are just plain wrong
She has several piercings, including a tongue piercing as well
Is a decent cook, but she's also a lazy piece of shit who can't be bothered
If it wasn't for Jane's nagging and whining, she would live on nothing but cereal
Anyone who comments on the "clock-in-the-eye" topic gest bitch-slapped
She would punch them, but she doesn't think they deserve it
She can bench press Masky
She has gifted everyone a pet rock
When it's humid her hair frizzes up
She's so passive aggressive, it hurts
She has changed the Wi-Fi password to 'IWasWrong' or 'IAmALittleBitch' and watched with a smug look as people died inside by typing in the password
When she argues she will leave the door open as she leaves the room because she gets satisfaction out of the fact that the person will have to go close it
She's the embodiment of the:
"Can you get me a glass of water?"
" Sure." [brings a glass full of ice] "Now wait"
Cannot be woken up
No, but really, you can try but there is no possible way that Natalie is going to wake up unless her body wanted her to
She once slept through an argument and fight between Toby and Masky (which are very loud)
The Mom Friend and not even ashamed of it
He sees you haven't eaten today
He will slam a tray of food in front of you and glare until the plate is basically licked clean
It's better to accept Liu's motherhenning because if not, he'll get pissy and that sucks for everyone
Really into poetry
He can turn everything into a dick joke
It's impressive really, Jeff is oddly proud
He can go from everyone's best friend, to terrifying killer in like 0.2 seconds
^And that's not even Sully taking over, that's all Liu
[small incident happens] "Literally did not sign up for this"
He can crack his wrists and neck so goddamn loud!
He even makes Toby, who's used to the sound, flinch sometimes
E.J. always checks in concern when Liu does crack a knuckle because, God that sounded painful
Always looks like the undead (he kind of is tbh) no matter how many hours of sleep he gets
Does everything for pranks except execute them because if Ben or Toby get caught, there is no way to tie it back to him
He's a little shit smh
Now let's move on to Sully!
Will deck a mf #2
If you want to know what's going on in their(?) head just watch a video of any interaction between Eddie Brock and Venom
Sully's voice is slightly deeper than Liu's
^That and the constant scowl on his face is the only way people recognize who's in charge at the time
Sully is the one that truly hates Jeff between the 2
I mean, he was created as a coping mechanism for the trauma so...
But because of Liu's insistence he doesn't try to harm him
Instead he just sasses the shit out of him
Has definitely told Jeff, "Blink motherfucker!!" after staring at him for a minute at least once
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storytellerxxxx · 7 years
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Here’s me avoiding all responsibilities and totally ignoring that it’s almost been 2 months :D
As (many?) of you may know I went to both NYC shows, general admission for the first day and VIP for the second day!! I was going to do a write up in the following days after but I was still pretty overwhelmed then and have pushed it back till now, whoops. Warning, long post ahead as I gotta fit 2 days in somehow HAHA
So keep reading if you wanna know how I kissed Toru’s cheek, ran into them and got selfie + sign with Toru :D
All photos are mine/taken by me.
Since it was middle of summer this time, I could actually wait out in line and not die of freezing like back in January so I arrived at the venue around 9:20. Surprise, there was already a short line (that totally didn’t change much for the next few hours tbh lol) VIP and general admission lines were separated much later in the day like a few hours before opening time so everyone was just chilling till then. 
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This was a banner someone had made and everyone in the line in the morning had signed! It was gigantic and pretty fucking cool, they gave it to them during M&G. 
Around 10-11 their bright orange bus arrived in the front of the venue but none of the members came with it. Around noon Ryota was the first to make his appearance and walked in alone. I went to get lunch and during the time I was gone, Ryota and Michelle walked past the line :)) At some point after that a camera crew came out to record the line, they had us all stand up and they filmed everyone cheering lol Ryota walked in again later with Toru at around 3 and Taka did as well soon after I think (I missed the record button on my phone for Taka, good job me). By then the line for VIP and general admission had been split. I was at the very front of the GA line. I’ll complain talk about the line splitting and staff when I get to day 2. But anyway, camera man followed them inside. Michelle and Jamil walked in a bit after them with giant bags of food I think, Michelle is so beautiful :’) 
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So yeah, then we got in and I got a spot in what I guess was like the third row between Taka and Toru. Palisades was the first opener, I didn’t listen to any of their stuff beforehand bc I wanted to experience them live first and let me just say, I totally fell in love with them. They played songs off their self titled album that was released earlier this year along with an Unsteady by X Ambassadors cover (which was amazing and I really want a studio version). Fun fact, Brandon (the second vocalist and bass player) held onto my friend’s hand for a moment during that :’) The lighting for their set was really dark so barely any nice pics :(( 
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Here’s Lou, the lead vocalist! Super nice and chill guy btw
After Palisades was Set It Off...not much to say about them from me tbh I don’t really like them but their song Hypnotized is fun and catchy. Cody (I think that’s the singer’s name?) went into the crowd and disappeared at the end, I got to touch his hand from all the shoving.
AND THEN, what everyone had been waiting for, ONE OK ROCK! I won’t say much about the songs as I really don’t have as much to say as the January show bc this isn’t the first time hearing them live. I remember pointing out that Taka did seem to struggle a bit with I was King but he was on point for that this time. I had hoped that they’d have Listen and owt on the setlist but sadly they didn’t. 
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Toru was on fire. His arms are so nice. 
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So beautiful.
After Chester’s passing, I had already imagined oor doing some sort of tribute for him and they met my expectations that day with the One More Light cover. It was a moment that can’t be described easily, the first performance they did of it. There was sense that everyone was either holding their breath or singing along softly, paying full attention to Taka’s raw voice.
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One More Light replaced Hard to Love and led into Take What You Want, which had (around) a minute of silence. Toru looked quite emotional at the beginning, I remember the people around me asking if he was crying (which he wasn’t). I wish I could say it was totally quiet but it wasn’t someone yelled the next few lines of the song like 3 times even though everyone was shushing him ://
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The Osaka bros rocked it out together for a moment during a song that I totally forgot, oops. (hello pics from my phone and someone else’s hand right in front of me LOL) Again, was not on Ryota’s side of the stage and didn’t see him much being how short I am :’)) same with Tomo, but he was rocking it back there.
For the encore, Taka actually came down to Toru’s side to crowd surf, and I ended up touching his arm/shoulder LOL so. much. pushing. Everyone wanted a piece of Taka haha
No picture at the end this time but when they were waving goodbye and stuff, Tomo was the last one to leave the stage and he knocked into Toru’s mic stand, knocking off all the remaining picks...Security gave them out but I was too far away cries
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After the show, we met Palisades by their merch! Was still so hyped from the concert and probably a mess but everyone was so nice. Told them we would be seeing them again tomorrow and they were excited. Lou called me sweetie HAHA Brandon is adorable
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What is this?, you may ask. Well, it’s Toru’s feet LOL 
So long story short, our group was still outside then and everyone else had left already. We were about to walk past the doors of the venue when Ryota and Michelle just came out. I was so shocked, I did some small wave and like quietly squeaked out Ryota I think. His hair was in a ponytail! Not was it only him, Toru, Tomoya and Jeff came out right after them. They told us they were going to get food and we didn’t stop them for pics or signs, just waved and said hi. And that’s how we ran into oor minus Taka, amazing.
Got there at around 10-11 bc I was dead from the day before. Same deal with waiting in line and stuff but none of oor walked by that day. Lou (of Palisades) did walk by the line at like noon or something and then walked back past us again bc he went the wrong way, that was hilarious.
Soo I had VIP second day and when they split the lines, the person let the VIP from the front of the line move to the VIP section (which was like around the corner) BUT they cut us off and then had the VIP from the back of the line go. It was so bullshit, thankfully most of my group had made it into the first cut. The asshole guy also yelled at everyone basically that they need to stop complaining bc “everyone will get the equal time and treatment.” He told this to those, like us, who had been waiting hella early that were now next to people who had just joined the line. They also had two security scanners but the guy only used one on the other side of our group + the other really early group. 
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(pic from day one, on day two we were on the outer side but the guy only used the right side. smh)
VIP was the same as always, show ID, get laminate. The laminates were a lot nicer this time :)
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Went in and lined up for M&G, we were like the second group in the line lol Jeff explained how it would work, did a demo in which he had us pretend he was about a foot shorter to be Taka and had us cheer as he walked in, I think I was more laughing than cheering at that LOL but apparently we were ahead of schedule so they started really soon after that, like oor just randomly walked in right after. 
Meet and greet experience, many thanks to my friend for recording my turn for me :’) 
Hugged Ryota and said hi, moved onto Taka, hugged him and then we just kinda held each other’s arms and then he held my hand bc I spontaneously decided to thank them for the Chester tribute and that it was beautiful and that I would have seen them the next week in NJ. Yeah. 
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I did not notice at the time but Toru was intensely staring me down the whole time, amazing.
Then I hugged Toru and Tomo, I did not bump my head against Tomo’s shoulder like last time :)) Tomo is so happy and smiley, he’s so precious.
I went back to the middle for the pic and I said “Toru?” and he looked down (hello I am smol) and I asked if I could give him a kiss on his cheek (This was Anna (@shajichan)’s idea okay) and there was like an awkward second of just us staring at each other before he was like “sure.” He bent his knees so that I could reach him :’)) I was still on the tips of my toes :’)) 
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Ryota was off in his own world the whole time so idk what he was thinking when he saw us tbh LOL and Taka’s hand had actually been around my waist from the moment I went back to the middle :’))) Being that close to Toru was an experience. 
ANYWAY, I bought merch while we were waiting after the M&G. The merch for Ambitions is so...lol but I had to get something at least
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The signed album from VIP as well. Not included in pic is the wristband bc I forgot I was still wearing it, smart me.
Since we were basically at the front of the VIP, I got a spot on barricade right in front of Toru. Let me just say this spot was magical or something bc I was not pushed once, had room to step back if I wanted to and I was cold. Magical I say.
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Show was like the same except 250x better bc I was front row this time. There’s vids of like Toru being rude throughout the whole show on my ig if you want to see what went down. 
Maybe it was being so close and being able to see them so much clearer but I was way more emotional during One More Light than on the first day. I’m pretty sure Julen has pics of me trying to cover my face with my phone during it :)) The silence in TWYW was completely silent this time, it was so perfect. Taka was also doing some mic tricks during MLF, like throwing it up and catching it, twirling it..etc really nice to see that again after so long since his wired mic tricks :((
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Taka came out with a beer for the encore, surprising everyone I think LOL no crowd surfing this time sadly. 
We went to Palisades merch table again afterwards, actually buying stuff this time. I got their album and shirt and gave their merch guy a $10 tip LOL
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Album was signed later outside by Lou and Brandon!! We were waiting for them bc they had to clear the venue so we couldn’t take pics or have time to talk to them inside. While waiting outside, we met Palisades photographer/Brandon’s friend, Geremy, who was only doing photography for Palisades but oor was so amazing that he borrowed an AAA pass to shoot them the whole time :D
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So sweet.
Ryota and Michelle actually came out and walked right behind me when I was talking to Geremy and my friends... but I caught Toru when he came out! Totally missed Taka even though he was like right next to me as well at some point
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My signed phone case :’)
And that’s about it for the two days. Writing these reports are fun lol I am broke but those 2 days were fucking awesome and I hanged out with the best people, really want to do it again soon :D
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