lifeinspiredme · 2 years
“I hope one day we can forgive each other for not being what we wanted each other to be”
— Kriti G.
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lifeinspiredme · 4 years
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No tears, but my eyes are red
Your tears only, upon our roses
You’ve left on a bus, I was in bed
Thoughts wander between poses
By then, you are far gone
Not in our rendezvous garden
Flowers are plucked, I am alone
in my little house, beg your pardon
©Johnny J P Lee
02 March 2021
Photos Credit Sanjogsonsand
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lifeinspiredme · 4 years
“you did not cause me any pain but you made me feel like i deserved it”
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lifeinspiredme · 4 years
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* falling masks *
hold me in the darkness
when doubts consume
fears overshadow
and thoughts cage
my soul in
hold me a little bit tighter
when you see the tears in my eyes
that can't shed
feel the ache in my heart
that roars so deeply in
my chest
and dread numbs my being
paralyzing my steps
hold me so close,
when you see the masks removed
and you truly see my eyes
knowing all that exists deep inside
every wall which failed to fall
every puzzle piece's labeled name
every hurt that is wrapped in chains
every layer that casts its blame
all is down
I'm on the ground
the masks are removed
the ache is so potent
wrap your arms so tightly around me
and for tonight
please... I need you
just- hold me
© ScriptedSilence. All rights reserved
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lifeinspiredme · 4 years
With you... I am HOME 🏡
If being lost means being with you; then may I never be found because with you I am home.....
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lifeinspiredme · 4 years
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36. this future isn’t ours i tend to think it’s worth the wait but say — what if worse awaits? what if the future curls up in a black ball of lightning and thunder what if i can’t bury what ifs under my pillow forever acceptance is cloud-shaped and as the rain trickles down every word i only feign to think — the last leaf will tell me how to unfold every thought into something i can chew on and spit out and forget about and i’ll grin pain has become plastic-thin we learn as we go and we go as we learn we earn as we grow and we fall as we burn and we try and we try and i remember i’ve seen your eyes in every light and i’ve seen your hands in every fight demons can count but they can’t love i’ll strain my neck looking above the surface “tout vient à point à qui sait attendre” si de son orgueil il balaie les cendres. • through-the-motions (poem + photo) • written for @writerscreed’s prompt “worth the wait •
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lifeinspiredme · 4 years
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"If your eyes could speak, what would they say?"
-The Book Thief
they would speak of tears cast upon
the lift and lull of oceans
clutching long stemmed roses
a soliloquy of secrets that rise and fall
and fall
serenading the chafed shadows
that cleave
to our ancient sins
they would place eyes within
our darkness
opals embedded within memory
that we might rediscover sight
though our hearts are numbed
with pain and we've faltered
in our faith-- we are still lovable
amidst the gun blast
we are lovable
through our suffocating breath
we are lovable
and those hours fold out
as unforeseeable days
we believe
we feed our fingers to the stars
bury our hands in dreams
forming a cat's cradle
hemming hope upon the alien surface
of sand fed to us as water
we survive on memory
of who we were before
this current world's calamity
and so we shall become ourselves
(only wiser) again
Rhapsodyinblue80// pandemic
Image: yogasavasana
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lifeinspiredme · 4 years
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When you withstand
the vortex of doubts
hissing at your own esteem
with howling curse and
wounded legacy
When words ply
the lash again and again
in beaded crimson
staining your breast
in pools of criticism
numbing frayed defenses
When you can finally
lift your eyes, confront
the grisly apparition,
of fanged heart,
violent temper,
and recognize
its tortured features
as your own
Then you learn both victim
and assailant are bound
by one heart,
one curse
the scathing voice
which only you contain
the strength to untether
release its leather grip
stop wrestling
with yourself
open the aperture to trust
widen your heart's lens
perceive life's breathtaking
absorb the panorama
of pleasure and uncertainty
through darkened trenches
of unholy night
send up your flair
highlight stars, bleach clouds
with naked persistence
& strength sustained
until he discovers you
extending a faithful hand
clutching you within his safety
bathing and anointing you
in a radiant shroud
of vulnerability and love
Rhapsodyinblue80// armistice
Image: Hongkiat.com
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lifeinspiredme · 5 years
Some days I need you more than others,
days when I don’t feel like myself and
I have forgotten my name and 
why I keep putting one foot in front of the other. 
These days I wish you could just hold me, 
just hold me in your arms tight, 
center me and be my light. 
Be the warmth that keeps away the infinite cold,
that I feel chills me to the bone.
Hold me in these days when I am not strong,
when I am but a muted shadow of myself 
when I need a reason to hold on.
I don't know if I am being selfish,
but I just tell you what I must, 
what I feel deep inside my heart and
I need you so much every day of my life, 
but these days I need you most,
to remember I am worth loving and fighting for. 
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lifeinspiredme · 5 years
You can see the sadness in her eyes
Piercing blue
in a way that hurts you too
You feel her pain
Without knowing her name
With a smile she tries to disguise
But you know it’s all lies
Beauty of a goddess
But a soul filled with sadness
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lifeinspiredme · 5 years
The Flows of Friendship
"People come and go"
That's what they all say
I've never truly understood that 'til today
I was young and naive then
And I thought friends will always stay friends
But over time I've come to discover
Only a few of them will linger
Some friendships will evaporate like water
Leaving no trace as proof it was even there
In life, too many things are uncertain
You never know when they'll close the curtain
Like actors on a stage, they curtsy and bow
They walk off the stage of your life
Farewell, au revoir, ciao
But you
Yes, you
I am certain of you
As certain as a human needs water
I won't ever let you disappear
Or let this friendship evaporate into thin air
Or let the air become saturated and heavy
Between us; no swirling eddies
Let us go together smoothly as laminar flows
Like a boat on a peaceful river
As a gentle breeze blows
When turbulent waters come
Let us keep remembering the calm
And meet again when the eddies are gone
In harmony, once again, when the day is done
- PM
P. S. A tribute to the friends who stayed and who believed in you. Also, thank you Neha @perksofbeinganoverthinkeryo for your support. It means a lot. 😊
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lifeinspiredme · 5 years
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lifeinspiredme · 5 years
“Listen to silence. It has so much to say.” - Rumi
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lifeinspiredme · 5 years
Return to the destination of hope😊
"A loving heart is the truest wisdom."
-Charles Dickens
channel love to those you care for
who have blessed your lives with joy
send love equally to those who wound
your hearts with broken words
honor your thoughts in the way
you express sincere love
you have power to heal
the gaping wounds within
and, by extension, your love
can solace the sadness
in others you encounter
how much kinder the world appears
when you cherish her people
bathing them in selfless meditation
(when the world hurts you)
speak with gratitude
(when your soul cries)
believe in people's goodness
(when you feel utterly alone)
return to a destination of hope
it's difficult to believe
in a faith unseen
but your daily devotion
can change expectations
can challenge hearts to open
can return our world
to a place that honors love
Have a beautiful day.
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lifeinspiredme · 5 years
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lifeinspiredme · 5 years
Strange how I now
do not crave any company
after time and again of 
loneliness that got me me trained.
Trained for what is yet to come,
after breakdowns that are not reasoned.
There is crowd around me,
spread all over the world
waiting for me to get dissolved in them,
That I cannot do.
Not that I have never tried it.
I did, but remained suspended;
Floating, might merge the next moment
Yet again, settling down.
8:49 AM
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lifeinspiredme · 5 years
I’ll reply Online To avoid my fears In person Till the keystrokes Hide this grimace Barely worthy Of real Eyes
When such dreams Each finger speaks Finds new courage Hitting enter Sharing stories Only backspaced If these hands Should lie Some more
Telling strangers How I’m fine Even though Those words Sit empty Upon pages Barely witnessed Among forums Marked for dead
Amid places Left untouched Hidden well But always calling Out to people Feeling desperate Where they plead Without Much choice
Searching nightly For their chance Between voices Crying lonely Across venues Made of shyness Lighting stages Bright At home
Like my spotlight Gone unseen Begging roses Though  I edit Taking bows While growing Crippled Living only   Behind screens.
- J. Pigno
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