#(And they won’t be limited to the lower classmen! Various upperclassmen might pop into the tag as well)
scala-ask-caelum · 10 months
Xehanort’s Journal
With the new school year ramping up in Scala, the students, myself included, (how exciting to be able to say that!) have been prepping for it by creating lists upon lists of textbooks to acquire for the multitude of offered classes. While compiling one of these, I stumbled upon a dusty old book with an odd cover in the library. The symbol was familiar, somehow. Despite my curiosity, I forced myself to leave the book alone and finish checking out my required material.
The subjects we’ll study seem easy enough to keep up with as long as Master Odin doesn’t give me more homework than anyone could handle, though considering my position as the newest student in Scala ad Caelum, that outcome is highly unlikely. More likely is that I’ll take some standard placement tests, get a good enough grade to be placed in the same level as my friends, and be a model student whom the others should strive to emulate. No pressure.
In truth, I’m nervous about the upcoming semester. It’ll be a new experience for me. It’s not the subjects themselves I’m worried about, but the sociality of having classmates and the rigid school environment. My mentor taught me what I needed to know, but their methodology wasn’t heavily structured. And with so many people around, I’m afraid my heart won’t be able to handle the strain of so many conflicting emotions.
“You can sense what’s in the hearts of others,” my mentor had said one night. I remember the scene clearly. Their gentle shuddering sadness as I told them about the friends from my dreams, the heat of their body as they pressed me close warming me more than the fire I helped build, flickering flames by contrast blackening the incoming waves.
I haven’t told anyone about my sensitivities yet, but it may be a good idea to in case they’re confused about how I can match their tempo so well, despite what my mentor told me about revealing that fact the next morning. Is it better to be honest and face stigmatization, or keep my secrets close and bear individual pain alone to help others through theirs? Whatever the answer, I hope the decision I have to make will be the right one.
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