#(But doing some DIY home improvement felt pretty nice so I'd probably do it again or try it for something else if I can.)
red-hemlock · 6 months
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Mun Questions n' Stuff! @eclipscius
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(My dad and I live together. About two years back our toilet suddenly stopped working, and neither me nor my dad really had the money to shell-out for a new one or for a plumber to come look at it and probably still tell us we need to buy a new one anyway... I mean if we had to we were going to do it, but he'd had a surgery done and I had to help him out with it, so it was one of those awful 'life hitting the fan' kinds of moments.
ANYWAY, I just decided on a whim to try and see if there was something that COULD be done about it on our end, and thought I found the answer. So, armed with Googled knowledge on toilet anatomy, a Youtube tutorial, a crap-ton of bleach and a coat hanger, I proceeded to try and fix our problem; and ended-up doing it!
The darn thing's still working great to this day too haha, so thanks Google and Youtube! x'D;;;;;)
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