#(At least Sonia may need to make more conventional snow figures. And not. Y'know. Monsters and demons.)
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@sparklymuses​ asked:  ☂️  -  for peko! snow times!
Emoji starter meme - No Longer Accepting!
send  ☂️  for  a  weather  based  starter .
Usually, it was Sonia who felt rather...well, not to be ironic, but foreign at Hope's Peak Academy. Much of her now-routine school life she'd only seen in anime or dramas: students who cleaned classrooms, changed from outdoor shoes to indoor slippers, visited the likes of konbinis and arcades and karaoke rooms when their busy school schedules allowed it. It was all fresh and new to her, often earning some amount of humorous approval (or at least exasperation) from her classmates whenever she discovered something incredible that, to them, was nothing out of the ordinary.
So, it was truly to the Ultimate Princess's surprise when, upon asking Peko Pekoyama to assist her with her very important task, her friend seemed rather lost as to where to begin. Or how to begin, as the snow continued to fall around them both. Nearby, in the Main Course courtyard, their classmates had taken to enjoying the weather in many ways, like engaging in a snowball sparring session or releasing a flock of penguins near the school's fountain, now nearly frozen over but proving an excellent habitat for the birds so far away from their home.
Sonia's method of enjoying the pleasant change in weather early that winter season wasn't nearly so combative, or ambitious: she'd only decided to build a snowman, or more than one if the accumulation allowed. And when she'd spotted Peko looking less than occupied, she'd invited her to participate. Sonia had expected a resounding ‘no’ but wanted to be polite nevertheless, but instead she raised both blonde eyebrows in confusion.
"Could it be..." Sonia began, trying to work through the mental gymnastics herself. For once, would she be the instructor and a friend the student? So often the roles were reversed, considering her previous life spent in that gilded cage of both Castle and elite prep school for aristocrats alike. Surely she was meant to lead and encourage one day, but that was for things like economic strife. Or war. Or ensuring that, finally, immigration laws were expanded in the notoriously-guarded Kingdom of Novoselic.
Not engaging in winter weather activities. They were as natural for her as they were for all children of Novoselic: their three constants in life would be knowing how to drive a tank, catching a makango if they were intent on marriage, and enjoying the abundance of wintry weather that graced Novoselic each year.
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"Could it be, Pekoyama-san, that you have never built a snowman before?" She finally uttered, before breaking into an eager smile. Bundled warmly in a coat, gloves, hat, and scarf, the bit of her skin that did remain exposed to the elements, mainly her cheeks and the nose, turned rosy pink. The chill and anticipation alike, teaching a friend something wonderful, would do that to her. "Oh, it's very fun and not difficult at all! A bit freezing, when constructing the base form, but that is what cozy hot drinks or a lovely meal after is for! I have no doubt that Hanamura-san is working on such things as we speak, so we can spend our time creating snowmen now. Or snow women, or snow animals. I'm a bit partial to snow ghosts and demons, but apparently that isn't very festive for December holidays. Here, shall I show you?"
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