#((yippee! basil is having the time of her life))
uncle-dusknoir · 8 months
[Image attached! It's dark outside, the middle of the night. The trees are barren aside from a couple pine-adjacent, coated thick with snow that glitters gently in the dim moonlight. The ground, too, is the same sort of glittery falsely-bright snow, with evidence of Pokemon having run around and played in it.
In the distance, through the trees, a Winter form Sawsbuck can be just barely seen with a Deerling fawn. A trail of what looks like cigarette smoke crosses the scene.]
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nancypullen · 5 months
Another Sunday
Oh my goodness, how long has it been? My weeks are a blur. Not even fun blurs. But I refuse to use this space to complain. Let's talk about what's GOOD.
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That's right, I've stolen some time to play in the dirt. Hallelujah! I worked a long week last week and then spent Saturday doing a community outreach gig for the library, but today I played. It's so good for my soul.
The zinnia seeds I scattered a week or so ago have germinated and I'm seeing tiny green promises.
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Behind the zinnias I popped some sunflowers seeds into the ground and one has already broken through.
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Yippee! I'm so excited. Of course, I've also spotted a curious bunny in the yard, and a family of groundhogs has moved in next door. They'd better stay away from my tender young plants. In other blooming news, the clematis I planted last spring came back and is already climbing the porch railing. Isn't she lovely?
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I hope she covers us in blooms. I've put a planter on one side of the front steps. IT's got a tumble of flowers that will eventually fill in, and smack dab in the middle is rosemary that will get tall and woody.
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Rosemary should be planted by a garden gate, but I don't have a garden gate. The front door will have to do. I'll certainly enjoy using that rosemary in summer dishes.
I purchased a wonderful rolling raised bed and put basil and dill in it, surrounded by marigolds, of course - nature's pest repellant. I can keep my eye on it from the kitchen and run out and pluck what I need for dinner.
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I know, I know, that patchy grass is a nightmare. We had a serious mole issue and we're on the mend. We'll have a beautiful lawn again in no time. I'm manifesting it. My spirits lift when things around me are growing. Even better, when working the dirt results in beautiful, bright colors - delightful! My little lilac bush has a bloom, my hydrangea is filling out, and the tiny Zepherine climbing rose has tripled in size and is reaching for the porch. Beauty, beauty, beauty everywhere. That's my goal. Brace yourself for an abundance of flower photos this summer. In other news, you know I've been scouring the info on this year's Kentucky Derby field. Imagine my excitement when I saw a horse named Seize the Gray. I'm not sure he'll make the cut, but if he does that may be where I put my money. I also like the looks of Resilience. If that hasn't been a theme in my life, I don't know what has. Then there's Forever Young, which reminds me of a favorite Rod Stewart song. Choices, choices. I only have a few days to decide where to lose my cash. I won't be doing a Derby Day spread because we'll be going over the bridge on Saturday to play with Little Miss while her parents enjoy some time together. Jamie's birthday is mid-week, but we'll celebrate on Saturday. They can go have some free time, then we'll do dinner, cake, and presents. Low key, but lots of love. A winning horse would be icing on the cake. I need to wrap this up, I'm in the middle of creating cardboard pine trees for a display at work. They'll be in the children's room along with a tent and a sign that says "Readers are happy campers." Getting these dang trees to stand upright has taken some time. Turns out I'm an artist, not an engineer. I think I've got it conquered, now just a few dabs of paint and they'll be good to go. Success! I know this has been a boring post, but I felt the need to post something. I miss this little blog. I've been talking to you through this space since July of 2007. There's been a lot of life lived between then and now. Thank you for sharing it with me. I feel like there's a lot of interesting life ahead, too. There's something big on the horizon, I don't know what yet, but my gut tells me that there is. I hope it's something wonderful. On that note, I'll sign off, wishing wonderful things for you as well. What is meant for us will find us, don't you think? We just need to keep our hearts open to possibilities. So put out a welcome mat for good things to come, be ready for happiness. Sending out lots of love, take what you need and pass it on. Stay safe, stay well. XOXO, Nancy
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