#(Blade of course skipped this by virtue of being Dark Matter)
desultory-novice · 10 months
Silly question, BUT! What if, humor me for a moment please...
One of Adeleine's old bullies/people who tried to poison her and Noir, somehow ran into her on Popstar and discovered she not only is a well known hero, BUT ALSO has a bunch of terrifyingly overpowered creatures as friends?
Apologies Adeleine is not the type to hold a grudge. If such a person showed up, rather than publicly indicate to her giant hammer-wielding penguin friend that this was the person who broke her stuff and made her sad (and in an extremely roundabout way led to the death of her brother but SHE has no way of knowing that...) she would probably privately give them her best frown before BOOPing them on the face with her magic paintbrush and call it payback.
Then she would return to the people she cares about the most while leaving them stunned at how things have shifted since those days. (You get back what you put in!)
Adeleine's friends are, in the end, not tools of vengeance to flaunt to those who hurt her feelings back in the day. Her friends are there to celebrate the good times with her. (That said, big softie or not, King Dedede could be quite intimidating for her when needed. XD)
Now, White-Haired Noir has some... stories ...from their past that Adeleine never knew. Stories that if they were to become known, ought to make the people he killed feel lucky their bodies are lost deep beneath the permafrost when the group reached Shiver Star.
I doubt much shocks Meta Knight, and Kirby, Waddle Dee, and Ribbon would probably be more sad than anything, but King Dedede? Who finds himself growing paternally protective of the siblings in either universe? That revelation would not be pretty...
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Broken trust, pt.2
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Part one
Summary: Too quickly does the Darkling find his rogue Sun Summoner, but his arrogance will cost him. 
Warnings: slight fluff, angst
Faith – Y/N’s floated away from her a very long time ago, like a leaf being pulled away on the tide, and into the sea to become lost and alone, likely drowned. But she had faith in Aleksander. She always trusted him, not doubting he’d protect her. That’s why this is much more painful than it had to be.
“Running doesn't matter, I'll hunt you down if I have to.” Kirigan spoke through gritted teeth, as if he knew she could hear him, feel the palpable anger and betrayal he struggled to contain.
And still she ran. She ran without looking back, cutting through the forest with her breath caught in her throat. She ran, flinching with branches leaving cuts across her face, but she couldn’t stop. If she stopped, he’d find her and if he found her, Y/N didn’t know if they’d both walk away unharmed.
Finding a cave, she ventured inside. She sat curled up against a wall, shivering in the darkness. She clutched the kefta she wore in Little palace, clinging to his already faded scent. Just hours ago, his arms were wrapped around her, his lips claimed hers. She was his, undoubtedly in love with the very man who turned out to be the enemy.
A sob escapes her, whimpering as her hand covers her mouth to assure her silence. Risking being found because she needs to cry is stupid. Aleksander would expect her to cry.
“Where have you been?” The Grisha asks, breathless as it seems.
His presence alone commands awe, respect and his charisma can make any human stop and forget what they’re doing so long as it pleases him. He is magnetic, electric, someone you can get lost in before knowing what’s happening.
“Answer me.” He insists, lower his head to her level. His eyes narrow at her quivering lips, just then realizing she’s shaking.
“Leave us!” He orders the Grisha who came running once the light reached them outside the tent.
He taps her shoulder, the air around them turning static with contact, “What is happening?” Her shaky voice sounds and his eyes soften.
“You truly don’t know?” Raising an eyebrow, the Grisha steadies Y/N before letting her go. “My name is general Kirigan and you”, he points at her, his forehead wrinkling momentarily, “are the Sun summoner.”
A breathless chuckle escapes her, shaking her head in disbelief. “I’m a map-maker.”
“No”, Kirigan raises an eyebrow. He steps closer, his hands gripping her arms gently, “You are a Grisha.”
Swallowing thickly, her eyes flood with tears. One by one, they make tracks down her cheeks, stunning Kirigan.
“You need not worry”, wiping the tears off her left cheek with his thumb, Kirigan smiles softly, “I will protect you.”
Huffing, Y/N shakes her head. “I never should have trusted him.”
Suddenly, she felt her airways constrict. Gasping for air, she clutches her chest, unable to breathe or think clearly. Darkness etched into her vision, blurring it until there was nothing left. She felt her mind drift, the last she heard was a whisper she once adored.
“I’ll carry her back.” Aleksander states, his eyes never moving from her. He didn’t expect to find her, especially not as quickly as he did, but the ring she wore lead them straight to her location. Once again, she trusted the wrong person and once again, it brought them closer together.
Upon his return, he had laid her on his bed, hoping to speak to her somewhat peacefully this time around. If she could just feel the way his heart aches for her, maybe then she’d believe him he’d never do anything to bring her harm.
Groggy, Y/N groans. Her hand moves to her forehead, rubbing her temples.
“You’re safe”, Aleksander tells her, but the sound of his voice made her open her eyes wide, sitting up so quickly her vision blurred.
“St-stay away!” She pushed herself back, hitting the headboard.
“I won’t hurt you. I saved your life." Kirigan leans in, tucking her hair behind her ear.
"How? By taking my freedom, mind and identity?" She snaps at him, her nostrils flared with frustration and anger bubbling up to the surface.
"The chains are broken now.” Kirigan sighs, “You know the truth.” Wetting his lips, his eyebrows knit together, “Are you really free?"
Shaking her head, she narrows her eyes at him, "You are still my captive, no matter how beloved you once were."
Giggling, Y/N stumbles back and into the table. A few figurines fall to the ground, but it doesn’t seem to phase Aleksander who smirks as he rests his hands at each side of the table, essentially trapping her.
Raising an eyebrow, she looks up at him, batting her eyelashes. “Are you about to ravish me, oh sweet Darkling?”
Chuckling, he cranes his neck just enough for the tip of his nose to brush hers. Hearing her inhale sharply and hold her breath, Aleksander couldn’t help but peck her lips. It felt innocent enough, something that wouldn’t scare her but would satisfy his need to feel her closer to him.
“Don’t go looking for trouble, sunshine”, his lips twitch, amused how her hands have clutched his hips, pulling him closer to her.
“Maybe I like trouble”, she whispers, breathing heavily so much so he could count each and every breath passing the lips he wished her could kiss for an eternity, uninterrupted.
Biting her lower lip, her hand rests on his left cheek, caressing the scruffy beard with her thumb. “Come on, Darkling”, she teases, “What are you afraid of?”
“You”, he responds without a second thought. His response came so quickly, catching Y/N off guard. “I’m afraid of loving you”, he exhales through his nose, his clenching under the palm of her hand before he speaks again, “Afraid of losing you.”
“Please”, crosses his lips and Y/N’s heart skips a beat. Aleksander is a man of many virtues, but begging wasn’t one of them. He’s the man who demands and makes things happen. Such men don’t strike you as someone who plead often. And this was Aleksander pleading, asking her to do something irrational, to trust him, the only thing she couldn’t do.
“What could you possibly say to make this okay?” She swallows thickly, averting her gaze as if looking at him for too long could destroy her very essence.
"They called me the Darkling as an insult. You were the only one who used it as a term of endearment." Aleksander reaches for her hand, but she pulls away once again. “Let me put your mind at peace.”
Pressing her lips, she exhales through her nose, “You made me into a weapon. I'll never find peace.”
“I didn’t make you into anything”, he remarks, “You were born as my equal, to be my other half.”
Nodding to herself, she swipes her thumb under her left eye, “I sure feel like your equal now”, glancing at him she bites the soft flesh on the inside of her bottom lip, “You can still do the right thing. I believe there is a good person inside of you. The man I fell in love with must be somewhere underneath the darkness you're flaunting. Be him.”
His eyes narrow, clouded by his own sorrow, “It's too late to go back. You can't even look at me.” Standing, with his back turned on her, Aleksander allows tears to fill his eyes, “Do you even love me?”
“Of course I still love you, but trusting you is a different question.” With a heavy sigh parting her lips, she stands too. “You can’t force me to stay with you and expect unconditional love. That’s not how this works.”
Blinking fast, Aleksander refused to look at her. All she’d see is his weakness – his feelings for her have made him soft, too easily swayed by emotions and he mustn’t reveal it.
“You can’t catch sunshine, my dearest Darkling”, she wraps her arms around his waist. Resting her right cheek on his back, between his shoulder blades, she pulled him into her embrace, “You need to let me go and find my own way.”
“You’d be dead by nightfall.” He snaps, trying to push her off but she holds onto him even tighter, silently weeping.
How can she stay when every cell inside her body is screaming for her to leave? How can she leave when every single molecule she’s made up from is aching for just one more touch?
“If you love me, you’ll have to trust me”, her voice is shaky, unsteady as she feels. “Staying will make me resent you. I need some distance, time.”
“I can’t”, he shakes his head, wiping his tears away before she can see any.
“Then I need you to remember”, her hold on him lessens.
With a frown etched on his forehead, he turns to her with a lump at the back of his throat, “Remember what?” His words rip through her like glass shards do to skin, but he can barely tell if she’s shaking because he’s started to tremble himself.
A smile breaks on her lips, just as bright as the light she once emitted to contrast his. “Remember I love you.”
And once again, without a warning, Aleksander found himself on his knees.
He didn’t love her, he desired her most of all. He desired her gaze on him as desperately as the air he needs to breath. He desired her skin against his as the food he’d need to live. He desired her lips to speak his name in ecstasy more than the water as he thirsted for her light more than anything else in this world.
And in his desire for her he had lost himself entirely. He had lost his cold exterior, becoming putty in her hands. He had lost his ruthlessness he planned to aim her way, directing it to any and all who’d harm her. He had lost his resolve to stay away, so he’d give into her with all he is.
So with that desire and the loss of him, he hated her for all of it. He hated her with burning passion. He hated her so much it consumed him.
Or so he told himself so. For in the end, he did nothing to push her away.
He couldn’t.
Not now. Not ever.
Logic demanded him to stop her, but his entire logic went out the window the day he found her in his tent, stealing his grapes. He’s no longer a part of the living anymore either. She’s become his cornerstone and no matter how hard he tried to deny it, it didn’t change. It’s become factual.
He didn’t hate her, not even a little, not at all. Aleksander Morozova, Aleksander Kirigan, The Darkling, the unforgiving general, the Black Heretic, the Shadow King – all of him loved all of her, even as she had put a knife through his heart. The very heart that beat for her was now bleeding because of her. A betrayal, he realized, the very same as she had felt when she learned of his lies.
“We will see each other again”, she croaks, her tears crashing around him.
Gasping for air, he desperately fights the pain so he can keep his eyes open longer. This might not kill him, but it will slow him down. This time around, she’ll run and as she takes off the ring, he realizes it won’t be so easy to find her again.
She kisses his lips, so softly he’s unsure if it’s a well crafted dream.
“Moya lyubov'”, he manages to say as she stands and heads to the door. He can’t speak, but he’s screaming on the inside, hoping she’d look back at him. If she does, there was hope.
Reaching for the knob, Y/N sighs, glancing over her shoulder at her Darkling with unimaginable pain tearing her apart. But sometimes you have to break in order to create something more beautiful. She knew he’d hate her for it, but she walked out the door anyway.
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