#(7th grade ramen incident)
hellstreak · 1 year
What's the worst meal you've made. I mean really the worst thing. Don't be afraid to give details :)
I actually have some answers so I’ll give ya
I went to a serve your own froyo place and put like 20+ flavors in one cup when I was little
My friend (lives in a dorm with me) made Kraft Mac n Cheese in the dorm public electric kettle. Now this was really funny and silly and whatever cause for box Mac n cheese you need butter salt milk ect. We had none of this so we just had cursed Mac n cheese from a dorm electric kettle that just had the powder. (I ate it out of a “#1 Dad Mug”)
I have few worst meals that I have personally cooked however
I was making stir fry but I was out of like the 3 main seasonings sauces ect I use so I kinda just throw some shit that smelled good together and oh. oh no.
The result was “Vampire Killer” an utterly tasteless and odorless dish that was just very sad upon consumption. However you swallow this meal and you are immediately hit with the after taste of a 1000 heads of garlic bringing wrath to your soul.
Also I wanted to make Mac n cheese so I started doing the whole “Mac n cheese rue for sauce” thing. Except my pre adhd diagnoses 7th grade pee-brain forgot the ratio of ingredients. Anyway so the pasta was fine but the sauce was just not goin well. (Understatement of the century)
This pasta sauce turned crumbly somehow so I freaked the fuck out and added milk. Then it was too liquidly so I added cornstarch. So on and so forth til I had a pot of something that smelled like burning rubber and had the texture of mashed potatoes idk how I did it
So I was actually with tumblr user @diceborne for this one haha. So we were baking and made cookies and all is well in the world. I check the cookies at 10 min of baking… raw inside. Okay let’s go for 15! Raw inside still… something’s up but eh fuck it.
Anyway after 20 minutes we took these rock solid charcoal ass cookies out of the oven and oh my. These were so bad not only were they inedible, but I have a video somewhere of me smacking these cookies into a granite counter and it making a “clink” and the cookie being unscathed
Honorable Mentions Cheeto Soup, “EL THATS NOT HOW YOU MAKE RAMEN”, Detention Sandwich, The Applesauce Cake™️, and The Pumpkin Bread Incident
Does this do anything to my credibility when I say I’m a good cook? Nope but hey
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